
GOODtime Charley

After surviving all manner of abuse in his childhood due to his drunken father and a few other strange fellows that caught his mother's eye, young Charles Erwin Bayler, better known by his nicknames "Goodtime Charlie" or "Chuck" to many of his friends and acquaintances, finds himself trying his best to navigate through life the best way he knew how, with odd jobs, a good deal of booze and whatever else he could get his hands on to cope with what his life had become since those early years of pain and degradation. After a short stint in jail due to theft, Charley finds himself coming to the aid of a rather curious lad named Nolan Pierce, who had been in search of a new roommate, who brings him into the seedy underworld which had been more than he bargained for when he finds himself performing on stages for men and women alike just to pay the bills when his being a former felon keeps him out of the running for decent jobs.

Knight_Wind · Realistic
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Chapter 22: A Means Of Understanding

Spare Bedroom, Nolan Pierce's Apartment, The Wellman Complex, West And Kelling Street, Flashpoint, New Jersey...

  A series of labored breaths passed between the utterly spent Charley Bayler and Nolan Pierce as the older man's heavy sweat-slick body had been laying on top of the younger lad who had been equally slick amid labored breaths. Charley groaned as he shifted some opening his eyes and raising himself up on his rather impressive muscled arms as he looked down at Nolan Pierce. He was quite young up close, still with a sort of babyface smooth-shaven and pale. His short-cropped blond locks had been sticking to his forehead and his blue eyes seemed to hold a kind of admiration and longing behind them that reminded Charley so much of Jen Bateman whenever she looked at him. 

Charley once more captured Nolan's pink lips in another series of kisses as the younger lad whimpered in his mouth seemingly desperate for more contact as the older man's massive cock continued to fill him while pulsing inside his hidden sex. It was clear that he didn't want Charley to pull out any time soon but the older man was getting quite tired of hovering over his body no matter how good it felt to be stuffed so deeply inside him. 

The older man treated the blond lad to one last kiss before finally pulling out, much to the lad's dismay, and rolling onto his back beside him. He smirked as he watched his already impressive cock become semi-hard as he rested his head against the pillows. Nolan scooted toward him resting his head against Charley's bare chest as they lay there in relative silence. 

"So," said Nolan finally breaking it after several moments of deep breathing. "How many times was that, that you fucked me, Daddy?"

Charley smirked as he closed his eyes briefly attempting to recall the number of times they'd been intertwined and mostly for no good reason other than he'd been hard and Nolan spread his legs. 

"Four by my count," said Charley in his usual gruff baritone drawl. "Wouldn't mind doing it again, but I'm starvin'." 

Nolan smiled as he continued to rest his head against Charley's chest. 

"You know I was afraid to lose it to anyone, my v-card I mean," remarked Nolan with a sigh. "I mean I've done anal for money but that was different, having my back door explored had not been my choice when it first happened...you're the only one that's been inside me if you know what I mean."

Charley sighed recalling just how he met Nolan and the attempts of the middle-aged bastard made in the back alley. 

"Shit," remarked Charley unsure what to say in that moment. "Well, at least you have a few good memories about losing young "v-card"."

"Thanks to you," replied Nolan looking up at Charley at last. "I don't know if you'd noticed but I've become quite addicted to your huge dick, and the way you fuck me...it's all I want really."

Charley sighed once more as he reached up and wrapped his large hand around the back of Nolan's slim pale neck and pulled him into a heated kiss as the lad began to melt into his less-than-ideal embrace his soft hands moving along Charley's bare sweat-covered chest. 

"You cook?" asked Charley with an arched brow as he looked over the blond lad before him. 

"Not well," replied Nolan honestly. "I make a mean multi-layered sandwich and order takeout like nobody's business though."

"Good enough," replied Charley with a smirk. 

He sat up and pulled Nolan into his lap, the young blond's body came in contact with his massive cock once more and it slowly became aroused. Nolan whimpered at the contact beneath him as he wrapped his arms around Charley's neck and began kissing him. 

"We gonna fuck again?" he asked hopeful. 

"Not yet," replied Charley in his usual gruff tone. "Told ya I'm starvin'."

"Can't blame you, I've already had my breakfast," said Nolan wiggling his shapely pale ass along Charley's rapidly rousing cock in a bid to tease him. 

"Yeah?" asked Charley kissing Nolan on the lips. "Was Daddy's big dick good baby?"

"Very," replied Nolan kissing him once more. "Fuck...you're always so fucking hard."

"That's because my new favorite pussy is sitting on Daddy's dick," replied Charley as he began kissing Nolan's neck. 

The young blond moaned as he continued to wiggle his pale ass along Charley's bare cock desperate to have him back inside him, even for a moment. 

"Please..." begged Nolan getting himself worked up again as he felt the shaft of the older man's cock against his dripping sex. 

"No can do baby, Daddy's got to eat first," replied Charley before lifting Nolan off him and standing up to his full height beside the bed. 

His rough hands trailed along Nolan's bare body and squeezed his shapely pale ass before smacking it getting the lad's undivided attention. 

"Get me some food and I'll fuck you morning noon and night baby," said Charley in Nolan's ear as he gripped his pale ass once more pressing his massive cock against Nolan's smaller pale one, making the teen moan outright. 

"You promise?" asked Nolan in a weak voice as his body continued to crave his lover despite them being pressed so tightly against one another. 

"I promise," replied Charley before kissing Nolan's neck once more and releasing him. "Go on, food ain't gonna make itself."

One more smack across his pale ass sent Nolan off into the kitchen while Charley looked around the chaotic scene that had been the spare bedroom where Nolan had brought him the first night he stayed in his apartment. 

He smirked and headed toward where he last recalled the bathroom had been located stepping over articles of his clothes and Nolan's pajamas. He wondered briefly just what the rather energetic younger man would throw together in terms of a decent meal or if he'd order something as he exited the bedroom. 

Thiers wasn't a planned arrangement by any means but Charley didn't see any downside to it, at least not at the moment.