
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

The World Vs Madara 2

"Madara has made his first move, Yagura was taken away along with Obito," Minato said while sitting before his table, looking at me, along with the many Jonon of the hidden leaf.

"I see... Madara would be far more ruthless than Obito, we might be in trouble. But we have the Geto Statue sealed away, Madara would not be able to summon it. This would force Madara to make a move on every tail beast, but I have clones near them all." I said, thanks to Yagura not wanting my clone nearby, I wasn't able to sense or do anything when he was captured.

"Start an all-out search for Madara, give him zero chances to do anything. Once you find him, summon everyone to Madara." Minato said while looking seriously at me, to which I nodded while turning to leave.

"Kakashi, Shisui, Itachi, Nagato, and Jiraiya. Stay near Kushina and Naruto's side, Madara is getting nowhere close to the two." Minato said while getting up, ready for battle. Nagato had joined the hidden leaf, as the person with the best mastery of the Rinnegan, and after putting him through some tests, Nagato was allowed to become a shinobi of the hidden leaf, under strict conditions. But he wasn't given the Rinnegan, I just gave him a pair of normal eyes from those who had passed away. 

I also healed his crippled legs, and Nagato was powerful, without the burden of the Rinnegan on him, which drove him crazy by the way. Nagato was able to be Jonin level,

"Asuma, Kurenai, Might Guy, Go and summon everyone. From the Uchiha clan to the chunin, everyone is to get ready to be teleported to battle." Minato said, and a similar thing was happening all over the villages, with countless numbers of my clones bursting off everywhere, ensuring no land was missed.

Even I had to take Madara seriously, this is because of one reason. The Rinnegan can get past Infinity, the Rinnegan can absorb all forms of energy, and even jutsus can be absorbed. If I put up Infinity, Madara can just absorb it. Infinity: Red? also bypassed. 

This was going to be a nice battle that would force me to truly see where I stand on the scale of power in this world. My blue eyes scanned the land for dozens of Km, and with a grin, my eyes turned towards a cave. With a flash, I shot towards that cave.

There was something unique about that cave, as my eyes couldn't see through it. I stepped into the cave, completely defenseless as I angrily looked around. I looked at the traces of Madara and Black Zetsu.

'They were hear about... a week or so.' I thought while looking at the ashes which covered the cave. Madara had made sure to cover his traces, but I was getting close. I disappeared, sending all of the information my 6 eyes had picked up to the other clones.

The other clones all smirked, creating more clones, which disappeared.

"What a troublesome brat," Madara said with crossed arms, he currently stood on a mountain, looking down at the countless shadow clones that were running around. He stood there, waiting for my clones to get near enough to him, that didn't take long as once a clone saw him, the clone shot forward, shooting towards Madara.

"So, you want to coward behind the fact you are a reanimated Shinobi?" I asked while stretching my body, getting ready for the fight. Madara ignored my words, and with crossed arms, his Rinnegan was locked on my blue eyes.

"What strange eyes," Madara said lightly, sensing how my eyes were stronger than his 3 tomoe sharingan. He had the strongest Sharingan in history, yet my 2 tomoe sharingan just stood above his own?

But Madara had also heard that there was another sharingan above his own, that being Itachi Sharingan. A sharingan which was equal to my current 2 Tomoe Sharingan.

Madara looked at me for some time, before just holding his palm out, and pulling me towards him. Yet as expected, the Rinnegan capability proved itself pointless before me. the land around me was affected, yet oddly the ground I stood on proved itself immune to this.

"Come, any day now," I said with a mocking smile, to which Madara snorted while shooting towards me. 

'Fast.' I thought with narrowed eyes. There was a tier list I was putting together in my mind. Above the Kage Tier, I created the Demi-God tier. This tier would be for someone like Hanzo who was considered a Demi-God.

Peak kage would be for the likes of A, the 6 paths of Pain, Jairya, and so on. 

