
Golden Asura

In a world where magic, martial arts and science coexist, a young man is captured by a secret organization and loses his identity. Driven by an insatiable lust for power, he is determined to rise above all others. But the path ahead is treacherous, filled with despair and challenge. In this world, strength dictates power, leaving the weak to suffer. History has become myth and legend, and the past has been forgotten, leaving behind a world shrouded in mystery. The protagonist will be known by many names and will assume different personas, inspiring fear in some and respect in others. He is neither hero nor villain, but rather a man with an unwavering commitment to his goal, willing to endure the hardships and evolve into something unpredictable. Known as the Mad King,the Supreme Mage, the Dancing Death, and many other names, but most often referred to as the Golden Asura, his journey promises to be full of twists and turns. "My past and present are of little importance. My only concern is to gain greater strength; that is all."

jake_piece_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Shadow Armor

"I have regained enough qi, it is time for me to learn this martial skill," he stood up from his initial position and retrieved the second book.

As he picked it up, he observed several details. "This skill seems untouched, as though it were recently composed, and yet I sense an ancient quality to it, as if it has passed through the ages," he stroked the book's cover before noticing the title. "Shadow Armor," he exclaimed with enthusiasm.

The book was so dark that it could blend into the surrounding shadows if the lighting was dimmer.

The skill consisted of four stages to create Shadow Armor, and a fighting style that could only be practiced after the second stage,

The first step was to refine one's qi control to initiate the practice of the Shadow Qi Mantle.

The next step was to transform into a shadow without a definite shape that could merge with any current shadow or dim light.

The third step involved molding the shadow into armor and an unlimited assortment of weapons.

The fourth and ultimate step entailed morphing the shadow armor into a bestial shape capable of fighting with ferociousness and instinctual precision akin to a top-quality sword, or a more elegant shape resembling that of a ribbon dancer: lithe, graceful, but simultaneously perilous. Every move of this creature would capture your gaze, but it would be your final sight.

The Beast form is focused on attack. The key is to let the rage overwhelm you and become one with it, without letting it carry you away. In this form, your arms become claws that can effortlessly cut through steel, your legs become paws with exponential power that can make you jump several meters. Additionally, your face transforms into a demonic appearance that can intimidate even the most formidable enemies. 

The ribbon dancer's form focuses on speed, precise movement, and cleanliness. You will receive a belly dancer's costume along with a tenebra veil that accentuates your charm like a deity. A shadow ribbon will soar over your body. Your ribbon will be as sharp as a sword, as piercing as a spear, and as powerful as a hammer, offering a protective cover like armor.

"Well, great! I'm eager to begin training. This skill surpasses my expectations. I anticipated something less practical, but this is really impressive. However, I sense something peculiar. Anyways, there's no point dwelling on that. I should focus on my training," he said, setting down the book he had picked up and donning the clothing and demon-shaped mask on the floor. 

He noticed a number on the top of the outfit. 

"Number 66, that's my new name," he said, his face adorned with a slight smile. 

Donning a black outfit, young N'66 resembled a shinobi. However, with his demon mask and black-and-golden hair streaks, he looked like a character straight out of Japanese folklore. 

"Now, I need to focus on strengthening my body ,although my physique has changed, I can't afford to be complacent. With stronger physical capabilities, there's a chance that I can even execute a kill without qi.

Ahahahahahahahahah," his laughter echoed through the confined space. 

I changed the word martial arts to martial skill I think it sounds better

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