
Goddess In Apocalypse (English)

Ashyra woke up in a hell-like world and didn't know where, how, and who she is. Fighting to live in this hell, doing nothing but get stronger. Doing everything to survive. Living in that hell for a hundred years. She thought everything will not end. But everything has an end. She died and the moment she closed her eyes. She came back to where the world she really belong. The world that humankind is still having a normal life, the world that she didn't expect to be the past of the world where she just came from. The world she thought that will become normal but the moment she open her eyes, the apocalypse started. The end of the world that only Ashyra knows what and how the world end. ••• ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination. Note: This story is not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammars, spelling, or any error typos. Reminder! No To Plagiarism! This is my own story! I write this in Filipino and just translate it in English so NO TO PLAGIARISM! Type: English Genre: Romance, Action, Fantasy, Horror, Adventure, and Comedy with 18+

JasMae18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 5: Awakened?

Chapter 5


ASHYRA did not answer, she only hope that her sister really be okey. Raiden only took a few minutes to treat Ashyra's wound, because it was just a small wound.

Raiden spoke again when he returned to his comfortable sit on the couch.

"I think it's awakened" Ashyra looked at him.

"Awakened?" She asked as if she didn't know anything about this so-called awakened.

Raiden nodded and touched the tattoo on his chest. "I awakened" Raiden whispered something. "There's a screen in front of me, can you see it too?" Raiden asked her.

Ashyra was confused because she didn't see anything unusual in front of Raiden so she shook her head in response to his question.

"Awakened? Does that mean, Raiden, you have a superpower?" Marine groaned as if excited by what she heard.

"Maybe, there's a screen in front of me, I think I'm the only one who can see it," Raiden said while focusing his attention in front of him.

"Screen? I can't see anything" replied Marine who was still trying to find something in front of Raiden.

"What's on the screen?" Ashyra asked. This is one of the differences between her and the awakeners.

Ashyra can't even say that she is an awakener because she doesn't have a system like those normal awakeners. Ashyra can truly say that she is special.

Raiden looked at Ashyra before answering, "Status about me. There is Level:  white 0 and Awakened: Thunder here. There are also others, it looks like a game's stats"

"How come you are the only one who awakened among the three of us?" Ashyra suddenly asked.

She thinks of a possible reason as to why she didn't awaken like Raiden but Ashyra's scared of thinking about it more deeply,, She's not right on what she thinks of a possible reason right? It's still possible for her to awaken right? She still vividly remembers how she has the ability in that alternative world and that's ability was an element class power and she even called that power of hers Green.

Ashyra thought deeply, as Ashyra remembered, in the books, she read from the alternative world that she just came from, there are five Classes about those who have been awakened, these five are COMMON, RARE, EPIC, UNIQUE, and the last and the only few people who can possibly have awakened this is the SUPERIOR ELEMENT.

Researchers don't know why the Elements Powers are the strongest awakened. But there is a theory that the Elements' Power is stronger because it is part of how the world lives.

All those who have awakened Element Power are the people chosen on the first day of the apocalypse. Only a few have awakened the Element Power. There are 7 types of Elements, These are FIRE, WATER, EARTH, WIND, and METAL along with the Mutant Elements ICE and THUNDER. These Superior Element Powers will not be awakened in the next generation. This means that those who have awakened it today need to have a child or successors in order to continue the power they have over the next generation.

As Ashyra remembers, THUNDER and ICE mutant Element are lost and disappeared in the next generation because those who awakened this power have died and the power they have was not been passed on to the next generation.

She also read that the mutant element is stronger than the normal elements but because the power was lost and disappeared in the next generations, it is not much talked about in the next generation.

Ashyra looked at Raiden. The man awakened the mutant element, Thunder, meaning that the man was destined to die without an heir or successors to carry the awakened for the next generation.

Ashyra frowned, she also remembered that the first to be lost and disappeared in the next generation is the mutant element and that's the thunder awakened, and a few years passed before the Ice awakened became extinct. Why did the thunder awaken disappeared earlier?

