
Chapter 198: Panic Interview Danisan Part 2

Danisan sighed, "Unfortunately, it's true. I came to this little town mainly to try to find them and solve this problem, especially since one of them who was rescued shouldn't be revealed to the public… if not… I don't know what could happen to my master."

"Ohh, who exactly is this person who can't be discovered?" Theo asked in a sinister voice while pretending to be interested.

"That person was an Elftree. Besides, it wasn't just any of them, it was the breeding daughter of one of the strongest elders of the Elftree race." Danisan spoke with fear, "If she finds out that it was my master Jordan Wiz who did this, even if he is in the Spiritual Kingdom, he will not be able to get out of it alive!"

Theo was curious to hear this. "So why didn't your master Jordan come to solve this problem as soon as possible?"