
Goddess In Apocalypse (English)

Ashyra woke up in a hell-like world and didn't know where, how, and who she is. Fighting to live in this hell, doing nothing but get stronger. Doing everything to survive. Living in that hell for a hundred years. She thought everything will not end. But everything has an end. She died and the moment she closed her eyes. She came back to where the world she really belong. The world that humankind is still having a normal life, the world that she didn't expect to be the past of the world where she just came from. The world she thought that will become normal but the moment she open her eyes, the apocalypse started. The end of the world that only Ashyra knows what and how the world end. ••• ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination. Note: This story is not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammars, spelling, or any error typos. Reminder! No To Plagiarism! This is my own story! I write this in Filipino and just translate it in English so NO TO PLAGIARISM! Type: English Genre: Romance, Action, Fantasy, Horror, Adventure, and Comedy with 18+

JasMae18 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Earthquake?

Chapter 4


JESS'S head just got hotter in anger, He was just about to approach Luna but Raiza suddenly interjected.

"Jess, what's the meaning of this? I'm not stupid enough to not understand the situation. I just forgot to ask you, how are you here in our dorm? Didn't I say I was going to my next class? How did you get here? You said you're with your friends, how did you get here? If you said you just wanted to surprise me, I wouldn't believe you. If only I hadn't forgotten about my project, I wouldn't have noticed the nonsense you're doing behind my back!" Suddenly it was Raiza who lost control of her voice.

"Raiza, calm down, I'll explain it to you, okay? so calm down" Jess, who was angry earlier, calmed down as he approached Raiza.

Before Jess could touch Raiza, Evanna spoke.

"Stop it, Jess! You said to me that you will break up with Raiza when the time comes. I won't let the both of you act lovey-dovey in front of me!" Suddenly, everyone was silent because of Evanna's scream.

Luna sat back on the couch. Amora also become silent. A few moments later a sound was heard throughout the room.


Jess got a hard slap from Raiza. Raiza's eyes were red as she looked at Jess.

Jess didn't think he would receive a hard slap, he looked at Raiza in shock.

"B*stard, how dare you do this to me? What do you think of my feelings? Are you making fun of me? How many days, weeks, months did you start lying to me?" Raiza asks many questions. She can't believe that the guy she's loving does this to her.

Raiza was confused so she didn't wait for the man in front of her to explain. She immediately walked away from them and entered a room.

"Raiza," Jess whispered, he didn't know what to do so he just return to his seat. He's so silent.

"Ha, Jess, are you also lying to me?" Evanna spoke again.

Jess looked up at her but he couldn't speak immediately because Evanna was also hurt, Evanna looked angrily at Jess before walking out and, like Raiza, entering another room.

Jess suddenly stood up and followed Evanna.

Luna and Amora watched all of the drama. "Luna, how did you know?" Amora asked quietly.

"I don't know, I just guess. I didn't expect that what I said would actually come true," Luna answered in amazement.

They just looked at the two closed doors that Raiza and Evanna entered as well as Jess.

Luna suddenly remembers something, "By the way, are you okay now?" She asked Amora.

Amora looked at her and nodded softly. "Yeah. I just feel tired" answered Amora weakly.

Luna touched both of her cheeks, looking closely at her face. "You look tired. You can sleep, I'll watch" Luna said while tapping her thighs.

"How can I sleep? I can't get rid of what's happening in my mind, especially Ash..." Amora said without finishing what she want to say.

Luna took a deep breath and held Amora's head so the girl could lie on her lap. Amora did not protest.

"Don't worry." Luna said smiling here, "I believe Ash is okay. I know she can survive like us. We need to survive until we meet Ash again" Luna said calmly to Amora.

Amora smiled because of what she heard. 'I hope Ashyra's really fine' Amora said to herself as her eyelids slowly closed. She was so tired, she fell asleep immediately.

Luna even combed Amora's hair. She was looking at Amora's face, watching her sleep. Luna open her lips, "Everything will be alright" she whispered.

