
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
190 Chs

Ch 111

This passage appears to be in Japanese. Here's a translation:


A provisional sky projected onto the Eternal Sky. The eastern side gradually begins to lighten.

"──Good morning, Commander."

"──Good morning."

Behind Moore, who exchanges morning greetings with the mass-produced Nikke staff on guard duty at the earth-covered ammunition depot, stand Rapi, Anis, and Neon.

Having communicated their early morning departure for ammunition loading and receipt the night before, the receipt process was quickly completed.

Metal ammunition boxes lined up on the ground in front of the ammunition depot. Opening the lids, they receive the factory-loaded cartridges and grenade projectiles stored inside.

Moore and Rapi swiftly load large-caliber cartridges into magazines using loading tools and then stow them in pouches. Anis places grenades one by one on her belt below her chest, while Neon stores shotgun shells in holders on both arms and on her waist. All of them handle the tasks with practiced ease.

"──After receiving the ammunition, conduct individual firearm inspections."

After storing grenades and finishing packing spare ammunition into backpacks, Moore returns the empty ammunition boxes to the mass-produced Nyx under his charge.

While they carry out thorough inspections of the firearms they carry at his instruction, Moore quickly completes the inspection of his assault rifle.

Gathering in front of the elevator on foot shortly after, the doors open as they approach. Upon recognizing the three Nikke inside, Moore urges the squad to board the elevator.

"──We'll ascend near the coordinates, but it still takes about three hours on foot. Is that okay?"

"It's fine."

Although there is an elevator entrance near the specified coordinates as discussed last night, it is only considered "nearby."

Emphasizing this, Moore operates the liquid crystal panel, designates the relevant entrance on the ground, and, after entering his identification number, closes the doors.

As the doors close, they feel the elevator briefly descending. Soon after, they sense it starting to ascend. Moore adjusts the chin strap of his helmet and turns to the others, but...

"...Uh, hey, why is it so dark for everyone?"

It's been only five days since they were last on the surface, not an exceptionally long time. Moore thought it would be a breath of fresh air for the squad, but, as Rupee hesitantly opened her mouth, it seemed his subordinates were not in the best spirits.

That's understandable. The coordinates specified are close to where they handed over Marian to the Pilgrims.

"...I'd appreciate it if you don't bring it up too much."

Removing the sunglasses attached to his body armor, Moore, who covered his eyes with them, asked Rupee, who carries a golden assault rifle similar to his own, for a favor.

In response, Dolla, who carries a sniper rifle with a shortened barrel, let out an exaggerated sigh, perhaps due to the bullpup configuration.

"You're a girl who doesn't read the room. Obviously, it's because 'we lost Marian to the Pilgrims.'"

Externally, that's the script they're following. Whether they believe it or not is hard to judge, but Dolla points it out. Moore nods, not stingy with his agreement, but...

"──The technology she possesses is worth a tremendous amount of money when converted, and it was taken away right in front of them. It's only natural to be frustrated."

"...Sorry. I just got irritated for a moment."

Of course, it's just a momentary thing. Moore quickly finishes inspecting his assault rifle before a loud sound echoes next to Yan, who releases a sigh that reverberates.

"──Read the room. Do you think everyone's as money-minded as you?"

With an exaggerated gesture of shaking her head left and right, Yan makes her presence known. She carries a launcher covered with a cylindrical sleeve, giving her a sharp impression.

"Even if they're comrades we risked our lives to save... after being bullied in the Ark and then abducted by unknown people, it's natural to worry and feel down.──Right?"

Opening a fan with one hand and covering her mouth and nose with a red fan surface, Yan directs a meaningful gaze toward Moore.

And then──after lightly shrugging his shoulders, he slammed the magazine he had pulled from his pouch into the insertion port of the assault rifle.

"──Commander, more importantly."

"What's up?"

Rapi turns her crimson eyes towards him. Without a doubt, her gaze conveyed that she had something to say.

"... I generally understand the outline of the operation from last night's briefing, but... they are Nikke specialized in civilian operations rather than combat. Why do they need to accompany us in a ground operation?"

"Come to think of it, yeah."

"Yeah... well, that's true."

While Moore, who returned to the forward base last night, gathered the squad for a briefing on the hastily planned operation to be carried out early the next morning, it seems he omitted the details until they met up with the Merchant Union.

If they defend Moore, he didn't know what treasures or items they were targeting, so he intended to leave the explanation to the three members of the Merchant Union. However, it seems that Anis harbored unfounded suspicions.

"...Commander, do you have some kind of weakness?──Did you borrow from a loan shark or something?"

"Or is it a joint guarantee, Master?"

