
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Shisui Might 2

'He is not fighting, as those guys with the piercing covering their faces all have the Rinnegan. he might be controlling them, like how one might control others with the Sharingan: Genjutsu... but it is not a genjutsu. It's clear that he is crippled, they might be his only way of fighting. The thing he is in must help him connect with them.' Itachi scanned the 6 paths of pain,

"I will fight the guys with the Rinnegan, you guys faced the girl, and the masked man," Shisui said with a smile while pulling a sword out from his back.

"Oh... on that note are you hurt?" I asked the blue-haired girl, making her frown in confusion at what I meant.

"A fall from heaven must have hurt. There is no way someone as beautiful as yourself is mortal," I said with a charming smile, making everyone turn to look at me with a blank look, as this wasn't the time for such things.

"Shisui, he can see through the puppets," Itachi said calmly, easily ignoring me. At his words, Shisui's eyebrow raised while looking at Nagato and the 6 paths of pain, he nodded lightly trusting Itachi's judgement.

"how you figured that out," Nagato asked with a frown, to which Itachi didn't bother to explain. As for how he figured that out, he did something which was in Nagato blindspot, but the 6 paths of pain could see. yet Nagato's eyes instantly turned towards him, on guard.

"Don't underestimate them. They can't be so weak that they would lose to 11 or 13 years old. Imagine living for so long, just to lose to kids... I would just die." I said mockingly while looking at the masked man, his eyes narrowed in rage.

One of the 6 paths of pain, the female-looking one suddenly slammed her palm on the ground, summoning a bunch of huge summons that shot toward us. the ceiling was destroyed, and we all instantly moved, shooting towards the person who would be our opponent.

Itachi shot towards the blue-haired woman, Konon. As he was just a clone, he didn't have the durability or the chakra needed to face someone like the masked man. Shisui used the body flicker jutsu, shooting up to the higher floors with the summons and the 6 paths of pain shooting after him.

I and Obito shot outside the building, where we faced each other. I was still off guard, not bothering to even put up the slightest hint of being on guard.

"So, cut the crap Obito. I figured out who you were long ago after seeing Kakashi use his eye." I said with a smile, stunning Obito who quickly shot towards me with killing intent. I smirked while holding out my finger, which formed the infinity hand seals.

Obito used Kamui, a space-time ninjutsu to bypass infinity before he swung his sword towards my neck... just for the sword to come to a pause before my neck. This shocked Obito as he was using Kamui to phase through infinity, yet it was all pointless in the end.

"You want to hear a fun Fact? Atoms don't touch, they repel each other. The feeling of touch you feel is just that repelling force. You can bypass Infinity, that's cool. But what you are now facing is Infinity: Red." I said with a mocking smile.

"You will never touch me, and the repelling force brought from your attempts could never touch me. I'm on touchable." I said with a laugh, before suddenly punching Obito hard in his stomach, sending him falling to his knees as he struggled to breathe.

"That was Reverse Infinity. Neutral Infinity works by dividing the distance between me and danger. as dividing a number would never get you zero, it makes me untouchable. Reverse Infinity works to multiply the range of my attack meaning, as soon as I throw an attack, it would hit you from pretty much anywhere. In other words, all my attacks would hit you before your eyes could kick in to send your body parts into that dimension." I said with a smirk.

Obito had the MS ability, Kamui, but he only had the right-eye version of Kamui. It was called the Short Range Kamui, or the defensive Kamui. All things that could harm Obito would seemly phase through Obito instantly. This is because the part of Obito's body which would be affected is sent into Kamui, and brought back instantly, giving the illusion that he phases through things. The Kamui dimension is a dimension that one can only enter with the help of his MS.

Obito didn't use it on command, the ability worked on its own. But When Obito is attacking, he turns that part of the ability off and turns it back on. This is how Attacks can hit Obito, as when he turns it off, for that split opening, Obito can be hit.

"You are truly dangerous," Obito said while appearing to my left, the Obito who was on the ground transforming into wood since he was just a wood clone. There was only one way for a clone to use the MS ability, and that was to use wood release to create the clone.

"Stop, keep speaking such sweet words, and I will truly blush," I said with a blush, to which Obito narrowed his eyes as he had no way to bypass my defenses.

"This is boring if you can't bypass my defenses. Infinity: Red has not yet been completed. enough force should be able to get past it." I said making Obito's eye burn with rage, to be looked down upon so much the enemy was helping him get past his ability... Obito was of course enraged...

Well, Obito was being played with, on the higher floors, one would see many Afterimages facing off against the many summonses and Six Paths of pains.

"To have mastered the Body Flicker Jutsu to such a level... you are worthy of your title, Shisui Of The Body Flicker." One of the Pain, said while looking at the many Shisui around him, trying to locate the real Shisui.

