
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

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36 Chs

Becoming Chunin 7

Due to Kurotsuchi being unable to fight thanks to someone's words, our match was held off until everyone else fought. By then, Kurotsuchi was all come and was ready to fight me.

"Before we fight, how did you take my scroll with me without knowing anything?" Kurotsuchi asked. she wasn't cocky enough to think she was strong enough to come out of the chunin exam without suffering some losses, but she was sure her senses were not that weak.

"I put you in a genjutsu before you even saw me. You were tracking an illusion. I left long ago with the scroll. I was racing Itachi to see who would reach the center first... for that, I have to apologize, I should have joined your team and spent the remaining 5 days together." I said with a smile, making Kurotsuchi blush.

"O-okay, let's stop talking," she said, unsure if she could fight me if I kept talking. I nodded slightly, and once the match began, Kurotsuchi jumped backward while making hand seals, as soon as she landed on the ground, she slapped her hands on the ground, causing the land under me to open up, swallowing me deep inside.

I had nothing to touch and, therefore nothing to kick off to push myself up. I fell with my hands in my pockets. Not bothering to even show a reaction. Meanwhile, Kurotsuchi jumped into the sky, waving hand seals before she shot a huge water ball into the hole, the water ball hit the hole before she quickly went on to make seals once more.

"Lava Style: Quicklime Congealing Jutsu." White-like things shot from her mouth, shooting into the hole, and upon contact with the water, it began to quickly harden,

"Lava style? That's a Kekkai genkai created using Earth and Fire right?" Kurotsuchi's pupils shrank as she saw me standing over the edge of the whole, looking down at the happening down below.

Although shocked, she wasted no time and shot down, her leg slamming down where I was just a moment ago. I smoothly dodged, dodged all of her kicks and palm attacks. She had a straightforward combat style, with each trick carrying behind a lot of weight and power. These attacks were sure to shatter the bones of whoever was unlucky enough to get hit.

We tried a few blows but it was clear to everyone with sharp eyes that I was far more skilled than her in Taijjutsu. Kurotsuchi also realized that, so she turned to Ninjutsu, but everything she threw toward me was either easily avoided by me or countered as Ii threw the same jutsu back at her. Maybe if we were at the same age she would have given me a challenge, but as of now? All she could do was freeze as I held a kunai to her neck.

"You are talented, it's rare to find talents that could rival my brother and me. You are not just only beautiful, but so talented. if I don't marry you, I would truly be a sinner." I said with a smile, causing the shock Kurotsuchi to turn red in embarrassment.

"I-i admit defeat!" She said unable to stay here any longer and running away. So, I won the first round and was able to move on to the second round. 

I didn't dare to go near my father, who was sure to take me back home to get me a good beating. So, I went to stand with Kushina, having her shield me.

"You..." Kushina was helpless with my actions. She looked over to Fugaku who was releasing an aura that made those around him uneasy. Mikoto who was sitting next to him, holding baby Sasuke had a helpless look, while Sasuke was cheering seeing his elder brother won.

"What? You can't get jealous, I gave you a chance." I said with a smug smile, making Kushina's eye twitch. Who was jealous? She was happily married. She glared at me, but once that jutsu she was forming was finished, she wanted to see if I could remain so smug...

Itachi's match in the second round of the exam was between someone called Sleepy. he was given that name because once he fell asleep, his body moved on its own, fighting on his behalf. 

Nemui's first movement had caught Itachi off guard, Nemui had fallen asleep as soon as the match started leading to his body falling to the ground. But before his body hit the ground, Nemui's body had disappeared, appearing behind Itachi, with a lightning jutsu.

'It's like Nemui has ultra instinct.' I thought watching Nemui moving at such fast speed, that the normal eye couldn't follow it. Itachi didn't want to use his Sharingan, leading to him relying on his other senses to keep up with Nemui. Itachi was stronger than Nemui, that was clear. It's just that Nemui's movement was hard to read.

Itachi quickly began breaking down Nemui's unique nature to sleep, finding out Nemui had to be fighting using instinct alone. But this led to Itachi finding out a few things about Nemui, Nemui had to be a coward. Someone scared of hurting anyone, and in return scared of himself being hurt. Itachi only needed to wake up Nemui for a smooth win, or he could jump and move around, waiting for Nemui to wake up on his own... Itachi chose to wait things out, something which took 10 minutes, leading to many people watching this batter grow displeased. 

