
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

The World Vs Madara 3

"Close," I said with a smile smoothly blocking Sasuke's kick. Sasuke tried to punch me, just for me to smoothly dodge all of his attempts, before tripping Sasuke, leading him to fall to the ground.

"You look distracted, what's up?" I asked with a smile, looking at Sasuke who was slowly getting to his feet.

"Something is happening right?" Sasuke asked. He had noticed how everyone in the village seemed to be on high alert, and my action of taking him away was proof something was up.

"You came to get me to protect me from something," Sasuke said with a frown. I smiled lightly, but I said nothing which annoyed Sasuke who wanted answers.

I was about to speak before pausing as I suddenly found myself unable to sense the outside world. I frowned looking at the red wall that had suddenly appeared, covering the whole village. The thousands of clones I had out, searching for Madara were no longer connected to me… no, I could sense them, but I had no power over them anymore.

I wasted zero time, removing my blindfold while creating a bunch of clones that instantly shot off, covering the village.

"We are under attack!" My voice boomed across the whole village. Sending everyone on alert, Itachi, Shisui, and the others who were protecting Kushina instantly went on high alert, all looking outside at the sea of clones in the air, looking at every inch of the village.

My main body which was in the sea of clones was suddenly slammed by an invisible force, sending me rocketing down into the ground with such force I almost fainted on the spot. I coughed up a mouthful of blood, all while my clones disappeared.

Itachi was horrified seeing how I was almost one shot just like that, no one saw what happened. I was just hit, that attack bypassed all my defenses and landed a solid blow on me.

"Shisui!" Itachi screamed, and Shisui didn't think twice as he appeared before me, grabbing me before shooting back towards Itachi, unease on his face watching my condition which was quickly healing.

"It's Madara," I said while coughing up some more blood and getting up. I instantly activated the 100 sealing jutsu, causing tattoos to cover my body. I looked at the sky where I was just at, and there. Madara appeared, falling towards us while taking his time to make hand seals

"How did he bypass your defenses?" Itachi asked while quickly entering Sage mode and also using the strength of hundred healing.

"It's some kind of clone which is in a parallel space. I only sensed it once it hit me." I said while creating thousands of shadow clones which all shot into the sky, all to give me the information I might need.

At the same time, some of the clones disappeared, some going to protect Sasuke and those around the village.

"We need to know how his jutsu works first, it's most likely a Rinnegan ability," Shisui said while frowning deeply, he looked at the clones which were still flying up… before pausing seeing how the clones all just disappeared. We all froze seeing the dozen of people in the sky.

Some were Uchiha, some Senju, others being powerful beings of the shinobi world. In front of everyone was Madara, who had one Rinnegan at the moment.

Behind him Hashirama who also had one Rinnegan, all non-Uchiha had the Rinnegan, with the Uchiha clan all having the MS.

"Gojo," Itachi said knowing I had to have seen something with my eyes.

"One of them has an MS ability to stop time," I said with sweat covering my forehead. This was going to be a hard battle.

"Those 8 are the reincarnations of Asura and Indra. That guy with the Rinnegan is Madara" I said with a forced smile, and at those words, everyone who heard my words faces dropped.

"Shisui!" I screamed while shooting forward at blinding speed. Shisui instantly used his Susanoo and the drill, and he stabbed forward toward Madara, just for the attack to pause before Madara as if there was an unbreakable shield before Madara.

'Damn it, the Limbo clones…' I thought rocketing forward. Madara's Rinnegan's ability, a space-time jutsu, which in simple words allows Madara to create clones of himself within another dimension. In that dimension, Madara clones can affect this world, but things in this world can't affect that world.

I shot a kunai toward Madara who smoothly dodged the kunai, while the reanimated shinobi shot down, shooting towards Kushina.

But the next moment, Madara suddenly moved to the side just as a huge cut appeared on his stomach. Madara only dodged when he saw the Limbo clone being destroyed, it slowed down the almost instant attack by a split second, allowing him to dodge.

Itachi holding a shattered sword in his hands appeared before the kunai I had thrown, frowning that he missed Madara's neck.