Even with the Rinnegan, it was hard to track Shisui's movement. hell, I had a hard time tracking Shisui with my eyes, and I had a 360-degree vision on top of everything I had. Every time you thought you saw Shisui, it would be either an afterimage or a clone he had left behind to draw your attention. 

Like Itachi, Shisui trained hard to be able to get passed my sharp senses. It was like he was born for the D rank jutsu, bringing out its full might, and pushing it a step further. Sure, Itachi and I have mastered the Body Flicker Jutsu to the point we could also create after images that would be tangible, but it was nowhere to the level Shisui could.

'At this rate, he would find out all of our secrets. Each After image can only last 45 seconds, at times he fuses with the after images to extend its time and draw me off. He could do this for hours thanks to this jutsu taking up so little chakra, I should spread out our numbers, forcing him to use more chakra to reach us all... Or.' Nagato, who was controlling all of the 6 paths of Pain thought before having the Deva pain make its move.

A sudden pull pulled everything towards the Deva pain. The pull was so sudden and so powerful, that Shisui who was running around at extreme speed was pulled towards it, revealing himself to everyone. At the same time, everyone else was pulled towards Deva's pain, who didn't care as attacks shot towards Shisui who was caught off guard by the sudden pull.

'It's like Blue, I will go ahead and guess he could do something like Red as well. But it either pushes or pulls from him being in the center, unlike Gojo, who can do that, plus more.' Shisui thought while quickly twisting his body, avoiding the lasers being shot towards him by the Asura path pain.

'That one transforms his body parts into weapons, One can summon all types of stuff, and another absorbs all forms of energy. On top of everything, they also share vision.' Shisui thought, he had only managed to learn 4 out of the 6 paths of pain, which left just 2 more.

Green rib cages suddenly appeared around Shisui, just in time to block the attacks and items shooting towards him which he couldn't dodge. A Green skeleton arm formed, grabbing into the wall and pulling Shisui away.

'I have one go at this, or else he would be too on guard. I should try and take out the one they are protecting with this next move... no, I should first take up the one who can absorb all forms of chakra, then do it.' Shisui thought while trying to keep an eye on all of them, just to realize there were only 5 out of 6 paths of pain.

Shocked, he quickly looked around, just to find the one he was searching for behind him. He turned, trying to make space, just for this path of pain to grab hold of his soul, and try and rip it out of him.

'Okay... I guess this one can touch the soul.' Shisui thought, not liking this soul-touching moment. It was soul ranching. Just as Shisui's soul was taken from him, he turned into smoke, showing he was just a shadow clone.

'When he used the Susanoo and got to safety, he created a clone, and shot off? he fights like a true shinobi.' Nagato thought, seeing how Nagato was avoiding being seen by them, and instead was remaining within the shadows. 

All of the Pain got near each other and protected one of the Pain, and all began looking around, leaving no blind spots. Even the summons were looking around, as they all also had the Rinnegan, allowing them to have the shared vision. 

'Why are they protecting that one? Is it because he connects them all? No, the black rod piercing them should be helping them connect. Well, let's take the one they are protecting out. I don't want to be surprised.' Shisui thought before launching his move. From the sky, a huge sea of flame came running down. Instantly, the pain which could absorb all forms of chakra moved to absorb that, just for the world to slow. Why you ask?

Shisui appeared behind that Pain, His Susanoo out, and holding a drill-like spear. The Drill was spinning at extreme speed, before it shot forward, sending what looked to be a huge needle flying forward, piercing through everything in its path.

The Pain that wanted to absorb the sea of flames was pierced through, followed by the Pain that they were all protecting. The power behind that drill didn't stop as it broke through all walls and soon made its way out of the tower, and hit a mountain far away, where the drill impact could be seen even from miles away as that part of the mountain was destroyed.

Back in the tower, Shisui stood, his eyes twitching from the pain he felt. He moved quickly, returning into the shadows before any of the pains could recover and attack, and at the same time, the sea of flames fell, forcing the Deva pain to quickly push the flames away, protecting the others.

'That attack...' Obito thought while looking at the mountain far away.

"That's a lance that could pierce everything under the heavens. Longinus. No matter the defense, no matter what. All defenses are proven pointless before that spear." I said with a grin seeing the shock in Obito's eyes. 

"Please, stop!" Konan cried with tears. In her hands was a young orange-haired man who just died protecting her. Tears rain down Konan's face, how couldn't they when this was the man she loved?

"You want to spread pain? Do you know what pain is?" Itachi's voice sounded within this genjutsu, while Konan watched once more as her boyfriend died once more, and again, and again. Each death was more painful than the last, and all being so realistic she was left just standing there.

"This is pain, Feel it, accept it, and know it." Itachi's heartless voice sounded, while Konan could only stand there, frozen as her boyfriend's screams filled her head. Those screams filled her mind, her soul, her very being. She felt the pain in those screams, it was sickening, and it was heart ranching.

"If you want to spread it, be able to take it. Feel it, why are you not accepting it?" Itachi sounded once more as Konan closed her eyes, rolling into a ball and just crying. 