But it was then Nemui came to a stop, his eyes opening up slightly, and looking straight at Itachi. Itachi wasted no time, quickly activating the sharingan and trapping Nemui in a genjutsu.

What followed was Nemui's scream. Nemui was only awake for a split second, a split second that ended up with him being put in a genjutsu where he faced death. Nemui fell asleep, just for Itachi to kill him in his dream, causing Nemui to wake up, only to fall asleep once more to try and fight, and again, he faced death within his dream. 

Each time he was killed, Nemui's sleep grew lighter. Stabbed, strangled, beaten, poisoned; Itachi killed the boy in any and every way possible. Finally, Nemui couldn't sleep at all. If he closed his eyes, Itachi would kill him. After being subjected to brutal deaths over and over and over, he was now completely ruled by his fear of the final sleep

"Eee … Eee … Eee …" Chest heaving, almost hyperventilating, Nemui trembled and shook. The spectators had no idea what was happening. At best, only a few people there had realized Itachi was using the sharingan. Itachi continued to evade his attacks, while Nemui's movements gradually grew sluggish. Sweat streamed down Nemui's face; he started to cry. Itachi hadn't once used a physical attack on him.

"H-help me," Nemui groaned in supplication. He fell to his knees and began weeping loudly.

 "I-I don't want to die anymore! Please, help me … Please." Nemui said through tears, he was only 12 years old, how could he endure such things?

"We have a winner!" The examiner stepped in between the two of them. The arena fell silent. Everyone seemed to be confused by the incomprehensible situation. Nemui wailed and wept, half-mad, right up until he disappeared, carried out in the examiner's arms.

"I don't want to die," he cried over and over, the terror in his voice reaching into every nook and cranny of the arena, sending shivers up spines. He would probably give up on being a ninja. That was the level of fear Itachi had put into him. Ninjas were the main cause of fighting in this world. One fewer ninja meant that much less fighting. Itachi hadn't been wrong to break Nemui's spirit so utterly and horribly.

The venue felt the same. Itachi had, all by himself, produced the aura of death that wafted through the entire arena. He had demonstrated an incomprehensible power, and the ninja from all lands now knew his unfathomable strength. We mustn't make an enemy of this boy … The more people who thought that, the less likely that Konoha would get dragged into battle. Using the sharingan to cast genjutsu was an effective means of making his opponent see visions. But if he used this trick the right way, he could turn it into the famed genjutsu of suggestion on a large number of people like this. It's all to rid this world of fighting.

Itachi was grateful from the bottom of his heart to the Hidden officials who permitted him to take part in the chunin exams. He turned his back on the arena, now empty of Nemui and the examiner, and started walking. In the silence, he could hear someone clapping. He lifted his head and looked in the direction of the sound. A face, covered on the right side with bandages.

"Shimura Danzo," Itachi murmured, not attaching any of the honorifics he should have to the name. A dark, twisted smile stretched out on Danzo's lips as he looked down at Itachi...

"Wait? Itachi get to become Chunin without needing to take part in the following matches?" I asked in disbelief seeing as Itachi was given the Chunin title just after his first match.

"Yeah, there is no need for Itachi to continue onwards," Minato said to which I narrowed my eyes.

"So, if I do something similar to the next person I'm going to fight, and maybe worse, I can stop wasting my time here?" I asked, sending a chill down the young boy who was going to be my next appointment. 

"I-i give up." He said in a shaky voice, leaving Minato helpless

"The boys are rivals, I think it's alright," Onoki said calmly, not wanting to have any talents of the land of stone crippled for life. 

A, the Raikage of the land of clouds, although didn't want to show it, he didn't want his genin to suffer like Nemui. 

Fourth Kazekage, the leader of the land hidden in the sand also had to agree. along with Yagura, the leader of the village hidden in the waves.

And so, I became a chunin without having to fight another battle. Maybe I should take a page from Itachi's book and make people also fear me. 

Fugaku had to admit, he at times forgot we were his children. He couldn't help but be jealous of our talent... but now there was the question. Who would Fugaku send to join the Anbu?

