
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Shisui Might 1

"Damn, my head hurt," I said with a loud yawn while sitting back, looking at the river in front of me. It has been 6 months since we began our journey to learn Sage mode, and within that time, we have learned many forms of Sage modes, it's just merging all of them, well, that was the tricky part. The risk of turning to stone had increased many times over.

"I told you to stop making so many clones, all that experience would kill you," Itachi said with a sigh, remember the time I had thousands of clones disappear at the same time, leading to days' worth of experience hitting me, leaving me in a catatonic state for a few seconds. 

"It's cool, it's just that finding that masked man is harder said than done. He teleports every time I near him." I said while opening a bottle of soda, which I went on to drink. 

"I want to see this masked man, can you not point out where you have seen him? We could try to narrow down where he could be calling home." Shisui said while pulling out a map, we all gathered around the map, and I went on to pull out kunai, which I stabbed into the many locations where I spotted the masked man.

I have gone all out trying to find him, I knew more about people like Itachi, and Naruto, compared to Obito and Pain. There were two reasons I hated these two people, they were so easily forgiven just because they sacrificed themselves for the greater good, as if that was enough.

I hated that. If you are going to be evil, stay evil to the death. Don't do f-ed up stuff, just to change for the better seconds before death. Obito had slaughtered hundreds and, in the anime slaughtered all of the women and children of the Uchiha clan. His kill count goes higher as he had been controlling the Kage of the Hidden Waves village, turning that place upside down as thousands died because of him. This would lead to people like Zabuza trying to kill the Kage and bring a change to his village.

Pain slaughtered many as well, his whole thing was to make the world know Pain. To say the least, under his twisted sense of peace, women, children, and the old have died.

Yet they were pretty much the same to me, and it just brought me zero interest in their character, leading to me not knowing much about them. All I knew was that Obito saw the girl he loved die, leading to him losing hope in this shinobi world. Pain aka Nagato saw his parent die and went on to watch his friend die. This led Nagato... I don't know. I guess he took up the title Pain, wanting the world to be connected through pain. Dumb in my book.

"It's like he has been trying to lead me away," I said with a frown seeing how all of the masked man's locations were not simple. It was like he knew I was coming and drew my attention away. At times, he even attacked my clones, killing them and leading my other clones to move nearby.

"How is he able to sense you?" Shisui asked as I was pretty much the perfect assassin, and at those words, I had no idea. I could only guess it had something to do with Black Zetsu. Black Zetsu's sensory capability should rival mine.

"He is in the village hidden in the rain," Itachi said while looking at the map, causing me to look at him in confusion.

"I have been to that village a few times, I found nothing," I said with a shake of my head. I did remember that's where Jiraiya died in the anime. But I didn't even find Pain there, even after searching every inch of that place with many clones, I didn't find Pain or Obito.

I even came back 6 months later, it was random, and yet again, no one was there for me to find. So, they had to have left the village at some point. But Itachi still wanted to go check, knowing I could be careless at times. So, I got up, followed by Shisui and Itachi standing behind me, placing their palms on my shoulders. With a flash, we teleported away, appearing at the highest point within the village hidden in the rain.

"Is it always raining?" Shisui asked while looking at the sky, realizing this was a jutsu. I nodded at his words, while removing my blindfold, and looked down at the world below, searching for hints of the Rinnegan and Obito.

"As I'm just a clone, I can't do much right now. So, I will follow you guys." Itachi said calmly, to which we all just nodded. Itachi, at just the age of 11 became the Anbu Squad leader. He was currently out on a mission, so Itachi could only leave us with a clone.

"Why did they have this tower built?" Shisui asked as something so large wasn't simple. At those words, I told them the information I got from reading the memory of the many people of this village. Itachi frowned at those words before we went on to look at the tower, he soon looked at the huge tongue of the tower. Itachi looked at the face connected to the huge tongue, the most eye-catching thing about this face being the strange eyes that had ripples within.

