
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Tail Beast Hunt

"That's one fat turtle, I wonder what it eats." In the sky, I floated with Kushina, Itachi, and Shisui as well as a few Anbu at my side, while we all looked down below at the huge turtle that was the side of a whole island. Kushina stood at my side, shocked by the sight as well.

"it feeds off natural energy," Itachi said calmly, to which I nodded lightly

"Did you master Earth release?" Kakashi who was one of the Anbu asked me lightly, to which I nodded. Thanks to gaining the secret scroll of the village hidden in the stone, I have gained many secret earth release jutsu, it was just a matter of time to master them all. I was even working on adding earth release to Blue and Red,

"I mastered Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Yin and Yang. I'm currently working on fusing the Yin-Yang release." I said with a sigh, once I gained Yin-Yang release, I would be able to use Purple, until then, I couldn't. One should know, that only people like the sage of Six Paths had Yin-Yang release, it was something that even Hashirama wasn't able to gain.

Naruto only gained it thanks to the Sage Of Six Paths, so even someone like Sasuke never mastered Yin-Yang's release even in Boruto. 

Kakashi looked at me for a moment, Itachi had mastered Fire, Wind, Water, Yin, and Yang. I learned more Nature transformation than Itachi, Since Itachi focused more on creating jutsus, while I was trying to master all of them so I could quickly gain Yin-Yang release.

"Scared? Is the fact the 9 tails might win in this round two hitting you?" I asked with a smirk seeing Kushina looking at the island, Kushina glared at me, before ignoring me. Seeing this, I smirked before I created Blue, which pulled us towards the turtle. Blue was focused at the moment, so it was only working on us. 

The best way to think about it was like opening a door into the void. The space in front of the door is what would be affected the most, not the space in a full 360 degrees around the door.

So, we were pulled to the island, where I looked around with my beautiful eyes, scanning everything, until I found a waterfall. Seeing that waterfall, we all landed there, while Kakashi took out a scroll.

"This is the waterfall of truth, it is peculiar in that by sitting on the platform at its base and concentrating, the person is transported into their mind. Once there, the waterfall becomes a mirror that reflects one's true self. This is the first step in the training regime to control the tailed beast." Kakashi said as we all looked at the waterfall, wondering if we should go sit on it.

"Spread out and alert us if anyone comes near," Kakashi said calmly, to which the Anbu disappeared. Some went to look around the island, while others stayed to protect us from the shadows. 

"Let's get this over with," Kushina said with a sigh, she had a long time to think about this matter, and as of late, she have been making attempts to talk with the 9 tails, but the 9 tails have been ignoring her. The reason she didn't want to do this now was simple, after coming to truly think about the matter that the 9 tails were forced to be a weapon, it made her pity it. Just because of its might, it lost all free will, forced to live inside humans for many years now,

As a kid, she thought this was a curse, but who had it worse here? It was none other than the 9 tails, it was the victim in all of this, and she wanted to change this.

"Don't worry about it, why do you think I want to capture all of the 9 tails and bring them into the hidden leaf? It would be their new home, and at the same time, they would join the hidden leaf. I will change this world, I never forgot the tail beasts." I said with a smile, stunning Kushina, and causing the 9 tails eyes to narrow hearing my words.

the 9 tails eyed me, for the longest it had been watching me. After all, not just anyone knows the name of the Sage of Six Paths.

So, Kushina went to face her true self, and by her true self, it was pretty much evil Kushina. The Kushina who stopped trying to control herself, the Kushina who became free and beat everyone she disliked to death...

Well she was dealing with that, I went with Shisui, and Itachi to go speak with the huge turtle.

"What's up big guy? Gamamaru sent us on a mission to learn all forms of Sage modes worldwide," I said with a smile while landing on the head of the turtle, the turtle looked at me for a moment, but before it could speak, SHisui spoke

"It's not a mission, it's just to go ask to see who is willing to teach us," Shisui said with a sigh, to which I just shrugged.

"I heard it both ways," I said to which Shisui rolled his eyes, leaving the turtle just looking at us for some time before opening its mouth to speak once more.

"How many have you learned so far?" It asked 

"The Toad, Slug, Snake, Monkey, and Dog Sage Art. A total of 5, you would be our sixth, and we have fused a total of 2 so far." Itachi said calmly, making the turtle nod lightly.

"That's impressive for your age. Hashirama only fused 4," He said to which we raised an eyebrow as this was news to us. But as I thought about it, Hashirama after coming back to life could still fight and defeat someone like Madara who had the Rinnegan. Above them should have been the likes of 8 Gates Guy, and above them should have been Six Paths Sage Mode Naruto and 1 Rinnegan Sasuke, and above that should be The Sage Of Six Paths, and above that was Kakguya. Where does 3-Eye Madara stand in all of that? I honestly didn't know, the plot took him out before he could do anything.