Demi-God would be for the likes of 7 Gate Guy, War Arc Kakashi who got a plot buff, KCM 1 and KCM 2 Naruto, Edo Minato, Edo Hashirama without the Sage Mode, Edo Tobirama, Edo Hiruzen, Edo Itachi, Orange Mask Obito. This rank isn't listing them from strongest to weakest. But I would put one Rinnegan Obito at the peak of this tier. Sakura during the war arc suddenly skips all other tiers to end up there, I will ignore the fact In the light novels, Sakura was able to reach the speeds of 8 gates guys after the whole war arc.

The God tier would be for the likes of alive Madara, and Hashirama. They would be higher up in the God Tier with Sage Mode and Rinnegan. Edo Hashirama and Madara also fall in this tier, along with KCM 2 Sage Mode Naruto, Minato with KCM 2 Sage Mode, and Sakura during the battle with Kaguya also got a plot buff.

Above this would be the 10-tail tier. This would be those who reached the level of power of the 10 tails. Such people would be, 10 tails jinchūriki Obito, Eyeless Madara with Sage Mode, 8 Gates Guy, 1 Rinnegan Sasuke, Naruto Six Path chakra Mode, Kaguya, and Hagoromo, If you think two Sharingan Kakashi falls here then sure, plot buff again.

Well, why did I waste all your time going into such deep detail? Well, I was only Demi-God level at the moment, and Madara although far from his peak, was at the God tier... even so I grinned.

Combining the lightning chakra cloak, and Wind chakra cloak, I used the Body flicker jutsu after I decreased my weight, which allowed me to reach speeds at the God tier. With that I shot forward, rivaling Madara in Speed. But Madara sneered, reaching forward, he absorbed all of the Jutsu I was using thanks to his Rinnegan.

Seeing this coming, my leg had already shot forward, slamming towards his stomach, and sending him flying away.

I didn't fly after him, instead, I pulled the black rod out of my shoulders, which I had barely dodged as it was aimed at my neck.

'With that Rinnegan, all ninjutsu I use is proven pointless. he would just absorb it, leaving me open for an attack. Well, let's test the new Jutsu out.' I thought with a smirk, before bursting towards Madara once more, this time my body glowing red, but the glow was hidden by the lightning and wind which covered my body.

Madara raised his palm forward, wanting to absorb the jutsu, but his eyes widened when he felt that he absorbed nothing. I kicked his face with such force, that he was sent rocketing away, slamming through many Mountian.

'he is using a space-time ninjutsu which repels my attempts to absorb his jutsu?' Madara thought, his injuries disappeared while he looked at me in confusion.

"Shocked? What you are seeing here is simple. I am empowering my atoms, allowing their repelling force to grow stronger. but I had to change its frequency to match that of the Rinnegan. it was only a working theory, now prete path can't reach my infinity and absorb it." I said with a grin,

"Sounds like you have other theories," Madara said calmly, wanting to dig more information out of me. At his words, I nodded with a laugh.

"Indeed, so many theories I want to test out. I have had to get more creative with my skills ever since my brother grew stronger." I said with a grin, ever since Itachi gained those cells, he had truly left me behind. Since I didn't get the cells, I was left having to play catch up through these means. Even then, Itachi was currently stronger than me, I would put Itachi at God tier right now. 

"Well, I had enough of playing around. It's time we end you." I said while with a flash, an army of shinobis all teleported around us. The army wasn't too big, just the best of the best, no cannon folders. 

"Oh?" Madara said with a slightly raised eyebrow. Everyone gave Madara zero time to size up anything as we all attacked him,

"You tested him?" Itachi asked to which I nodded lightly. But the next moment, everyone was forced away as Madara used the All Mighty Push, sending everyone blasting away, the power behind it was so great that many died from the sudden force that hit them. A few hid behind me just in time, protecting themselves.

Madara gave us zero chance to do anything else, slapping his palm on the ground, leading to a forest being grown. The roots shot all over the place, wrapping around countless shinobi and trying to suck them dry.

But Shisui flashed cutting countless roots all over the place. Although Shisui was just a clone, he had more than enough chakra to create countless after images that covered the whole forest that was created.

