
Golden Asura

In a world where magic, martial arts and science coexist, a young man is captured by a secret organization and loses his identity. Driven by an insatiable lust for power, he is determined to rise above all others. But the path ahead is treacherous, filled with despair and challenge. In this world, strength dictates power, leaving the weak to suffer. History has become myth and legend, and the past has been forgotten, leaving behind a world shrouded in mystery. The protagonist will be known by many names and will assume different personas, inspiring fear in some and respect in others. He is neither hero nor villain, but rather a man with an unwavering commitment to his goal, willing to endure the hardships and evolve into something unpredictable. Known as the Mad King,the Supreme Mage, the Dancing Death, and many other names, but most often referred to as the Golden Asura, his journey promises to be full of twists and turns. "My past and present are of little importance. My only concern is to gain greater strength; that is all."

jake_piece_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Hard training

N/A[to increase your core rank you must pass three levels at the beginning after it increases according to your rank]

One month later

N'66 was in the middle of his training session, he was doing chin-ups with the help of the wall he'd made two threes wide enough for his hands to fit into, sweat was pouring down his body which made the scene very sensual, his six-pack looked like candy bars made of steel, with each pull-up his muscles contracted like a stone carved in one of the strongest metals. His body was stronger than before, more toned, just by looking at him you could feel a kind of strength emanating from his body that most warriors didn't have, it was as if he was destroying his body to rebuild it stronger, more resistant, more flexible.

"1999, 2000," as he crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath, his arms shaking.

"Looks like 2000 is my limit for now, traction pump and abs, sheathing done, I'm concentrating on fighting style now.

Within a month, N'66 had reached the fourth level of Shadow Armor and was progressing at an exponential rate, unaware that he possessed a talent that some would do anything to have even a small part of.

  N'66 had practiced various weapons such as swords, daggers, spears, and also a kind of gauntlet with a claw made of shadows, but in training for the third stage, which consisted of forming shadow armor and shadow weapons, he'd discovered that he could also manipulate the shadows to make an imitation of the animal form or to make only the ribbon of the dancer's form appear, but he still had trouble prolonging the imitation.

His sword-fighting wasn't bad or excellent, he just got better and better every day, the spear was the weapon he had the most trouble with, then the most sideways, unlike his daggers which he was in perfect harmony with, the Shadow Gauntlet was special because he had to master the Beast Form, so he had a little trouble.

  he ribbon was the perfect weapon for every situation: it could strengthen a certain part of his body in an instant, and at the same time it was the weapon that followed his body like an extension of him: every neck that threw the ribbon felt as if it was connected to his brain. 

His outfit changed into a darker one, it resembled the shinobi outfit but it had several differences, a dark scarf wrapped around his dark neck, the edges were damaged, it went down to his ankles (yes, it was the ribbon), the outfit moved continuously, it was made of shadow, the color was so dark that if they stood in the shadow without moving, they would no longer be seen.

"I'm getting better at controlling the shadows, the only problem is the animal form, I can't hold it for more than a few seconds, that's what I need to make it like the dancer form, think, think, wait, wouldn't that be ?

Before he had even finished his sentence, his instinct read to look at Dans in the corner, he saw the skill shadow armor that released darkness in the small room, the book transformed into a vague shadow that ran on N'66, the last thing he saw was a name.

"The shadow with infinite shapes".