"What are you looking at?" Shisui asked seeing how Itachi was looking at those eyes with such great focus. 

"Those eyes, the eyes of the sage of six paths," Itachi said lightly, before disappearing, appearing within the tower. He went on to look around within the empty place, finding traces that there used to be stuff there.

I on the other hand stayed at the tallest point, still looking outwards towards the village, wondering just where Obito could be. I had to think for a long time, before sighing as Obito was truly good at hiding.

'Okay, put myself in his shoes. I'm an evil guy who wants to collect all of the tail beasts. What do I do?' I thought while remembering all of the little details I had on Obito flashing across my mind. But that only brought questions, why couldn't Obito just grab all of the hosts of the tail beast when they were young? Why didn't Obito grab Gaara, the host of the 1 tail beast, before he grew powerful? 

I sighed as I got no new information. I knew Obito seemed to hate the village hidden in the waves, that's where I focus most of my attention... but I found nothing. I searched high and low and got nothing.

'Should I just capture all the tail beast? if I capture them and hide them, Obito would have to come to see me... no, I only need to capture just one of them, and Obito's plan is destroyed.' I thought with a smirk,

"Gojo!" Shisui cry sounded, causing me to use the body flicker jutsu, and with a flash, arrived inside the tower. I went all the way down to the ground floor, where I found Itachi and Shisui looking for me.

"You didn't do a good jump looking around this place," Itachi said with a smile, I was confused for a moment, but when Itachi pointed to the ground, I slowly began to notice something was off with the ground.

"There is an underground basement. It's perfectly sealed and leaves no gaps here. but nothing is perfect." He said while holding a kunai to the ground, and there we listened to the sounds, which were off when the sound waves bounced off the ground. Itachi knocked the ground, before knocking another part of the ground. Indeed, something was off with that part of the ground. To normal ears, it sounded almost the same, but we were shinobis, we had to sharpen our senses.

Itachi only noticed something was off when the sound of his footsteps sounded off when he stepped on the ground. Normally, Itachi would make his footsteps quiet, but at times when your eyes are not enough, you need to use your other senses, and for this reason, Itachi used his ears.

"it looks like there are seals that blocked my sight," I said with a frown, quickly taking notes of this. I was getting too dependent on my eyes to sense the world around me, I need to work on my other senses.

I stepped forward and punched the ground. Instantly, the secret door was destroyed, revealing the underground stairs. We wasted no time, moving in with the two following me from behind. I became the shield, as all of the traps stopped before me. 

I had learned to expend Infinity outwards, forming a barrier that swallowed both myself, Itachi, and Shisui. So, all the traps couldn't reach us. We soon reached a room, where we found a sickly-looking red-haired man, in front of this man were 7 beings. They all had the same clothing, that being long robes with red clouds.

A hole appeared in the air, and as if it were a reverse whirlpool, the masked man appeared from that hole, looking at us with a narrowed eye. We stood there, facing off against each other.

"Like rats, you guys know how to hide," I said with a smirk while walking over towards them, I was open from all sides, not bothering to even put up a guard.

"Why do you hope to gain from this? We plan to bring forth a new era." Nagato, the sickly-looking man with the Rinnegan asked while looking at me. He didn't want to fight us, so he wanted to first talk.

"Oh? What is that plan?" I asked with a smirk, stopping and looking at Nagato with hands in my pockets, completely off guard. 

"I want to unite the world, people could never understand each other because they had not all experienced any of the same fear or loss. I want to change that, spread the pain. I want to collect all of the tail beasts, with us having the might of all tail beasts in a world that came to know pain, peace can finally be born." Nagato said, causing me to turn to look at Itachi, wanting to know his thoughts on his matter.

"What about those who are innocent? Would they also get to know pain?" Itachi asked calmly, to which Nagato nodded lightly, as everyone had to know pain.

