
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Orochimaru Did It.

"So, how would you bypass my absolute defense? You would need something like an absolute attack." I said while standing before Itachi who was taking a few deep breaths. Since we couldn't fight within the chunin exam, we had to fight outside the chunin exam.

Itachi eyes were closed for some time, taking breaths from time to time, before he opened them, and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Be careful, I came up with 5 Jutsus," Itachi said seriously, he was uneasy as he didn't want to harm me. But seeing my nod, Itachi began with the first jutsu.

Itachi held out his palm and in his palm chakra gathered, I looked at that jutsu with raised eyes. the chakra gathered to form the Rasengan, but it was fused with wind chakra.

"Minato calls this Rasenshuriken," he said causing my face to turn dark, even Minato was working together with Itachi for my downfall. Was this revenge for hitting on his wife?

Itachi wasted no time, and once the jutsu was completed he threw the jutsu at me. The jutsu shot toward me like a shuriken, the jutsu quickly appeared before me, and as soon as it hit infinity, the central sphere of the Rasenshuriken detonated, producing a vortex of wind in the immediate area. Within this vortex, countless microscopic wind blades are created, so many that even the Sharingan can't count them all. Even my eyes couldn't count the countless amount of microscopic blades, they were almost endless.

My eyes widened in shock, I quickly used the body flicker jutsu, and disappeared far away, just as cuts appeared on my shirt. Instantly, the front of my shirt turned to dust, leaving me looking at the vortex in shock, before I burst out laughing.

"Overwhelm Infinity with an infinity attack," I said with a laugh. I was overwhelmed simply because I couldn't keep track of using infinity on so many attacks. I could have of course just formed a barrier on all sides, but it wouldn't have mattered. To have an Infinity effect so many things would truly push my brain, I didn't even try to overwhelm my mind and quickly fell backward.

"Indeed," Itachi said as two kunai were thrown, One Kunai to my left, and the other Kunai to my right. Itachi had teleported to the kuani to the right, holding it.

"This was created by me and Minato-san. a pseudo teleportation," Itachi said before he used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu... no, it was more like an incomplete version of the Flying Thunder God jutsu, as Itachi didn't teleport, but instead formed a link with the second kunai, allowing him to zoom to that kunai at such extreme speed, he might as well be teleporting.

My body exploded, transforming into countless ravens that flew to the side, gathering together to reform my body. My eyes were wide, Itachi weakened already overpowered jutsu, to allow it to bypass Infinity.

"3rd way I came up with hitting you," Itachi said with some sweat covering his forehead, using that pseudo-Flying Thunder God jutsu put a huge burden on his body, so he couldn't use that jutsu to move a long distance. On top of using the Rasenshuriken, Itachi had used up more than 80% of his chakra.

"A genjutsu," Itachi said while placing his kunai at my neck, causing my eyebrow to raise. I stood there for some time, stunned that Itachi had trained his genjutsu capability to affect the subconscious level. I could only do it thanks to my overpowered levels of chakra control, but Itachi had trained to do it with my help.

'If Obito could do it, Itachi could do it.' I thought with a smile. Itachi genjutsu wasn't all that powerful, its usage was just faint. It made me think I used Infinity when in fact I didn't.

"A genjutsu that doesn't need you to send chakra into a target mind," I said impressed. this was the only way I could fall for a genjutsu without sensing a thing.

"Indeed, since the chakra for most genjutsu wouldn't reach you, I went through many genjutsu arts to create a new genjutsu that doesn't need one to send chakra into a target. It's a weakened version of Izanami." Itachi said while falling to the ground, too tired to do anything else.

"I see..." I said in shock. the first part of the genjutsu was with the Rasenshuriken, everything I sensed from there was affecting my subconscious. The second part was the Psudo Flying Thunder God, everything I felt from there was also affecting my subconscious.

All of this came together, making me think I used Infinity to block Itachi who was coming from behind me. but in the end, I never did, leading to me taking a loss... well, my body exploded the next second, turning into a crow, while my main body appeared. Itachi seeing this smiled lightly.

