
Chapter 197: Panic Interview Danisan Part 1

Later that day.

Looking up at the strangely red moon, Theo's eyes sparkled in gold and sometimes red along with his pair of earrings that glowed in gold.

"It's time," Theo said. Quickly, a pair of wings made of wind extended out from his back, and he began to fly.

He soon reached above the clouds, beyond everyone's sight… there he totally changed his current appearance. Just to be sure, he used his "Panic" alias.

He knew they were looking for Panic, so it was necessary to be cautious, but in this situation, he thought it best to act as Panic to give it all the credit for what he will do.

Stopping above the Kenedy Clan, Theo could see and observe their every move with his Divine Sense. Even though the grounds were shielded, it's level was too low to keep Theo from being able to look through it.

"You came. So, it is as we expected."

An aged and deep voice was heard. Theo was hoping that this man would notice him, but he didn't expect it to happen so early.