
Godlike one piece

DaoistTtqJXj · TV
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8 Chs

Progress and family


When I began my training I was still new to the ways of combat but as I kept training and fighting the instincts of madara and his experience became by own, so within the first month I kept training like a maniac never getting tired and whenever I did my magic would was away my fatigue and mental stress and I would be back in the action again so I kept training with swords from morning until noon and hand to hand combat noon until evening and with every day passing I kept getting faster ,stronger and bigger.

When the other knights saw my training process they were shocked not only I picked up the forms and stances really quick but I also added my own flare meaning I was on my way to becoming a one man army which is what I was aiming for and when I remembered how Madara destroyed an army just by using his taijutsu I pushed myself even further to reach that level ,but training and sparring in the yard didn't help me much because I was already better than most knights and with my magic/ accelerated growth my body had grown to five feet one when I was only eight years old and that helped me execrate more power from my body.

As my stength and body grew rumours of my skills had reached my father and he usually came to watch me train and each time he was wearing a proud look on his face.

The first year I wore my training armour which I didn't really need because no one could come close to even touching me because even when I didn't have as much experience as the other knights I more than made up for it in speed and strength and as the year passed I took of my armour and kept training in my normal clothes but even that was getting boring because I could move quicker and faster than any of them and with my agile body I was nigh uncatchable but some of the more experienced and better knights were still able to come close to hitting me but I used my sword to parry each one of their blows and still managed to counter them, and so I kept up the appearances in the training yard each and every day for four years, but that wasn't the only training I did I had asked the system to provide me with battle stimulations and it did which is what I used to sharpen my combat abilities, first it was hard because I was fighting ten people at once but as time went on I overcame those challenges and the number of my opponents increased and so did my overall combat powers and experience.

With each passing day I grew and grew till I reached my nine name day and even though I was nine I looked like a twenty year old because of my physical stature and so my training ended because honestly I was the best of the best my battle instincts and experience had sharpened because of the stimulations and now I wore my Targaryen robes which were dark with red stripes and the symbol of house Targaryen in front, one thing to notice about me is that I wore leather arm guards which made my stature look even more imposing and as for my looks I was a mixture of Gerald and Thor which made me handsome but also imposing, my body was lean ripped with muscles and nearing almost six feet in height, my heir was lose and short down to my neck and I didn't carry a weapon at all considering I was an expert in hand to hand combat no one could even touch me.

*End flashback*

I was walking across the corridors towards my father chambers when I ran into my sister and her friend Alicent and as soon as Rhaenyra saw me she straight to me going in for a hug which I gladly accepted.

"Where have you been Aegon you are almost never in the keep and I miss you even though you visit most of the time my sister said to me."

"Well unlike someone who loves to spend most of her time with her dragon I prefer to spend it doing something that occupies me ,I have just finished my training and I am on my way to father to ask him if he would let me go to dragon stone and claim one of the wild dragons I said to her".

"Wait a minute are you crazy Aegon they are wild dragons and they are called that for a reason she said to me."

"Well I guess we'll get along well I am wild they are wild so we are kind of the same except they breathe fire and are huge I said to her."

We kept going back and forth with each other as we made our way to the small council chamber where father usually stays and when we went there I just spoke to father telling him that I am going to dragon stone to get one of the wild dragons.

"You should be careful with the wild dragons and if you want to claim one of them try vermithor since he is one of the calmer dragons he said to me."

"Don't worry father I won't put myself at risk so no worries I said to him," while imagining myself flying cannibal and being badass.

After leaving the chamber I went towards the dragon pit after saying goodbye to my sis and giving her a hug to calm her down, so I made my way first to the dragon pit then I went to look for daemon my uncle which was one of my teachers during training and guess where I found him surprise surprise in a brothel and as soon as he saw me he came towards me.

"What are you doing here Aegon you know you are too young to visit these kind of places he said to me."

"Believe me uncle I wouldn't have come here if it wasn't necessary but I need you to fly me to dragon stone because I am going to claim one of the wild dragons I said to him as he smirked."

"Are you sure you have what it takes to tame one of them and what makes you so sure you can?,he asked me."

"Well let's just say I have the blood of the dragon what more do you want to know I said to him and he seemed convinced".

After that we made our way to the dragon pit and we too out Ceraxes which was intimidating even though I knew she couldn't do anything to me it was still a bit overwhelming seeing the bloodwyrm in the flesh.