
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Ch 112

I can translate the text for you:

"──I can see it!? That blue sky! The dazzling sun! Everything is literally real, you know☆

Job hunting: Oh, oh, oh, oh!!!

Zone: Eh!? Seriously!? Real!?

We did it: Ground! We're on the ground!!

Even though it's still early in the morning, the Shoppaholic Channel's open chat is lively and bustling.

The streamer and also the protagonist, Rupee, suddenly started a live stream, and curious subscribers rubbed their sleepy eyes and turned their attention to their mobile devices or PC screens. However, what they saw was not the Royal Road of Arc, but a devastated urban area on the screen, and soon the clear blue sky was displayed. The comments in the open chat flowed rapidly.

And when the screen shook, Rupee's face filled the frame. Today, her smile was as bright as ever.

"──If we keep defeating Rapture like this and reach the destination~!──Guess what! We can get our hands on a super high-tech artifact that has been buried underground for over half a century~!"

It's easier said than done. The artifacts, artificial objects, were already displayed on the screen. Although they were debris from ruined buildings, undoubtedly the current technology of Arc had produced them, far surpassing relics from over half a century ago.

However, those who noticed her skillful and, unaware, promotional words—fortunately or unfortunately—did not seem to exist in the open chat.

As the screen shook, on each viewer's screen, various women—Dra, Yan, and others—were shown, and subsequently, the figures of Lapie, Anis, and Neon, who seemed to be on alert in the vicinity, were also captured.


Nike Lover: There are so many Nikke-chan today~

Madness: I can't understand those guys who dislike her, despite being so beautiful and cute.

www: ↑ Hey, brothers


Viewers knew that Rupee was Nikke. Although individuals with Nikephobia often intruded, in most cases, the comments were quickly swept away by her united fans, becoming a kind of spectacle. However, today, it seems that there are many peaceful comments.

"──It's dangerous, but there's nothing to worry about!"

The screen shook again.

Presumably, Rupee was using the camera on her mobile device for the relay. Her precious face, captured by that lens, disappeared, slightly lowering the viewers' tension. However, what appeared next was a figure sitting on the fragments of reinforced concrete. It was a person wearing body armor, carrying an assault rifle connected to a sling belt looped around the neck and right armpit.

The figure, tying the bootlaces, was undoubtedly a man in terms of physique—something the viewers could easily discern.

"──We, Nikkes, have our handsome and capable big brother, the commander, protecting us here! Let me introduce you~! Today's guest! Captain Shaw Moore, who commands the Ground Recapture Squad, the Counters!!"

"──...What is it?"


We did it: Wait, wait, w! His voice sounds cool from the start, wwww

Shopping: Is he on a break?


Displayed on the viewers' screens, Rupee's bright introduction was short-lived. The commander—Moore—pulled out a cigarette from the pouch of his body armor, lit it with an oil lighter, and Rupee continued.

While it seems that Rupee is approaching him during a short break, Moore's figure gradually becomes more prominent.

"──Big brother is really handsome, you know☆ Look, look!"

"──Could you give it back?"

Her slender arm extends toward his face covered by the helmet, and she casually takes off the sunglasses he is wearing. Because vertical wrinkles are engraved on his forehead, the stern impression remains, but his handsome features are still revealed.


#Number: What!?

We did it: Handsome! No need for explanation!!

Handsome Die: #Inappropriate comment, deleted#

Man: Well, not just handsome but rugged manly?

Shopping: That's it!!


"──Come on, big brother! Everyone says you're handsome!──Oh, a question is coming. How old is Mr. Moore? Does he have a girlfriend?"

"──I'm 22. As for a girlfriend... I don't have one. And I'm not recruiting."

Although he seems bothered while reclaiming the taken sunglasses, the viewers can sense his attitude even from his voice. However, to the viewers, this attitude was—frankly speaking—hilarious.


We did it: 22!? No way, man!!

Dragon: No way!!

Handsome Die: #Inappropriate comment, deleted#

Shopping: Being 22 and going to the surface with your youthful energy, and then there's you guys...

We did it: ↑ Oh? Is this a self-introduction?


The viewers' reactions are positive. Checking the comment section, Rupee turns her wrist, points the lens of her mobile device at herself, and smiles brightly.

