
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Shisui Might End

"What happened to his eyes?" I asked with a frown, looking at Nagato who Itachi was healing.

"The eyes were stolen, but the black {nk-like thing," Itachi said calmly, to which I nodded lightly. I looked at Konan and saw that she seemed broken, traumatized as if she just went through hell. I was momentarily confused, but it made sense when I remembered she was facing Itachi.

'Make sense, I wonder what she faced? Seeing the lifeless look in her eyes, she had to relive a traumatic event... no, Itachi should have added fuel to that event. Something like the closest person she loved dying over and over again... that's what he would do.' I thought before looking up, where Shisui came falling.

"What happened?" Shisui asked, to which I went to explain how the Rinnegan was stolen.

"I guess since you two lost your use, they abandoned you... so, how do we find them now?" I asked lightly, causing all of us to look into the sky. Why? Because the masked man had appeared, this time with two holes in his mask, one hole having the Rinnegan.

"haha, Did the loser return to get his butt kicked?" I asked, enraging Obito. Obito wasted no time, holding his palm out towards me, and using the Deva path powers, he tried to pull me towards him... but the pulling force couldn't reach me, even as the ground around me cracked, and broke apart and shot towards Obito, just to phase through the masked man.

"Leave him to me, I haven't had my go at him," Shisui said with a smile, wanting to see the might of the Rinnegan. I shrugged at his words and sat back to look at the incoming fight.

"Let us help you," Nagato said softly. He had no choice but to admit it now, he was just a pawn. Konan nodded lightly, just for me to shake my head.

"Sit back and watch, Shisui got this," I said just for Obito to appear behind me, his spear stabbing towards the back of my neck. Obito's movement was perfect, as I was completely off guard, making this attack perfect... yet, even so, Obito found that Infinity took effect... no, Infinity was always on. 

Obito realized that Infinity was always on, I just turned it on and off so I could touch stuff, or allow stuff to touch me. I was different from Satoru Gojo, Satoru couldn't keep Infinity up at all times as his brain would be cooked. Satoru mind was like a supercomputer, with his high senses, he could calculate all incoming danger, almost instantly turning on Infinity subconsciously to protect himself.

Since I could Adapt to stuff, I could form long ago, keep Infinity up at all times. meaning, no matter what, unless I subconsciously allow it, nothing could touch me. But Obito's sneak attack was good, as using Kamui, he bypassed Infinity, and his attack stabbed, that being a black rod stabbed into my neck.

At the same time, Shisui at blinding speed slammed a knee into Obito, sending Shisui flying away. Shisui moving faster than Obito was shooting off had already created many after images, which all jumped Obito, giving Obito zero chances to use Kamui.

But Obito just used the All Mighty Push. Pushing everything away, Shisui's real body was shot away, but the Afterimages were just images, they were not affected and still kept throwing punches at Obito, although the afterimages which were tangible when Obito used the All Mighty Push were sent flying away.

Lightning swallowed Shisui's body. Using the Lightning chakra mode, and fusing it with the Wind Chakra Mode, which was created by Itachi. Shisui used the body flicker Jutsu once more, creating far more powerful afterimages.

The Wind Chakra Mode, also known as the Wind Chakra Cloak uses wind to create wind armor around the user. Itachi had used it to shoot toward Black Zetsu, the wind would act like blades, acting like the Rasenshuriken. It boosted speed, while at the same time erasing all wind resistance, and instead, the wind would act to support your speed.

This fused with the Lightning chakra mode, and the body flicker jutsu... well, Shisui was a monster. Everywhere he passed, after images flashed, the afterimages didn't overlap, but they were extremely close, allowing for the most amount of afterimages to be formed.

Shisui was like the flash, as with a blur, he disappeared, slamming a fist into Obito's stomach, before Obito could even comprehend this level of speed, he was already hit by the line of after images. There was zero amount of time with Obito not being touched,

Shisui's main body didn't stop moving as he turned, hitting Obito from the right, the After Images after hitting Obito didn't stop as they followed Shisui, continuing the beat down. It was such an unfair battle. The rain of blows destroyed Obito's clothing, and mask with every contact.

The pure level of speed was already causing Shisui to start burning up, leading Obito's body to burn with every impact. Not even the Wind Chakra Cloak was enough to shield Shisui from this level of speed, speed touching upon light speed. Shisui came to a stop, he only hit Obito 2 times after entering this mode, and already, Obito was hit more than a few dozen times, leaving Obito on the ground, his eyes rolling back.

