
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Ch 110

A bar with a dignified door──apparently, this is the designated meeting place.

On that door hangs a sign saying "Reserved for Today."

It seems there's no mistake. Gripping the solid door, he push it open, and the light sound of a bell echoes through the air.

"─ I apologize. We have a reservation for a private event today..."

"We were supposed to meet the members of the Merchant Union Talent here..."

"I apologize for the confusion. May I have your name?"

The interior of the establishment is not very spacious, with an interior that falls between casual and high-class. In the back, there's equipment for playing darts.

The bartender, an elderly man wearing a cambric vest, tie, and slacks, who was polishing glasses behind the counter, subtly urged me to leave as he entered. However, realizing that he was one of the guests who reserved the place, he changed his attitude and welcomed Moore.

As a precaution, Moore, who took out his cardholder, walks towards the counter and presents a card that lists his affiliation, rank, and name to the bartender. The elderly man receives it respectfully, quickly reads it, and bows deeply.

"─ We've been expecting you, Mr. Moore. I apologize for the delay. I am the master of this hideout, Baudelaire. Nice to meet you."

With the greetings concluded, the elderly bartender, or rather, the master, gestures for Moore to take a seat.

As Moore sits on the recommended stool, an ashtray is promptly placed in front of him.

"─ Why do you know I smoke?"

"Those who enjoy cigarettes tend to leave a lingering scent on their clothes."


The members of the Merchant Union are said to be Nikké according to Sugar's information--- they are women. While feeling that he may have been a bit inconsiderate, Moore accepts the ashtray that is graciously offered.

"Now, what can I get for you?"


"We have it."

"Then, straight. No need for a chaser."


After a deep bow, the master removes the preferred brand bottle from the shelf behind him. A distilled spirit with an aroma of over 40 degrees is poured into a well-polished glass, and soon it is presented on a coaster in front of Moore.

He grabs the glass and slowly swallows a sip. It's a familiar taste. It's calming.

Lately, he has limited his daily cigarette intake to 8. He already turned four into ash today, but when else will I have a chance to smoke? I take out a soft pack, pick up a cigarette, and with practiced hands, light the oil lighter.

Alcohol and cigarettes go well together. It marks the beginning of a moment that reaffirms that.

"─ Pardon the intrusion~"

"─ Pardon~~☆"

"─ We had a reservation for a private event... Ah, you're already here."

It's been about 10 minutes since Moore started tilting the glass. Suddenly, the doorbell announces the arrival of guests. Following that sound, the master and Moore's ears are struck by the high-pitched voices of three women, each with a different tone but all suggesting a certain age.

"We've been waiting. Please, ladies first..."

"You're quite early."

"I understand that keeping a woman waiting is a breach of etiquette. Nice to meet you, Captain Show Moore."

It seems that these women are the talents from the Merchant Union that Sugar introduced. Moore gets off the stool and approaches the three.

"─ Whoa... taller than in the photos... wait, wait... cool... seriously handsome..."

Among the three, Nikké, with the most flamboyant appearance─golden hair, and emerald eyes, reacts excitedly. Although her eyes are shining unusually, and her cheeks are slightly flushed, Moore offers his right hand as a greeting.

"─ Ru, Rupee!"

"Nice to meet you."

"─ I'm Yan. Nice to meet you."


"─ I'm Dolla."

"Nice to meet you."

Yan, with her distinctive light brown hair and pale red eyes, has her hair elegantly tied. Her outfit resembles a cheongsam design seen in ancient Asian styles, and considering her name, it seems her roots might be there. What caught his attention the most, however, was her accented way of speaking.

After shaking hands with her, the last person, Dolla, and he exchanged a handshake. She seems to be the most business-like among the three, wrapping her slender body in a jacket and slacks, and tying her lilac-colored long hair into a ponytail.

It seems that, starting with Rupee, they all know Moore's background. That's probably why they mentioned to Sugar that there might be a job they can ask him for.

