
Goddess System

Arion was a 16 year old boy. One day while walking the streets of the city he was caught in a shoot out and died. He thought it would be his end but, it seemed the universe wanted something else. He opened his eyes once again but in a different body and a different world. “Huh...?” He transmigrated! But that was only part of why he screamed. He was transmigrated into a girl's body.

Eminence_01 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Outside the forest in the City

"hah..." Aurora sighed a sigh of relief after finally getting out of the forest.

After hours of fighting she finally found her way out of the forest.

She looked in an particular direction,

"Hehehe... Let's try out my speed in an open space." She said.

She picked the direction of the nearest city according to the system and,


With a gust of wind she disappeared.





After running for about 30 minutes she hid near a tree and quickly used storage to change her clothes to that of the black outfit from the Black death.

The reason was she saw the city infront of her.

She also found out that the system's shop sells the currency used in the Eutopia continent.

She walked out of the tree and went towards the city gate.

After arriving she stood in a line infront of the city gate.

"hmm?" She noticed with her keen senses that the people who were standing in the line were handing out either some kind of card or document along with few silver coins.

'ahh...I don't have an identity card do I?'She thought of waking up her sister who was sleeping but decided against it.

Yes, both Aurora and Amelia recently found out that Amelia was not totally dependent on Aurora.

Although they were the same soul , Amelia didn't require energy while Aurora did and Amelia could even sleep without Aurora sleeping...meaning both of them were like 2 souls stuck in 1 body but they shared the same soul. She would wake up if she senses an turmoil of emotions or was called.

Right now Amelia was sleeping and so technically Aurora was alone.

'Ah! Wait a minute I do have trickster.'

With her senses she saw the man in front of her talking out is adventurer card and she copied it with some changes.

After her turn came she handed her card to the guard.

The guard, looked at Aurora's beautiful subconsciously before remembering he was in duty. He shook his head and looked at the card.

"Hmm...Miss Aurora is it?Miss you look quite strong for your age...Hahaha Rank D in mere 16 years." The guard laughed and then looked at Aurora.

"Miss you would need to pay 2 silver coins to enter the city" He said and handed the card back to Aurora.

Aurora just nodded and gave 2 silver coins to the guards and entered the city.





While Aurora was entering the city the guard thought,

'Strange...She came from the direction of the beast's paradise, why is she wearing such casual clothes? Cleary from her demeanor and appearance I can conclude that she is a noble lady...But it's not my job to care anyway.' He just shrugged and went back to his job.

Aurora entered the city and looked around,

"woah..." The word leaked out of her mouth as she looked at the different stalls and stores on the Main Street.

'uwaahh...' It was at that time that Amelia woke up

'Ohh...You are awake Sister Amelia? Good morning to you' Aurora said.

'mm,Good morning to you aswell Sister Aurora...' Amelia said sleepily.

'Where are we now?' Asked Amelia while looking through Aurora's point of view.

'We are in a city near the forest' Aurora replied.

'hmmm? Why is that so? Isn't there a great danger of beasts in here?' Amelia asked curious if why the city was builded near the forest.

'Well I don't know...This city must have an library, we can go their and find out more about not just this city but of the world. In the information section of the system, it contained only the name of continents and the countries in it and not anything else.'

'Seriously, what the hell is wrong with the system...If it want to gives us information then give us a full version!'Amelia groaned.

'Sister Amelia, we should be grateful with what we have.' Aurora started sounding like a mom who was teaching her daughter life lessons.

'argh...Yes mam.' Amelia could only groan to Aurora's lessons.

'We should check for the any libraries present in this city.' Aurora said.

' As you wish Sister Aurora.' Amelia was happy to compile.

Aurora asked a man who was walking by if there were any libraries in this city.

The man said there were and gave directions for it.

Aurora thanked the man and went to the library.

Aurora reached the library and was a little amazed by it.

'Woah it's quite big.' She said.

'mhm I agree in that.' Amelia agreed aswell.

They went inside and were greeted by a number of book shelves and a lady at a counter.

The counter lady said,

"Miss can you please show me your library card." She said politely.

"hmm? I don't have one." Aurora said cluelessly.

" I am sorry miss if that's the case then you have to first register." The lady in the counter said.

"So how do I do that?" Aurora asked.

" You have to fill up this form..." The lady said being out a form.

Aurora took a look at it and thought,

'oh shit...It has stated to write the adress.' Aurora sighed.

'ohh man...What should we do Sister Aurora?' Amelia like always asked Aurora for suggestions.

'Leave this to me.' Aurora said with confidence.

She was sure corruption existed in this world aswell and might be in an even greater extend.

"Miss lady I might not be able to fill this form..." Aurora said sweetly.

"hm? Why is that miss?" The counter lady questioned.

"ahaha...You might already know this from my appearance but I am a noble but I am currently in an disguise so I can't write my real address in it can you please fill up this form for me?" Aurora answered sweetly.

The counter lady was getting a bad feeling and said,

" I am sorry Miss but we can't do that-" Her sentence was cut offed when Aurora placed an gold coin on the counter.

"please~" Aurora said playfully.

The lady in counter was in a dilemma. She as a commoner would never be able to touch a gold coin and here she was offered one just for faking an library card.

She looked at the gold coin and then at Aurora and her greed took over.

"Please leave this to me M'lady" The counter lady smiled and took the gold coin in her pocket.

Aurora smiled aswell as the lady started filling out the form.

"Write the name as Aurora..." She said.

"As you wish..." The counter lady compiled.

The lady filled up the form and then made a card immediately.

"Here it is M'lady, this card is an exclusive one with

the privilege of being able to visit the last floor which contains the most information."

"Thank you." Aurora smiled and looked at a corner of the first floor.

There were stairs at the corner which she started climbing until she reached the last floor where a guard was standing.

"Mam your card please." He politely asked.

"here it is" Aurora handed her card to the guard who nodded looking at it and let Aurora enter.

Aurora entered and the guard closed the door.

Aurora scanned the shelves with her senses and muttered.

"There are about 8640 books which are the best of best present in this city... Let's read all of them."

'mhm...I will help you aswell Sister Aurora!' Amelia sounded enthusiastic about reading this books and learning about this world.

They took a random book from the first shelf and looked at it.

Even though it was written in an unknown language Aurora and Amelia could read it finely.

"Eutopia's Geography..." Aurora muttered and started reading it.

It didn't take longer than 10 seconds for her to finish it due to her inhumanly senses.

She closed the book after looking at the last page and sighed...

"So except for the fact that I already knew I came to also know that right now I am in the dukedom of Scarlett something of the likes of a state...And I also came to know alot other things..." She muttered and started reading all the other books.

By the she completed 5000 books the guard knocked the door.

"What is it." Aurora answered.

" I am sorry for disturbing you miss but it's time for the library to close."

"Oh I see...So do I have to leave now?" Aurora questioned.

"Yes miss but you can come here tomorrow at 8 AM when the library is opened." The guard answered respectfully.

"I see...than I would be going now." Aurora said.

"By the way do you know any good inn in this city?" She suddenly asked.

"Yes there is one it is just over there-" The guard gave directions to the best inn in the city and Aurora left the Library.

She looked at the sky,

"It's almost night..." She came in this city in the morning and now it was almost night. Amelia was already asleep because after seeing Aurora read books she became lazy and decided to sleep.

"Well... It's almost dinner time." She said and started walking towards the direction of the inn.