
Goddess System

Arion was a 16 year old boy. One day while walking the streets of the city he was caught in a shoot out and died. He thought it would be his end but, it seemed the universe wanted something else. He opened his eyes once again but in a different body and a different world. “Huh...?” He transmigrated! But that was only part of why he screamed. He was transmigrated into a girl's body.

Eminence_01 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The next day

Aurora started walking towards the inn's direction and started thinking about the things she hadn't thought for a while,

'Why was I send to this world? Why did Sister Amelia woked up only after me coming in this world? Was this the universe's wish or a game of higher beings?' She grew solemn while thinking about this things.

Amelia who was sleeping noticed this sudden change in emotional state and woke up,

'Is something wrong Sister Aurora?' She asked worriedly.

'Ah...Nothing is wrong Sister Amelia, I am sorry for waking you up.' Aurora apologized.

'No problem I was going to wake up sooner or later anyways' Amelia said and then said,

'Are we going to the inn?' Amelia said,

'mhm...You are right.' Due to Amelia and Aurora being connected they both know what the other is doing.

After walking for a while they stood in front of an establishment.

[Silver Moon Inn] It read.

"Here I come..." She muttered and made her way inside.

"Welcome mam" An lady who seemed to be in her 30s smiled and welcomed Aurora.

"Can I get a room for one?" Aurora asked.

"There is certainly a room for one mam, it would be 10 silver coins." The lady said.

" I will be occupying it for today" Aurora handed the lady 10 silvers and the lady handed her a room key.

While walking towards her room Aurora thought,

'I guess I handed the lady in library alot of money.'

'hmm mm I agree aswell Sister Aurora, but now that you have acquired knowledge about the currency of this world you won't do that again.' Amelia said. Aurora could feel that Amelia was doing a nodding gesture.

'Well that was supposed to be a bribe...' Aurora said wryly.

Aurora entered her room and locked the door.

She looked at a corner and saw there was a clock hanging.

As always she could understand the unknown numbers like a pro mathematian.

She found out there was also a shower here.

"Atlast...I can feel the worldly pleasures..." She sighed.(AN: Our Aurora isn't talking about those things!)

While in the forest she had to clean herself using magic or bath in a nearby water source so she was happy to finally have a refreshing shower.

After a while of looking around the room she went for a shower.





"uwahh...." With a yawn that had a certain charm in it Aurora woke up.

She rubbed her eyes and went to the bathroom.

At about 8:30 AM,

"Please come back here again." Said an employee in courtesy as Aurora left the inn.

She didn't eat anything last night as she wasn't hungry.(AN: The higher the level the less thirsty and hunger a person feels)

Even now she wasn't hungry but she decided to taste a little bit of street food this world had to offer.

Amelia as always was sleeping.

Aurora went to nearby stall and ordered a few skewers.

She went towards the library while eating them.

'hmm this skewers tastes good, almost like food from a five star hotel.' She said although in her past life she had never ate in a five star hotel.

Aurora reached the library around 9 AM and it was opened.

She went inside and saw a different employee than the one before in the counter.

She went towards the counter and the employee who was a male and was minding his own business until then looked at her in daze.

Aurora wryly smiled at this in her mind.

"Excuse me mam can you please show me your library card?" The employee tried to sound as good as possible to leave a good impression on Aurora.

" Yes here it is." Aurora handed her card and he checked it.

He nodded seeing it and placed it on a magic device which recorded the time and date she entered the library.

You maybe wondering how she knows this, well remember knowledge is power.

After a beep sound was heard the employee gave the card back to Aurora.

Aurora entered the top floor and the guard from before opened the door after greeting her.

Aurora than again started reading the rest of the books.

By Afternoon she left the library and strolled through the city.

"hmhmhmhmhmhmhmmhmmhmm..." She hummed and Amelia who was awake by now commented,

' You are looking happy Sister Aurora is it because of what you read?'

'hm hm , that's true~' Aurora said happily.

She found alot of more interesting things about this world.

The books she read were mainly focused on the continent of Eutopia but also contained knowledges from the other continents.

She came to know that there were academies in every kingdom or Empire and with 4 being regional academies and one being the main academy.

The Dragania Empire being powerful and large also had it's own regional and main academy with the main academy's name being Dragania Academy of Magic. Aurora wanted to learn more about this world and the unravel the reason why she was in this world.

Aurora had already read so many books that she could already be considered a scholar but she still wanted to learn more.

If the scholars came to know about this they would either blush and smile bashfully or cough up blood.

Leaving this all aside right now Aurora was headed to best clothing store in this city.

The store she was going to now was known as kind wears.

She reached the store and went inside.

"Good Afternoon to you mam." An employee greeted Aurora.

'Sister Aurora tell the employee to show simple wears and then dresses, then lingeries.' Aurora could feel that Amelia was smiling evilly when she said those words.


Aurora gulped hearing those words.

'um...Sister Amelia please stop...' Aurora said scared because she was sure her sister would keep nagging her to wear those clothes.

'We are going to buy all those things right?!' Amelia said excitedly, she wanted her sister to wear all those clothes.

'Y-Yes...'Aurora just sighed and said stiffly and went towards an employee.





"Please come here again!" An employee said as Aurora exited the store.

"Phew..." Aurora sighed.

Her time in the store was nothing less than an disaster.(A/N: I will give a bonus chapter in later dates for her experience in the store)

She put all those things in her storage using using the spatial ring as a disguise.

'It is already afternoon...Maybe around 3 PM, should I departure for the capital today or tomorrow...' She was arranging her thoughts when Amelia butted in.

'Sister Aurora, how about we buy a sword and a tent along with few groceries...From what you read we know that it would take atleast 10 days to get to the capital city so why don't we take the journey as a kind of adventure!' Amelia sounded enthusiastic yet again.

' That's...A great idea!' Aurora herself seemed like excited hearing her sister's thoughts.

And no more words were spoken as Amelia headed towards the best weapon shop in the city.

"Excuse me." Said Aurora as she entered the store where a old man was sitting behind the counter with his eyes closed.

Aurora got shocked seeing the old man, no more specifically she got shocked seeing his status,

[Name: Rion Scarlett

Age: 948

Race: Human


Affinity: Fire

Rank: Emperor

(Can't collect more data due to lower level)]