
Goddess System

Arion was a 16 year old boy. One day while walking the streets of the city he was caught in a shoot out and died. He thought it would be his end but, it seemed the universe wanted something else. He opened his eyes once again but in a different body and a different world. “Huh...?” He transmigrated! But that was only part of why he screamed. He was transmigrated into a girl's body.

Eminence_01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Young Master

"Hey Miss..."

A voice came from behind of Aurora.

'Guess I spoke to soon' That was the thought that immediately came into her mind.

Aurora could already imagine Amelia shaking with excitement.

Aurora took a deep breath to calm herself and turned around with a fake smile.

"Yes can I do something for you?"

Infront of her was a boy who looked just around her age along with what she thought were his lackeys.

"Hehehe...You certainly can" The boy infront of her gave a laugh and a smile which looked like a disgusting and perverted smile to Aurora.

The lackeys surrounding him also began laughing.

Aurora and the boys were in a lonely street but a few passerby's were passing by but didn't do anything other than looking at her with pity.

'Tch , Sister Aurora why are those people not helping you?' Amelia was no longer excited seeing her sister getting 'bullied' and no one doing anything.

'It's just the human nature Sister Amelia, a human won't do anything to help you other than offering a few condolences or even if they want to help, most of the time they don't have to power to do so.'

Aurora answered from her personal experience.

Amelia could feel her sister's sadness from those words alone and didn't try to say anything further and watch everything unfold.

The exchange happened in less than 1 second.

Meanwhile Aurora narrowed her eyes on the answer but stated clearly,

"May I know what kind of help you want?"

"Well..." The boy didn't say anything further and

snapped his fingers.

His lackeys began surrounding Aurora but she looked calm.

"ohh? You've resigned yourself to faith already? Every good I like obediante girls." The boy took her action's meaning something else entirely and shook his head.

"It seems you are misunderstanding something here" Aurora calmly stated.

"hm? What would that–"The boy's words were cut offed as Aurora suddenly appeared in front of him and punched his stomach.

"uff?!" The boy was startled by this action as were the lackeys.

He fell down on his butt and began crawling on the ground.

"hm?" Aurora raised a brow.

She didn't even use a saint level strength and the boy was already groaning.

'It seems my punches hold quite the power '

Though she thought that , she didn't feel sorry for the boy at all.

Amelia already begun cheering for her sister and Aurora smiled faintly.

The lackeys got out of their shock seeing their boss and the young master groaning at pain.

Though they were scared that the girl could easily defeat a low begginer level without the use of mana they tried to defend their young master.

"What do you think you are doing bitch?!"

Lackey No.1 shouted and charged to Aurora,


Aurora thought and stepped left to avoid the punch coming towards her but at the same time using her hand to knock the lights out of the boy.

The other lackeys got even more angry seeing one of their own getting knocked out like that but more than that they were scared seeing the girl they thought was an easy target easily defeated one of them.

"We should surround her and attack her together!" One shouted and the others nodded.

'Seriously? They think they could defeat me if they just team up?'

Aurora shook her head

"ha!" "iya!" "yah!"

Aurora jumped high up to avoid the punches and kicks of the boys and knocked one of them out.

What followed after that was a one-sided fight.

By the end of it everyone was lying on the ground groaning in pain except for...well Aurora.

She sighed and went towards the leader who was shaking in fear and anger.

"D-D-Don't you know who I am?!" He tried to scare Aurora using his background.

"You will pay for what you did to me you bitch!"He was angry, he who got everything he wanted since birth,how could he be defeated by a girl?

"Are you the son of an Emperor?" Aurora suddenly questioned.

"N-No..."The boy shuttered.

"Are you the son of a duke?" She questioned again.

"No..." The boy said again.

Than Aurora smiled disdainfully.

"Than how am I supposed to know you?"

"krgh..." The young Master gnashed his teeth in anger.

"You bitch!" He pointed his palm towards Aurora and mana begun gathering around his palm.

"I can't allow that" Aurora said and kicked the boys head knocking him out cold.

Aurora than looked at the lackeys.

"Don't you guys need to take your young master to a doctor?"

"hi?!" They got screamed in a low-pitch like girls and picked their young master before running.

"hah...Today was long day indeed..." she sighed.

'Sister Aurora why did you let them go so easily?'

'Well I think I did that because–' Aurora told her plans for the boy to Amelia and Amelia couldn't help but giggle.

'That's My sister for you' She said.(A/N : Those boys will play a crucial role later)

Both Aurora and Amelia didn't knew that they were being watched by someone.

"hmm...She is quite the girl." Rion smiled while watching Aurora defeating the boys easily.

"I am sure she will grow alot stronger...Even more than me..." He said narrowing his eyes.

Meanwhile Aurora just entered the inn and went to her room to freshen up yet again.

"hah..." Aurora fell on her bed and opened her status screen.

[ Name : Aurora

Age : 16

Race : Transcendent

level : 200

Strength: 900

Agility : 1000


Affinities: Chaos(All the affinities)

Skills: Trickster

Mana : 20000

Rank : Saint

Weapon :Alucard

Status points : 4000

(Shop) (Achievements[1]) (Information) ]

Aurora clicked her Achievement section.

She scrolled down to a particular section

[ Emergency Quest: Show the Young Master his rightful place and humiliate him.

Reward: 1000 SP ]

While talking to the boys she got this quest and it was one of the reasons why she humiliated him like that infront of his lackeys.

"hah..." She accepted the reward and closed her eyes while remembering what she saw in the young master's status.

[ Name : Luke Ferbert

Age: 16

Race: Human

Level: 15

Strength: 10


Intelligence: 40

Affinity:Fire ]

"He was so weak." She muttered and closed her eyes.


[ Name : Aurora

Age : 16

Race : Transcendent

level : 200

Strength: 900

Agility : 1000


Affinities: Chaos(All the affinities)

Skills: Trickster

Mana : 20000

Rank : Saint

Weapon :Alucard

Status points : 5000

(Shop) (Achievements) (Information) ]
