
GOODtime Charley

After surviving all manner of abuse in his childhood due to his drunken father and a few other strange fellows that caught his mother's eye, young Charles Erwin Bayler, better known by his nicknames "Goodtime Charlie" or "Chuck" to many of his friends and acquaintances, finds himself trying his best to navigate through life the best way he knew how, with odd jobs, a good deal of booze and whatever else he could get his hands on to cope with what his life had become since those early years of pain and degradation. After a short stint in jail due to theft, Charley finds himself coming to the aid of a rather curious lad named Nolan Pierce, who had been in search of a new roommate, who brings him into the seedy underworld which had been more than he bargained for when he finds himself performing on stages for men and women alike just to pay the bills when his being a former felon keeps him out of the running for decent jobs.

Knight_Wind · Realistic
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48 Chs

Chapter 23: Whimsical Attraction

The Bathroom, Nolan Pierce's Apartment, The Wellman Complex, West And Kelling Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

  Charley had taken a few moments to look up at the ceiling as he saw his way to relieving his aching bladder and taking in the sights of the new morning. He had been reasonably content now that he'd been able to clear his head and bladder at the same time and Nolan had turned out to be quite an impressive young lad despite their only association being due to casual sex and the fact that he'd taken time out of his busy schedule to save his ass during an attempted assault. It was a rather strange way to meet someone but it had happened nonetheless. 

The handsome man had still been naked since awakening with the younger Nolan Pierce riding his cock for all he was worth before Charley had decided he'd been more hungry than horny in that particular instance. He finished up at the toilet flushing and shaking his impressive appendage before turning his attention to the sink and washing his hands. 

He looked briefly at his reflection more than a little annoyed with having a bit of bruising from his fight the previous night following another disappointing round of job hunting. He had thought it a good thing that Nolan had bothered to assist him and give him a warm place to stay aside from his truck and that he'd been able to at least provide some type of companionship for the lonely lad despite their relatively new association. 

Charley sighed as he turned off the water and exited the bathroom heading for what he recalled to have been the area where the kitchen had been located in the massive luxury highrise. He had not known how Nolan made his money but he was convinced that he'd been well off as he moved through the place with his bare feet noting the cold against the hardwood floor below.


The Kitchen, Nolan Pierce's Apartment, The Wellman Complex, West And Kelling Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

  The sight of the thin pink satin house robe had been the first thing Charley Bayler saw as he entered the kitchen as the younger lad Nolan Pierce moved about the room setting the table for their incoming meal. He had still been as naked as Charley had been beneath the rather becoming robe as he greeted the older man warmly and proceeded to nearly leap into his big strong arms as he wrapped his own around Charley's neck. The two of them shared a quick series of kisses as Nolan pressed his body against Charley's feeling the older man's well-toned bare chest against his own pale bare flesh as their lips crashed together with need and desperation behind their movements. 

It never took much to get Nolan excited, at least not as far as Charley had been concerned as he wrapped his arms around the slender pale waist of the younger lad who'd been quite happy to be held. Charley could feel the lad's eagerness in the form of his pale cock pulsing against his belly as he held the lad closer to him and his own sizeable appendage had been of the same accord. He didn't doubt that Nolan had been wet for him as he moved toward the full center of the kitchen recalling just how easily he'd bent the lad over the counter and filled him before his party the previous morning. 

"What you order to eat?" asked Charley slowly kissing Nolan's neck as he held him and squeezed his pale ass with both of his rough hands. 

Nolan resisted the urge to squeal as he pressed his body harder against Charley's wanting so badly to wrap his legs around him before the arrival of their delivery. 

"Ordered takeout," replied Nolan in a rather husky tone as Charley continued to kiss the bare flesh of the younger lad's neck biting and suckling the pale skin as he left his mark in the form of a love bite. 

"What kind?" asked Charley his tone dripping with lust and inquisition alike. 

Nolan bit back a moan as he leaned into Charley's rather strong embrace. 

"Burgers and fries," he replied feeling Charley's hand move down to his pale cock as the older man wrapped his large rough hand around it. 

"Good boy," he said as he kissed Nolan's neck before fisting his pale cock causing the lad to whimper and buck his thin hips into the older man's grasp. 

"Oh..." moaned Nolan closing his eyes as Charley's rather skilled hand continued to have its way with him. "Fuck..."

Charley smirked against Nolan's neck knowing all too well how easily he could get the younger lad off, he'd had tons of practice with his young blond cellmate in prison and Nolan seemed to have been no different aside from being born with a functioning vagina. He'd truly been the best of both worlds as Charley continued to stroke his young cock causing the lad's body to grow tense with need as he moaned at the friction and his pale cock pulsed within the older man's grasp. 

Charley seemed to delight in his slow torment of the younger sixteen year old knowing all too well how sexually charged they had been given his own age before being locked behind bars. It always amazed him how a simple means of touch could ignite something so personal as a sexual desire in anyone with raging hormones and an inexperienced body. 

Nolan moaned aloud as Charley's hand continued to pump his pale cock and he found himself unable to hold back as he coated the kitchen floor in spurt after spurt of his release even getting some on the older man's rough hand. Charley grinned as he held his hand up to Nolan's mouth and the lad licked his palm and fingers clean. 

The panting and sweat-slick lad had turned bright red from embarrassment and overwhelming sensation alike as Charley smirked gripping his young as and smacking it just as the doorbell rang to indicate that their food had just arrived. 

"Get the door." the older man instructed Nolan who had barely registered how to move his legs when he stepped away from his lover, careful to cover his body with the robe despite his sensitive pale cock still dripping from his latest round of release. 