"...There's no way."

"Then, is it because you want a main battle tank──"


Certainly, he wants one, but he can't say that. However, Anis and Neon's suspicions are way off the mark.

"Hahaha. I didn't lend him any money. Well, I did have him sign a contract, though."

While Dolla laughs, she, dressed in a suit from head to toe despite going to the surface, takes out the contract she had folded from the inner pocket of her jacket. Handing it to Rapi, who was nearby, she reads the contents of the contract she received.

Moore didn't miss the moment when her neatly arranged eyebrows came together.

"...Indeed, with the Marian incident, the forward base became a target for Terrorists, and the paved roads and several facilities were heavily damaged. It is true that funds are urgently needed for recovery."

Rapi, who finished reading the contract up to Moore's neatly written name in cursive, returns the contract to Dolla.──The continuous furrowing of her brows is not an optical illusion. Inadvertently, Moore averts his gaze from Rapi.

He hadn't touched on the point of signing the contract──and he seems to have remembered it just now.

"...Even so... making us sign a 'contract' without saying anything..."

"...I didn't say it... I'm sorry. I'm definitely not treating you as tools, but..."

"...No, I believe that, but..."

Moore realizes that he has undermined his consideration and concern for them, and he sincerely bows his head. Anis doesn't intend to make more accusations than necessary, but she doesn't have any──

"...Next time, please consult with us properly before doing something like this, okay?"

"I'll keep that in mind."

Helpless, she sighs, and then she reaches out to Moore's tall figure, lightly patting the shoulder clad in body armor.

"Well, there's no need to be so vigilant. This contract isn't that bad for you guys."

Dolla lightly raises the contract she picked up with one hand, shows it, and eventually folds it, putting it back into the inner pocket of her jacket.

If the three members of the Merchant Union Talent are escorted to specific coordinates, half of the profits from the "treasure" they acquire there will be handed over to the forward base. On the surface, it appears to be a very simple arrangement.

"...By the way, we don't know what's at those coordinates. ──However, each of these three knew about the coordinates through different routes, and unanimously felt that this was a big hit."

"We each have different business areas, and it's rare for us to agree on one thing. So when we unanimously agree──it's definitely a big hit."

Is that how it is? Moore, still skeptical, takes out his fan and gazes at Yan, who is starting to relax with her mouth covered.

"Well, well, Commander's big brother. Don't be so suspicious☆"

"...Sorry, but... I don't know much about you guys. Of course, I want to believe you, but..."

Even through the sunglasses, he must have felt his narrowed eyes of suspicion. Rupee, carrying a flashy assault rifle painted in gold, approaches, showing her canine teeth and lightly patting his left arm.

"You're quite skeptical, huh..."

"I can't afford to be. Not mentally, not financially. ──Three minutes. Final check."

The remaining time to the ground entrance is displayed on the liquid crystal panel.

Having acknowledged that, he adjusts the assault rifle connected to the sling belt and gives instructions to his subordinates.

After each completes the final check of the firearms they carry, the metallic sound of loading the first round echoes in the elevator.

Moore also sharply pulls the charging handle of the assault rifle, sends the first round into the chamber, and hits the bolt forward assist with the heel of his palm. Completing the procedure up to the forced closure of the chamber smoothly, he moves to the front of the door. Rapi stands next to him.

"──Huh? You too, big brother?"

"──Isn't it dangerous?"

"──I've heard stories, but..."

"──Yeah, it's okay."

"──It's the usual."

Seeing Moore, who stood naturally in front of the door with movements that were too natural, the three members of the Merchant Union were skeptical, even though they had heard rumors. 

Therefore, they couldn't shake off their anxiety. Anis and Neon's light-hearted demeanor──probably their usual behavior, but Moore is undoubtedly human.

Whether they could truly fight against the Rapture──just as they were pondering this, the elevator doors, having reached the surface, opened right before them.

"「──Contact, engaging!!」"

After a long absence on the surface, the welcoming party was the Rapture.

The muzzles of assault rifles developed by Elysion and Tetra, with their safety devices removed, were simultaneously pointed forward. Uttering identical words, the moment the muzzles were directed, gunshots echoed.

"──Rapi, go right!"


The Rapture, showered with a barrage of bullets, was immediately defeated.

Upon confirming that, Moore and Rapi, who had descended from the elevator, spread out to the left and right.

Searching meticulously for any other signs of enemies──


"Understood. Same here."

──No signs of enemies. Upon confirming this, Rapi and he almost simultaneously engaged the safety devices on their assault rifles.


They couldn't believe it was true. The three members of the Merchant Union now had a renewed realization that the rumors were nothing but facts.

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