
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

The Public Execution Of the 3rd Hokage 2

"This can't stand, the Uchiha clan has suffered long enough." A man said angrily while slamming his fist into the ground. At his words, many members of the Uchiha clan followed in agreement, this time even those who had been passive or tried to keep the peace were on board. Fugaku looked at everyone there for some time, before closing his eyes.

"Itachi, Gojo... what do you think?" Fugaku asked lightly, causing everyone to turn towards the two prodigies of the Uchiha clan. Already, we were amongst the strongest in the Uchiha clan. As soon as Itachi and I bodies began growing, our physical capability quickly shot up to match our ninjutsu and genjutsu capability. Within the clan, only Fugaku and Shisui were our match, and that was only if they used their MS.

"I believe we should wait to see how Minato will deal with this matter. We simply needed to demand justice, and a good way to start should be having them reveal to the public the schemes that have been working against the Uchiha clan. The next Hokage should also be a Uchiha..." Itachi said lightly, leaving everyone looking at him for some time, stunned that Itachi who always pushed for union between the village and the hidden leaf said such things.

But Itachi was still pushing for union, with everything Danzo had done, and with so much stuff the Hokage let aside, Itachi was angry with the hidden leaf. This was his family, and if the Uchiha clan continued to take steps backward, nothing would change. 

"I agree with Itachi... but I also want Hiruzen to face punishment for letting Danzo's actions go on. The fact we were the only one pushing for peace, and we had so much stuff playing against us, that old man should face some punishment." I said lightly, to which of course, many members of the Uchiha clan instantly agreed with me. Itachi frowned, as pointless killing right now would only do more harm to the Uchiha clan than good.

Yes, Hiruzen could have stopped so many bad things that had happened around the village. Yes, he was too soft and was the worst Hokage. But what would punishing him do, other than bringing some joy, while making everyone else bitter?

"Plus, I have to ask the question... Why is the Uchiha clan still in this village? With our might we could have joined any village, we could have formed any village. With me, Itachi, and Shisui, even if the whole world attacked us, we could win the war without losing a single man. So, why are we staying here to live in a place we are not wanted?" I asked, leaving the air quiet. 

"Moving isn't so easy boy, we can't simply move, the resources needed, and the location needed, it's not simple." An old man said with a sigh, this old man was one of the few who used to fight for peace between the village and the Uchiha clan.

"I can teleport the whole clan. I could find the best location to relocate our clan or take over a village elsewhere. Resources? We can form bonds with the hidden stone village, that old fox Onoki would not ignore the power of the Uchiha, no matter how much he hates us. With the arranged marriage between me and his daughter, it's more reason for him to keep the connection between our two clans. Even if Onoki rejects us, there is the village hidden in the cloud. As hot-headed as they are, they would happily take in the strongest force of the Hidden Leaf. Did you guys also forget Shisui's genjutsu capability? He could make anyone welcome our clan." I said leaving everyone not knowing what to say.

"Did you all forget we are the Hidden Leaf's strongest force? Did you forget we only had one rival, and that was the Senju? The impact Madara made that day against the hidden leaf, was it wrong? To build a village, just to be suppressed, why didn't we back him up and fight for equality back then? We wanted peace so badly, we kept enduring for so many years, and look where it has gotten us? First, it was the Senju, then the Uzuamaki, as things go, it would be the Uchiha clan that would be slaughtered." I said calmly, no one had anything to say for some time. That was a long speech, but one that said it all.

"Let's wait and see what the council has to say about this matter... for now, we shall locate Orochimaru, and get our hands on his research into the Hashirama Cell," Fugaku said calmly, to which everyone nodded lightly. I looked towards Itachi, who was looking at me with a displeased look.

We left the meeting room, and Itachi wasted no time in asking what that was all about since I had brought up zero hints about wanting to leave the village.

"I just got the idea at the moment, and it looked alright. I mean, can you find any flaws in that? The Uchiha clan gets to live, a war is avoided, and so on." I said to which Itachi sighed at how reckless that was.

"I will have to sit on it, we would face attacks from all of the villages if we just left. the chaos it would bring would be anything but small." Itachi said with a sigh, but he had to admit it was a plan that could work. With Itachi, Shisui, and myself working together, we were an army that could take on the world.

I could create an infinite number of clones, although the experience the clones would send back to me could cook my brain, so I would have to use a clone technique without such drawbacks. Shisui with his body flicker was already a one-man army, Itachi's Genjutsu capability was on the level of a Kage, and his Ninjutsu capability was touching upon the level of a Kage, while his taijutsu was Jonin level. Once his body reaches its full potential, Itachi should have Ninjutsu and Taijutsu capabilities on the level of a Kage.

The Itachi before me was far stronger than the Itachi from the anime. I guessed the 10-year-old was as strong as when he was around 14 or 15 in the anime. At that point, Itachi had the MS in the anime.

Itachi Sharingan was powerful, easily the strongest sharingan in the clan. It was stronger than my 1 tomoe sharingan of course. It was like awakening his Sharingan through love was what Itachi needed, but it left me wondering what ability Itachi would gain when he awakened the MS...

"... What are the Uchiha clan's stand on this?" The next day in the council room, we all gathered. but this time, Danzo was nowhere to be found, instead, the 3rd Hokage, Hiruzen, was standing amongst us.