Two people who used to dislike each other are in a close position.

TIME passed, and at Ashyra's place, they were preparing something to eat.

"Ahh~ Raiden, I really can't eat anything even though you cook this. My head is aching" said Marine who looked nauseous.

Ashyra didn't pay attention to the woman, just took some rice and dish, and she started eating, Raiden did the same, and after setting the dining table, he immediately ate.

Ashyra took a bite of the sausage dish. Suddenly she stopped, Raiden seemed to notice her.

"Problem?" Raiden asked Ashyra and also stopped eating while looking at Ashyra.

Ashyra calmly put down the fork with the sausage, she shook her head before answering, "Nothing. I just think it's so delicious" Ashyra's voice was weak but since they were only three people, the people around heard it.

"Ha! Probably! This is not a portion of normal food, you know. This is one of the best products that our family business made, especially since Raiden cooked it" Marine said pridefully about the food.

Ashyra ignored her. Ashyra just continued eating.

Raiden could be seen looking at her but she just ignored him.

Ashyra savored the food because it was the first food she tasted after coming back from that alternative world. Only now has she been able to eat again for 100 years? She only eats the crystal core of monsters. It seems that she didn't think to eat sensible food in that alternative world because everywhere you look there are no trees and plants there.

The world is really devoid of life, it's very gloomy every day, and only the loud cries of monsters can be heard.

Even the water is black, Ashyra will really thinks that it is normal for the place to be like that because she doesn't have any memory about her true life, especially the memory of how beautiful the world was before the world she went to became like that.

Right, how did Ashyra end up like that? How did she end up in that alternative world that Ashyra was sure would happen in the future, where there were no humans? That will happen in the future so Ashyra is nervous, what should she do so that the world in which she stands does not lead to that alternative world? Can she even do something?? She only learned about fighting in that world as well as other information about the previous world that she went to.

Information? It doesn't even matter if she can't stop people from being extinct.

'What is the purpose for me to be sent to that alternative place? Is it just to show me the fate of the world and humanities?'

Ashyra was thinking deeply again, this always happens to her whenever she is in the same room in the alternative world, she's always lost in thought, always questioning the reason why she lives.

"What's wrong? If you're tired you can sleep now" A voice interrupted Ashyra's thoughts.

She looked up at Raiden, looking at him without emotion. Something new happened, if in the alternative world, it was always a monster that brought her back into reality, but now it's a human voice.

'Right, human. There's still a human in this first era' Ashyra said to herself. Explaining that there is another reason for her to live in this world. She just needs to protect the people who are important to her.

She still has her family, and friends, she also needs to know where her brother is. She has to survive here until she met her family again.

"Not sleepy" Ashyra shook her head, she was now sitting on the couch, not intending to sleep.

She can't sleep because she doesn't sleep in the alternative world she came from. She can't let her guard down because there is a possibility that a monster will jump on her. She didn't even think of sleeping, she just space out and think about life.

"You need to sleep. This day is very tiring, you need to regain your strength tomorrow" Raiden said. He looks Ashyra seriously, "I can guard the room so don't worry"

The two just looked at each other, it seemed that neither would lose, but in the end, Ashyra took a deep breath before laying down on the couch. Raiden was still watching him.

"Raiden! I can't sleep like this, can I use your thighs as a pillow?" Marine interjected but Raiden quickly refused.

"No, you can sleep in the room, it's safe here so don't worry about those monsters," Raiden said to her.

The shock on Marine's face was visible, she was not surprised because of Raiden's reluctance but she was surprised that Raiden would just let her sleep alone in the room, "No! You know there's a dead body in my room, right?"

"Then the other room, this dorm room has three bedrooms, Marine" a quick answer from Raiden.

"How can you let me sleep in the room while the both of you are here?" Marine excused herself and pointed to Ashyra who was already on the other long couch with her eyes closed.

"You can make your own decision, Marine. Just don't disturb me" Raiden's only answer was to lean back on the seat.