He had no doubt that he reeked of sex as he opened the door his robes closed before him despite his lasting nakedness before meeting the eyes of the delivery boy. 

Charley stood by still naked as he fished a cigarette out of the discarded jeans he found that he'd Nolan had collected and lit it from the stove. He stood in the kitchen puffing on the white stick before venturing toward the living room, his own cock as hard as when he first awoke following Nolan's rather intense display. 

He leaned against a nearby wall and folded his arms across his chest as the flushed blond lad set about collecting their food. The delivery boy had not been half bad looking either as he stood with a rather boyish disposition and long brown bangs with blond highlights. His acne-riddled pale face and crackling voice had been a clear indication that he'd been the same age as Nolan, who had carried himself better. 


The Living Room, Nolan Pierce's Apartment, The Wellman Complex, West And Kelling Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

  Charley watched Nolan interact with the rather nervous lad at the door and smirked. He knew a virgin when he saw one and as a result, opted to have a bit of fun to curb his recent round of bitterness. He moved toward Nolan and caught the uneasy gaze of the delivery boy who had been trembling where he stood as he handed Nolan the food and the lad moved to collect the money for the job. 

Charley stood puffing on his cigarette and glaring at the timid lad who had been trying desperately to avert his eyes from the man's massive cock but it had been to no avail and his cheeks turned red from constant staring and being unable to put a stop to it. 

"See something you like?" asked Charley in his usual gruff tone with an arched brow and his arms folded across his chest. 

"I-I...no...well...N-Not that I don't...oh man..." stammered the rather nervous lad becoming more and more socially awkward the longer he stood there trying to keep from staring at the older man's impressive appendage. 

"What's your name kid?" asked Charley still staring at the timid delivery boy. 

"M-My name's Mason." replied the delivery boy. "I just deliver take out, I'm nobody special."

"You like my dick Mason?" asked Charley cutting right to the chase. 

Mason bit back a gasp and his eyes widened as he tried his best to run away only to be caught by Charley. 

"What's your hurry?" he asked still gruff and doing quite a number on the timid lad. "Ain't you waiting on payment?"

"S-Sir I..." began Mason only for Charley to take the lad by the hand and lead him into the apartment. 

Mason nervously looked around as Charley closed the door behind them locking it tight as he turned his attention to the timid delivery boy once more. 

Fresh fish.

  That's all the boy had been as Charley's already massive cocks welled and his stint in prison replayed in his mind as he slowly moved over toward the timid delivery boy whose lower lip had been quivering. He could tell the lad was curious despite his fear of having been caught being so. The older man approached Mason and took his thick cock into his hand offering it to Mason for a better look. 

"Go on," said Charley rather confident given he'd seen lads like this in the yard. "Have a closer look."

Mason rather nervously turned his head to look at Charley's cock on full display. He licked his lips and the older man smirked as he teased the lad wiggling his thick appendage before him as the delivery boy got closer. 

"You like my big dick?" asked Charley with a smirk. 

Mason nodded despite his face being red as he found himself moving closer seemingly entised by the large pulsing thing that commanded his attention. 

Nolan had come from the back room with the money for the food in tow but had been stopped dead in his tracks as he witnessed Charley sitting on the sofa with the delivery boy between his legs suckling his massive cock while the older man ran his fingers through his blond highlighted locks. He had been quite annoyed that Mason the delivery boy was sucking off his boyfriend but he said nothing as he dropped his robe and placed the money onto a nearby counter not at all wanting to pay the small jerk for sucking off his boyfriend. 

Charley smirked when he noticed how Nolan pouted in the corner watching as Mason slowly kept to his practising of sucking him off. He gently walked the lad through the proper technique and even motioned for Nolan to give a rather professional demonstration. 

Nolan had been pleased to oblige moving between a rather disappointed Mason and an amused Charley as he commenced to suckling where the delivery boy had left off. Charly groaned running his fingers through Nolan's blond locks and leaned his head back against the sofa. 

"That's right baby." he groaned as Nolan took more of him than Mason had. "Suck Daddy's big dick."

Mason watched them in utter fascination as Charley eventually groaned and his release filled Nolan's mouth who had expertly swallowed it all never spilling a drop as he showed off in front of the new arrival. Charley leaned back against the sofa with a smile on his face as he continued to run his finger through Nolan's hair. 

"Fuck." he said catching his breath. 

Feeling pleased with himself, Nolan got to his feet and made his way back toward the bathroom to clean himself up leaving Charley and Mason alone at last. 

Charley smirked at Mason who had still been quite attracted to him despite Nolan's interruption of their time together.  Mason appeared to have been a bit jealous but recalled his shift at the restaurant and opted for payment and a promise of a return visit possibly when Nolan had not been around. He kissed Charley's sensitive cock and moved to collect the money for the meal before heading toward the door. Charley followed with a smirk filed across his face knowing all too well that he'd earned himself yet another sexual partner for the time being despite Nolan's obvious feelings for him. 

Mason left taking the money and a promise to return when he had not been on the clock or when Nolan had been home. Charley agreed and turned his attention to the food that had been delivered just as Nolan came out of the bathroom feeling good about having shown Mason up when it came to Charley's cock. 

"I don't mind you fucking someone outside of our arrangement, so long as you fuck me first and you don't fuck in my bed," said Nolan making a sort of announcement before moving toward the table. "Also a condom couldn't hurt neither of us needs any diseases or unwanted pregnancies rolling out."

Charley shook his head. 

There seemed to be no getting through to Nolan about much of anything pertaining to their odd relationship of sorts. The two of them sat down and finally ate their meal as the seconds ticked by and they found themselves alone once more.