"Oh, you weakened the Flying Thunder God Jutsu," Madara said with a light frown while recalling the limbo clone into his body, and watched how his huge cut began to heal on its own. He wasn't a reanimated shinobi, but Hashirama cells plus his sage mode were doing their magic.


Madara's pupils shrank as he felt an impact slam into his stomach. He looked down and saw a bloody Itachi who had used the body flicker jutsu alongside the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, the afterimage only acted now when Itachi judged it to be the best time to act.

"I will deal with him," Itachi said while landing on a roof, his injury from using the body flicker jutsu quickly healing at speeds greater than Madara's recovery speed. Hell, Itachi began to overuse his healing capability, by opening the second gate, which more than doubled his power

"Since when?" I asked in shock seeing that

"I asked Might Guy to teach me. Now go, protect Kushina and help everyone else." Itachi said to which I nodded while shoting towards the countless powerful beings of the past.

'I have to find out who can stop time, but there are a total of 3 past reincarnations of Indra… this is going to be a pain.' I thought while shooting forward with Shisui at my side. I had to make things easier for myself, so I was going to try and seal, Tobirama, Hashirama, and Hiruzen away first, while my thousands of clones worked on slowly finding out the other's abilities along with everyone else. Shisui would go defeat the other Kages.

"Strengthen Limitless: Blue." With the chant and the hand seal, Blue power was at its fullest. I didn't care for the land around us and only looked at Hashirama who at this moment was causing massive chaos, using his wood release, on top of the Rinnegan, Hashirama was a monster at this moment.

But with space-time itself moving to fill up the void I had created, Hashirama, Tobirama, and the other members of the Senju clan were forcefully sucked toward Blue. I waved my hands, creating more Blues which went on to trap them all in a sphere, leaving them unable to escape even with Tobirama's help as the space around them was too chaotic for Tobirama to use the Flying Thunder God jutsu. After all, they were surrounded by a void at the moment, which was infinite in all locations. 

I created shadow clones, which went on to stay near the sphere. I called this move Blue Cage. it was the ultimate trap, for those trapped inside would be pulled from all sides, ripped apart down to the atomic level, while the space inside truly becomes a void, for all of the space inside is sucked into the Blue.

At that moment, Hashirama and the others had their body broken apart in such a way, leaving them unable to even use jutsu if they wanted to.

"Fuck!" I screamed while creating clones which instantly rushed off. Why? Because the Hashirama and other Senju members I just took care of were wood clones. Their real body was elsewhere. I quickly told this to everyone, which left their face growing salum. 


I looked over and saw Jiraiya who was fighting one of the reincarnations of Indra was sent flying away, slamming hard into the ground near me. I looked towards the reincarnation of Indra, who was healing. it was clear this was at least the main body of this reanimation. 

"They are most likely after the other Rinnegan and Obito eyes. Any information old man?" I asked while shooting over towards that Indra reincarnation, while the Blues in the air came shooting towards him.

"He is like you, as he can just stop any jutsu," Jiraya said while one of my clones healed him, I frowned at his words. I said nothing while shooting toward Indra reincarnation, but I had my clone move in first. but my clone just stopped while he looked at it, followed by him launching himself towards me, But he was sucked into the air the next moment. As he shot towards Blue, Blue suddenly stopped.

"I see, you can only stop the time of a jutsu. if you could stop even living thing, that would have been troublesome." I said while punching forward to meet him as he came falling, but as I punched forward, my body began to slow down.

'He can't stop me, but he can slow me down... This is some overpowered ability. But he looks as if he needs to look at me, plus, this is easy to deal with.' I thought while the Indra reincarnation was slammed from the side by Tsunade, sending it flying away while exploding from the impact. 

But as if it was ashes, the pieces began to try coming back together. Just to explode once more as a red orb came flying forward, slamming into that Indra reincarnation. it exploded into countless pieces, and each piece was sucked into 10 Blues, crushed to the atomic level.

I shot forward, wasting no time, and shot towards Kakashi who was dealing with another of Indra Reincarnation, with Might Guy and other members of the Hidden Leaf, as well as some of my clones. The odd thing was that they were fighting their own shadows.

