
You should have been already married!

When Long He opened his eyes again, he found himself in the same room where he and Uion were chatting and drinking wine.

"Phew..." he sighed it relief.

Uion looked at him and asked, "What is it?"

"It is just that you gods are too...."



"Then you have seen nothing, it was the best meeting I have ever seen."

"It is this bad?"

"Oh yes, my friend. Before, we used to have the meetings in the real world, but everything changed when an accident happened."

"What happened back then?"

"A conflict happened between four gods. Two of them died, while the others are still alive."

Long He started to have guesses about that conflict, but he wanted to prove them, "Who were those gods?"

"On one side, there was a water god named Ydall and me. While on the other, the team was of the war god, Vomir, and Cueus, a god of extermination," Uion answered while his tone became dangerously grave.

"Let me guess," said Long He, "You killed Cueus, while Vomir killed Ydall, true?"

"Not exactly, Ydall died because of me, and was killed by Cueus. But the part of me killing Cueus was true."

"Why did you enter this conflict to begin with?"

"Cueus was the one that killed my wife!" As he said that sentence, a crystal clear tear dropped on his cheek. Long He waited for some time to let Uion get back his calm attitude again.

After the sea god calmed himself, he said, "Without me knowing, Cueus had gone against Ilah, but was still determined to kill me. I had some problems with Vomir to begin with, so the two teamed up and set their goal to kill me.

"All of this happened without me knowing. One day I was happily spending time with my twin brother, Ydall, when Cueus and Vomir decided to attack. I was caught off guard, but Ydall saved me by taking the blow sent by both of our enemies. He sacrificed himself to save my life!"

His voice finally broke when Uion retold the story. Long He looked at him and felt sorry for the sea god,"I am sorry, Uion. If I have known, I wouldn't have asked."

Uion just shook his head and said, "There is nothing to be sorry about. Everything that happened in the past could not be changed. We have to accept the truth, whether it was pleasant or not."

Long He nodded and said, "I agree. But what have you done to avenge your brother's death?"

"I sent an explosive wave of sea water on the two," said Uion. "Cueus was hit by the wave, and was finished by it. However, Vomir escaped, being the god of war served him well. When all of this happened, it was the day when my powers were completely revealed to my fellow gods, and they have grown to fear me ever since. "

"I see," said Long He, indicating that he understood, "If you hate Vomir so much, why didn't you kill him later?"

"I had no choice but to let him live," he replied, "We were coming to a war at that time, and we needed all the help that we can have. Vomir knows plans that you can't even imagine. So I let him live, swallowing the bitterness of his victory over me."

"But you have clearly stopped a fight between us earlier."

"I don't want you to lose your life like my wife, or my brother. You haven't tasted the power of Vomir yet, and you better not have to."

Long He nodded then said while standing up, "If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to Aquahelios."

"Train well, and make sure that your preparations for the war goes good."

"I will." Then, Long He cut through the void at full light speed, and arrived outside planet Aquahelios in only a few minutes.

He stepped in the palace and went searching for his parents. After a while, he found his mother sitting alone while reading one of the books of planet Earth.

"Hey mom," said Long He, "Where is dad?"

"Your father is on duty now," replied Yi'er, "Being the angel of death isn't easy, he has to get the souls of the dead all the time."

"I know," he said helplessly, "But he is the most suitable person for this job, I don't know anyone better than father."

"I am not complaining, He'er."


"I wanted to ask you a question before you departed."

"What is it?"

"Why aren't you married yet?"


"You should have kids by now!"


"You are a god, and you should have at least ten beautiful girls as your wives. As an angel of life, I can get you the prettiest girls on your planet to breed with."



"I perfectly know when and who to marry. It is just that I haven't found my perfect pair yet!"

Yi'er was silent for some time then she said, "How about that demigoddes? Remind me of her name, what was it? Iaris?"

Long He sighed then replied, "Please, mother, can you stop?"

"Don't tell me that you don't like her! She is pretty, and has good posture. And you even know her well, and she can't refuse!"

"She is already married!"

"To whom?"

"Iaris is married to Khasdon. They made their wedding here, on the Island of Creation, don't you remember?"

"So it was their wedding back then!"

Long He sighed bitterly, "Yes, it was their wedding back then."

"But that does not mean that you should not marry soon, I want to see my grandchildren if something happens to you in the war."

Before having the chance of replying, Shen Hu, Long He's father, entered the room. When he noticed Long He, he said, "I see that you have come back, son. What did god Uion want from you?"

"Nothing much, father," he replied, "He just wanted to know how the preparations were going on."

"I see. What were you two debating on before I came in?"

"Our son is still refusing to marry!" exclaimed Yi'er.

"Is this true?" Long He nodded in response to his father's question.

"Then you are a fool, son. If you would like, I just took the soul of a pretty girl, do you want me to revive her for you?"

This time, he was out of patience. Long He stormed out of the room without saying any word to his parents.

Chapter 19!

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