
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

The Public Execution Of the 3rd Hokage 1

"He is only 10 years old, how could a kid sit amongst us? and an Uchiha of all people." A young man from the Hyuga family said at the table, looking at Minato who sat at the head of the table, before looking back towards me, as I sat opposite him.

"Hema, this is the new council. Gojo as young as he may be, he outsmart you in all subjects." Minato said calmly,

"If I'm not suited to be here, I would of course be removed. You're a shinobi, if the first thing you do is bark... you're truly a fool. It makes me wonder how you got here." I said with a disdainful smirk, causing Hema to have veins covering his forehead.

"Gojo," Minato said with a deep frown, to which I raised my hands in surrender. Hema wanted to say something, but with everyone's eyes on him, he unwillingly sat down, glaring at me.

"In the past, the council was only 4 people. But I have changed it to hold 9 people. I wanted one from the major clans of the Hidden Leaf, the Uchiha, Hyuga, Aburame, Akimichi, Nara, and Sarutobi clan. Lastly, from the citizen side, and the Shadow Hokage, and myself." Minato said calmly,

The council was simple. It exists to help the Hokage govern the village and to make sure all decisions are made with the best interest of the Hidden Leaf and its inhabitants in mind. Minato would have faced many troubles in the past to do this... but with many who would have gotten in his way long dead, who could stop him?

"The first thing to do is handle Orochimaru," Minato said lightly.

"Leave it to the Uchiha clan, I doubt Orochimaru is as hard to find as Madara, or whoever that masked man is," I said lightly, to which Minato looked around to see if anyone had something to say.

"The Aburame clan can help. With Orochimaru skin, our insect should be able to help." A man wearing a huge hoodie which covered most of his face said calmly. His eyes were hidden behind black glasses.

"That would be of great help, using your insects and my eye. We should be able to find him quickly." I said with a smile, to which the man nodded lightly in agreement.

"Good, then I will leave it to your two clans. if you need backup, the anbu is at your calls." Minato said lightly, his eyes moving over Danzo who was quiet, showing zero emotions. Oh, Danzo was 100% against this, but he had no choice but to step back when Minato showed him he wasn't playing.

"The matter with the Village hidden in the cloud..." Minato wanted to speak, but he paused seeing me raise my hand.

"The Hidden Cloud village are hotheads, acting soft around them would have the opposite effect. For this reason, I want to push for Kushina to master the power of the 9 tails like Killer B did, and go over there and beat Killer B stupid. The beat down should be so easy and smooth, that the hidden cloud village would behave." I said lightly, causing Minato's eye to twitch, but Danzo looked at me with some approval. 

"It is by time Kushina stops ignoring the 9 tails inside her. If she could befriend the 9 tails like Killer B befriended the 8 tails, it would be extra power to our village. if the 9 tails were befriended long ago, would the damage caused to the hidden leaf have been so great at the time?" Danzo asked, causing the air to go quiet.

Kushina was powerful, so strong that she saw no need for the 9-tail power. But Minato had to go quiet seeing as the room all agreed with Danzo's words.

"I'm against the whole sealing tail beast inside stuff. At the end of the day, they are not mindless animals. they have wills of their own and wish for freedom. Sealing the 9 tails away, and forgetting its existence... does the 9 tails not have all right to hate you to the bone?" I asked to which Minato sighed while nodding, making notes to have Kushina deal with this matter.

"I want to bring up the matter with the Uchiha clan," Hema said while glaring at me, causing my eyebrow to raise, and the air to grow still.

"We all know the growing hatred of the Uchiha clan, at the rate things are going..." Hema said not having to finish his words. but the air went tense as everyone looked at us,

"Sigh, you are stupid. Why do you think I am here? Why does the Uchiha feel displeased? Is it not because the Uchiha clan has been suppressed since the birth of this village? I think the Uchiha clan has been pushovers, for them to stay in the village that doesn't want them, and at that a village they built with their own two hands. So yeah, the Uchiha clan is displeased, keep pushing, and the bullied one would push back." I said leaving the air growing still, 

"Your clan was suppressed because you're unstable," Hema said with narrowed eyes.

"So, why have we just taken the suppression without doing anything? As dangerous, and unstable as we are, why have we taken everything for so many years? Wouldn't it have made more sense for the Uchiha clan just to break free from the village? Me sitting here is a move to cool the building rage of the hidden leaf, me sitting here is a step forward to avoid unwanted conflict. But your dumb ass rather have things remain the way they are? Why is this fool sitting here?" I asked, making Hema jump straight to his feet, rage burning deep in his eyes.