The forest was releasing a bunch of poison, but everyone ignored it, as in the sky, Blue was sucking up all of the poison. 

Itachis shot forward, ignoring all of the trees in his path. At his side, Fugaku appeared, joining him. Fugaku held a Kunai in his hands which he shot towards Madara, who smoothly dodged, just as Madara went on to try and catch that Kunai, Minato appeared, grabbing the Kunai and slamming a Rasengan towards Madara's head.

But Madara reacted quickly, growing extra limbs that absorbed the Rasengan, while at the same time shooting a blade towards Minato's chest. Minato reaction speed was fast, teleporting out of there just in time as Fugaku appeared with Fugaku.

Fugaku summoned his Dark orange Susanoo, just the rib cage and the arms, which slammed towards Madara, while Itachi teleported to the Kunai which Minato didn't teleport with him. it wasn't a perfect teleportation, it was more like Itachi zoomed toward the Kunai. With a sword in his hands, everything in his path was cut, including Madara who hadn't expected such a move.

Fugaku Susanoo slammed into Madara, sending him flying towards Minato who appeared before the Kunai which Itachi had thrown into the air, ready to seal Madara away. But would it be so easy? With another all-mighty Push, they were sent rocketing away, just for me to appear, Onoki and many other shinobi appeared with me.

A was using the lightning chakra cloak, which was buffed by the fact his weight was lessened at the moment, so at extreme speed, he went on to rain countless blows at Madara. Onoki sat out a rock that went on to wrap around Madara's body, while Rasa's golden sand moved to try and seal Madara way.

But Madara wasn't bothered, using the All Mighty push, which he had a small cool-down time for, he pushed everyone away.

'He can use the all mighty push every 2 seconds, that's our window.' I thought, frowning that we needed to be faster. Rasa sand was too heavy, therefore it needed to be quicker.

"Onoki, lighten Rasa sand," I said to which Onoki nodded in agreement,

"I will buy everyone the opening they end. On 3, all of you move." I called out, just as hundreds of my clones appeared in the sky. They all rained down upon Madara, some trying to seal Madara away, while others simply trying to attack him.

Madara was quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of attacks, and adding the fact I could affect him, yet he couldn't affect me... well, it wasn't a fair battle. But Madara wasn't simple, as he learned to change the frequency of absorption, allowing him to absorb my defenses.

"1," I called out seeing as things were lining out, this caused Madara to frown, not knowing what my plan was. At this moment, Madara had grown 2 extra heads, allowing him to combat all of the clones, which he was killing one by one.

"2," I said causing the air to grow tense as everyone got ready to make their move, but just as I was about to say 3, I froze seeing all of my clone's attack phase through Madara's body.

"Oh shit... that's Obito," I said in shock, and my words shocked everyone who watched Madara transform into Obito, who was sucked into a Coffin that disappeared.

"It was a trap," Minato said while teleporting back to the Hidden leaf, where he found it in chaos. He flashed to check on Kushina first, before sighing seeing Kushina and Naruto were alright, although they were injured, along with Kakashi, Shisui, Itachi, Jiraiya, and my main body. Minato's heart dropped seeing Kakashi's eye was missing,

"They got us good, they took the other pair of Rinnegan, Obito eyes, and nearly killed me," I said with a frown, my now 3 tomoe sharingan spinning reflecting my frustration. 

"They?" Minato's heart skipped at those words, he sensed it on his way here, but he wished that everything that he sensed was false.

"Yeah, it's what you think. he came with an army, from the past reincarnation of Asura and Indra, past elites of every clan, and past elites of every village. He had an army of unkillable powerful shinobi, we were outmatched. We only pushed them back thanks to my endless shadow clones." I said while getting up, and returning home.

"Madara has Hashirama Sage Mode. Gojo believes he should have reached the level of power of the 10 tails." Itachi said while following after me, leaving Minato's heart heavy. how were they going to defeat a 1 Rinnegan Madara with Hashirama Sage Mode?