Even if Raiden is thunder awakened, there must be five or ten others who have awakened this element in the whole world. Just how did the thunder awakened disappear immediately from the book she just read from that alternative world?

"Ashyra, it's late at night, we need to sleep now so we can get back the tiredness we felt today. Let's talk about this tomorrow" suddenly Raiden said.

Ashyra closed her eyes because Raiden said to sleep, Ashyra felt tired and sleepy. She's really tired. In just one day, everything in the world has changed.

Ashyra's eyelids were closed, she really wanted to sleep. She ignored Marine who was complaining to Raiden. She just stood up and walked over to one of the long couches.

She dropped her body on the soft seat and savored the pleasure while lying down. Slowly but also very quickly, her vision darkened.

SHE can't see anything, just nothing. She can't feel her body because of the deep sleep. Suddenly, she opens her eyes.

What she saw was not Marine's dorm room, It was a small room or maybe a storage room. This room has no window, only the closed door in front of her.

The room was dark but she could see the surroundings quite a bit, from the noisy door that was closed, and the shelves of food, there is nothing important in this storage room.

'Where am I?' asked herself.

This is strange, she remembers that she was in the dorm room with Raiden and Marine, but she woke up here? Wait, did she wake up? Or maybe she's dreaming?

Ashyra was holding on to something when the door in front of her suddenly made a noise. It made a lot and loud noise as if someone was trying to open it from the outside.

Suddenly memories rush into her brain, she remembers what happen and how did she end up in this place.

In her memory, she's with Amora and Luna, just like what happened before the apocalypse started, The three of them were just walking but they were not going to the dorm building, but to the business building.

"Ash, let's walk fast, I'm going to be late for my next class," Luna said while holding Ashyra.

"You can go now, Luna. We don't need you here. Ash is enough for me" said Amora who was also next to Ashyra.

"No way, you are infecting Ashyra. You are really still teaching this kind of thing" Luna said.

"I'm the one who's contagious? It's more better to have Ash come with me than to be with you, maybe if she'll stay with you, she'll also become a tomboy too" Amora glared at Luna.

"Ha, it's better for her to go with a sane person than with a crazy fool like you. You do nothing but involve Ash in your shenanigans. Ash, can you still accompany Amora? Tell me if you're giving up, I will really stop Amora from ruining your life" Luna said again while looking at Ashyra.

Ash laughed and spoke, "What are you talking about, it's normal for me to accompany my friend to her love confession, right?" Ashira said.

"How many times will this happen?" Luna asked her looking bored.

Ashyra laughed again, "Right, just how many times has this happened?" She asked while facing Amora whose eyebrows were already touching while looking at the two of them.

"This's just the fifth time, why are you talking as if I do this every day? Besides, it's love at first sight, it's normal for me to confess my love, right?" Amora explained but Ashyra ignored her.

Luna laughed softly, "Just how many times will you fall in love at first sight? You are not even sure that those handsome people you'll like were good people but here you are saying that's love at first sight and immediately admitting to them that you like them. Is that how much you want to have a boyfriend, Amora?" Luna's voice was tinged with sarcasm.

"Shut up! Everyone I like was not only handsome, but they are also kind. I'm not only into those handsome, okey? Besides, this one is not the same as my other crushes. I really fall in love, okay?" Amora said in anger but Luna ignored her.

"Does everyone you like in the past just crush? Didn't you say that in the other man too?" Ashyra pretended to ask innocently.

"Ahhh! I hate you, Ash" Amora said and slapped Ashyra's arm lightly.

The three were having fun while walking when suddenly they heard a chaotic scream behind them.

They looked at their back together. The three are confused about what's going on, it's very chaotic, they saw that there are people who are attacking people and what's worse is that there is blood spreading on the ground.

"What's happening?" Amora asked in fear.

"Call 911?" Ashyra answered.

Luna was about to take out her cell phone but she noticed that the monster attacking was strange. She was the one who noticed it first and immediately her reaction changed. Ashyra was next to her so she pulled her away before yelling at Amora.

"Let's run!" Luna shouted but when she looked at Amora, the woman was just standing there. Annoyed, Luna pulled Amora and started running.

