
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Tail Beast Hunt 2

Yugito Nii was a Jonin of the village hidden in the cloud, She was 19 years old, powerful for her age. That was on top of the fact she had the 2 tails inside her, whose power she could draw upon.

Like all hosts of tail beasts, she was considered an outcast for many years within the village, the higher-ups of her village didn't even value her that much since they had the 8 tails which were many times stronger than the 2 tails.

Even so, she worked hard, enduring everything to gain a little support within her village. As of today, she wasn't an outcast as she was welcomed by the villagers. This was mainly thanks to Killer B, who managed to gain the respect of many villagers, leading to her being seen in a better light.

As of this moment, she was getting ready to go join her team to head off on an important mission, she didn't even know what was outside her window, 4 guys were looking at her.

"This is a bit creepy," I said while sucking on a lollipop, my words were of course ignored as we all waited for the 9 tails, whose name was Kurama, to finish talking with the 2 tails. all tail beasts had a unique mental space which they could enter to speak with each other, Kurama was in that mental space, speaking with all of the tail beasts.

"She agreed, but it would be hard to get Yugito to join us. she is loyal to her village." Kurama said to which I rubbed my chin lightly. I looked at Yugito who had paused in her actions, a surprised look on her face as she was speaking with the 2 tails at this moment.

"Sigh, Rizz mode," I said while stretching my body, I would have to push my skills to the limits. but how was the best way to target this,

"Wait! What Are you doing?" I asked seeing Itachi going to the door and just knocking like he was visiting an old friend. Itachi ignored me and simply waited for Yugito to open the door. Once she did, Yugito paused as she went blank.

"Does the 8 tails know we are here?" Itachi asked while picking Yugito up, and putting her on his shoulder. I pouted lightly seeing this, she was hot, and I had to at least try to do something

"Yes, they are coming." the Kurama said with a shrug, not caring at all. After all, he was pretty much the strongest, ignoring Hashirama, Madara, Kushina, and members of the Uchiha clan. Even with 50% of his chakra, he was still the strongest.

"Let's go." Itachi flashed behind me, and as everyone touched me, we all teleported far away, appearing in the hidden leaf, where we sealed Yugito away within a cell within the Uchiha clan before we set off toward the Village hidden in the sand.

"I will deal with getting the 1 tail," I said calmly, to which the 3 were confused, but I disappeared, shooting off at full speed. Using Lightning chakra mode, Wind Chakra mode, along with the Body Flicker Jutsu, and Blue. My speed reached 1% of the speed of light.

1% the speed of light, that was a scary level of speed, and I was already reaching the 8th Gate Might Guy level of speed. Might Guy was moving so fast he was distorting space with just speed. That meant Might Guy was extremely close to the speed of light, but I wasn't that fast yet that my speed could have such an effect on space. Shisui was nearing that level of speed, which was impressive. Yeah, that level of speed should bypass Infinity, but I wasn't sure.

With my current level of speed, I didn't take long to appear within the village hidden in the sand, and by lightening my weight, it was even faster. I marked the space, before leaving behind a clone. After, I teleported back to Itachi and the others.

Anyway, we headed to the next tail beast. We skipped the 3 tails as its host was the Kage of the village hidden in the wave. instead, we headed towards the next tail beast, that being the 5 tails...

"You're awake," I said lightly while sitting before Yugito, who was slowly waking up. She looked at me with a blank look for a moment, before moving, just to find she was chained up, and had her chakra sealed.

"Sorry about my brother, he is all about extreme justice and stuff," I said with a sigh, to which Yugito glared at me angrily.

"What do you want?" Yugito asked angrily, she had to get information first before doing anything else.

"Well, we want to change the world. There will always be a cycle of hatred in this world, and the hidden cloud village although kind to their own, they are cruel to the outside world. The hidden leaf, as the strongest village had been the soft village. You have to see, we have been playing as the elder brother, taking losses for the sake of peace." I said lightly, to which Yugito sneered.

"Then you are fools to not fight for benefits." She said to which I nodded in agreement, catching her off guard.

"That's why the 3rd Hokage stepped down. We were winning in that war, your village was taking losses left and right. But the fool foolishly ended the war with a peace treaty." I said with a shake of my head, leaving a bitter taste in Yugito's mouth.

"I will be straightforward with you... you were captured for 1 reason. We want to stop the enslavement tail beasts, we will give them a land of their own. What do you think on this matter?" I asked with a smile,

"You think the cloud village wouldn't just let this slide?" She said with a sneer

"You are loyal to your village, but I'm not asking about your village. I'm asking about you as a jinchūriki, are you like Killer B? Have you tried to form a bond with your tail beast, or have you just seen it as an extra power source?" I asked causing her to go quiet, she was about to speak, but I cut her off.

"There are 2 things we hope to gain from freeing the tail beast. One is to build a bond with them. If we could get them to join our cause to change this world, then it would strike fear into everyone else, making them unwilling to cause trouble. Two, if we take away everyone's weapons of war, the scale of damage everyone could throw out would greatly weaken, we even plan to band the tail beast from ever stepping foot in war." I said calmly, stunning Yugito.

"That's a load of BS, that would give your hidden leaf the upper hand in war." She said angrily

"Why is that?" I asked calmly, to which she opened her mouth to speak on how the hidden leaf was the strongest even with little help from the 9 tails. But she had to swallow those words, her pride unable to allow her to say that.

"Because with or without the 9 tails, the hidden leaf was and is the strongest. In your eyes, your village is the righteous side, but you do know everyone else in your village is the villain who goes around doing anything for the sake of power right? You can't even say your village needs to act underhanded for the sake of surviving, the village hidden in the sand is in far worse condition than you." I said lightly while getting up to leave.

"I will change this world, you have two choices. Join the moment to try and minimize the damage your village would suffer from this. With your hot-headed kage, your village would be the first to be erased. Do you not get tired of these conflicts, the endless hunger for power? Like Hashirama and Madara ended the warring era, I will close the doors to the shinobi era, creating a new era. although conflict would still exist, it would be day and night compared to now." I said calmly

"That's impossible. You're no Madara or Hashirama." She said in a soft voice, just for me to remove my blindfold and to look her straight in the eyes.

"Damn right, I'm Gojo Uchiha. I'm better. I will change this world, not alone but with the support of the whole wide world. Are you with me?" I said with a charming smile, leaving her stunned for some time for some time as she didn't expect me to be Gojo.

"I will think about it." She said softly, like everyone else, the last war took a lot from her, and she didn't want others to have tail beasts sealed in them. The feeling of having the whole world reject you, fear you, while at the same time having to be taught to protect those said people. It was stressful, and a form of torture she didn't want anyone else to go through.

"It's okay if you reject, I have a way to free the two tails inside you without killing you. I will return you to your village after. But take the time to speak to the blue cat, it has lived for nearly 1,000 years, and lived as far back as the era of the sage of six paths." I said leaving her stunned, but I left her to sit there for some time before turning towards the 2 tails, which was a tiger that looked as if it was made out of blue flames. It had two tails,