"When?" Itachi asked, not knowing when I created the clone. but after some thought, that was an easy answer. After jumping back from the vortex, Itachi couldn't see me, making it the perfect chance to create a clone.

"You take this win, your improvement in this year is better than mine. If you had more chakra, then you would have beaten me... how did you even think of creating a weakened Izanami" I said with a smile. 

What was Izanami? It was the ultimate genjutsu of the Uchiha clan, which was forbidden. It is a genjutsu that affects the target through physical sensations shared between them and the user to perform the illusion.

But Itachi had used all of the senses, such as sound, sight, and so on. This avoided the need for him having to send chakra into me and also allowed me to get trapped in the genjutsu, although the genjutsu once took effect, it fell apart almost instantly as I noticed it was up. it was only good for giving Itachi an opening. 

"You gave me the idea... remember when you said you wanted to use Izanagi without its downfalls?" Itachi asked. Causing me to look at him speechlessly. Izanagi was the strongest genjutsu, a genjutsu that is cast upon reality. This allowed the caster to rewrite reality to some degree... but the drawback of this jutsu and Izanami was that to cast it, one would lose all sight in the eye used to cast it.

I did give Itachi that idea, but I half-assly said it, before throwing it out of the window. I wasn't that skilled in genjutsu, without my eyes, my genjutsu wouldn't be so impressive. Itachi was always more talented than me, before awakening my sharingan, I needed my eyes to keep up with him.

"you still have 2 more jutsu that could bypass my defense, I have to see them," I said with a smile, to which Itachi waved me away. He was too tired, he was running low on chakra right now.

"So, I'm guessing your next training would be improving the quantity of chakra," I asked to which Itachi nodded lightly. He wanted to increase his chakra, the more the chakra, the better.

"Yeah..." Itachi said with a sigh. His only weakness right now was the amount of chakra he had, there was a limited amount of way to build up the amount of chakra of a person, and they were all slow, and could take months to show improvements. 

"Which side do you pick?" Itachi asked lightly, causing me to go quiet for some time, before speaking. 

"Although I want to stop all wars, I am willing to start one for the sake of my family... the Uchiha clan has been suppressed for so long, its good that they went so long enduring that," I said lightly, to which Itachi sighed.

"I know, that masked man is pushing for it. The clan is twisting things to justify his actions out of rage while ignoring the fact the Uchiha clan wouldn't be in such a bad position thanks to his actions. His main goal is the 9 tails, so the Uchiha clan rebelling would just benefit Madara and his goals." I said what Itachi was most worried about. Itachi believed the most dangerous person right now was Madara, and it was someone everyone should fully work together to deal with, not fight amongst each other.

"Gojo..." Itachi sighed while getting up, he knew it was pointless talking to me, but as always, I put my interest first. I smiled at Itachi, as I honestly, didn't know what was the right side in all of this. Either side is the wrong answer.

If Itachi picks family over the village, he risks having Madara's plan falling through, and Itachi's instinct tells him Madara's plan isn't as simple as just getting the 9 tails. Also, picking his family over the village means starting a war. As things stood, the Uchiha clan would have a good chance of winning if Madara joined their side when they rebelled. 

There was only one other clan that had the hope of standing against the Uchiha, that being the Hyuga. There were only Minato and Kushina who could face Fugaku, and Fugaku wasn't the only one with the MS, as Shisui was there. That's not even forgetting their MS abilities, which could change the whole battlefield even without Madara joining.

Let's look at what would happen if the Uchiha clan wins, and takes over the Hidden Leaf... the Uchiha clan would be destroyed the following days. There were many other villages, and seeing as the hidden leaf was weakened by such a thing, the Uchiha clan would have to face the world.

If the Uchiha clan lost, and the whole clan was slaughtered. the same thing would follow as the hidden leaf would suffer great losses. through it all, who would win? Madara.