Hiruzen at first wanted to join the council, but he stepped back seeing it was for the younger generation. but yesterday he was summoned thanks to Danzo's actions, where Minato's poison was cured before it could get any worse by me. 

"I will be honest. The Uchiha clan demands justice. For them to have been controlled in the shadow by Madara to rebel, and even by those within the village, the Uchiha clan have been doing everything right, all for what?" I asked calmly, to which Minato's heart dropped.

"So, the Uchiha clan would be pushing back. The first thing the Uchiha clan wants is for the truth to come out, the corruption that has been going on in the village, down to the fact the 3rd Hokage had a major role in this matter." I said calmly, stunning everyone.

"Gojo, that's a bit too far," Minato said softly. The Danzo part could be done, but to force the 3rd Hokage into such a position was a bit far.

"Is this not his fault? Who let Orochimaru flee? Who let the corruption in the village run freely? He was too nice and too soft to be Hokage. if he couldn't step forward and tell the truth, and make it clear to the village, then the Uchiha clan would stop being so reasonable." I said angrily, causing Minato to frown as he understood what I meant

"The Uchiha clan has been discriminated against long enough, enough is enough," I said lightly, to which Hema spoke softly.

"You are discriminated against because you are all power-hungry fools like Madara," Hema said, causing Minato to angrily look at him. Was this a moment for such things?

"We are all power-hungry fools like Madara? Tell me, why was it that, Madara the second strongest person of his era joined hands with Hashirama to build this village, and was demoted to being a policeman? The Uchiha clan were fools for not siding with him and fighting for quality. The Uchiha clan were fools to see Madara's actions as shameful, and now it's coming back to bite them in the ass. Am I wrong?" I asked with rage, if my eyes could be seen, one would see them start spinning, as another tomoe slowly formed. Even I had to be surprised at how worked up I was getting over this matter. but maybe, I have grown attached to my family, more so than I thought.

"... I will do it. I will take the punishment for the crimes I did commit. I can't ignore the fact that Orochimaru ran away. It was my fault. I can't ignore the fact it was my fault Danzo got away with so many actions. But many of his actions were done without my knowledge. But at the core of the matter, I failed as Hokage, and this village is breaking apart... Sorry Minato, as you have to fix my mistakes." Hiruzen said lightly, unable to listen to anymore.

"Hiruzen..." Minato didn't know what to say, he looked around at everyone there, wanting to see if anyone had something to say, but everyone looked away from him. As it stands, the Uchiha clan was justified in wanting to launch a Coup D'etat. They endured over 50 years of unjustified discrimination. As things stand, for peace, and to move on from the past, this action was for the best.

"... But if you face the punishment, that means death," Hema said lightly, unwilling to see the 3rd Hokage go through with this.

"It's the least I could do... Sakumo's death, I could have stopped it. But I was too soft on Danzo, I guess this is my chance to go meet him and apologize." Hiruzen said with a gentle smile. Back then, Sakumo abandoned his mission to save his teammates, an action which led to the Hidden Leaf taking a huge loss.

Danzo took this chance, spreading rumors and destroying Sakumo's chances to become the next Hokage. But Sakumo, swallowed in guilt and shame took his own life. When the whole village turns against you, making you question reality, he can't take it anymore.

His death was a huge loss for the hidden leaf, something no one saw coming. Not even Danzo, for Sakumo, was a person who rivaled the likes of Fugaku even with the MS.

Hiruzen was given a few days, but the next week, he stood before the whole village, both he and Danzo. By then, Danzo had made peace with the fact he was going to die. There was even a seal on his which forced him to speak nothing but the truth, so as they read out his crime, he couldn't even lie. Hiruzen also spoke the truth, revealing his shame for not doing more for his village, and letting such acts continue within the village.

To say the least, Hiruzen quickly earned the hatred of the crowd that had gathered. But most of the hatred was gathered on Danzo, who managed to earn the hatred of absolutely everyone within the village. At the end of everything, Hiruzen apologized to the Uchiha clan for allowing them to continue living in the state they had been living in all these years. He revealed to everyone, that it was Hashirama and Madara who built this village but the Uchiha clan was pushed away from ever gaining any real position or power in the village, and how they were cast out to the outer parts of the village for the action caused by a man everyone is guessing to be Madara.

In the end, He was beheaded along with an unwilling Danzo...

"Well, let's move to get Orochimaru." Standing on top of a tree, I stood next to Itachi, and Shisui, looking at the sight of the lifeless bodies. This move of the Uchiha clan capturing Orochimaru would be a huge improvement to the Uchiha clan name, it would be an even bigger improvement to the Uchiha clan name when they bring in the masked man.

We would simply say with the freedom we have, the Uchiha clan's capability could truly shine. So, with a flash, we teleported far away, appearing on a tree, before Orochimaru who was in a genjutsu.

"Take us to your lab," I said calmly, to which Orochimaru turned and led us to his lab, where we went to take in all of his research. We made sure to closely scan everything with our sharingan to ensure we would remember it.

After, we took Orochimaru's storage of Hashirama cells. He had a lot, and with this amount, it was more than enough for us to start doing our research. Hashirama was truly a monster, and there was a reason for that. Now, I just needed to locate Madara's body or get my hands on his Rinnegan...