"Interesting, the Turtle Sage Art brings forth unmatch defense, durability, and sharper senses. Do you want to learn it?" He asked, To which we all nodded lightly.

The Monkey Sage Art gives us the ability to use natural energy to create almost perfect clones. The Dog Sage Art increased all of our senses, mostly our sense of hearing and smell to the point we could hear the slightest movement of a person's muscle, and even smell a person's intent, feelings, aura, and so on. With those senses, one could fight completely blind, while moving as if you had the sharingan, and at times even better as even your reflexes are boosted.

So, the turtle began to teach us. There was something he left out about his Sage Mode, it takes longer to enter, but it brought the benefit of giving one sharper sense, enough to look into the heart of others. The Sage liked us... well, I made him hesitate, but I wasn't a bad guy, just selfish...

"Where were you guys?" Kushina asked with a depressed sigh, she had fought her true self and got her butt beat. Her true self was cheating as it drew upon the power of the 9 tails, making the even battle just unfair.

"Was it that hard? I highly doubt it." I said while going over to the waterfall and sitting down. Kushina smirked, wanting to see me eat my words

"Look at what we have here." From the waterfall in front of me, a shadow slowly appeared in the waterfall, it grew bigger and bigger until an almost perfect copy of myself stepped out. the only difference was that the white in this me was black, and his pupils were red.

"No, that looks cool," I said in shock seeing his eyes which were not red, but blue. At my words, Dark me smirked with pride, and cockiness which annoyed me.

"Well, I'm the true me, so I win," I said with a shrug, causing Dark me to almost fall over. he angrily looked at me, but he had nothing to say. I was true to myself, and I didn't care to try and control myself. I spoke my mind, and I did what I wanted. Why does the future strongest have to act? It's below me. I was childish? No, I was free. I can enjoy being childish and not worry about growing up because I'm strong. I was lazy because I was confident I would be the strongest. 

"So, lesser version of myself. Anything of use you have to give me?" I asked with arrogance written all over my face, making Dark Me snort.

"Such ugly eyes, I can't even look at you." He said, making my face turn dark, I had to admit, I was jealous of his eyes. This wasn't fair, why did he get the red version of the 6 eyes that were fused with the sharingan? They were a beautiful red, and since red was my favorite color... well, you could see why I was jealous.

"What? Got nothing to say?" He asked with a smirk

"Sigh, I will not fight with a lesser version of me. Your eyes are only red to show how dark and twisted you are." I said calmly, knowing that ignoring me was my biggest weakness. As expected, Dark me was enraged seeing me play the mature card, he tried to provoke me, but I just let him win each time, making him unwillingly start to fade while glaring hatefully at me, but before he could truly disappear I stopped him.

"My true self is allowed to stay, for I always will stay true to myself. I don't live to please others, but to please myself. So, go on and exist, knowing that at any moment, I could kill you. You're alive now because I allowed it." I said with a smile, to which Dark Me stepped away from me while nodding lightly.

"Good, until we meet again," I said while leaving the state I was in, appearing back in reality where I saw everyone looking at me.

"So?" Kushina asked frowning as I looked too relaxed. 

"What? You thought I would fight with myself? Only the worst shinobi would do such a dumb thing." I said while covering my mouth, hiding my mocking smile, although my eyes said it all.

"Gojo..." Kushina gritted her teeth, what she wouldn't do for her fist to connect with someone? But even after coming up with a space-sealing jutsu, allowing her to seal the Infinity I created, it was pointless when I could just create another Infinity, leaving her unable to touch me.

Instead, she has been working on a space-locking jutsu, one that would cut off the use of all space-time ninjutsu. She was making great improvement, there was just one flaw with the jutsu, and that was the range, it could only cover 1 inch for now. But it was growing. She had instead been working on putting the jutsu around her fist, allowing her to bypass Infinity with the jutsu.

Picture it, a seal on her fist which turns space back to normal. She had stopped trying to improve this jutsu since we rarely saw each other thanks to the work I had been doing, but now she realized that she couldn't ignore creating that jutsu any longer.

Kushina went to sit down before the waterfall and began to face her true self, where she went on to talk with it. Although the words that came out of my mouth enraged her, she could hear the clues in those words to help her deal with her true self, so she went to talk things out with her true self.

"You guys should also face your true selves, it might help in fusing the sage modes," I said while jumping off, going on to sit down in a quiet place, where I went on to try and enter more than one form of Sage Modes... well, let's have a time skip.

