
Goddess System

Arion was a 16 year old boy. One day while walking the streets of the city he was caught in a shoot out and died. He thought it would be his end but, it seemed the universe wanted something else. He opened his eyes once again but in a different body and a different world. “Huh...?” He transmigrated! But that was only part of why he screamed. He was transmigrated into a girl's body.

Eminence_01 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Old Man

'Damn...' Amelia who was awake exclaimed.

'hah...' Aurora sighed,

"umm...Excuse me sir?" Aurora showed an indifferent expression but her mind was in chaos.

(A/N: Just like her affinity! Hahahaha...ha...right..?)

"hmm?" The old man slightly opened his eyes to look at the young girl infront of him.

"What is it?" He said nonchalantly.

'hah...' Both Sisters, that is Aurora and Amelia sighed with relief in their mind seeing that the emperor level being, Rion Scarlett was not able to detect anything amiss.

Aurora regained her posture and said politely,

" Can you show me good quality swords, more specifically a katana and an adventurer gear of the best quality?"

"Sure follow me..." The old man said and walked towards the backdoor with a gesture for Aurora to follow him.

They both walked until they reached a section with different types of swords.

"You can choose whichever suits you...Meanwhile I will search a outfit which suits you well."

With those words Rion left.

"phew..." Aurora sighed and started looking through the swords while talking to her sister,

'But really...What is an Emperor class being doing here?' Amelia asked.

'I don't know Sister Amelia but I did read some novels where influent people do such things like hiding their identity or the likes...' Aurora answered.

'His name was Rion Scarlett right?The dukedom we are inside of is also called Scarlett, so maybe he is the Duke of this Duchy?' Amelia suddenly said.

'hmm...I believe that's true, but for now I have make sure that he doesn't find anything amiss'

They kept looking for a suitable sword until Aurora found one,

[Name:Dark blade

A sword made through the combination of dark ore and some mithril , It is stronger than an average dark ore sword]

"ohh...You have got a good eye Miss..." Suddenly a voice came from behind of Aurora.

*gasp* A gasp escaped from Aurora's mouth as she took turned around while going in a fighting stance.

"hm... That's a great reaction speed." The old man was behind Aurora and nodded looking at her reaction speed.

"phew...Sir please don't do that again I got scared" Aurora sighed in relief but deep down thought,

' So this is the power of an Emperor...'

'mhm...So strong, we were not even able to detect it until he speaked...' Amelia stiffly said aswell.

"ahahahaha, I am sorry for scaring you Miss , this is a bad habit of mine." The old man laughed at Aurora words and than looked at the sword,

"So you are going to take this sword?"

"Yes, I have decided I am going to take this" Aurora nodded at his words.

"hmm very well follow me to the counter Miss."

The old man and Aurora went to the counter where an outfit was placed.

"This outfit is the best for you Miss" The old man showed the outfit to Aurora and she nodded,

"Can you tell me the price for these 2 thing?"

"Hehehe...Miss I am sure you already know the quality of this items, it would be 50 gold coins."

The old man smiled.

Aurora's eyes twitched when she heard this,

"Really..?" She sighed .

"Here have it your way." She handed 50 gold coins from her storage as her spatial ring in disguise.

"Thank you miss." The old man smiled.

" By the way..." Aurora smiled in a mysterious way.

"Yes?" The old man got a bad feeling.

"Can you give me a good tent too?"

"Yes, yes sure please come here..." The old man thought he got the feeling for nothing and showed Aurora a good tent which she bought.

"That tent was of 2 gold coins right?" Aurora said.

"hmm that's right" The old man nodded.

"Can you please give me the tent as a bonus?" Aurora said with puppy eyes.

"uhh...Miss I am not sure–" His words were cut offed as Aurora said,

"Please?" Said Aurora with even more puppy eyes.

"Yes..." The old man could only nod because those eyes looked just like her granddaughter when she asked something from him.

"Thank you sir!" Aurora smiled.

"hm" The old man just nodded with a defeated expression.

"Hehe..." Aurora smiled.

Amelia watched all of this with amusement.

They got back to the counter for final checkings and suddenly the old man reached out his hand,

"It was nice to meet you Miss, my name is Rion may I know yours?"

"It's Aurora sir Rion" Aurora said while shaking her hand with Rion's.

Rion slightly raised his brows before nodding.

"See you later Sir Rion." Aurora said before exiting the shop and resuming her walk for groceries.

Rion waved his hand as she exited his shop,

"See you later huh?"

He muttered before adding in his mind,

'I truly believe we will meet again later Aurora'





Aurora was inside the weapon shop for almost an hour before she exited,

"phew...Time to buy groceries "

She said and started walking,

Half an hour later , around 4:30 PM Aurora could be seen walking in towards an inn.

'Sister Aurora why are you not going to the inn we stayed at before?'

Amelia asked curiously,

'Well that's because...I said that I would be occupying the room for just that day but now here I am...So I decided to book another inn' Aurora said shyly.

'ohh' Amelia nodded in understanding.

Aurora was now even more embarassed.

She quickly went to a new inn and booked a room and went in her room to freshen up.

She went down with a new set of clothes she brought from the store to eat something.

She decided to eat outside and went to a restaurant.

"Welcome!" A waitress greeted Aurora but was immediately stunned by her beauty.

"Are there private rooms available?" Aurora said.

The waitress immediately came out of her trance and nodded.


"Hm...Give me a room for one..." Aurora said.

"Y-Yes mam, please follow me " The waitress bowed and told Aurora to follow her which she did and they arrived in front of a door which the waitress opened.

"Here is the menu mam " The waitress handed an menu to Aurora and stood behind her.

"hmm..." Aurora looked through the menu and ordered a few things.

The maid took a note of it and left the room.

In no less then 15 minutes did the food arrive.

Aurora ate the food and paid for it and left.

'Hm?' Amelia suddenly said.

'Hm?What is it Sister Amelia?' Aurora raise a brow.

'No I am just thinking...Sister Aurora, in the novels you read there are always an arrogant young master or mistress who think they own the world that will meet the protagonist just to be a stepping stone but we didn't find one until now right?'

'ahahaha...Sister Amelia I am sure those are just in novels and not in real life...' Aurora laughed at her sister's words.

'hm? Really?' Amelia questioned.

'hmhm, really.' Aurora said but no sooner a voice came from behind her,

"Hey miss..."