Luna held the two friends who did not immediately react. Ashyra closed her eyes and looked at Amora who was in shock. It turned out that Amora's face was covered in blood because of the person in front of her earlier, the person in front of Amora earlier was attacked by a monster and bitten on the shoulder causing the blood to splash on Amora's face.



"It's hurt!"

"Ah! Blood! Blood!"





Just three minutes later, the people who were bitten by those monsters get up again and just like the monsters who are bitting people, they also become monsters. Those monsters start running and also start biting everyone who's also running for their life.

"Ash! We need to find a safe place!" Luna called Ashyra who was still processing what was happening around them.

Ashyra watched as Luna struggled to avoid the path where the monster was. Ashyra felt fear and shock but due to Luna's quick actions, just like Luna, Ashyra was also quickly brought back to reality.

There is a monster, they bite, and when bitten, like them those people who got bitten will become a monster too, there is only one thing to do, find a safe place to hide from these monsters. Ashyra thought about all that so she quickly thought of where she thought was a safe place or where there weren't too many people.

"In the library," she replied to Luna.

She remembered that there weren't many people in the library and she was sure that place was safe.

"Let's go—" Luna's words were suddenly interrupted as she accidentally let go of Amora.

Luna's face showed shock and fear as she searched for Amora and then she saw Amora being run over by a monster.

"Aghhh! L-Luna! Help!" Amora screamed as she cried and stopped the monster that was on top of her.

Luna noticed that Amora had a bite on her arm but instead of continuing to run and escape, she decided to push Ashyra away. Luna didn't look at Ashyra when she said, "Run! Ash, you need to survive!" Luna shouted, didn't try looking back at Ashyra anymore, Luna ran towards Amora and kicked the monster that was on top of her.

Ashyra saw everything that Luna did, she couldn't believe what Luna had done. She stopped, unable to move her legs. Waiting for what Luna will do but when Luna gets rid of the monster that is on top of Amora, another zombie suddenly appears to bite Luna.

Luna didn't avoid that zombie attack, she just let the monster bite her while hugging Amora, who was already starting to act delirious. Luna hugged Amora while crying and protecting the slowly turning into Zombie Amora.

"A-amora, it's okey. We'll be okay" Luna said while protecting Amora from those monsters.

Ashyra was stunned by what she saw. She couldn't stand what she was seeing but Luna wasn't paying attention to her anymore.

She found herself catching her own breath and retreated. Again Luna's said earlier echoed in her mind. "Run! Ash, you need to survive!" Luna's voice kept repeating in her mind.

Ashyra was afraid. She watched as her two friends die at the hands of those monsters. Watched as how her two friends slowly changed.

Ashyra absently started running, not knowing where she was going, she just wanted to do what Luna said.


She only realized that she had gone to the backdoor of the canteen. She is not in her mind but there's an instinct that keeps telling her that she needs to survive, she needs to hide, and she can't die.

She entered the backdoor of the canteen and the kitchen greeted her.

There was a chef with his back to Ashyra, Ashyra was so scared that she didn't even think that the chief was still human. She quickly took a knife from the side and pointed it at the man with its back turned to her.

It seems that the man heard her so he slowly faced her. And then it immediately attacked her.

The chief was male and bigger than Ashyra but because of Ashyra's nervousness and fear, her movements became aggressive. She didn't think about where the knife hit while she was attacking back to the zombie chief.

As long as the creature fell to the ground, Ashyra didn't stop her attack. Blood splashed around, and the jacket that Ashyra was wearing was also stained and covered by this blood but she didn't pay any attention to her appearance.

She immediately looked for a place to hide, she saw that the kitchen had a storage room so she immediately ran towards it. The kitchen was empty, so when she entered, the place became silent.

The storage room is dark. Ashyra was sure that she was safe now.

She was facing the door as she slowly retreated until her back hit a shelf and her body fell to the floor.

Ashyra was still sitting on the floor with trembling legs watching the noisy door of the storage room.

She didn't know what was happening outside, she was afraid to open it because she might be greeted by a monster. She grabbed the knife she got earlier. Her hands were still shaking and there were traces of tears on her face.