"──Anyway! Today, whether we can get our hands on the super high-tech artifact protected by this handsome big brother or not!──Everyone, keep watching the channel! Until the end☆"

What she is doing in front of the camera can be generally inferred, but it's quite unexpected. Moore, putting the sunglasses back in place, calls out to Dolla, who is projecting a hologram in the air toward the target coordinates to check the route.

"...What is she filming?"

"Ignore her. It's something the owner of the online shopping mall does from time to time."

"...Unfortunately, I'm an amateur in that area... Is it a form of marketing?"

"Yeah. It's a promotion advertisement for her own shopping mall, doubling as a TetraTV streamer. Rupee, despite her appearance, is the representative of the largest shopping mall in Ark."

"...I didn't know that."

Rather, Moore and Rupee have only just met. Considering that Moore is not particularly knowledgeable in that area, not knowing is understandable.

"Well, that's one thing──and recently, emotional marketing is trending."

"Emotional marketing?"

Interrupting the conversation between Dolla and Moore, Yan, holding a somewhat angular launcher, spreads a fan with one hand and starts sending wind toward herself.

"Yeah. In other words, if there's a story behind the item, it sells better. Saying it overcame all kinds of adversity on the surface and brought it here makes it fly off the shelves."

Closing the fan she had opened with a snap, Yan pointed the tip towards Rupee's back like a pointer.

"──If that guy, in front of the camera, shows entertaining scenes like that, our share of the pie gets bigger."

"Gosh... You're such a money-hungry ghost."

"...It doesn't really matter, but when I hear 'pie,' I start craving a meat pie."

While Anis directed an exasperated gaze and voice towards Yan, he, amidst emitting purple smoke, checked the time on the dial of the wristwatch wound around the inside of his left wrist. It had been 15 minutes since the short break started. Taking a final deep drag, he exhaled a light puff of purple smoke and casually tossed the cigarette butt into a portable ashtray.

"──Let's get going."

Getting up and gripping the handle of his assault rifle, Moore urged them to move forward.

This time, Rapi and Anis are leading. As the two started moving, Moore, Neon, and the three members of the Merchant Union followed with intervals.

"──Master, are you okay with your condition?"

"...I'm fine... What about Neon?"

"...I'm a bit hungry, but..."

Although the budget has been secured to distribute three meals, the distribution of additional meals and indulgences is decreasing. While it might seem trivial, indulgences matter. The presence or absence of indulgences directly affects morale.

"...Want some gum?"

"...Yes, please."

Moore, in particular, has been reducing smoking lately. Simultaneously, he has begun using──the stimulating gum.

A pack of ten pieces pulled out of the pocket of his combat pants. Handing one to Neon beside him, he himself tossed one into his oral cavity.

The master and disciple began chewing almost simultaneously, and soon, they both wore indescribable expressions.

"...Master... Is this... delicious...?"

"...I wouldn't call it delicious, but the stimulating ingredients are strong, so... it helps distract a bit."

It's purely a matter of perspective, so whether it can ignore the urge to smoke is another issue.

They continue to move forward while chewing the gum.

About 15 minutes have passed since they finished their short break and started moving.

Suddenly, Rapi, who was leading, raised her clenched left fist and signaled the followers to stop. Anis, kneeling beside her, caught the sight of Moore and Neon approaching with lowered postures.

"What's wrong?"

"That over there."

At the abandoned intersection, large debris from discarded vehicles and materials peeled off from surrounding buildings lay scattered.

Fortunately, they didn't have trouble finding cover. As Anis observed the rough paved road from the hiding spot behind a rusted car, Rapie called out to Moore, urging him to look in the direction of 9 o'clock.

Squinting, Moore could indeed see something moving. Moreover, there were multiple things.

Rummaging through the pouch of his body armor, he took out binoculars and directed the objective lens towards the indicated direction.

"...Do you see it? Many Raptures are moving."

"Yeah, and they're lined up like a column of ants."

"...Got it. There are quite a few."

They are Raptures. Moreover, it's not just one or two disturbances.

In a single-file formation, Moore also captures the presence of dozens of Raptures moving while maintaining that formation.

"Hmm? Wait. It looks like they're carrying something."

"...I can see something shining, but Neon, can you see it?"

Maintaining a distance and hiding behind a large concrete debris, Moore asks Neon, but she shakes her head left and right. The master and disciple still seem to be chewing gum frequently.

