
Gojo in Tower of God

After his defeat to Sukuna, Gojo has finally fulfilled his desire to truly have fun. Now, he finds himself in a long hallway with a weird-looking rabbit.

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10 Chs

The Ranker Lero Ro

"Oh, shut up! You guys better not hold me back, especially this sleepy bastard," she said as she shouted at Laure, who was sleeping peacefully with his pillow and blanket.

Laure yawned and said, "If you're gonna whine, whine away from me."

Her face became red with anger, and before she could speak back, Gojo spoke first, "Relax, little girl. Instead of arguing, let's introduce ourselves as any normal lively team would. I'm Gojo, the sleepyhead over there is Laure. So, what's your name, little girl?"

"What did you call me, you blindfolded bastard?!" she exclaimed in anger, attempting to punch Gojo. As always, it was futile, as he teleported behind her and slapped the back of her head, causing her to fall to the ground face-first.

She got up off the ground with a bloody nose.

"How could you hit a woman?!" she shouted at Gojo, who simply ignored her remarks and said, "Enough of your yapping. You would gain so much from being associated with someone as handsome and powerful as me."

She was going to say something about Gojo's cockiness, but when she saw his facial features, she now understood why he was so self-assured. She hadn't fully focused on his face as they were arguing the whole time, but now that she had a good look, she was slightly mesmerized.

"My name is Serena, and you better remember it because I'm one of the few who have been chosen to climb the tower."

Gojo looked at Serena and couldn't help but wonder where she got all her confidence from.

He could easily see that she was below average in terms of speed, combat, and many other things.

So to say she was a chosen one was very cocky.

But Gojo, on the other hand, knew he was a chosen one. He opened the doors to this tower even though he didn't even know of this place's existence.

If that alone doesn't prove that he was a chosen one, then what would.

Gojo looked around and saw how everyone was examining the other regulars or chatting with their group until an argument between two regulars began to escalate.

But a golden-haired and eyed man intervened, "Did you not understand? No fighting during break time?"

"You didn't take my words seriously, did you, regulars?"

The regular insulted the man who intervened, but he was held back by his friend who told him that was a ranker.

"A-A ranker…"

"Yes, I'm a ranker of the tower. Lero Ro."

After hearing that he was indeed a ranker, the regular backed down and didn't continue their fight, but before he left, he said, "D-Damn it! I'm only backing down because the ranker's here! But remember I'll be the one to kill you!"

Gojo noticed how effortlessly the ranker stopped those regulars and asked Laure, who was sleeping throughout the whole thing, "I have another question, sleepyhead."

Laure would usually ignore everyone who tried speaking to him while he was sleeping, but he didn't want to ignore Gojo and possibly face consequences for it.

Even though they are teammates currently and Gojo is being friendly, Laure believed that it was all an act Gojo was putting on.

"What is it?" Laure asked, and Gojo responded, "What are rankers?"

Laure and even Serena looked at Gojo in confusion.

Laure was about to give Gojo an answer, but Serena gave one first.

"You don't know what a ranker is? That's basic knowledge."

Gojo shrugged and explained, "I come from a place far, far away, so far that I doubt anyone has heard of it."

"So, you're all brawn, no brain. I'll explain what rankers are."

Meanwhile, Serena was explaining what rankers are to Gojo; Laure had a small tear of joy escape his eye.

Laure is usually annoyed by Serena's loud mouth, but at this current moment, all he could do was thank her for taking the role of explaining.

Once Serena finished her explanation to Gojo, Gojo began contemplating about rankers.

"How strong are they?" Gojo asked.

"Did you forget the part where I said they made it to the top of the tower? They are so strong that they can kill every one of us regulars here without breaking a sweat," Serena said.

Gojo was surprised by her words. He was expecting something more profound, but his expectations were met short.

"That isn't so difficult when all your opponents are kids."

Serena took offense to Gojo basically calling her a kid indirectly, but she managed to control her anger.

"If it's so easy, I would like to see you try and fight all the regulars here without breaking a sweat."

"I think you're underestimating me here, little girl. I would've wished you told me to fight every regular here, including the ranker, without breaking a sweat. Then will that be a little teeny bit harder," Gojo said words that no regular in their right mind would ever say.

Serena rolled her eyes and ignored Gojo.

Although Gojo said that, he didn't know whether or not he could beat a ranker. If it was back then when he was deemed the strongest, he would've instantly viewed himself as the superior being.

But his loss to Sukuna made him realize that he wasn't the strongest.

Another thing was he knew about how limitless shinsu is. Gojo thinks that if someone is efficient with it, they may be able to bypass his infinity.

And if someone is able to land attacks on him such as Sukuna did, then would he truly be Gojo Satoru? The man who can't be touched? The strongest?

Gojo was brought out of his trance when the Lero Ro voice sounded the room.

"Now that you've had time to rest, let's move on to the next test!"

"But before that, there will be a little pretest! Those who don't pass this pretest cannot take the next text!"

"Oh and, don't worry. It is a really simple test. Now then let's begin."

Lero Ro extended his hand in front of him, and suddenly a powerful force pushed everyone back.