It took some time, but Kushina soon managed to face and deal with her true self. Once she did, she seemed lighter as the talk got her to know a part of herself she never truly knew. Anyway, after all that, Itachi, Shisui, Kakashi, and others got to face their true selves.

What I found funny was that Itachi's True self was kind, leaving Itachi feeling awkward. But anyway, we entered the waterfall and headed towards the room where Kushina could fight the 9 tails.

Kushina was a true monster, going on to fight the 9 tails, her chains binding the 9 tails down and leaving the 9 tails feeling wronged. But it was understandable, even the small amount of chakra she left inside Naruto within the anime, was more than enough to leave the 9 tails helpless, and now she was stronger than the time she gave birth.

Kushina after defeating the 9 tails went on to draw upon the 9 tails chakra, allowing her body to be swallowed in the 9 tails chakra. Her body glowed yellow from head to toe, as the 9-tailed chakra covered every part of her.

"... the boost in power isn't even that great," Kushina said with an uninterested look. The only thing she cared for was that her speed, durability, senses, and so on were boosted. Everything else like strength remained the same for her. Her jutsu also went through a great improvement, but being a person who rather throw hands, she didn't think she would use this mode all that much. With a flash, she returned to normal.

There were of course more reasons for her actions, that being that she didn't like forcefully taking the 9 tails chakra.

"Still, this is the step towards peace. Try summoning it out of you... about 8 tails worth of the 9 tails." I said calmly while leaving the temple. In the novel, Naruto the Last, Naruto was able to summon 8 tails worth of the 9 tails, although it was never explained. 

"That's dangerous," Kakashi said

"if it acts up, we beat it up," I said while looking at Kushina's stomach, my eyes locking with the 9 tails, who was glaring at me. I smirked right back, annoying the 9 tails which felt an uncontrollable itch to kill someone.

Kushina closed her eyes, speaking with the 9 tails for some time, before going on to bite her thumb, drawing blood. With some hand signals, she slapped her palm on the ground. With an explosion of white smoke, the 9-tailed fox appeared. But the fox only had 8 tails now,

"Now, you're smart. You should be able to understand that freedom would risk another village capturing you and sealing you away. Although finding a host that could hold you is going to be hard, they could just split you amongst many others." I said calmly, to which the fox unwillingly had to agree. Ever since Hashirama fought the 9 tails, he realized the 9 tails might couldn't be allowed to just walk free as it put the villages at risk.

Hashirama went on to seal the 9 tails away, before going on to have the other tail beast become gifts to the other villagers. A cruel act as the tail beast was seen as nothing more than a weapon, an image that would stay with them.

"The hidden leaf doesn't fear you tail beast might. We offer you a home and a way for you to regain some freedom. As the world changes, you can walk around in peace... plus, Madara is targeting you to bring back the 10 tails, more reason for you to seek our protection." I said to which the 9 tail fox gritted its teeth,

"What is your plan..." the 9 tails said in a slightly unwilling voice, to which I nodded with a smile. 

"Well, first. We want to teach you Tail Beast the transformation jutsu. With this, you can live amongst humans, travel the world, or whatever. What do you think?" I asked calmly.

"We tail beast can't use your human jutsu." He said to which I made some handseals, before touching the 9 tails. the next moment, the 9 tails exploded into smoke. as soon as the smoke disappeared, everyone saw the 9 tails now looked like a normal handsome orange-haired young man.

"What about this?" I asked calmly while looking at the shocked face of the 9 tails. The 9 tails fox was butt naked, with a seal on his chest. By sending Chakra into that seal, he could turn back into his true form, and back into his human form.

"This might do..." The 9 tails said, trying to keep his cold and indifferent appearance, to which I ignored.

"Good, once Kushina heads back home, you will help us locate the other tail beast," I said calmly, to which the 9-tails fox hesitated for some time, not knowing if he should trust us. but in the end, he nodded, willing to give this a chance. 

"You talk to him but not me?" Kushina asked, displeased,

"he likes beautiful humans, you're just not at my level," I said while flicking my hair back, showing off my full beauty, which annoyed Kushina. But she said nothing, having Itachi teleport her back to the hidden leaf. the Anbu followed her before they were teleported away.

As for us... us being Itachi, Shisui, myself, and the 9 tails, we shot off toward our first location. To find the 2 tails. the village hidden in the clouds had 2 chakra beasts, that being the 2 tails and the 8 tails beast. We were going to ignore the 8 tails and focus on the 2 tails.

As for why the second tail was first, and not the first tail, that was because the turtle we were on was close to the village hidden in the cloud. It was under the village hidden in the cloud protection.