"I can't see it in detail, but... it's sparkling a lot. Maybe jewels... or electronic components, something like that."

"...I see. Well, there probably aren't any jewels."

It's hard to imagine Raptures showing interest in gems. While it's not entirely implausible for precious metals or rare earth elements, Moore was thinking about such things when three members of the Merchant Union appeared behind him.

"I smell something."

"Rupee felt it too☆"

"...Are you enduring a shower with cold water or something?"

"We don't need such jokes."

A sharp retort hits Moore.

While glancing at that situation, Dolla, hiding behind cover, peers through the telescopic sight of the sniper rifle she's carrying. She aligns the projected map of the surrounding area with the anticipated direction of the Rapture group. Soon, her mouth corner loosens.

"There's a jackpot at the destination of that column. The direction the front is heading matches the target point we're aiming for. ──Is this just a coincidence?"

"I'm curious, so I'll follow..."

As Rupee was about to move forward, a large hand extended from the side and grabbed her. Pulled in, Rupee ended up peering at Moore's face from a very close distance.

"Don't move carelessly. What will you do if you're spotted?"

"I-I'm sorry..."

"...Be more careful next time. Don't be too hasty."

In a quiet yet discernibly upset tone, Rupee lowered her emerald eyes when suddenly a gloved hand was gently placed on her head.

---Huh? Wait, is, is big brother always like this...?

As a member of the Merchant Union managing shopping malls and major online shopping sites, Rupee is still a Nikké. In principle, Nikkés are expected to show absolute obedience to their commanders.

Although the master-slave relationship is forcibly imposed, as seen in the recent interactions with the Counters and Moore, the distance between them seemed oddly close, and Rupee couldn't help but feel unused with this proximity and attitude. The closeness didn't make her feel uneasy; rather, it made Rupee's heart flutter.

"What's wrong? We need to catch up quickly, or we'll lose sight of them."

"We don't plan on missing this opportunity, you know?"

"Wait a minute... Are you guys sane? Are you planning to attack based solely on the Merchant Union's intuition without any strategy or prior investigation?"

"Shifty... there's no Operator either. If we encounter a large number of Lord-class or even Tyrant-class ahead without any plan, it won't be about treasures anymore."

As members of the Merchant Union, they want to start tracking the Rapture group as soon as possible, but Anis and Moore seem to want to proceed cautiously.

Although Moore's words make sense...

"But, but, Master... Anis..."

In a distressed manner, Neon, with her leaf-green eyes, looks alternately at Moore and Anis.

"If... if there really is treasure at the destination of that group... we can finally... get out of poverty!"

...Poverty. That description seemed to strike Moore's heart. As the commander of the base and the squad leader, he bowed his head on the spot. At the same time, a deep sigh leaked out.

"...Honestly... it's been tough since the base was attacked by terrorists."


"We barely have electricity and gas... and the water pipe burst the other day..."


"Neon, stop it... the commander is..."

Whether it's a voice or a sigh, it's unclear, but Moore, who leaked those words, is cared for by Rapi, who lightly rubs his shoulder. Despite urging Neon to be careful with her statements, it seems she is not paying attention.

"We only get cold water for showers... that's been going on for a while... and the supply of meals has decreased... living off the increase in food snacks is getting old!!"

"Wait, was it you!? Are you always stealing my snacks!?"

The umpteenth quarrel between Anis and Neon, not even knowing for sure which time it is, breaks out, a situation Moore could not have anticipated in these circumstances. Rather, exposed to a barrage of words that pierce one after another, Moore, wearing a helmet, feels the weight, lowering his head deeply.

"Hey... Captain. ...What kind of life are you subjecting these kids to?"

"...The budget..."

A low voice that resonates from the depths of the earth passes through his lips, shaking the atmosphere. Whether she understood generally with that one word or found it amusing, something that couldn't be imagined from the calm atmosphere and attitude of last night, Dolla lets out a small laugh.

"Well, even if we don't go head-on... there's the option to quietly follow and just take the treasures. ──Now, let's follow them."

If they stay still here, nothing will happen. Pushing Moore, whose head is bowed under the helmet's weight, with a gently clenched fist, Dra prompted them to move forward.


"Recently, the commanders' morale doesn't seem great... maybe I should plan a recreation for them."

The idea of a commanders-only sports festival proposed by Deputy Commander Anderson crossed Moore's mind as he was tormented by fever.

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