
Gojo Uchiha Twin Brother Of Itachi Uchiha

One with hair as dark as night yet is one of the kindest people in this world. One with hair as pure as white yet is one of the most selfish people in this world. Itachi and Gojo Uchiha, are the twin prodigies of the Hidden Leaf Village. They were outstanding genius, prodigies amongst prodigies, but complete opposites

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Orochimaru Did It. 2

"You're late… what happened to your shirt?" Kurotsuchi said with a raised eyebrow seeing me walking over.

"Yeah, I had a small spar with my brother, I didn't want to make you wait for me any longer, so I rushed over without changing," I said with a smile, to which Kurotsuchi nodded lightly while avoiding looking at the rock-hard abs.

"The hidden leaf has a lot of landmarks, we should see them all before your grandfather notices you're gone," I said with a grin, to which Kurotsuchi nodded with a blush. 

So we went on a date, from shopping, to places where we could play games, or eat. We saw a good amount of stuff the Hidden Leaf had to offer 

I also changed my clothing as I bought new ones midway through. At the end of everything, we sat on the cliff which gave us a good outlook on the hidden leaf village.

Little did Kurotsuchi know, three people were watching their date. Onoki, Fugaku, and Minato.

"What do you think, this marriage between our two villages could birth a way for future connections between our two villages. Onoki said with a cunning smile. Normally he wouldn't use his blood in such a way, but when one of his men told him of the benefits of his daughter carrying the air of such a genius, he couldn't help himself.

What were the benefits? Well, his village could get their hands on that new blue sharingan. Just the thought of what the child his granddaughter would bring made him unable to hide his greed.

"Onoki, my son is someone who can't remain loyal to one woman. This could end poorly." Fugaku said with a frown, if this arranged marriage fell through, then the Uchiha clan's standing would improve, with the Uchiha clan gaining such a connection with Onoki out of all people… well, this was an opportunity too good not to think about it.

"Don't worry, the boy is young. He is growing up in the era of peace, it's understandable he would have such a free spirit." Onoki said with a slight frown, making Minato frown for some time before speaking.

"Let the two choose, it's not our place to arrange marriages for them," Minato said calmly, to which the two nodded lightly after some thought…

Well, of course, we both agreed. So the arranged marriages were set, set for many years into the future. 

The next day, Kai and Karin arrived at the village. Kushina was shocked to see more members of her clan, she quickly took them in and wanted to rush to the land of grass to destroy it when she heard what the two went through. But she was stopped by Minato…

It was one thing after another, once all of the villages had left the hidden leaf, Tsunade after many years, had stepped foot back in the hidden leaf. Why might you ask? She was here to see her student, after all, We made a deal that if I won, I would surprise her with something good. I even hinted at her outstanding large debt, which made her unable to wait to see me pay it off.

She gambled a lot, it would have been okay if she was lucky, but she lost every time. Leading to her outstanding large debt,

"I must be in a genjutsu, no way someone as beautiful as you could exist." Tsunade didn't get far as she heard such magical words. She sighed helplessly, before looking up, to see me standing on top of a roof, looking at her with a smile.

"You were waiting for me?" Tsunade asked, to which I shook my head slightly.

"I just arrived, I felt something call me. For a moment, I didn't know it was you, to think after a few weeks without seeing each other, you only got more beautiful." I said making Tsunade sigh once more. Truly, if I were just a bit older, something would have happened. But with the appearance of a 4-year-old... well, nothing could happen.

"You're 10 years old, right? You don't grow." She said, making me pout. I was now 10 years old, yet I looked 6 years younger, was this not a curse?

"Okay, let's go, I have to give you the reward," I said quickly changing the topic and shooting off. Tsunade although confused, followed after me. We moved at high speed, quickly reaching the Uchiha clan residence where I went to lead Tsunade to my house.

"I'm home!" I called out while pulling Tsunade in.

"Gojo!" Sasuke cried, from the dinner table. Everyone was sitting there, leading them all to turn to see me and Tsunade holding hands.

"Mom, Dad... this is my future wife. Tsunade." I said with a grin, causing Tsunade to freeze, not knowing what to say. Fugaku on the other hand didn't know what to do, while Mikoto was impressed. To think her son just stepped out to get one of the legendary Sannins as a wife... wasn't that impressive?

"Don't be shy, join us for a meal and get to know the family. You would be joining it soon." I said with a smile, to which Tsunade glared at me, wanting to punch me truly. But as she couldn't touch me, what could she do? Plus, in front of my parents? Was that not too rude?

"I shouldn't intrude." She said with veins on her forehead. 

"No, you're not intruding at all. Come and eat." Mikoto said with a smile, giving Tsunade no choice but to sit down, and eat under the unhappy gaze of Fugaku.

"If I remember correctly, you're half Uzumaki and half Senju. Gojo just found 2 members of the Uzumaki clan a few days back." Mikoto said, stunning Tsunade.