"Hmmp!" Marine could only say and look at Ashyra in annoyance, who had her eyes closed before lying down on another long couch, leaning against the edge of the couch.

While Ashyra didn't care. She tried to sleep but she really can't do it so she only open her eyes again.

Looking at the white ceiling of the room, Ashyra was just dazed. Not thinking, not doing anything, just wide-eyed while staring at the same thing.

"Really can't sleep?" Suddenly Raiden asks.

Ashyra blinks her eyes before looking at Raiden. She didn't answer, the two just looked at each other, and neither looked away. A few more minutes passed.

*Brzzz brzzz* they wouldn't stop staring at each other if Ashyra's cell phone didn't ring.

She got up and reached for the cell phone that was on the side table, she answered the caller and put it on her ear.

(S-sister,) A voice made Ashyra look serious, and she even looked at the caller on the cellphone. Suddenly she stood up.

"Cha? Is that you?" She asked on the other line and walked towards the balcony.

She didn't realize that Raiden was watching her.

(S-sister?! You are okay!) The person on the other line shouted. It seems that she could not control her own feelings.

Ashyra was the same, she was surprised that her sister called her but she even felt better because she now knew that her family was still alive.

"Yes, Cha, how are you? Do mom and dad, okay? How about brother Ashton? Any news? Anyway, why can't I connect with mom?" Ashyra couldn't stop herself from asking a lot.

She is afraid of the family situation and she really doesn't want to think about what're any possible bad things to happen to them.

(Sis, sorry...) Suddenly the other line went silent.

Ashyra also becomes silent, and very nervous. Did something happen to their parents? How? Ashyra was afraid, she was afraid to hear what Chantrea would say next on the other line.

(Sis-) before Chantrea could explain, Ashyra immediately interjected.

"Don't say it. I-I don't want to know their situation" Ashyra said without emotion. Preventing the person on the other line from speaking.

Ashyra doesn't know how to feel, she doesn't know how to control her own feelings.

What she feared happened, the thing she didn't want to think about to happened while thinking about her parents.

(No! Sis-) Chantrea seemed to speak again but Ashyra immediately interjected.

"No, I don't want to know it, Cha" Ashyra took a deep breath and touched the closed glass door of the balcony.

She watches her own reflection in the mirror. Watching her reactionless face and lifeless eyes.

What will she do now? Her one hundred years of not seeing her parents but they are already gone? What will she do? Is there anything she can do?

"H-how about you, Cha? How's your s-side?" There was no trace of sadness in her voice, it was just so cold but she couldn't say her question properly.

(-Ahmm, Sis, d-don't s-shout okay? Also, you need to calm down) Chantrea said.

Because of what Chantrea said, Ashyra's reaction become different. She frowned in surprise at what Chantrea was saying.

"What happens?" Ashyra's seriousness can be traced.

(Ahmm, the truth, Mom and dad are okay. I heard that a rescuer has come to our place so, I'm sure they're in a good situation now...) Chantrea suddenly explained.

Ashyra's reaction did not change, and a long silence suddenly occurred.

It was so quiet that Chantrea spoke again, (Ah? Sis? Still there?...)

"Where are you right now?" Ashyra's voice was colder, which was definitely felt by the person on the other side.

(Emm, Sis, calm down, okay? I didn't know this would happen so, I'm in the city M right now) Chantrea answered looking nervous.

Ashyra closed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again, anger appeared in her eyes.

"Cha, what crazy thing are you doing there? Why can't you seem to be stuck in one place? How did you get there? Don't you know the word dangerous? Isn't you have a class today? How come you are in the city right now?" Ashyra's emotionless face changed.

There was real anger on her face. She's also very serious.

(Sis! Please calm down first-)

"How can I calm down? You are in a place where I know there are more zombies than here in our university" suddenly her voice slowly calmed down.

Ashyra's emotionless face returned as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

(Sis, don't worry, I survived, didn't I!? And also I have already called you and informed you. B-Besides, it's not my fault that it happened on the day when I planned to surprise you. Also, Lynx is also with me right now) Chantrea explained again.