She stood up slowly and held the knife tightly before approaching the door. She was scared and nervous because the door noise became aggressive.

"Please! Open!" Ashyra stopped when she heard that voice from outside.

She grabbed the doorknob and was about to open it, but she thought that maybe there was a monster on the other side, so she hesitated.

"Open it! F*ck!" A shout from outside came from the man, who seemed to be trying to open the door from the outside.

Ashyra closed her eyes and nervously turned to the doorknob. As soon as it opened, Ashyra raised the knife she was holding and point it at the man.

The man looked surprised so he didn't try to move from the place he was standing.

"Wooo! F*ck, you surprise me" the man said and he even step back because of the surprise.

"Y-you don't have a bite?" Ashyra ask.

Ashyra looked at the man's appearance. He was wearing a black hoodie jacket, she couldn't see his face because of the hoodie but because of the scotch tape wrapped around his arm and his black jeans were stained with blood, Ashyra knew that the man had struggled to get here.

"Of course not! I don't have any bites so don't worry. I broke the kitchen door so can we go in first?" The man pointed to Ashyra's back that's the storage room.

Ashyra looked behind the man to see where the broken kitchen door was, there were only large objects blocking the broken door and there were zombies still trying to enter. Ashyra remembered that she had locked the kitchen door earlier, it looks like the man forced the door open and now it was damaged.

"Come in!" Even though Ashyra was nervous, she let the man in for fear that the zombies who were insisting on entering might enter.

She closed the door causing the storage room to darken again.

Ashyra faced the man who now looked very tired while sitting in Ashyra's place earlier.

Ashyra was about to speak but she couldn't say what she wanted to ask, she just took a deep breath and walked to one side. Like the man, she also sat on the floor.

The two were very quiet, only breathing could be heard inside the storage room. Suddenly the man stood up so Ashyra looked at him.

She noticed that the man suddenly took off the black jacket he was wearing. Ashyra even tried to avoid looking at the man but when she noticed that the man was wearing a white long sleeve, she immediately returned her gaze.

"Where did you come from? Why did you decide to come here?" Ashyra's mouth suddenly opened.

The man seemed to look at her before speaking while fixing himself and cleaning himself. "The library, besides, I thought of coming here because there was food," the man said calmly.

Ashyra noticed that she could not see the man's full appearance. She couldn't really see the man even though she could see a little from the dark storage room.

Ashyra remembered the library she answered Luna earlier when she asked her. Ashyra bowed, and she remembered again what happened with Luna. Slowly and silently, Ashyra opened her lips, "Why did you bother coming here? Isn't it safer in the library than here?" She said it almost in a whisper, but since there were only two people in the storage room, the man heard it.

The man stopped cleaning himself and turned to face Ashyra, Ashyra didn't really know if he was looking at her or not because she couldn't see his whole face.

"I think the library is the most dangerous place in this university right now. If you just saw what the library looks like right now, there are more monsters in the library than outside the building near the canteen" the man said, shaking his head.

The canteen and library are right next to each other.

"How come?" Ashyra said softly, she couldn't believe that what she thought was a safe place was actually the scariest place.

"Normal people would probably think the library was safer so everyone ran there, do you think no zombies can get through?" Ashyra felt the man squirm.

Ashyra didn't speak and was dumbfounded.

"Hey, are you okey? The quietness of the place is eerie. Why don't you speak?" the guy asks. He went back to his place before and faced Ashyra.

Ashyra shook her head, "Do you think we can survive here?" She asked in a low voice.

Ashyra noticed that the man also stopped moving. "I don't know. Maybe? We're still alive, it's better to be positive than to be negative, right?" The man answered simply.

Ashyra suddenly took a deep breath and seriously looked at the man who was a little far away from her, but she could still hear him.

"Do you have a friend who also..." Ashyra didn't finish what she had to say.

The man seemed to understand what she was trying to tell because he suddenly became silent. He became really quiet, his weak breathing disappeared, his mouth seemed to be closed and he became even more serious.

The man slowly nodded, "Yeah. Just now... He protects m..me" answered the man.

