
Gojira:Across World's

Gojira... traveling across worlds to dominate alll

Kai_The_Author · Movies
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2 Chs

Chapter #1: Prologue




The sound of a colossal creatures foot stomps aimlessly through a very dense forest, the creature's foot dwarfs a large area snapping tree's in an instant, this 100+ meter in height colossal creature is called Gojira or Godzilla.




The monster's steps we're slow but destructive to the environment, animals from below we're squished to death, trees we're snapped almost in an instant.


The beast growls aimlessly as it feels an intruder was watching it far away from it's distance, with a scowl the beast hands grabbed a large boulder and launched it to the direction of the intruders way destroying what device it used to watch him from far away.


The beast roared showing dominance to those who are near him while also showing those who despise him who is really in charge in this territory, the beast roamed until it could see the ocean and swam away aimlessly finding an area with radiation to rest.....

But it soon followed as he felt a faint rumble...

[Scene Change]

*Location: Unknown Laboratory*

"General it seems the beast noticed our drone watching him, it launched a boulder straight at the drone" A man in black said to the general in front of him, a leader to this organization that is hidden to the public except to the world leader's themselves.

"I see, Any sight of Godzilla through our satellites?" The General asked to the researcher at the left side of the room typing random codes on the super computer then connected it to the large TV, what it caught was Godzilla speeding through boats and ships on the way to the Philippines.

"Why is he heading towards the Philippines?" Asked the general everyone was silent until a filipino worker said. "Unknown energy detected near Davao, 35 earthquakes detected and it's still going up, maybe Godzilla detect it as a kaiju attack"

"I'm positive it's just the ring of fire's doing" Said the Seismologist researcher everyone was calming down, but the Filipino worker was worried it's like he felt an opening of something is going to swallow something or someone whole.....

[Change Scene]

*Current Location: Pacific Ocean, Near The Philippines]




Gojira swam fast as he felt those small rumblings back at his previous location now he could feel it becoming stronger then sea waves we're getting rough, he didn't care if the humans are watching him now, he could feel humanity made something to destroy or kill him at least, but his too worried to care as he cared about the earth and the balance than humans.

As he was getting near, he could see lava flowing on the ground, a huge crater that was becoming more of an opening, Godzilla stopped his movements as he saw the crater opening even more bigger and bigger now becoming more huge that might able to be sucked in a giant whirlpool was sucking on Godzilla pulling him down towards the volcanic entrance.

Humanity was seeing it above and decided to launched a new weapon, a huge Lazer was attached on a satellite and it was starting to power up slowly.

Godzilla started pushing itself enable to save himself from that fiery pit but he sensed great danger from above and roared loudly; *Skreeonk!!!* his own roar shook the very earth as the blast of the satellite fired it's small form has a very dense mass that caused it to make its own gravitational pull then condescend into a black hole.

Godzilla without fear charged up his atomic breath and condensed into making it more powerful and blasted straight towards the black hole beam, the heat of the breath evaporates a large area of the ocean around him by a millisecond, the rock below him melts into lava and evaporates slowly.

Godzilla's beam collides with the black hole, but due to it's gravitational pull it sucked through at absorbing it but it's absorbing capacity is only limited to its mass and it started to glow and started to crack it's event horizon was full of godzilla's condensed atomic energy the surface of the singularity was starting to crack it's existence was being destroyed but it soon crashed into Godzilla causing a huge mushroom cloud, the atomic energy was everywhere in the air ocean and clouds but soon absorbed by Godzilla.


Godzilla roared in victory that shook the earth once again, he began to absorb it's own radiation and atomic energy, Godzilla eye's glowed in a white aura and aimlessly looked around and saw the clouds start to pour down, the rain was acidic with radiation and Godzilla of course bathe and absorbed it down.

After a while radiation was depleted and nowhere to be found except for the beasts own radiation Godzilla swam away and follows the currents to his home below towards the Mariana Trench.

[Change Scene]

'I guess I was wrong' Thought by the filipino worker as he expected something large that could pull Godzilla under the sea.

Meanwhile researchers, active personnels higher up's and world leader's themselves was in a panic they thought the black hole blaster would initially kill the beast but they we're wrong.

Thankfully thought some of the drones retrieved small pieces of radiation and DNA and started researching but some still could feel everyone's fear.

One of the workers theorized that Godzilla might be the earth itself, many disagreements was followed, then soon many theories declined, others we're reconsidered, but only Three theories we're being searched more and more.

Those theories being; Godzilla is a being of nature that we accidentally awakened him on the year 1954, the other was; Godzilla is something we purely cannot comprehend something that essentially transcended humanity and just descended live amongst us, and the final one was; Godzilla... Is a being of pure complexity, we all saw how he destroyed every Kaiju it faced, I theorize it can kill gods, or was sent to hell and came back, or he is a being we never imagined to be.

Maybe the last one could be denied but due to the thoughts around them, they seen many beings already from the supernatural world's and how there are different dimensions and realms alike.....

[Change Scene]

Godzilla was swimming near his birthplace, he could recall memories he had the day he destroyed and dominated hell, the day he defeated and killed the greek gods, went across time and visited many world's, defeated Kaiju's, surviving multiple black holes from different world's, walking and messing up timelines and many other's.


He yearns for battle once again...

[Godzilla's form or appearance is a hybrid between The IDW comic's and Godzilla 2000/Millennium, Godzilla's height throughout the prologue is near 120, his atomic breath has many forms that has variety of colors that differs it's temperature all in all it's still hot if it's red]

Kai_The_Authorcreators' thoughts