Ashyra took a deep breath and remembered who Lynx was, she was in an alternative world for almost a hundred years and while she was worried, she didn't process it right away.

Suddenly she remembered a memory. This is her pet cat, Lynx. Her dad gave her this cat as a gift and she still takes care of it.

Ashyra sighed, "I can't do anything now because you're there. Where are you? What's your situation?" Ashyra asked without reaction on the other line.

(Ha...) Chantrea on the other side seems to be breathing in relief, (I'm fine now. I'm in the supermarket's storage room so there's no problem with the food, I have some friends here too. The only problem is that there are a lot of zombies outside so we can't get out) answered Chantrea.

(Sis, don't worry about me. I'm fine, what about you? What is your situation now?) Chantrea asked.

Instead of Ashyra answering her question, she said something else, "I want you to stay safe there, wait for me. I will make sure to go there, you need to survive this, Cha" she said here.

(O-okay, I promise, I also want you to be safe, Si-Ahh!-) Chantrea's words were interrupted when the surroundings suddenly shook.

Ashyra also dropped her cell phone and sat on the floor, the earthquake was so strong because Ashyra was facing the glass door, she was not prepared to protect herself from the broken glass door. Ashyra was still wide-eyed as if what happened was in slow-mo but before the broken glass hit her, an arm suddenly hugged her.

That person hugged her and together they fell to the floor away from the glass door. The earthquake was very strong and Ashyra could not react immediately.

"Ah, ha" Ashyra heard the man hugging her. It looked like it was hurting so Ashyra thought it was because of the broken glass.

"H-hey!" She called the man but he just hugged her, protecting her from the things that were scattered around due to the force of the earthquake.

Ashyra thought that he had lost consciousness while tightly hugging her but it looked like he was enduring something else. Ashyra's forced to look at the man's appearance. She could not see the surroundings clearly because of the light that turned off and on.

The earthquake did not slow down or weaken, she was struggling but she saw the reason why the man, Raiden, was feeling hurt.

Ashyra saw a white glow on the man's chest. Raiden is wearing a white t-shirt and it's a bit thin, the light on his chest is clear whenever the surroundings get dark.

Ashyra did not think twice to lift the man's clothes while his face was buried in her neck. As soon as she lifted his clothes, even though the lighting of that thing was not that clear, Ashyra could still see it.

Ashyra was surprised by what she saw, it was a mark that looked like lightning, similar to the mark Ashyra had before, this mark was also like a tattoo and shone up a bit.

Suddenly, the earthquake slowly stopped, and when it stopped, the light of that mark disappeared. It becomes like a normal tattoo that looks like the color white.

"This is..." Ashyra couldn't say what she wanted to say, she just looked at the man's face who looked like he was feeling pain.

Just like what happens to Ashyra every time her green veins tattoo forces her to cover her whole body, Raiden also seems to be hurt because of the sudden appearance of that mark.

"I-I'm fine" Raiden suddenly whispered.

Ashyra was about to speak when suddenly a loud voice was heard from the living room.

"Ahhh! Raiden! I hit my head on the floor! It's hurt! Huhuhu!" Marine screamed at the same time with a loud cry.

Raiden slowly let go of Ashyra, it seemed that the pain he was enduring was gone and he can now stand up, before Raiden could even stand up properly, Ashyra already immediately supported him. Raiden is a big person so Ashyra still has a little trouble supporting the man. It's a good thing that Raiden seems to have strength so he's not too heavy while Ashyra's supporting him.

"Oh my! Raiden! Huhuhu!" Suddenly, Marine ran towards Raiden. She's holding her swollen forehead.

"Stop it, Don't you see that Raiden's situation is worse than yours?" Ashyra said without emotion, there was an irritation reaction in her eyes.

"Huh? What did you do to him?!" Marine's mischievousness returned again, she even looked at Ashyra evilly.

