
Gold Experience(GER) in DC

Also for those who didn’t read the tags: MC will be OP at least try to be one. This will be a Harem novel Make sure to read the Harem list before you come badmouthing me. I’ll try to write some events from the Novel with various enemies to challenge the League and the MC Females will fall for him a bit fast but there will be some emotional involvement and not just mindless drones. A bit of a Hentai when it comes to R18 SliceOfLife since you know I like to take my development of Plot slow with Action in literal and metaphorical sense. A loner who loves Jojo and DC after losing his parents in an elevator accident, decides to just hole up in his home and distract himself with something. So he finds Jojo as his first Anime. He loves the series and it’s bizzare powers along with those various poses. He was an avid fan of DC from the start. So he often fantasised about reincarnating in DC with Jojo’s stands and some perks when he read all those FanFics and didn’t find too many good DC novels except a few of them. Most of them were made on Marvel which he like but he wanted something DC related. So, he just opted to read some comics and make a FanFic of his own in his mind. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters used in the novel or the cover picture. I will remove it if the owner asks.

Hancock_Sama · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

97. Confusion

Everyone was silenced by Alex's words and couldn't refute it easily.

Yes, they can also see the difference between the two but people like Freedom rather than what they are getting now.

Superman is forcefully taking everyone under his command without giving a thought about their feelings.

"I know you guys are thinking about freedom but there was no freedom even before this incident. Batman should understand the best.

The conglomerates with vast amount of money control everything in society. People are just ignorant of these facts.

Personally, I think Supes is doing a good job in controlling everything and giving people a safer and fulfilling environment.

Rest is up to you. I will still stand on your side because I can't abandon my Family". Alex shrugged hi shoulders and said.

All of them were reflecting on his words but they had come too far to turn back now.

This was also being done to restore calm and democracy back into the world.

"You guys do you. I only know that I will be fighting in a week. So I have to train a bit more. I will make my plans myself". Alex said and got up to leave.

"Dear". Hancock called him softly just as Alex was getting up to leave.

"Hmm?" Alex hummed questioningly.

"I have some problems with my practice . Can you help me with it?" Hancock asked. She was practicing and felt stuck for some reason.

"Yeah, come to my room". With that Alex's mirage disappeared from the room.

Hancock also got up and prepared to enter his room for her problem.

Everyone else also dispersed slowly and started to make their own preparations.

Hancock entered Alex's room and saw him sitting on the sofa and enjoying coffee by himself. She smiled and sat down on his lap naturally.

"So what is the problem?" Alex asked while circling her waist with his arm.

"I feel like I have hit a ceiling in my practice and it is difficult to progress". Hancock said and leaned back on Alex's chest.

"Okay, come with me". Alex nodded and took her with him to Avalon.

He had built some training grounds for himself inside there and it was quite convenient to say the least.

"Okay, come at me". Alex put his hands in his pockets and looked at her lazily.

Hancock nodded her head and rushed at Alex instantly.

She delivered a round house kick and Alex dodged it effortlessly.

Hancock slid her leg on the ground and punched him.

Alex dodged again and slid her back by just the pressure of wind from the swing of his leg.

Hancock crossed her arms in front of her face to block the shockwave and stabilised her figure.

"Your flaw is in your form. I told you to not skip the basics and practice them more but you don't listen do you?" Alex shook his head and relaxed his body from the combat state.

Hancock looked down at her feet like a child who had done something wrong and didn't dare to refute.

"Go back and practice the basics first before trying to do these fancy moves". Alex waved his hand to dismiss her from the realm.

"Wait Dear". Hancock called out before she could be thrown out.

"What is it?" Alex raised his eyebrow and asked.

"Can I practice here?" She asked a bit nervous about his answer.

"You can but you will have to keep some distance from me to not get hurt". He nodded his head and headed towards his practice dummies.

Then he focused on his own training. He was fully practicing the use of Avalon.

He had made a lot of progress these days. His healing time for limbs had shrunk down from 5 seconds to 1 second.

He could regrow the whole limb in same time as well and he could be considered successful in his practice.

Now he only has to fully integrate the healing into him like an instinct that he doesn't even have to think before it happens on its own.

"Hancock". Alex called after a short training session.

"Yeah". Hancock replied.

"Can you help me test something?" He asked.

"Sure". Hancock nodded her head and stood still.

"Okay, I will try to suppress you with this realm and tell me how much weaker you feel?" Alex asked.

Hancock nodded her head and took a combat stance while arousing her spirit.

Alex operated the Reality Marble in Avalon and tried to Suppress Hancock with its power.

Hancock suddenly felt a lot of pressure welling up from inside her rather than outside.

She felt like someone was restricting her soul with chains. She felt her powers being weakened as well.

She had a Succubus and Serpent demon heritage from what she found out in the Underworld.

She could charm people and confuse them. She also had the power to tame and communicate with snakes.

She even had three transformations. She could either become a succubus, a half snake or a succubus and snake hybrid.

Alex did have some exotic fun with her the other day after a session of his training and they both went wild.

"I feel that my strength has been reduced by thirty percent". Hancock said while moving around her body and testing her strength.

"Sweet, that's a pretty big suppression". Alex said with a happy smile when he heard her words.

'Another trump card in my possession. And I also feel that meditating inside Avalon has took out the suppression on my soul from using too much Reality Manipulation'. Alex thought and smiled contentedly to himself.

Things were going good and he was well prepared for the attack in a week's time.

'But I can try something more'. Alex mused to himself.

'What if, I try to cover my body only with Avalon's defence and then try to punch?' Alex thought and grew more and more certain of his line of thought.

If he is able to develop this then he will have a higher defence than Superman himself which will be very good.

'Guess, we can only try'. Alex thought and started immediately.