
Gold Experience(GER) in DC

Also for those who didn’t read the tags: MC will be OP at least try to be one. This will be a Harem novel Make sure to read the Harem list before you come badmouthing me. I’ll try to write some events from the Novel with various enemies to challenge the League and the MC Females will fall for him a bit fast but there will be some emotional involvement and not just mindless drones. A bit of a Hentai when it comes to R18 SliceOfLife since you know I like to take my development of Plot slow with Action in literal and metaphorical sense. A loner who loves Jojo and DC after losing his parents in an elevator accident, decides to just hole up in his home and distract himself with something. So he finds Jojo as his first Anime. He loves the series and it’s bizzare powers along with those various poses. He was an avid fan of DC from the start. So he often fantasised about reincarnating in DC with Jojo’s stands and some perks when he read all those FanFics and didn’t find too many good DC novels except a few of them. Most of them were made on Marvel which he like but he wanted something DC related. So, he just opted to read some comics and make a FanFic of his own in his mind. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters used in the novel or the cover picture. I will remove it if the owner asks.

Hancock_Sama · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
195 Chs

96. Preparations 2

He kept at it for as long as time permitted to him. He didn't waste a single moment that he didn't do it.

He enhanced the healing of the Avalon as much as possible to make sure that he can regrow his limbs at a moment's notice.

He also found the Reality Marble of Avalon. For some reason, it was Fate series' power and he could bring people in to suppress.

The Defence of this realm was also terrifying. Because it is an infinite realm with a supply of power that doesn't end.

As long as the opponent is not strong enough to destroy this realm. No one can break it's defence.

And even if it is destroyed. It will slowly itself back to where it was before it's collapse.

It power can also be strengthened. When Alex gets stronger, the Realm will also get stronger with him.

Now, it can block attacks from powerhouses that can destroy Universes with their punches but nothing above that.

'This is already a lot for me at the current stage'. Alex thought and continued the self abuse on himself.

This Realm can keep him sustained. He doesn't need to eat, Drink or even breathe as long as he is connected to Avalon.

Through breaking and rebuilding. He was also strengthening his body more and more.

'This time, I have increased my strength by about half a percent but it is quite a lot of if you think it only took me such a short time'. Alex kept his mind wandering elsewhere while punching and kicking away.

The others were also going through training after being injected with the Serum.

Only people that needed the serum were the ones without substantial amount of strength in them.

Batman and Bruce were duking it out with each other.

Red hood and Robin(Damian) were going at each other.

Catwoman and Barbara were going against each other and Batgirl was fighting Harley.

Lex was also fighting against Joker with Serum injected for both of them.

Alex would go and supplement the Life energy for all of them every now and then.

Their training continued this way and soon it was the last week before the attack and confrontation with the Regime.

"Now, we have detail plan of their actions". Lex spoke and looked at everyone in the hall.

Everyone had gathered together for this meeting. Alex's mirage was also here for the meeting.

"What numbers are coming?" Alex asked while his arms were folded in front of his chest.

"We know that not the entire Regime will follow up on this attack. We know for sure that Superman, Sinestro, Aquaman, Green Lantern aka the now yellow lantern and Cyborg are going". Lex looked over to him and said.

"From our side only five people are going. Namely, Alexander, Zatanna, Harley, Batman and Joker". Lex pointed to the five people and said.

"That's a solid lineup as well but I am afraid Sinestro will take the whole Yellow Lantern Corps with him". Alex said and relaxed back into the Sofa without a care.

"That will be troublesome but we'll have to do it this way". Lex shook his head regretfully.

"I will take care of it. You need to make sure that the enemy Base goes up in flames. I will give you Superman". Alex said and closed his fist in a slow dynamic motion.

"You not afraid of a whole Yellow Lantern corps?" Arthur asked and looked at Alex.

"It's okay, I can handle them". Alex waved his hand and cut off the topic.

"We still can't be careless". Bruce and Batman said at the same time.

Both of them shared a look and got back into the topic.

"We have to keep a escape plan and make enough preparations". Bruce said and surveyed everyone in the room.

"Ares will be joining us on the day as well". Catwoman said with a smile.

"What is that prick doing now?" Alex said in dissatisfaction. He was not very fond of the guy.

"Apparently Regime's rule has made him weaker and he wants to call dibs". Catwoman answered and her smile widened.

"You know, I have been thinking". Alex said and everyone focused their attention on him.

"Why are you so opposed to the Regime?" Alex looked at Batman and asked.

"Because he is running a dictatorship. He is treating people like objects. A small crime and everyone gets killed". Batman said emotionally with his fists clenched tight.

"Let me get you something straight.

Ever since Superman has established Regime. The crime rate in the world has gone down. There is less Famine and poor who cannot afford food.

Yes, being a dictator has it's downsides but the benefit outweighs the losses. Don't forget that if you think he doesn't have the right to control the life and death of others.

Then the original government is also Human. They have no right to put prisoners in death row. A lot of prisoners are killed everyday.

Wither publicly or hidden and there is nothing you guys do to stop it. Now stopping Superman seems hypocritical in my opinion". Alex leant back into the Sofa and looked at everyone.

"He doesn't have the right to rule?" Catwoman tried to support Bruce's claim and said.

"No no no, no one has the right to rule. The Queen of England didn't have the right to rule.

The right to rule is also made by Human hands and it is not only Royal or higher blood of some kind that can have this right.

Some dictatorship or Kings are not good and that's why people change Kings through Force.

Democracy that the Humans are so proud of, is a flawed concept. Any kind of rule for that matter can go wring.

Honestly, I think that a single ruler of a planet is much better than multiple countries fighting each other for interests.

The common people get stranded in the process and the rich gain everything. A single in that regard can be held accountable for everything that goes wrong and he can make quick and decisive decisions when it is needed.

Which is not the case when interests of different parties clash in a Democracy and important decisions cannot be reached quickly in a dire situation". Alex continued while looking at her.