
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Training Under The Toads

{THis is the Bonus chapter for the 100+ Spirit Stones. Thanks for the Support.}

"It's like the end of an era," Tsunade said lightly while sitting back, looking at the bottle of alcohol in her hands. In the span of just a few months, after she returned to the hidden leaf, so many things had happened. Her sensei died, and one of her teammates was captured and quickly put to death.

These were all huge things that had happened, things that could shake the shinobi world. Yet they happened back to back,

"Yeah," I said lightly, enjoying the ice cream in my hands, Tsunade looked at me slightly, before sighing and just returning to her drink.

"You grow fast..." She said lightly, Although I was now 11 years old, I looked like a fully grown man. The growth spurt I went through was truly shocking. A few months ago, I looked 4 years old, and now I looked as if I was in my 20s.

"Yeah," I said lightly, making Tsunade frown while looking at me as this whole time I have been saying just one word.

"What's wrong." She said leaving me thinking for some time, before sighing lightly. 

"I'm just stressed out. With everything that has happened, Minato is just throwing a lot of work at me. I can't ignore the work as it has to do with the Uchiha clan. I also can't ignore training, I also have to work with Itachi and Shisui to create many jutsu..." I sighed in annoyance, I only have been getting 3 hours of sleep nowadays. 

"You say you're selfish, yet you put yourself through such pain for others," Tsunade said with a mocking smile. I rolled my eyes at her words. I am stressing myself out for now, but tomorrow I will be able to sit back and relax.

"You should take some rest, you shouldn't try and take on everything by yourself. Be like Itachi and ask for help from time to time." Tsunade said lightly, causing me to roll my eyes. Itachi wasn't as arrogant as in the anime, he was willing to ask for help. It was mainly because Itachi wasn't number one.

In the anime, Itachi was number one, never needing help, and always able to be perfect. But with me, Itachi was able to stay down to earth. I didn't need help, for I was different. I could do everything thanks to my clones.

"How about you help me relax with a small kiss?" I asked softly, to which Tsunade rolled her eyes

"Just what are you doing that you only have 3 hours of sleep?" She asked, to which I rubbed my forehead. 

"Thanks to your help, and improving the hundred healing jutsu, I could heal my mind. So, I only need 3 hours. I wake up at 7, and by 7:30, I'm at the Uchiha clan academy. From there, I start my teaching. If I'm not teaching, I'm doing missions that others can't do. I can normally complete such missions in a matter of hours, while others need days or months. I'm back home at about 8:00 where I meet with Minato and the rest of the council, before finishing everything by making plans for the next day, or even the following month to give me that small bit of extra sleep." I said with a sigh, leaving Tsunade speechless.

"You got your hands fool... and couldn't you have just allowed the student to enter the academy like everyone else?" Tsunade asked, to which I shook my head.

"The Uchiha clan feel more than others. When they are angry, they are more angry than others. When they love, they love more than others. It's for this reason I started training them, teaching them to rain in such feelings, before allowing them to join the academy with everyone else. I can't allow them to slip up and dirty the Uchiha clan name. They have to be perfect," I said lightly, before smiling.

"So, you're a clone?" Tsunade asked with a slightly displeased look. Although she knew she shouldn't stress me out as it was, this was a date. Who sends a clone on a date?

"Of course not, why would I give a clone such a good opportunity? Sorry, the quiet air we had made my mind relax, so I started thinking of such nonsense." I said while standing up, and holding out a hand to Tsunade. Tsunade sighed while taking my hand, and got up.

"So, you want to come to my place," I asked while pulling her into my arms, but Tsunade dodged me at the last moment,

"Stop playing, we are doing nothing until you're 16." She said with a snort, to which I pouted lightly. The age of consent was 16, but when I was smarter than 99% of grown-ups, was such a thing needed?

"Fine, 5 years... might as well put a bullet in my head. Sigh, maybe something is wrong with my eyes." I said with a frown, making Tsunade look at me with a frown.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked, not liking those words.

"When I saw you, I was sure I saw the future... You and a mini-me... or was that our child?" I asked, making Tsunade blush lightly. She glared at me as such things always come out of my mouth randomly.

"Maybe something is wrong with my eyes, I should have known that when I couldn't take my eyes off you the first time I met you. Even now, It's hard." I said with a sigh, not knowing what was going on.

Tsunade looked away, any woman would love such beautiful words. She walked away, and I followed with a smile.

"So, where do you want to go?" Tsunade asked lightly, to which I shrugged.

"Why would I care if I'm with you?" I asked with a shrug, making Tsunade sigh softly.

"Come on, I can't be the one planning the dates, you have to at least do something," Tsunade said with a sigh, to which I just gave her a confused look.

"I don't know... I can't think. I thought I had a sweet tooth in the past, but after seeing you, all sweets are not doing it for me. maybe I need a taste." I said lightly, causing Tsunade to open and close her mouth, she didn't know how I just came up with this stuff.

