
Godlike one piece

DaoistTtqJXj · TV
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8 Chs

Claiming my dragon

After daemon took out Ceraxes he climbed on top of his saddle but I myself climbed near his neck and spoke in dragon tongue.

["Fly Ceraxes and take me to meet my partner for life I said to her"]

"As you wish my kin she said to me before taking of and flying towards dragon stone.

As we flew towards the black water bay we started going even faster as Ceraxes was picking up speed and the hole time I was standing with my arms open and feeling the freedom that a dragon rider feels.

Daemon seeing me like this decided to speak "It's amazing isn't it the freedom you feel above dragon back it makes you feel like nothing in the world can trouble you".

"Yeah you are right about that uncle and soon I will have my own dragon who can fly me wherever I want i said to him."

"Well let us hope you don't get eaten first before claiming your dragon he said to me."

"A dragon knows it's kin uncle and no matter what a true dragon recognises one of its own I said as we landed in dragon stone".

After getting down from Ceraxes I told Daemon to wait outside while I go inside the volcano where the dragons are and as I approached the entrance it was hot but to me it was nothing I didn't even feel it and as I was walking towards the dragon I told the system to equip my armour on and soon a ring appeared in my wrist and the armour started covering my body making it all black and it would seem that it responds to my thoughts and now that I realised that I thought about the outfit of Loki but in black and a red cape with the tree of yagrasil as an emblem on it.

As I went even further in the volcano I came across a lot of bones both human and otherwise and as I went further I felt the breath of the dragons which to be honest was like a calling telling me I am home and for me it felt like it as well.

All my life I have never felt like this I was finally free like all of my chains had been broken and my wings had spread covering the world and as I was looking at my changes I released a heavy pressure on the entire volcano region and as I was walking towards with each step the pressure was increasing and as I got closer to the centre of the volcano another pressure came from within the volcano and a voice came with it.

["Finally the chosen one has come and I bid you welcome to my sanctuary that I have created for all of the free dragons of Valyria said a dragon which was enormous and all black".]

"I am humbled by your words even though I still do not know your name, I could feel our bond getting stronger as soon as I stepped foot on dragon stone I said to him."

["Many have called me by different names but the one you should be familiar with is Cannibal and I can also feel a strong connection to you as well and I could tell that as soon as you stepped in this volcano you felt at home he said to me."]

"Well since you do not have a name I will name you Ancalagon as the greatest dragon to ever exist in this world you deserve that name, I have a question are you older than Balerion and bigger than vhagar I said to him."

[" I am older than Balerion in fact I was born fifty years before him and I was and still am the strongest dragon alive and as for vhagar that useless dragon has nothing on me I am almost at the same size as Balerion and still growing, I could have been bigger if I could hunt properly but each and every person that came here just wanted to chain me and claim me but I am a true dragon same as my race and we have had no riders other than the true dragon lords from the days of old ,now you are the last true dragon lord and I am the last true dragon I guess it was fate that brought us together he finished saying".]

"I see now no wonder you were forced to live with whatever you could and with your strength decimating the other dragons would have been easier but I can tell you only ate the eggs and dragons that were dying or had no hope of hatching, but the nature of humanity is that of greed and possession, but now that I am here we will bond for life ,you will return to your true size and be free but we can't do the ritual in here otherwise the volcano will collapse on us if you return to your true size after your awakening I said to him."

["Very well then as you say my brother let us leave this place Vermithor, silver wing and sheep stealer let us leave this place he said as I jumped on his back."]

After we made our way outside the first to be shocked was Daemon since I guess he didn't expect me to claim the oldest and largest dragon in the world and so were the dragon keepers when they saw not one but four adult dragons come out of their nest and as Ancalagon landed in front of them so did the other three and I jumped from his back landing safely on the ground.

"I got to say nephew you never cease to amaze even after all this time I should have gotten used to your achievements but you are still as unpredictable as always" said Daemon.

"What can I say uncle I am to please and you should have known by now a dragon is not a tool it is a companion and a companion will never harm you as long as you live" I said to him.

"I guess you are right about that but I never expected you to bond with the oldest dragon in the world many have tried before but none have succeeded"he said.

"Well uncle if they had treated him with respect instead of treating him like a servant then they would have gotten to live but not bond with him and for the record I told you before a dragon recognises one of its own and he did" I said to him.

"Very well nephew now what are you going to do since you have your own dragon" he said.

"I am taking them someplace else where no one can bother them and tell my father I will be back in two days, also tell him not to worry"I said to uncle as he gave me a nod and I jumped back on Ancalagons back and told him to take us to Valyria.

As we took of into the sky he kept going horizontally until he got above the clouds and then he stabilised floating and letting the air do its work, as we had a while before reaching Valyria I spoke to the system.

"Oracle can you get me a six leaf grimoire from the world of black clover, make sure it allows me to use every kind of magic possible"I said in my head as a book dropped in my hands and as soon as it did in glowed and writing started appearing in its pages with all sorts of spells from different attributes of magic.

After I finished geeking at my grimoire I got up and stood on the back of Ancalagon as he flew even faster and I couldn't shake of the hype that I was feeling because I looked totally awesome, arms crossed in front of me my cape flowing in the wind same with my hair it felt exhilarating and as we kept going I finally saw Valyria or what was left of it.