
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Training Under The Toads 2

Mount Myōboku, also known as the Land Of The Toads, is one of the big three unexplored sage regions, a legendary place that is equally as famous as the other two, Shikkotsu Forest and Ryūchi Cave. It's the land of toads and the place where all the toads Minato could summon lived. It is home to huge and small toads alike. Mount Myōboku is a rich and beautiful land,

It was ruled by The Great Toad Sage, also known as Gamamaru, a toad that has lived for almost 1,000 years. It was an old toad, who was currently looking at us, wanting to get a good look at Itachi and myself, but its eyesight was poor, having lived so long, it could only see the future.

"Itachi Uchiha, Gojo Uchiha, and Shisui Uchiha. Welcome to my home." The old toad said lightly, before going on to greet Minato and Jiraiya. The two have been here before and even trained here. Minato and Jiraiya were both Sages, with Minato being a perfect Sage.

"Thank you for welcoming us. If I may ask, what did you see in the future? Gojo and I have different means to bring world peace." Itachi said lightly while looking slightly towards me, just to see I didn't care much and cared more about looking around this new location.

"I saw a world of peace, a world of union. I saw one of you, standing as the strongest. That's all." Gamamaru said lightly, Itachi sighed lightly as that wasn't much information.

"I see... then, we seek your teaching. Can you teach us to master natural energy to the level of the Sage Of Six Paths?" Itachi asked, causing Gamamaru's eyes to open wider before it slowly nodded with a smile.

So, we went to go train. The basic of Sage Mode was needed, that being we needed to first sense the natural energy around us. Thanks to our Sharingan, we simply needed to see the toads using natural energy before we went on to start trying to sense it and absorb it.

But this was dangerous, if we absorb too much natural energy we couldn't control or balance out with the chakra, we would transform into a stone statue of a frog. To prevent that, there was a stick that would beat the natural energy right out of us.

"You two are something," Fukasaku said while looking at my clone which was holding the stick, before my clone was Itachi, my main body, and Shisui who were slowly having orange eye shadow appear on our faces.

"Really? I thought it was a bit slow, 1 day is a bit long." I said lightly, causing Fukasaku to look at me as if he was seeing a monster. It took us 1 day to master Sage mode. It took us all 1 day to master Sage Mode. We had to make a lot of clones, and we had to beat the natural energy out of each clone, but in the end, we did it... as for how Itachi and Shisui had the chakra for the clones?

Well, they have done a lot of training to increase their training. On top of that, they had the Strength Of A Hundred Healing.

That's right, Tsunade taught us the Strength Of 100 healing. The Strength of a Hundred Healing is a jutsu from the Sage of Six Paths era, that requires extremely delicate chakra control. By storing a vast amount of chakra over an extended time into a specific point on their body the user creates this seal, which manifests in the form of a rhombus-like marking. Once the seal is formed, the user's already impressive chakra control allows them to perform techniques without using their energy, but the stored energy.

When released, the seal will either spread across the user's face or wrap around their entire body. The stored chakra is then released into their body, greatly amplifying the power of their techniques. The seal will permanently remain in the center of the user's forehead,

I also had the mark, but it was covered by my blindfold. I didn't need to use the mark, I had yet to find a point for me to use it.

"You became a perfect Sage in just 1 day, not even Jiraiya is a perfect sage, even after years of training," Fukasaku said with a sigh, to which I shrugged slightly.

"I been meaning to ask a question... why is it that we turn into frogs if we can't balance out charka with natural energy? Why not a slug or a snake?" Itachi said while enjoying the new improvement that came to his capability after being a Sage.

"It's because of the way you absorbed the natural energy. Just like how doing hand seals can determine the jutsu, the way you absorb the natural energy determines the type of sage you would become." Fukasaku said to which Itachi thought for some time while looking at the stick in my clone's hands.

"So, what if we just absorb natural energy without the way you taught us? Would we just be A Human Sage" I asked lightly, to which Fukasaku shook his head.

"That's dangerous. Like how it's dangerous to just use chakra without a goal in mind, it's many times worse for Natural energy." He said to which I nodded lightly while the clone came over to me to hit me with the stick, but it had no effect as this stick couldn't force out the natural energy within a Sage.

"So, our goal now is to create our own Senjutsu, and Sage Mode," I said while standing up,

"Let's go speak with the Great Toad Sage," Shisui said slightly, not wanting these two extreme geniuses to risk his life. He had to put in more than twice the effort Itachi and I were putting in thanks to how he wasn't as talented as us.

So, we went to talk to the great toad sage who had forgotten about us, we had to remind him, which didn't take long. From there, we had to remind him how he taught the Sage Of Six Paths, which took some time, but in the end, by throwing our random stuff, the old frog was able to remember and give us the next step to our training.

"back then, I traveled with The Sage Of Six Paths, where he learned a total of Six forms of Sage Mode, that's why he got the name. The Sage Of Six paths, as he took six paths, fused them to birth a new path. Remember, it's going to be far harder to learn a second path. Also, the greater the amount of paths you walk, the greater the requirements of chakra reserves, and chakra control you would need... that reminds me. Hashirama also learned more than one form of Sage Mode. What was the number?" The old toad fell into thought, forgetting about us.

We were left speechless, but we quickly brought him back to reality, and he pointed us toward the Slug Sage, where we could learn the Slug Sage Mode.

"The Sage of Six Paths learned 6? I want to learn them all." Itachi said with determination burning in his eyes,

"By the way, what's your plan for bringing peace?" Shisui asked, he was sure that after many years that had passed, we would have changed our minds.

"... I'm with Gojo's plan. Peace can never come without war. Uniting the world is the way after showing them they have no choice but to kneel. That is the way I'm planning." Itachi said calmly, after seeing the trouble the 3rd Hokage had done, he didn't want to take the soft approach, as that would have negative side effects. instead, treating the world like brats that need their parents to give them a good beating was the way.

"Really? I think we just need to change the system..." I said caught off guard that we had switched plans. Itachi lips twitched slightly as we looked at each other, speechless.

Itachi had come to agree with my old point of view. This world needs a father figure who would beat up anyone who acts up... well, In Itachi's case, put them in a genjutsu that would put them through hell and back. This would make those in power behave, as Itachi would be like this demonic being, waiting for them to misbehave. 

I on the other hand wanted to push the hidden leaf to grow to trump the combined might of all other villages. This would of course most likely start a new great Shinobi war where all of the villages try to weaken the hidden leaf. But it would be the perfect chance for the hidden leaf to crush them, and absorb a good amount of all the country's lands into their own.

This would further strengthen the might of the hidden leaf while pushing towards a world where everyone has united. A world of peace. As everyone lively hood improves, new jobs will be born, taking more people away from being criminals,

Since there were not even 1 billion people on this planet, if I could create so many jobs, that everyone could have a job to take up, it would be almost perfect. At the end of everything, I would sit upon this peaceful world as the strongest, relaxing over the world I have created.

Why did I change my mind? Sigh, because it would be hard to pick up girls if I'm known as this ruthless killer or something like that. Why make things harder for myself?