"Freak..." I said in annoyance seeing this. Shisui gave me a grin, thanks to the Wind chakra mode, his body faces no burden from moving at such high levels of speed. There were no drawbacks, even as he was touching upon the speed of light. As for why I was annoyed... well, Satoru was the fastest in his world, yet I was the second fastest.

Did I just not have a black rod in my neck... wow, that sounds dirty. Anyway, I just pulled it out, there was no problem, I could easily heal it... what? you thought such a small scratch would be troublesome? So long as my brain is okay, or my head and stomach are connected, I should be able to heal from anything.

"Remove his eyes, we don't want any more problems," I said to Shisui, to which Shisui quickly removed Obito's eyes, which he handed me while putting Obito on his shoulders. 

"Alright, you guys will be coming with us," Shisui said, to which Nagato and Konan nodded with downcast looks. They all came behind me and touching my back, we all teleported straight into Minato's office, causing Minato to jump up slightly.

"Didn't I say to stop that?" Minato said before pausing seeing a few things. Shisui stepped forward, throwing Obito to the ground.

"This is the masked man," Shisui said, before growing confused as Minato was frozen in shock. How couldn't Minato be shocked seeing his student who should have died long ago?

"Anyways, He was manipulating these two to do something I forgot. Something about peace." I said with a bored look. Minato closed his eyes, before looking at Itachi.

"Have Kakashi return as soon as possible," Minato said to which Itachi nodded creating a shadow clone, which went on to explode into smoke allowing his main body to know everything. Minato had Shisui explain everything, but Shisui had a better plan as he had Obito wake up, before placing Obito in a genjutsu.

Thanks to Obito having Hashirama cells, the genjutsu had to be powerful, and with Obito having no eyes, Shisui just used his Kotoamatsukami on Obito, leading to Obito telling Madara's plan. Everything going back to the 3rd shinobi war,

Obito told everything, going as far as explaining how Madara was the reincarnation of Indra. Who was Indra? the child of the Sage of Six Paths. Indra had a brother, who was Asura. To make a long story short, Indra was the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, and Asura was the ancestor of the Uzumaki and Senju clan.

They two fought long ago, leading to their reincarnation. Madara and Hasirama were their reincarnations in the last era. Madara got to learn after getting Indra and Asura chakra, one can awaken the Rinnegan. So, after finding that out, he fought Hashirama, faking his death, and went on to awaken the Rinnegan. but Madara was far past his prime and was at death's door, forcing Madara to give the eyes to Nagato while leaving everything to Obito.

There goals? The Eye of The Moon plan, was pretty much trapping the whole world in a genjutsu. A genjutsu where everyone can be happy, pretty much taking them away from reality.

"Wow, do we bring Madara back to life to beat him up as well now?" I asked in confusion, leading Minato to throw a glare at me as this wasn't a joking moment. I shrugged, as my attempts to lighten the mood failed.

"Well, the Rinnegan would be under the Uchiha clan's protection. I also think Obito should be punished under the Uchiha clan law, after fixing his mistakes." I said calmly, causing Minato to pause, not knowing what to say.

"The Rinnegan should be under the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki. This has nothing to do with everyone else. Two, I would like to reopen research into Hashirama cells and do a full search for Madara's body. Third, I do support the plan Nagato had... well part of it. I think we should have all tail beasts join the hidden leaf, making the Hidden leaf the strongest power." I said calmly, making Minato frown.

"Wait for the council meeting," Minato said, stress covering his face as he knew there would be a battle in this council meeting.

"Fine. Itachi or Shisui can take over my place at the meeting then. I want to go with Kushina to master the 9 tail. It's about time." I said to which Minato sighed, he rubbed his head for a good amount of time, before just nodding lightly.

"I also want to go to other hosts of Tail Beast, I want to see if they are willing to join the hidden leaf. I'm sure they are outcasts of their village." I said lightly,

"No, that could start a war," Minato said with a frown. If someone were to try and take the 9 tails away from the hidden leaf, it would be an all-out war.

"Trust Itachi, he would handle that," I said with a smile, to which Itachi's eyes narrowed. For those split seconds, countless ways he could break a kage flashed across his mind, it was something Itachi had been thinking a lot about. Breaking a kage wouldn't be so simple, he would have to dig deep and break them at their core.

"Are you sure about that?" Minato asked, to which not only me but SHisui and Itachi nodded.

"Then, I will leave it to you... but not now. we have to deal with this matter and deal with those eyes." Minato said calmly, to which we just nodded while leaving Obito there. Well, Itachi stayed as he was just a clone, while I went home to see my little brother, he was already 6 years old and was at the academy. I should go help him study, as trying to keep up with me and Itachi was stressing Sasuke out.