Back to reality, Itachi coldly stood over Konan. She was broken, and with this simple act, the world had become just a bit more peaceful. Itachi eyes were ruthless, showing zero emotions. Watching Konan just crying, the fact he just took one step closer towards world peace was the only thing he cared for.

"We just wanted to change this world," Konan said through tears, to which Itachi got to one knee to look her in the eyes. 

"You went about it the wrong way, you're doing nothing to break the cycle of hatred, a cycle that shall never be broken if you go about it like this. I will target those in power, I will target those who have the power to bring world peace, yet choose not to." Itachi said while pulling out a sword, ready to kill Konan, who didn't even bother to resist.

But before he could kill Konan, the ground shook as a huge statue exploded out of the ground, roaring at the sky. Itachi was forced to jump back while looking at the Geto statue, which shot towards Shisui. Seeing this, Konan's eyes were wide, before she shot towards Nagato who had summoned it.

"Nagato, let's stop," Konan said stunning Nagato who looked at her in confusion.

"I don't know if we are doing the right thing anymore." She said with slight tears, causing Nagato to pause for a moment, before speaking softly.

"I will bring world peace, I will cast a powerful genjutsu that would erase all of the flaws within mankind. For that, I need all of the tail beast. This was Madara's original plan." Nagato said softly. Nagato didn't trust Obito, but he was willing to give this genjutsu a try.

"If he is right, then casting a genjutsu upon all of mankind, we could erase all of the uncontrollable greed and selfishness within mankind, making humans perfect," Nagato said lightly,

"That would not make humans perfect. Humans are driven by greed and selfishness. This is what allowed humans to live, and evolve until now. Do you want to take away humans' main driving force to survive? Selfishness is bad, but are you not driven by that hunger to try and change this world?" Itachi asked while walking towards them, leaving Nagato speechless.

"What pushes mankind to improve? is it not the fear of death? Without that greed to live, without that selfishness installed into us, what would humans become? No jutsu will bring peace, it's just a genjutsu and not reality." Itachi said calmly, leaving Nagato not knowing what to say.

"That pain you feel, that selfish hunger to change the world. That fire, you want to take it away from humans?" Itachi asked, leaving Nagato to lower his head as he cried. Nagato so easily agrees with Obito for one main reason, he didn't want to face the fact all that evil he did was for nothing. it had to have a reason. So many innocents he killed, all for what?

"Your sins are heavy, so I will not kill you. Instead, you could dedicate your life to doing good, to overcome the evil you have done." Itachi said calmly, Nagato nodded lightly, before freezing. Why you may ask?

Black Zetsu appeared, ripping the Rinnegan right out of Nagato's eyes, causing Nagato to scream in pain, while at the same time, countless white Zetsu appeared, jumping towards Itachi.

Itachi wasted no time, the wind around him vibrated before he shot towards Black Zetsu, the wind around him turning into sharp blades which cut all of the White Zetsu around him. But Black Zetsu turned into a liquid, fusing into the ground and disappearing.


Meanwhile, back to me, Obito was on his knee, my leg stepping hard on his head.

"Obito Uchiha, the trash from all those years ago, and even with Madara's help, and even with the Hashirama cells, you stand before me as trash. A loser who can't get a girl, a loser who can't defeat anyone and a loser who has to escape reality and into a dream because you ain't shit... and you will never be shit." I said with a smile, Obito's eyes were bloodshot at this time, how couldn't they?

"I Hate You!" Obito screamed his lungs out, throughout our short battle, all he heard was me talking trash. What enraged him was that even when I told him my weaknesses, he was forced to his knees, with me stepping on his head like this.

"Haha, Haters gonna hate." I laughed, causing Obito to snap. He used Izanagi, to rewrite reality. The next moment, Obito appeared, running a sword through my heart.

"Haha, trash having to use a forbidden jutsu for what?" I laughed, enraging Obito who was also shocked at how this attack had zero effect on me.

"Confused? You can't rewrite reality faster than me." I said while slowly disappearing, showing I was just an afterimage. Obito eyes shrink as I appeared behind him, speaking into his ear.

"I have to take my words back... you're not trash, as trash has some worth. You're too weak, I don't know what to call you." I said with a smile, just to pause as Obito fell through the ground, using Kamui to run away.

"Well, oops," I said seeing him run away. But After a moment, I just shrugged and walked on with my day.

"A weakling like him can't do anything. Trash would be trash." I said lightly. I had put the Flying Thunder God Mark on Obito's body, and not simply the part which was covered by the white Zetsu, but on every part of his body, from his face, body, butt, and so on. If Obito wanted to remove those marks, he would need to do more than just skin himself.

This is because I had improved the Flying Thunder God, for I used it to mark both body and soul. I could teleport to Obito whenever I wanted, what mattered now was going to get my hands on the Rinnegan...