"Gojo although using poor words has a point. The Uchiha clan for many years has been suppressed. If this goes as they are now, the Uchiha clan would have no choice but to rebel." Shikaku Nara said lightly, causing Hema to look at him in shock. I smirked lightly while taking some tea, and calmly drinking it. Of course, with so much time we were going to be here, we needed something to drink.

"Tobirama had reason to be on guard against the Uchiha clan, their capability earns it... but we might have been overdoing it. There are better ways to go about this, and all we have been doing is slowly fanning the flames that could end up burning the hidden leaf down." Shikaku said leaving Danzo's eyes narrowed.

The meeting came to an end after a few hours, I headed off home, while Minato went on to put into action everything we talked about. I headed off home, but while jumping from tree branch to tree branch, a kunai shot towards me. I raised an eyebrow while looking at the kunai just paused before me, before it exploded.

I waved my hand, waving the smock away. Like Satoru, dust and smoke were annoying as they could get passed Infinity. I looked at the many root ninjas that stood around me, surrounding me. My eyes narrowed lightly before I smirked. 

'Looks like Danzo wants to prevent the Uchiha clan from making any step forward, killing me is the first step.' I thought with a grin... I will kill Danzo. 

I flashed, my palm running through one of the root ninja necks. With my palm still in the root ninja neck, my arm glowed red, causing the whole body to explode.

"That's one," I said with a grin while looking at the shocked eyes of all of the root ninjas. I disappeared, dodging the sea of insects which wanted to swallow me. I felt a chill running down my spine seeing such a thing. I quickly opened my mouth, shooting a huge flame towards the insects. but there were just too many. I didn't even want these things to touch my infinity, so I moved, avoiding all of them, while throwing many jutsu at the seemly never-ending insects. 


my pupils shrank as Danzo appeared, slamming his fist into my stomach. Danzo's hands moved quickly, removing my blindfold and moving to pull out my eyeball. But My body glowed red, pushing Danzo away while I jumped backward while holding my stomach.

"The fuck... when did you poison me?" I asked with sweat covering my forehead. Infinity wasn't working... no, I could use it, it was just harder for me to use. I felt weak, my chakra felt sluggish, and I felt dizzy.

Danzo didn't bother to say anything, having the insects gather around me swallowing me whole and bringing me towards Danzo, where his hands dug into my eyeball.

"These are wasted on a Uchiha like you," Danzo said... just for my body to explode, the explosion was huge, so big that it was heard all over the hidden leaf village.

Far away, outside the hidden leaf, within the land of stones, I was currently sparing with Kurotsuchi. I had a relaxed smile as she wasn't my match, even with my eyes covered... But Kurotsuchi was attacking me with rage, not caring that I easily blocked and dodged all of her attempts. 

"Let me hit you!" She said angrily, to which I laughed dodging her in coming fist, before taking it, spinning her around, and hugging her from behind.

"Let me go, I don't want to talk to you." She said, not giving me a chance to use my honey words.

"Good, my brain always shuts off when I'm near someone so beautiful," I said lightly, making Kurotsuchi snort while her face turned red. As for why she was mad, she was angry with me kissing some milf. We had a long talk about me wanting a harem, in the end, Kurotsuchi agreed to join the harem with huge conditions, which I agreed to.

"Shut up!" She said weakly, her rage being destroyed under the warmth brought by the hug. How could she remain angry like this?

I said nothing else, and just stood there, with her in my arms. But my body suddenly shook when the experience from my clone hit me. My eyes narrowed lightly for some time before I smirked. 

Do you think I could join a meeting? That boring stuff was left to my clone. The fact the clone couldn't sense the poison in the tea, heal itself from the poison, or even notice it was poisoned was clear proof it was a clone.

I had programmed the Infinity to also affect poison, something that Satoru couldn't do. While Satoru was bothered by stuff like gas, dust, and things that carried no killing intent, I managed to get around that.

"What's wrong." Kurotsuchi who was enjoying the warmth frowned seeing me suddenly growing tense. 

"Someone assassinated my clone... I should be returning to the hidden leaf. I might have killed one of the elders of the hidden leaf." I said with a sigh, the trouble which was about to befall was going to be a pain.

