
GOODtime Charley

After surviving all manner of abuse in his childhood due to his drunken father and a few other strange fellows that caught his mother's eye, young Charles Erwin Bayler, better known by his nicknames "Goodtime Charlie" or "Chuck" to many of his friends and acquaintances, finds himself trying his best to navigate through life the best way he knew how, with odd jobs, a good deal of booze and whatever else he could get his hands on to cope with what his life had become since those early years of pain and degradation. After a short stint in jail due to theft, Charley finds himself coming to the aid of a rather curious lad named Nolan Pierce, who had been in search of a new roommate, who brings him into the seedy underworld which had been more than he bargained for when he finds himself performing on stages for men and women alike just to pay the bills when his being a former felon keeps him out of the running for decent jobs.

Knight_Wind · Realistic
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Chapter 24: Twenty-One Questions

The Kitchen, Nolan Pierce's Apartment, The Wellman Complex, West And Kelling Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

  Both Charley Bayler and Nolan Pierce had been more interested in their long-awaited meal than anything else going on following the rather odd encounter with the delivery boy. Messy fingers and the crunching of french fries seemed to occupy much of their dining session as Charley finished off his burger and Nolan had done the same getting a good deal of grease and ketchup on his face in the process. Their meal passed relatively silently but once the food had been gone and the trash remained they seemed to drift into something of a long-awaited discussion. 

"So what made you want to fuck guys in place of girls?" asked Nolan with a curious expression. "I noticed you seem to be a lot less against sticking your big dick in another man even if they aren't like me." 

Charley arched a brow of his own and smirked. 

"Prison has a way of ironing out one's preferences, or highlighting a few," replied Charley. "I like to fuck, in prison, it passed the time during my sentence, and more often than not fucking a man wasn't my choice when I first got locked up, before I went in I had a girl and plans for a future that all went up in smoke the moment they put me behind bars."

Nolan thought the whole thing rather tragic. 

"What happened to your girl?" he asked sipping a bit from his soda cup. 

"She left me the moment I went in, even threw the ring I gave her in my face, and stormed out of the visiting room," replied Charley as if the memory had no effect on him. "Found out she moved away, went to college, and married some guy she went to school with, they got a little boy and seem to be doing alright." 

"I'm sorry to hear that," said Nolan sympathetic, he couldn't imagine what it must have been like for Charley in that dark place and time. 

"Don't worry about it, I got over it," replied Charley as if it was no big ordeal. "Just taught me that I ain't much good at relationships, let alone anything outside of casual sex....in the pen I was only good for it anyhow."

Nolan sighed. 

"What landed you in prison, if you don't mind my asking?" he inquired. 

"Theft case at my old job back in D.C." replied Charley honestly. "It's why no real place will hire me and why I don't see myself getting out of this rut I'm in any time soon."

Nolan looked down at his hands on the table. He had not known many men like Charley Bayler and even fewer who had taken the time to assist him in his time of need as this poor man did when he needed it most. 

"As for the theft case, I beat it when the real thief confessed and I got an early release about a year before my sentence was due to be up, by the time I got out everything in my life had been changed or gone so I don't worry about the past much anymore, and the future doesn't look to be much better." continued Charley finally having enough of the discussion. 

"I ran away from home because of my mother's deadbeat drunk of a husband," admitted Nolan not taking his eyes off the table. "He....he used to come into my room at night and I'd always feel his hands on my body and then his penis in my ass the moment my mother was out of the house or asleep, or drunk like in most cases, she never did a damn thing about it always believed him whenever I tried to tell her and I'd just endure beating after beating for "lies" and he'd do it all over again."

Charley had been shocked by what he was hearing. Although it certainly explained why Nolan was so casual about sex, especially sex with other men. 

"Shit," said Charley caught off guard and not knowing what else to say. 

"I ran away and have been on the streets ever since, realized that I couldn't really stop strange older men from wanting in my ass so I figured I'd get paid for it and ended up doing some dancing at a club when things dried up...it's how I can afford this place and then some...perhaps I can talk to a few people...get you a job as a bouncer or something just until you get back on your feet."

"I'll try anything at this point but damn kid that's one hell of a story," said Charley in disbelief. "So that night wasn't the first time any of those guys tried to take what you weren't willing to give?"

"No," replied Nolan sadly. "But it was the first night I was willing to give what you didn't want to take."

He got up from his seat and climbed into Charley's lap smiling as he recalled that they had both been naked the entire time they had their meal, as the younger lad wrapped his arms around Charley's neck and crushed his lips into the older man's. 

"You know you look good for an older guy," said Nolan slowly kissing Charley's neck. 

"I ain't that old," remarked Charley wrapping his arms around Nolan's slim waist and squeezing his pale ass cheeks. "Aside from being beaten down by life and the booze I think I look pretty decent for a man that's twenty-one don't you?"

Nolan arched a brow at this. 

"Twenty-one, I had you pegged at thirty," he replied in shock. 

"What can I say, life's a bitch." replied Charley before kissing Nolan's neck and making the younger blond lad squeal in delight at the sensation sending shockwaves through his body. 

"Well you're still an old guy to me," said Nolan who had been relishing his being relatively young at sixteen years of age. "A very sexy old guy with a big dick that I love to ride."

They exchanged a few kisses and Charley smirked. 

"And you're tight hot young pussy." he remarked. "My favorite kind."

Nolan moaned as Charley's rough hands moved along his body and lifted him with ease as he slowly impaled the younger lad's dripping sex onto his thick appendage causing them both to moan and groan out loud. 

Feeling nothing aside from the sensation of being stuffed full of his newfound lover's massive cock, Nolan leaned his head back in bliss as he began to bounce up and down on Charley's lap loving as each inch of him slipped deeper inside his tightness as they say collectively in his chair, which had been rather sturdy given the added weight between them.