"Sage Mode! yes, I wanted to see if you wanted to learn about Sage Mode." Tsunade said, unable to take any more of this. if this goes on, she might take a step she couldn't take back.

"Sage mode? But What sage mode do you think suits me?" I asked with a shrug, not interested. The sage mode was an empowered state, by absorbing natural energy and molding it with chakra, one enters Sage mode, greatly boosting one's capability by 10 times.

There were different forms of Sage mode, which brings forth different capabilities. The Toad Sage mode would give one the power to manipulate natural energy around them, increasing the reach of their attacks.

The Snake Sage Mode would give one the power to manipulate natural energy around them, breathing life into the land around them.

The slug sage mode would give one the power to manipulate the natural energy inside them, increasing their healing capability.

But that was the 3 sage modes I knew of. not even Tsunade had sage mode, only 1 of the Sannin was a Sage. Tsunade never bothered, Orochimaru tried to be a sage way too late and after he had switched bodies, leading to him never being able to learn Sage mode.

"There is no means to manipulate Natural energy to manipulate space that I know of," Tsunade said lightly,

"But for Itachi, I do know of a sage that uses natural energy to create powerful illusions." She said lightly, leaving me thinking for some time. if I learn Sage Mode, how much stronger would I be? Not simply the 10x boost, but I wanted a Sage mode that would bring out my full capability.

Could I use the snake Sage to bring out my full capability? Could I fuse it with the Limitless, allowing me to breathe life into the Infinity I create? The possibilities were endless.

Tsunade seeing my attention fully drawn away, went on to offer to get Itachi here, so we could learn it together. I nodded and even summoned Shisui. After, Tsunade went on to use the summoning jutsu, summoning the slug Sage. The slug was called Katsuyu, and through her, we learned a lot about just what it meant to be a sage.

"Is it possible I could create my unique form of natural energy capability?" Itachi asked Katsuyu, causing Tsunade to look at Itachi with a light glow. Itachi reminded her a lot of Tobirama. Why you may ask?

Tobirama wasn't like Hashirama, but Tobirama had a mind with little equals. Tobirama had created countless jutsus, all to combat the Uchiha clan sharingan. The flying Thunder God to counter the fact the Uchiha clan could read a target's every movement, the shadow clone jutsu as it was foolish to combat a Uchiha clansman in a one-on-one combat. Darkness jutsu brings darkness to the area around him and the enemy, making the Uchiha unable to see anything. 

Tobirama even mastered Water release to combat the Uchiha clan fire release. Now here was Itachi, creating jutsu to combat me. At first, It was hard for Itachi to create a few jutsu, but as he created jutsu, it was getting easier and easier for Itachi to create these jutsu.

"It's possible. But only one person has ever done such a thing, that being the Sage Of Six Paths." Katsuyu said lightly, causing everyone's eyebrows to rise. Katsuyu went on to speak about the past, how the Sage Of Six paths learned under the Toad sage, mastering both chakra and natural energy to the point he could combine all elements.

"Than... please, teach me," Itachi said lightly, he found a new target, becoming the next Sage of Six Paths. but Katsuyu had no way to teach him such a thing, so she pointed us toward the toad sage, for this, we went to see Minato.

Entering Minato's office, Tsunade's eyebrow raised seeing the white-haired man in Minato's office. it was no other than Jiraiya, the last member of the Sannin.

"... I didn't think I would live long enough to see you wearing that headband," Jiraiya said with a smile seeing the headband around Tsunade's forehead. His eyes couldn't help rolling down to look at the two huge melons on her chest, but his eyes were forced away by my glair.

"Those are mine," I said coldly, making Tsunade eye twitch. Jiraiya frowned, instantly not liking me. His displeasure only grew seeing me taking Tsunade hand, only for Tsunade to blushfully take her hand away. Be it Minato, or Jiraiya, the two were stunned. Although Minato wasn't that shocked as he had seen the magic I could pull off. 

"Cough, anyways. I came here to see if you can get me in touch with those toads. I was thinking of going there to learn to become a sage. I will use it as a vacation." I said with a smile, making Minato's eyebrow raise. He looked at me, before looking at Shisui and Itachi.

"I'm guessing you 3 have the same idea?" Minato asked, to which we all nodded lightly.

"I will also be going to learn Sage mode with Katsuyu, so I will be gone for some time," Tsunade said lightly, to which Minato nodded lightly. Minato of course wouldn't be against this, after all, he wanted the Hidden Leaf to be even stronger.

"That reminds me, the great toad sage was speaking about you two. Something about the future changing, and one of you being the Children of the Prophecy." Minato said causing Itachi and I to look at each other, before looking back at Minato in confusion.

"He can see the future... well, let's go. I will show you two there." Minato said with a smile, he was also curious as to which one of these two would bring peace. The toad for the first time saw a world of peace, nothing like what he used to see. The toad truly saw a world of peace, brought forth by one of the twins, but he couldn't see clearly which twin.

So, we left. Joined by Jiraiya who wanted to see what this was all about...