Ashyra ignored the woman and just helped Raiden sit on the couch. Raiden's body seemed heavy when he leaned on the couch and because of the pain he was feeling earlier, he was almost bathed in sweat.

"Are you okay?" Ashyra asked him and took the blanket that was right next to Raiden.

She didn't even think to get Raiden a clean towel, she just used that blanket to wipe the sweat of the man.

Raiden closed his eyes and was still catching his breath.

"I think there's something wrong with my body" Raiden answered while not changing his position.

"Wrong?! What's wrong, Raiden?!" Said Marine, who had been noisy earlier, and acting panicked.

"Lower your voice" Raiden glared in annoyance and gave Marine a bad look.

The woman's mouth immediately closed.

"There's a mark appearing on your chest," Ashyra said, raising up Raiden's clothes again.

Marine even reacted and gave Ashyra a bad look, "What do you think are you doing?!" She said angrily to Ashyra.

"There's a mark" Ashyra just answered.

"What's this?" Raiden asked, just like Ashyra he also ignored Marine.

Raiden looked at his own chest. There's something like a medium tattoo stuck on her chest. It looks like Raiden has a white thunder tattoo.

"It appears when the earthquake happening," said Ashyra and stood properly. Suddenly she remembered the cellphone and about her sister Chantrea.

She walked back to the place where she is earlier. Searching for the cell phone that was covered by the broken glass. She took the object and because she forgot that her body was no longer special, she got injured by the broken glass. She didn't stop even though there was blood dripping on the floor and just continue taking her cell phone from the floor.

Actually, she feels hurt but this wound was small and far for her to die so she didn't pay much attention to it.

She looked at her cellphone whose screen was broken, but it was still working so she tried to call her sister again.

She put the cell phone to her ear as she walked towards the couch where Raiden was. She waited for the other line to answer but the other did not answer her call. Ashyra got nervous.

She sat down on the single sofa and looked seriously at the cell phone again. Nervous about the possibility of what happened to her sister. The earthquake was so strong, her sister must have been surprised as well.

"What's happened to your hand?" Suddenly, Ashyra's attention returned to Raiden, who just now was leaning on the couch very tired but the man suddenly approached her while looking at the small wound on her hand.

"Just a small wound" she answered but Raiden didn't seem to pay attention to what she answered.

Raiden just covered Ashyra's wound and gave a look to Marine who was annoyed earlier, "Medicine kit" the man ordered.

It looks like Marine doesn't want to move and do what Raiden said but she doesn't want Raiden to hate her so at the end she just did what he said.

"It's just really a small wound. It can't turn me into a zombie" Ashyra said to the man.

Raiden looked at her but the man didn't answer, the two made a staring contest with each other.

Ashyra doesn't really understand why the two of them are always caught in this staring contest, but she understands that no one wants to be defeated in their staring contest.

Raiden's really handsome, and because of the man's pair of eyes, Ashyra can't stop herself but feel attracted to him. And also because of not understanding what's in Raiden's mind, Ashyra finds it more challenging. For the first time, Ashyra thinks that this man Raiden was the only person she can't understand and can't read his reaction and mind.

"Here!" A loud shout interrupted the two's gaze.

Marine casually placed the medicine kit on the side table. She even sat down on the couch acting like a child.

It looked like Marine's wanted to say something but was afraid that Raiden would make her silent again so in the end she could only look at Ashyra angrily and evilly, and she was just hoping to herself that her own gaze can kill someone.

The two didn't pay attention to Marine, Raiden only took the medicine kit and started treating Ashyra's wound. Ashyra turned her attention back to the cell phone.

It seems that all of Raiden's attention is on Ashyra so he notices what Ashyra's doing, "Don't worry too much, Ash, I'm sure your sister is fine right now too" said the man and tries to ease Ashyra's feelings again.


ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination.

Note: This story is not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammar, spelling, or any error typos.

Reminder! No To Plagiarism! This is my own story! I write this in Filipino and just translate it in English so NO TO PLAGIARISM!