
Golden Asura

In a world where magic, martial arts and science coexist, a young man is captured by a secret organization and loses his identity. Driven by an insatiable lust for power, he is determined to rise above all others. But the path ahead is treacherous, filled with despair and challenge. In this world, strength dictates power, leaving the weak to suffer. History has become myth and legend, and the past has been forgotten, leaving behind a world shrouded in mystery. The protagonist will be known by many names and will assume different personas, inspiring fear in some and respect in others. He is neither hero nor villain, but rather a man with an unwavering commitment to his goal, willing to endure the hardships and evolve into something unpredictable. Known as the Mad King,the Supreme Mage, the Dancing Death, and many other names, but most often referred to as the Golden Asura, his journey promises to be full of twists and turns. "My past and present are of little importance. My only concern is to gain greater strength; that is all."

jake_piece_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Dancer and the Shadow

In a cave surrounded by a lush forest, a beast was sleeping, a mountain of bones could be seen in the cave, and the smell of blood hung in the air. The appearance of this beast, or rather this thing, could not be described with eyes, for it was made of shadows that kept changing shape, looking like a tiger made of shadows, then a kind of wolf, a human, and so on. It was a beast, but also a man, it was everything, then nothing, it had a shape, but it was shapeless.

The beast awoke, freezing its form into a dragon with a human face, smelling the blood of the invaders who had crossed its territory and hated it the most. It began to stretch, and we could see that its scales were pure black, even the light did not reflect off its body.

"Grrrr", a growl of power that could be heard miles away from the cave, he got into position and made a little jump with his paws that made him appear on a tree, jumping from tree to tree and stopping on a branch, looking at the scene before his eyes with curiosity.

A beautiful woman with everything in the right place, her curves were divine, her face was covered by a veil that covered half of her face, she was so beautiful that even the goddesses of beauty would be jealous, a ribbon hovered above her like a divinity, the woman had white hair that looked like the whitest snow in the world.

She was wounded all over, with deep wounds and two arrows on her body, one in her shoulder and the other in her hip. She bled so much that her skin, originally pale as snow, turned red.

She was surrounded by 10 enemies, 7 of which were closing in on the 4 that had already surrounded her.

With a flick of her hand, the ribbon followed the gesture of cutting a man's body in two and began a dazzling dance. The ribbon moved so quickly that the three men who blinked had already been decapitated.

Her wounds causing her to crouch with her back against a tree, 7 figures stood in a semi-circle in front of her, she took a fighting stance, preparing to gather her qi for one last movement.

"Dance Ma...?"

A shadowy figure suddenly appeared, standing in front of some kind of half-human, half-dragon form, looking her in the eyes and speaking with a cold, almost icy voice, "You have two choices: you can die or teach me your fighting style, choose.

She watched in fear and amazement as she began to lose consciousness, "I will teach you... "Before she'd even finished, she fell to the ground, exhausted from her struggle. 

"You must not die before fulfilling your part of the agreement," a shadow separated from his body and slid over the woman's form. She was already starting to regain consciousness. 

The beast turned its gaze to the seven terrified humans. They recognized the creature's strength and felt compelled to flee, yet their bodies trembled and refused to obey.

The creature's claws grew, and with a single, swift stroke, it cut down seven figures who then transformed into steaks.

The creature then picked up the woman, returned to its cave and placed her on a makeshift bed. It then transformed into a type of tiger, curled up like a housecat and fell asleep.