While Itachi and I learned something like the Fire Ball Jutsu on our first try, Sasuke on his first try and though breathed out a fire... cough, let's just say it couldn't be compared to ours. But Sasuke trained hard the following month, as Fugaku always compared Sasuke to us, and with Sasuke trying to be like us, he trained.

In the anime, Sasuke would have learned the Jutsu about a year from now. But it was late as we learned it when we were 5 years old, but even while being 6 years old, Sasuke didn't get it down. I of course helped him train, and Sasuke pulled the jutsu off after a month, and it shocked Fugaku at the level of power behind the jutsu.

Sasuke might not be as talented as Itachi or me, but his potential was higher than Itachi. I didn't know how high my potential was, after all, I was special... Then again, I don't know Itachi's potential myself. It was never shown in the anime, plus Itachi should have been at his prime at around 16 years old, and from there got weaker thanks to his illness. That was scary seeing a weakened Itachi could still fight Naruto who had the power of the 9 tails.

I went to the academy since Sasuke should be there. Just on time as the academy came to an end. Sasuke being the cool kid, had an alone air about him, ignoring everyone trying to near him. Well, that all changed as soon as he saw me.

"Gojo!" Sasuke said in joy while running over and jumping into my arms. I smiled while throwing him up into the air, and catching him.

"You left a clone home again." Remembering something, Sasuke got out of my hands, ignoring me.

"I was on an important mission. Itachi, Shisui, and I just caught the guy who caused the 9-tail attack, it was a hard battle." I said with a sigh, causing Sasuke to look at me in shock,

"Really?" Sasuke asked to which I nodded.

"I almost died many times, but when I was at my lowest, the thought of you pushed me to keep fighting. Breaking all limits I had to defeat the enemy... it's because of you I'm alive." I said leaving Sasuke amazed that something like that happened. 

"G-gojo-san?" My attention was drawn away from Sasuke as a bunch of students from Sasuke's classroom gathered, mostly the females. I looked over towards them, before removing my blindfold to look at them. I blinked, a confused look in my eyes.

"Is something wrong?" A blonde-haired girl, Ino, asked seeing my actions.

"Yes, I believe my eyes are failing me. Something so beautiful surely can't exist," I said with a charming smile, causing all of their faces to turn red with a heavy blush, leaving Sasuke pouting in jealousy.

"Gojo let's go home," Sasuke said, while throwing an on-guard look towards the girls.

"Well, it's a shame. it's not every day I get to see so many beautiful ladies." I said leaving them all screaming like school girls in love... which they were.

"What? You should always help boost others' ego a bit." I said with a smile seeing the jealousy in Sasuke's eyes. Sasuke hated it when Itachi and I spoke to other kids, which I found cute.

"Oh Gojo, it's been a while." An Old woman said with a bright smile seeing me.

"Yet you look as beautiful as ever. Keep this up, and I might have to break my arranged marriage to run off with you." I said with a charming smile, making the old woman blush lightly

"Oh stop it, I'm so old." She said like a shy schoolgirl, which she wasn't.

"Age is just a number, you aged like fine wine. Do you taste as fine as you look?" I asked my voice turning hot and dreamy, which made the old woman have to fan herself lightly,

"Y-you can come and f-find out." She said lightly, many times she thought about bringing me inside her house, and each time she had a harder and harder time stopping herself.

"Cough!" Izumai who came to get Sasuke let out a cough, breaking the air that was formed. I smiled lightly, at her... by the way, she was dating Itachi.

I waved towards the disappointed old woman, who promised next time she wouldn't waste so much time.

"You shouldn't act like that before Sasuke, you know how much he looks up to you and Itachi?" Izumai said in a low voice while Sasuke walked up ahead of us, far enough he couldn't hear us.

"It's not like I was going to sleep with her, I was just making her day better. Did you see how happy she was? Am I not a saint?" I asked leaving Izumai's eye twitching nonstop.

"All I see is a person who likes to inflate his ego. You Man Slut." She said angrily, to which I shrugged lightly.

"There is a lot of me that could go around. I'm such a saint, becoming such a thing for the happiness of others. There is a saying I live by... If I don't go to hell, who will? It means I will turn my back to heaven, and go to hell to save the soul. I believe it describes me perfectly." I said with a noble air, making Izumai almost slap me at this level of BS. The fact I could say such words, with such a noble face truly rubbed her the wrong way.

"I think it suits Itachi better. Plus, this is the first time you said that quote, and second, you didn't even come up with it." She said with a snort, as those at the temple spread that teaching to try and bring peace to this world.

"I heard it both ways," I said with a shrug, to which she ignored me as she didn't want to get into a back-and-forth with me again as she would lose.