Ashyra was surprised, "W-was it because I locked the kitchen door?" She feels that it's her fault that the man lost his friend.

Even though it was dark, Ashyra noticed the man shaking his head. "No, don't blame yourself, it's already happened besides, even though I had a hard time opening the door, my friend wouldn't have died if he hadn't chosen to protect me," said the man.

"Still, sorry" Ashyra whispered.

"Nah, you wouldn't ask about this if you didn't see your own friend die too" the man shook his head.

Ashyra suddenly remembered about Luna. Still thinking about what happened, Ashyra start sobbing. She cried, if earlier she didn't notice that she was crying, now she already crying with sobs and sounds.

"Don't worry, we need to survive here if we don't want to disappoint our friends" said the man, it looks like the man is also forcing himself to be okey.

Suddenly the room became silent again.

It was so quiet during that time. It was a long time until Ashyra heard the sound of the man's stomach.

Ashyra looked at the man and was about to speak but the sound of her stomach interfered with what she was going to say. They are the same, hungry for food.

Suddenly the man stood up and started walking to the shelves where the food was. There are breeds and mineral water there so they won't really have a problem with the food.

Ashyra was also about to get up to get something to eat herself when the man suddenly handed her food.

Ashyra didn't deny the food.

A few minutes passed and the two finished their quiet meal, no one spoke, only their chewing was noisy.

After that, the place was quiet again. They don't really talk, one hour, two hours. That's when the man started talking.

"I want to eat beef. Is there something we can use to cook there?" The man asked and started moving inside the storage room.

"Why is it dark? Is there no light in here?" Ashyra didn't answer the man. It's impossible for them to cook in here because the kitchen is just outside.

The man seemed to realize and was about to look for the light switch but the sound of a cell phone stopped the two.

Ashyra moved quickly, she immediately answered the caller on her own cell phone. She forgot that she had a cell phone with her.

(S-Sis—) The voice of the person on the other side was a bit choppy but Ashyra recognized the owner of the voice.

"Cha? Is that you?" Ashyra said excitedly.

She had not noticed that the man beside her did not move from where he was standing and seemed to be listening to her call.

(S-s-s—) suddenly the line was cut. Ashyra stood up and started looking for a signal. She tries to call her sister again but there is no signal around.

Ashyra even thought about going up on a shelf but she really couldn't get the signal she was looking for.

She tried to call her sister again but the line was immediately disconnected. Ashyra was panicking so in her rush she didn't realize that there were boxes on her way also because the place was dark and she was having a hard time seeing, Fortunately, the man that was close to her was immediately caught her.

"Are you okey? You need to be careful" The man said to Ashyra and was about to let go when a strong earthquake happened.

The two were not ready for the earthquake causing them to fall on the floor, the man grabbed Ashyra and because Ashyra was the last to react, she did not notice that the man was pulling her away from the shelves. She didn't notice that when she felt the man hugging her back, protecting her from whatever was falling from the fallen shelf.

Ashyra was surprised by this and completely lay down on the floor while the man was on top of her.

The man's mouth was close to her ear so she could feel the heat of the man's breathing and his pain. Suddenly, the man forced himself to get up, placing both hands on the side of Ashyra's face, causing Ashyra not to have difficulty of breathing.

"Agh!" Ashyra shouted and slowly forced herself to lie down facing the man.

She could not see the man's appearance but she knew that the man was struggling.

She couldn't speak because the earthquake was too strong and the equipment in that storage room was also become messed up.

Ashyra even noticed that one of the shelves was falling down to where she and the man lying.

Ashyra's raised her hand and tried to protect the man's head but when that shelf fell completely, it was blocked by another shelf on the right.

Ashyra would have been able to sigh in relief because the shelf did not completely fall on them, but when the earthquake slowed down, the man fell on her.

She felt and heard the man's breathing because the man's face fell on her neck.

Ashyra was afraid of what happened to the man, she felt that the man was feeling pain.



ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination.

Note: This story is not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammars, spelling, or any error typos.

Reminder! No To Plagiarism! This is my own story! I write this in Filipino and just translate it in English so NO TO PLAGIARISM!