She was indeed a half Uzuamaki and half Senju. Her grandfather was Hashirama. back then, Hashirama had an arranged marriage with the Uzumaki clan, which was the first step towards ending the warring era. But the two clans were now gone.

"You did?" Tsunade asked in shock, she thought Kushina was the only survivor.

"Why shock? As your man, I must go a step and beyond for my soon-to-be wife. if I can't do something so small, would I be worthy?" I said with a smile, making Mikoto cover her mouth. She truly had a son who had the mouth of the gods.

"Thanks," Tsunade said gratefully, she still remembered the day her grandmother heard about the destruction of her clan. Her grandmother had lived through the destruction of her husband's clan, and her clan. it happened so fast, giving her no time to land support. She in the end died with huge regrets... at least now, the Uzumaki clan had a chance.

"No need for thanks between the two of us," I said with a wave of my hand, to which Tsunade sighed.

"I thought you left the shinobi life behind you... what made you follow my son?" Fugaku asked with a frown.

"Gojo came to find me, wanting me to teach him medical ninjutsu about 10 months ago. That's how we met." Tsunade said lightly, throwing a glare at me. At that, I just looked away, as I had lied and said my parents knew about everything I was doing.

Fugaku frowned for some time, realizing I had most likely used a clone to train with Tsunade.

"You have a talented boy, he easily learned everything I had to teach him in a matter of a few months... and also lit the flame for me to become a shinobi once more." She said lightly, and hearing those words, Fugaku said nothing, his brain racing on how he could use Tsunade. 

"Oh, I forgot to introduce everyone. This is my twin brother Itachi. Don't mind him, he is the cold type, but he has a big heart. That's my little brother, I know he looks like a girl, but he is a boy. That's my mother, and that's my dad." I said, leaving Sasuke pouting.

"I don't look like a girl," Sasuke said with a big pout, to which I nodded lightly.

"Indeed, you don't. You look like the opposite of a boy." I said to which Sasuke looked at me in confusion, before looking towards Itachi.

"What does opposite mean?" Sasuke asked, to which I held back a laugh, but noticing that, Sasuke realized that whatever 'opposite' was, it wasn't anything good. 

Tsunade went on to watch as Sasuke and I had a small back-and-forth fight, she couldn't help but remember her little brother. All of this just brought a sad smile, leading to her having to get up and excuse herself to the bathroom to cool herself down.

She soon calmed down and came out, but at that point, the table was quiet as everyone looked at her with a worried look. Tsunade waved everything off and went on to return to the meal. 

After, she helped Mikoto, Itachi, and me clean up everything, before heading out with me.

"You're alright?" I asked lightly, to which she nodded lightly while holding the necklace she always had on.

"Yeah... it reminded me of what it's like to have a family." She said with a sad smile, before slowly taking the necklace off, and putting it around my neck.

"If there is anyone I can say would change this world, it's you." She said while removing my blindfold to look me in the eyes. I looked back into her beautiful brown eyes, stunned that she gave me the necklace. 

"You said you would be something more than a Hokage, I want to see what that would be." She said lightly, before moving in to kiss my forehead, but at the last moment, I moved, leading to our two lips meeting.

Tsunade eyes widened, but as I wrapped my arms around her neck, she although hesitant decided to give me this kiss. But her eyes widened once more as my tongue made its way onto her lips, looking for a way inside.

Tsunade didn't know why she opened her mouth, welcoming the intruder in. Tsunade didn't know why her tongue moved to meet this intruder. She didn't know why, but her heart began racing, her hands moved, not listening to her and hugging me... 

But she knew why, she hated to admit it, but my flirting had its effect. This forbidden love only brought a strange thrill, and all of this just exploded out through this moment where her heart was opened, and I took that opening.

"N-no," Tsunade said, pushing me away and breaking the kiss. This was wrong, and as a shinobi, she did have high levels of self-control. Sure, it had weakened by a great degree thanks to years of drinking, and gambling, but ever since she met me, she had slowly begun regaining her will of fire.

"We can't do this," Tsunade said softly, to which I took her palms while looking her deeply in the eyes.

"Why reject it? I love you, you love me. If you fear the outside world, then stand behind me. I will take on the world. If the world rejects our love, then I will change the world so it accepts it." I said leaving Tsunade frozen, at a loss for words for some time.

"You have faith in my ability to change the world? I will live up to your wishes." I said while holding her hands, leaving Tsunade's heart in conflict for some time.

"I-I don't know." Taking her hands back, Tsunade disappeared, running away. I watched where she ran off to, before sighing. I thought I was a master at picking up girls, but maybe I have a ways to go.

Yes, I planned to have Tsunade join my harem. I was selfish and greedy, of course, I wanted to enjoy myself. I was more into mature women, but I wouldn't ignore beautiful young women... I didn't plan on getting married. I saw marriage as something that chained a person down. I didn't want to be chained down. I wanted to remain free!