"Are you going to be alright?" She asked in worry, to which I nodded lightly while giving her a quick kiss on the forehead, before teleporting back to the hidden leaf. I appeared where my clone had self-destructed. The explosion from my clone was controlled, ensuring everyone was injured, and lasted long enough to ensure Danzo came out of this with serious injuries while everyone was burnt to a crisp.

The Uchiha clan were surrounding Danzo at this moment. Why? Because Danzo had a few sharingan on his arms and another in the eye he always kept covered. It was clear Danzo had killed a few members of the Uchiha clan, and stolen their eyes.

it was thanks to these eyes Danzo had survived, as he used the forbidden jutsu of the Uchiha clan, Izanagi, rewriting reality to turn his injuries into an illusion. but this had its time limit, and it left Danzo weakened.

The Uchiha clan was not the only one surrounding Danzo, as Minato, along with many members of the Anbu were looking at Danzo in disbelief.

"Haha, he tried to take my life, not knowing he was after a clone... dumb ass." I mocked, causing Danzo to hatefully look at me.

"This is no laughing matter," Fugaku said while throwing me a glare, before looking at Danzo, and back at Minato. Minato felt his gaze, nodding as he understood this was a serious matter that couldn't be ignored. 

"Danzo, under suspicion of scheming against the hidden leaf, you are hereby under arrest. Turn yourself in, or be brought in forcefully." Minato said, but paused seeing Danzo's pupils slowly turning blue, reflecting my eye. he also noticed how all of the Uchiha had gone on guard,

"he was about to kill himself, and take out as many Uchiha as he could," I said lightly while walking over to Danzo. Everyone was shocked, as Danzo should have cut his stomach open as soon as he was in the genjutsu, but my genjutsu had just bypassed all that.

"So, how are you able to use the Izanagi?" I asked lightly,

"Thanks to Orochimaru's experiments, I was able to fuse with Hashirama cells. The cells allowed me to be able to use the jutsu." Danzo said lifelessly, I nodded lightly while taking his arm, and forcefully ripping it off him. Normal people didn't have enough chakra to use such a jutsu, so only we Uchiha should be able to.

"When did this happen?" I asked lightly.

"Before Orochimaru left the village, I still have dealings with Orochimaru, and I am secretly funding his work," Danzo said causing Minato's face to darken.

"Oh, why do you hate the Uchiha so much, it sounds like you're the bigger cancer to this village," I said lightly,

"The Uchiha clan Is the biggest danger to the hidden leaf, it's my life mission to ensure the clan is erased, and all members slaughtered, children and all. Orochimaru has brought more benefits to the village with his research into Hashirama's cell compared to the danger the Uchiha clan brings... God was blind to give the Uchiha clan such two talents as you and Itachi. But I shall push the Uchiha clan to rebel, forcing you two to turn your blades against your clan for the sake of the Uchiha clan." Danzo said blankly

"Wow, and the village was more on guard against the Uchiha clan? With such a twisted mind... tell me. What dirty crimes have you committed." I asked with a smile, to which Minato quickly stepped forward to stop this, not wanting so many people to hear this.

"I tried to kill the 3rd Hokage many times and take his position as Hokage. The old fool fully knew my actions, and let it slide. The old fool knew I was even dealing with Orochimaru, and that I was fanning the flames to get the villagers to hate the Uchiha clan, Kushina, and Minato. but he looked the other way. Minato is next, I have been secretly poisoning him. In a few months, the poison would take effect, making him seem ill before he dies." the air went quiet at those words, and everyone turned towards Minato, who was frozen in his footsteps.

"Haha, wow, what else have you done? I'm sure you have done much more dirty stuff?" I asked with a smile,

"I have done many, I don't know what's considered bad or good anymore. I slaughtered many parents to take their children away, and I enslaved many children, brainwashing them to be loyal pawns. I killed many innocent men as they held the risk of endangering the hidden leaf. I teamed up with many enemies of the Hidden Leaf, teamed up with Hanzo...." Danzo went on to spill the list, leaving the air quiet. Everyone looked at each other, shocked that this man had been in the hidden leaf for so long, and the 3rd Hokage allowed him or turned a blind eye to his actions.

"That's enough, I will deal with it... Go summon Hiruzen to my office. Gojo, follow me." Minato said anger written all over his face.