I had one of the clones there disappear, sending me the information they had collected on this Indra reincarnation. I smirk seeing this guy's MS ability was all around controlling shadows. he could fuse with shadows, and breath life into other shadows.

"Hey, do you say arise with every time to control someone's shadow?" I asked while appearing before him, he was stunned and quickly tried to step on my shadow to have it come to life to fight me... but that was just an afterimage. From behind, my leg slammed into the back of his neck and slammed it hard into the ground with such might, that the whole ground shook like it was an earthquake before it was destroyed.

"We got it from here," Kakashi said while quickly pulling out a scroll, and going on to seal the Indra reincarnation away. I nodded towards him before rocketing forward towards the battle Kushina was having with the last Indra reincarnation.

My clones were capable, but they had one major flaw. They were nowhere near as powerful as me. if they were wood clones, then they would have at least 95% of my strength, but with shadow clones, they are weaker, which is why they are so easily killed. it's not just because they are less durable, but also because they are unable to react to something the main body could react to.

"Tomato, need help?" I called out, enraging Kushina who was locked in combat at the moment. Her chains were flying all over the place, wrapping around the many jutsu Indra reincarnation was throwing at her, before sealing them, just to crush them. 

I laughed seeing her reaction, before shooting towards Indra's reincarnation. With a flash, I slammed a knee into his stomach... just to pause in time. Indra reincarnation moved, aiming to cut off my neck, but his sword found itself pausing before my neck. This caused Indra's reincarnation eyes to narrow, realizing I had already begun to adapt to time being frozen.

He completely ignored Kushina, putting all of his attention on trying to bypass infinity, but his heart skipped a beat as my eyes twitched, turning to look at him, followed by the next moment, where I teleported out of there, appearing outside, the world where time was frozen.

'He didn't use that one Kushina, I was his main target. Their main goal isn't to capture Kushina, but instead to kill me, and take the Rinnegan... why must I be so special,' I thought in depression.

Although I adapted to things slowly, it worked through my clones. So, each time my clone was killed through time being frozen, I was also adapting. But that wasn't the important thing right now... how did two reincarnations of Indra have the same ability? My eyes were good, so I knew time was stopping the same way. the first Indra reincarnation I took care of had a weaker version of the ability I was facing now.

On that note, this guy can only freeze time within a said domain, in other words, it shouldn't be able to reach me. it was only reaching me thanks to it being a time-based ability, but with my sharp mind scanning the jutsu, I already was making some adjustments to the Limitless, and my ability to adapt... well, let's say I had nothing to worry about... but I might have let my guard down.

Why did I say that? Well, at this moment, a hand was stabbed through my neck, leaving me frozen as I sensed nothing. 

"You're so annoying." Black Zetsu, who had Obito eyes said coldly. At the same time, Yagura, along with the former Kages of the past moved, destroying my body.

"You're shocked as to how I bypassed all of your defenses? Two Kamui are better than one." Black Zetsu said while holding my body-less head. Yet Black Zetsu was shocked to find my eyes moving around as if rushing to find a way to survive this.

"Oh? You sent all of your chakra into your brain, trying to use this chance to buy yourself time to do what?" Black Zetsu asked with a sneer,

"Gojo!" Itachi said in shock while being held by the neck by Madara, who had an annoyed look at the moment. How couldn't Madara be annoyed when all this time, although Itachi wasn't his match was able to hold him back, and even outsmart him at times.

"Look at that, both brothers shall die at the same time," Madara said coldly, before pausing and seeing Itachi's eyes transforming, as he awakened the MS. My eyes landed on Itachi's transformation, before smirking at Black Zetsu who was confused for a moment.


Black Zetsu was slammed to the ground by my clone, which quickly caught me before falling backward, landing near Kakashi who was missing his Sharingan. At the same time, Madara found his hand being cut off by my clone which suddenly appeared. Madara sensed nothing, you thought I left Itachi there to face Madara all on his own? My clone was hiding, and waiting for the right moment.