If Itachi picks the village, he is the sinner who betrayed his family. But the downfall of the Uchiha clan would equal a brighter future for the rest of the world. Every day, Itachi was leaning more and more toward the side of the Hidden Leaf.

"Get strong and become the next clan head, that's all I could say," I said with a sigh, to which Itachi nodded lightly in agreement. Indeed, if he became the clan head, he could better control the clan. At the same time, Itachi could also aim to become the Hokage. He also just had to show power so great, and a mind so sharp, that Minato would have no choice but to pick him for the role of Hokage.

"Well, the chunin exam finished today. I have a date." I said with a smile, Itachi watched me disappear, running off toward where my date was waiting for me...

Elsewhere, in the village hidden in the grass. This is where Karin could be found, from what I remembered in the anime, Karin's mother was allowed to live in this village under the condition she heals the villagers.

Karin's mother, being an Uzumaki, anyone who bit her and sucked on her flesh would absorb her chakra, leading to their healing. The Uzumaki clan had rich chakra, rich in lifeforce, and it was for that reason she was allowed to live in the village.

"I-i can't, please, let me rest." A woman with faint red hair said in fear while looking at the bunch of men who surrounded her. Thanks to the village suddenly being attacked, many of these shinobi needed her healing, and they were giving her zero time to rest.

"we allow you to live here, you heal them, or leave." A man said with a sneer, having the man move to remove her clothing. They would need to bite more than just her arm this time, they might have to get creative.

"Quite disgusting." A voice sounded from behind them, causing them to turn around only to see a white-haired man with a blindfold walking over towards them. the man who had spoken frowned seeing the headband,

"What is a shinobi from the hidden leaf village doing here?" He asked not scared at all, since the hidden leaf and the hidden grass village were allies. Sadly for the man, he would never speak again. Why? well, his head was no longer connected to his neck, leaving him horrified as his head fell to the ground, looking at his body which stood there,

"Things that disgust me are given the death penalty. I Uchiha Gojo stand beyond all rules and laws, I live only for my interests." I said lightly, while everyone else fell to the ground, their head no longer connected to their bodies.

I stopped before the horrified woman, who was covering her clothing which was ripped in some places. This allowed me to see her arm, which was covered in bite marks.

"I'm Gojo, I couldn't help but notice you when passing by. I normally don't believe in god, but seeing a miracle before me... it's clear god is alive." I said charmingly, causing the woman to go blank, how was she supposed to react seeing a 4-year-old flirting with her?

"You're too young." She said oddly, to which I smiled slightly.

"Age? Age is just the number of times one has spun around the son. I have never felt this unique connection before, we must be fated to be together. So, let me take you away. Let me hold you and protect you," I said with a charming smile, leaving her opening and closing her mouth, before she laughed at just how cute all of this was... well, ignoring the lifeless bodies all around her. But seeing her laugh, I pouted unhappily, which only made her laugh even more.

"... are you by chance an Uzumaki? My sensei is also an Uzumaki," I said lightly while holding my palm over her arm which was covered in bites. Her eyes widened seeing as the bite marks began to disappear,

"y-yes, I'm Uzumaki Kai." She said in shock hearing more of her clan were alive.

"I can take you to see her, you need not stay here. As my future wife, how could I let you endure such injustice?" I asked making Kai speechless. When did she say she would be anyone's future wife?

"Fate works in odd ways, it's clear I was drawn here to you. Things just don't happen randomly, it's clear we have to marry or else I would be going against the god's plan... we don't want that, right?" I asked leaving Kai speechless once more, to use the gods in such means... she was at a loss for words.

"Maybe fate brought you towards my daughter." She said with a roll of her eyes, causing me to pause lightly.

"I'm not into kids, don't reject the feelings. we are meant to be, I simply have to prove myself to you." I said while picking her up in a princess carry, causing her eyes to widen, caught off guard.

"P-put me down." She said trying her best not to laugh. Due to how small I was, it was extremely uncomfortable being held like this. Seeing me trying to make this look cool and charming only made her burst out laughing, leaving me unable to hold her anymore out of shame and embarrassment.