With greetings done, they are guided by the master to the counter seats. Each of them takes a seat and starts ordering. Watching them, Moore returns to his original seat, next to Rupee.

"─ What will you have, Mr. Moore?"

"...The same. Please go ahead with their orders first."

"Thank you. Please wait a moment."

They've all ordered cocktails. Thinking it might take some time, Moore suggests finishing the three orders first before his.

"What was the Commander's big brother drinking?"

"...Big brother?"

"Oh, sorry. Too familiar?"

"No... it's fine. Please don't worry about it. Five servings of WOLF KILLER."

Rupee, sitting in the next seat, uses a peculiar term that sounds odd, but Moore, who is not particularly concerned about how he's addressed, reassures her as she seems worried about having offended him. He then informs her of the brand of the alcohol, and her emerald eyes widen in surprise.

"WOLF KILLER... Wasn't it high in alcohol content? Huh, you're not drunk at all? Not even a bit?"

"No, not at all."

It seems he has a constitution that doesn't get drunk easily. Perhaps his liver is quite sturdy and hardworking. In fact, there's no sign of him being intoxicated from his appearance.

"You're strong against alcohol. Not getting drunk during a business dinner is a big advantage. Oh, thanks."

Efficiently, cocktails are prepared, and each one is placed on a coaster in front of them.

"─ This is a Kiss On The Beach."

"Thank you."

"─ Huh?"

"What's wrong?"

"...Oh, no, it's nothing."

─ A name that is different from what's remembered.

When Dolla, sitting in the seat between Rupee and Moore, placed her order, at first, he thought he misheard. However, when the master handed her the cocktail with a name different from what Moore knew, it caught his attention.

A cylindrical tumbler glass and the overall color of the cocktail is orange. Without a doubt, the appearance matches. 

"...Isn't it a Sex On The Beach?"

"─ Sex...!?"

"─ You seem to know a very old name."

When Moore casually voiced his question, Rupee opened her mouth in shock, her eyes welling up with surprise. Even though they were in a private setting, the words used were a bit questionable for public discourse. Moore found it curious whether it was that surprising, considering the circumstances.

On the contrary, the master, perhaps due to his age, showed no surprise and handed a glass of distilled spirit to Moore.

"As Mr. Moore mentioned, it used to go by that name until about half a century ago..."

"You don't know? Due to the Central Government's guidance and the name being considered shady, it was changed."

"...Even for a cocktail name, there is history in it... Oh, I apologize."

The elderly master, a specialist in providing alcohol in the food and beverage industry, likely had his own thoughts. He seemed to have slipped a bit in response to Yan's explanation at the end of the counter. Whether he recalled Moore's status or wanted his statement to be treated as if it never happened, he bowed his head.

"Please don't worry. I haven't heard anything. ...And speaking of myself, at my age, I do think expressions like that are a bit questionable."

Even the names of drinks are subject to regulation. It shouldn't be that big of a deal. Moore lightly snorted and picked up his sixth glass.

"S-so, let's make a toast!"

After a clearing of the throat, Rupee raised her cocktail glass, prompting everyone. For him, who had already started drinking, it was a bit late, but he responded openly, not bringing the glass to his lips but raising it in front of him.

Soon, with Rupee taking the lead, a toast was made. They lightly touched the edges of their glasses, making a sound, and he brought the glass to his somewhat dry lips, gulping down the amber-colored distilled spirit in one breath.

"─ Wow, you really can hold your liquor."

"─ That aside... let's get to the main topic. For all of us, time is not something we have in abundance."

Having placed the dry glass on the coaster, he took out a soft pack from his pocket. With a cigarette in his mouth, he lit the oil lighter for the sixth time.

Rupee and the others sitting to his left were not bathed in the purple smoke, and Moore began to address the main topic for this meeting. In response, Yan shrugged her shoulders with a somewhat exasperated expression, seemingly irritated by his lack of emotion.

"─ Right, then. Let's get to the main topic right away."

"...No, that's not right. Show some interest in this side, too..."