"That's foolish. How would the world release that pain? if you put too much pressure on a bubble, it will pop. If you were purely targeting the higher-ups of each village, then we could talk, but to do this on everyone? What makes you any different from those who have caused pain to you? Driven by selfish goals, under the foolish illusion that it's for the sake of the world." I said calmly, making Nagato glare at Itachi.

"Peace can never truly come. No matter what, there would be conflicts, no empire can stand forever, and no plan is perfect. You have slaughtered Hanzo and his whole bloodline... wow, what peace has that brought? or did you do that out of rage? Are you saying in this new world you want to bring, only you can do evil, while the world can do nothing and watch? Do you think everyone would just kneel even if you forced them? You're stupid. How deeply have you thought about this? Do you think people just fight because they don't know the feeling of loss?" I asked with a shake of my head

"The villages were built off the foundation of those who wanted to end the warring era, do you think those of that era didn't know what it felt like to lose a close one? the lifespan back then was 30. The world knows what it's like to hurt. Shinobi fight to protect what's dear to them. Shinobi live in fear of losing what is dear to them. You want to spread fear, all I hear is that you want to spread hatred and death." Shisui said leaving Nagato quiet for some time.

"You lost someone dear to you, you clearly remember that emotion you felt. Instead of making moves to stop such emotions from building up in others, do you want everyone to feel it? Did you take the higher route and not vent? I highly doubt it." Itachi said leaving Nagato rethinking his plan.

The day his best friend died, was the day he moved towards making this world know pain. but hearing our words, Nagato had to question himself, because he had slaughtered a whole bloodline out of hatred. If the world knew that pain he felt, who were they going to kill? Were they supposed to sit still, with that rage inside them?

The masked man's eyes narrowed as this was something he didn't want to see. He looked towards Nagato, and as soon as they locked eyes, he put Nagato in a genjutsu. Of course, Nagato could easily break free from the genjutsu, but he paused seeing the genjutsu. The masked man had to hope that the black Zetsu plan would work, as Black Zetsu had ways with words.

'Don't show that you're in a genjutsu.' The masked man's voice sounded, leaving Nagato looking at the old man who looked as if he was at death's door.

"The one who reincarnates with the Sage Of Six Paths' eyes should be upon this world soon, it's a shame, I wouldn't live long enough to see him bring peace into this world." The old man said lightly.

"What do you mean? See him bring peace?" A young childish voice sounded, making Nagato want to turn to see who was speaking. but he guessed it was the masked man.

"Indeed. Did you know we Uchiha are descendants of the Sage Of Six Paths? We, The Senju and the Uzumaki are all related. He left behind something for us, a way to bring peace to our world. By uniting the tail beast, and having it return to the Geto statue, the divine tree shall be reborn, and from there, one can finish the sage of six paths plan and cast a powerful genjutsu. Mankind would destroy itself, but this genjutsu would destroy the root of mankind's problems. This genjutsu would take all of human's uncontrollable greed and desires, before releasing mankind reborn a new, and perfect race." The old man said, leaving Nagato's eyes widening at such a perfect jutsu.

'I have been using you Nagato, but the jutsu can only be cast by Madara who had learned that jutsu, and couldn't pass it on to someone who has yet to awaken the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. You would need to bring Madara back to life... I planned to take your eyes and do it myself.' the masked man's voice sounded in Nagato's head, shocking Nagato. but this was all lies, the masked man had no plans of bringing back the real Madara unless needed.

Nagato closed his eyes for some time, even though his eyes were closed, he could see the world perfectly through his puppets... also known as the 6 paths of pain. Nagato thought for some time before his eyes shut wide open, 

"You have a point, my plans were not well throughout... but things still stand. I still need to capture all of the tail beasts, that's the first step in bringing world peace." Nagato said,

"We are of course going to stop you, you're not getting your hands on the 9 tails," I said calmly, 

"Stand down, this is your only warning," Itachi said while stepping forward, the pacifist, being the first to step forward to fight was a sign of how serious he was.