Although the standing of the Uchiha clan was better than years ago, it didn't mean a lot. Many people within the Uchiha clan were starting to say Madara was right. They were starting to see why Madara had rebelled against the hidden leaf and went as far as putting them in a genjutsu. Why should they stay in a village that would blame them for something they didn't do? A village that feared them, a village that would keep chains on them and limit their power?

For this reason, Fugaku wanted Itachi to join the anbu. He trusted Itachi more than me and was sure that Itachi could be a good spy near Minato. Although they were friends, were Madara and Hashirama, not friends? The Uchiha clan needed ears near the Hokage, and many people in power. As for me, Fugaku saw me not having the mindset to join the Anbu, which left me shrugging as I didn't care much.

One should know, that Fugaku himself has been going back and forth on if the Uchiha clan should rebel. There were many camps in the Uchiha clan, many were pushing them to rebel, many were pushing them to sit back and wait, while many were pushing for peace... but most of them were pushing to rebel.

But were the Uchiha clan in the wrong? if you're being suppressed and outcast just because others fear you, what is the best thing to do? Be it in the shinobi world, or even back on earth, rebellions happened due to people in power not doing a good job. Yes, Minato was doing his best to make things fair, but there was a limit to what he could do.

With people like Danzo there to go against his wishes, and many other elders, and adding the fact that since the hidden leaf was created, the Uchiha clan was suppressed even when the Senju was around, the suppression only grew more with the downfall of the Senju.

The world feared those too powerful. First, it was the Senju who fell, then the Uzumaki, and next in line was the Uchiha. Uchiha remained safe for so many years due to the fact it had stayed within the hidden leaf, but with it being pushed out like the way it was now, it was a clear sign that the downfall of a major clan was coming.

But did the world have reason to fear the Uchiha clan? Of course they did, their potential was great, and their Kekkai Genkai was something to be feared by all. To not fear it, and to allow such a clan to keep growing... was that not foolish?

Danzo was right to fear the Uchiha clan and try to erase it, as a second Madara could be around the corner. The threat of the Uchiha clan outweighs the good they brought, as dark as it might be, but there will never be another Hashirama. The Senju were gone, and the Uchiha clan given time would stand without equals.

So, Fugaku's move to send a spy near Minato was the smartest... but Fugaku made one mistake. Itachi was a pacifist, someone who avoided fighting when he could. Having someone like him near someone like Minato, trying to be a spy for a clan that wants to rebel... well, Itachi in the end would have to pick a side. Family, or village.

I knew Itachi well, even ignoring the plot of the anime, I knew Itachi would pick the village. This is for 2 reasons. One, the masked man's main goal was to have the Uchiha clan rebel. Two, Itachi didn't want to see another war break out.

"Troublesome." Standing on the cliff that held all of the faces of the Hokages, I looked down at the village for some time. For so long, I had not paid attention to the condition of the clan, but it looked like my actions only would slow down the downfall of the Uchiha clan.

Danzo made it his life mission to destroy the Uchiha clan, that was something I knew at heart.

"Should I kill him?" I asked softly, I should just assassinate all of the elders of the hidden leaf, leaving everything to the younger generation to run. The old generation and their unflexible minds are the reason for all of this... but who should I point the blame on?

"Orochimaru..." I said with narrowed eyes. If I killed everyone and left a clear sign that It was Orochimaru who killed them, wouldn't it draw attention away from the Uchiha clan? With those elders out of the way, the suppression of the Uchiha clan would weaken, and the Uchiha clan might even have to take up some important roles in the village to fill in the gaps. 

'Wait, I should look for that Uzumaki...' I thought, remembering that Kushina wasn't the only Uzumaki in this world. There were 2 more. One had the Rinnegan, and the other was a girl...

There were 31 villages. I simply had to create 300 clones, and each clone I created transformed into a raven that flew into the sky. 10 ravens per village. The transformation Jutsu was powerful, for example, if you transformed into something like a blade, you would have the sharpness of the blade. if you transformed into an animal with sharp claws, you would have sharp claws,

But the hardest thing to do was transform into something with something like wings and use them. I of course learned to do this, I could make so many clones, so of course, I only needed a a day to master this.