Realizing there was another person in this room with a lack of emotion—Yan let out a sigh. Dolla, the emotionless one, placed the emptied tumbler glass on the coaster and began talking about the main topic that prompted this meeting.

"We've heard about the incident at the outpost. The extent of the damage. Urgently, funds are needed for recovery, correct?"

"Exactly as you say."

"...Feel free to talk normally. You are the Commander."

"No need to be formal. From here on, let's have a casual business discussion as equals."

Drawn by the purple smoke he exhaled, Moore, prompted by Dolla and Yan, nodded slightly.

"─ There's work I can do?"

"More accurately, for the squad led by Captain, yes."

"...A squad, for Counter's?"

Looking at Dolla, who was sitting in the seat next to Rupee, with narrowed eyes, he couldn't help but wonder why, for some reason, Nikké with her golden hair seemed to be the one with emerald eyes swimming with surprise.

"Wait, wait... his gaze is intense..."

"...Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about Rupee. She's just getting excited."

"...Getting excited...?"

"─ Let's get back on track."

Dolla tilted the cocktail and moistened her lips.

"To summarize, we want you to take us to the surface."

"...To the surface?"

"Yeah. ─ Master, one more for him. Put all his on my tab."

The nodding master removed Moore's empty glass from the table, prepared a new one, poured the brand of distilled spirit he preferred, and offered it to him.

"...I can cover the cost of the drinks."

"This is an investment to ensure you listen to the story in a good mood."

As she offered this somewhat critical remark, Dolla, with a faint smile, directed her amethyst eyes towards him.

There is nothing as expensive as something free, they say. Whether this one glass will be costly or not, at this point, just hearing the story is more urgent than anything else.

He probably feels there is no choice but to accept.

Slightly annoyed, Moore placed the half-smoked cigarette on the ashtray and picked up the glass.

"...Let's hear the rest."

According to her, she wants to request an escort for Moore and his squad.

The purpose is specific coordinates on the surface obtained from three members of the Merchant Alliance through different routes. According to Rupee, it's a "tremendous treasure" buried at those coordinates.

"I see. As a principle, without the Commander, Nikké cannot go to the surface. Of course, the reverse is also true."

"Thanks for catching on quickly. Well, if there's a Commander who might make an exception to the latter principle, it's the one sitting in front of us."

"Don't buy into it. Dying easily is the most likely outcome."

After swallowing about half of the amber-colored distilled spirit and placing the glass on the coaster, Moore picked up the cigarette he had left in the ashtray and brought it to his lips.

"...How dangerous is it?"

"You won't know until you try. It's not an official mission. There won't be an Operator assigned. There is a risk, but... well, it shouldn't be such a difficult job."

"When do you want to go to the surface?"

"Tomorrow would be good."

"That's sudden."

"Haste makes waste, you know."

While directing an exasperated look at Dolla, who shrugged her shoulders, he exhaled purple smoke. Eventually, after sucking it down to near the base, he reluctantly crushed the cigarette in the ashtray.

"Just today, ammunition arrived. ...It will be an unexpected consumption. The risks are unknown, the frequency of engagement with the anticipated Raptures is unknown, explanation to subordinates, and above all, it's a sudden request. The share will be 50:50."

"Yeah, that's fine. Are you in?"

"...I'm in."

Dolla smiled faintly, lifted the briefcase she had placed at her feet, and then, after taking out a contract and a pen, offered them to Moore.

"...Read the contents carefully and sign it."

"...Did you decide on a 50:50 split from the beginning?"

"It's our own sincerity. It's for a long-term relationship."

While hoping this would be the end of it, Moore thought, as he read through the written content of the document.

No issues were apparent.

Holding the pen, he firmly wrote down his name.

Shaw Moore

The signed contract was returned to Dolla.

Having seen the signature on the received document, she—and the two on either side, Yan and Rupee—couldn't help but express their honest thoughts.

His handwriting is surprisingly neat, considering his appearance.


"Cocktail Names"

This is the author who, during Drah's character episode, went, "Huh? A 'Kiss on the Beach'? What's that?"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts