
Goddess In Apocalypse (English)

Ashyra woke up in a hell-like world and didn't know where, how, and who she is. Fighting to live in this hell, doing nothing but get stronger. Doing everything to survive. Living in that hell for a hundred years. She thought everything will not end. But everything has an end. She died and the moment she closed her eyes. She came back to where the world she really belong. The world that humankind is still having a normal life, the world that she didn't expect to be the past of the world where she just came from. The world she thought that will become normal but the moment she open her eyes, the apocalypse started. The end of the world that only Ashyra knows what and how the world end. ••• ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination. Note: This story is not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammars, spelling, or any error typos. Reminder! No To Plagiarism! This is my own story! I write this in Filipino and just translate it in English so NO TO PLAGIARISM! Type: English Genre: Romance, Action, Fantasy, Horror, Adventure, and Comedy with 18+

JasMae18 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Raiden Levi Lazarus

Chapter 3

Raiden Levi Lazarus

ASHYRA noticed that Luna had already entered a room with Amora. She didn't care that she was left outside, she just feels relieved that her two friends have escaped the danger.

She didn't stop the zombies anymore, she just quickly ran away from them. Ashyra knew the limitations of her own body, her body was weak, unlike her body in the alternative world. Very weak but she is still able to kill five zombies.

The zombies are scattered so Ashyra has a hard time finding a place to hide.

The dorm building is big, it also has two elevators and a lot of hallways. There are many monsters but she's not the only one running away and escaping around, there are others running and screaming for help. From afar, Ashyra saw that there were a lot of zombies so she planned to run to the left but a group of zombies was approaching her place too just because of a man who was running toward her location.

Ashyra's destination immediately changed, she faced the right hallway and continued her run and escape. She remembered that there was a staircase at the end of the hallway where she was running so she intended to run there but suddenly a hand pulled her from behind. That hand pulled Ashyra's pink hoodie jacket.

Ashyra was shocked but the person behind her pulled her as if she was a light object, He almost carried her into a room. The two hit the floor of the dorm room, but the man who pulled Ashyra moved quickly, he immediately stood up and ran to the dorm room door. He closed it forcefully causing the entire arm of one of the zombies who was trying to enter the room to be cut off.

Ashyra's face was serious, not planning to get up from lying down while catching her breath. She was ready to be complacent because of what she saw the man do, but she immediately became alert when she heard something that she knows was not a living being.

Ashyra stood up and looked around. She held tightly to the mop stick that she had been holding earlier. From Ashyra's location, she can see the living room in the front and it looks like the kitchen is on the right and the three closed bedrooms on the left. Ashyra's hearing was unmistakable that there were other creatures in this room.

A zombie suddenly came out of the kitchen, Ashyra raised the dirty mop she was holding and push it to the zombie. "Grrraaaa!" Suddenly the monster attacked.

Ashyra straightened up and casually poked the mop in her hand at the female zombie. The mop hit the zombie's forehead and it died instantly.

'It's just a weak zombie' Ashyra said to herself.

"Ash, are you okay?" Ashyra suddenly looked at the man behind her.

Although the surprise on Ashyra's face could not be seen, she looked at the man with questionable pair of eyes.

This guy is tall, has brown hair, and also looks half-Filipino. That means it also has a foreign race. The man is handsome, he is also wearing a white long sleeve that's already covered in blood. The skin is also white and the nose is pointed, handsome indeed.

Ashyra doesn't remember that she knew the man, how does the man know her but she doesn't know him?

"I'm Raiden Levi Lazarus, you can call me Raiden. I know you because of Amora, by the way, she's my cousin" he answered, seeming to understand the way Ashura looked at him.

Ashyra nodded and looked at the body of the female zombie. Ashyra wondered, is there still hope to cure these monsters, or like what she read in that alternative world, will humans also disappear in the future?

"You can rest now, I'll look the room to make sure there's no problem," Raiden said as he started walking towards the kitchen.

Raiden was almost in the kitchen when suddenly they heard a noise from one of the bedrooms.

Ashyra and Raiden looked at the door of one of the rooms together, it slowly opened, and from there a shadow peeked out. Less than a minute later, the door opened loudly and a woman quickly ran toward Raiden.

"Raiden! Are you here to save me?! Huhuhu, I'm so scared, those monsters tried to bite me, they are so scary" the girl cried while hugging Raiden.

Ashyra didn't notice the shock on Raiden's face, she just turned her eyes to something else.

She faced the door of the room the woman just came out of.

"Marine, what are you doing here?" Ashyra heard Raiden's voice.

Ashyra took a deep breath before walking to the couch in the living room. She sat down and because of the tiredness, she quickly became comfortable sitting there.

"Raiden, I know you won't leave me, huhuhu" the girl cried to Raiden but Raiden forced her away from him.

"Stop it, you can get those zombies' attention. Quiet down your voice" Raiden's voice didn't sound soft, it just sounded like he was tired of the woman's cry.

"No! I can't calm down, Raiden, I'm so happy to know that you're here" said the woman who was still crying.

Raiden took a deep breath and Marine separated from him. He walked closer to Ashyra while talking to the girl, "Stop it, your voice is so irritating" he said while sitting in the single seat.

Marine followed her so the girl noticed that they were still someone else there. She stopped crying and frowned when she looked at Ashyra, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" There was no annoyance in her voice but her dislike for Ashyra was palpable.

"Marine, stop it. She's my cousin's bestfriend" Raiden answered.

"Hmmp, this dorm room is mine, why is she here?" Marine said like a child while frowning at Raiden.

"Don't act like you don't know what's happening, Marine. It's very dangerous outside, it's not strange that she's here" Raiden seemed immediately irritated by Marine so Marine stopped acting cute in front of Raiden.

"Well, she's your cousin's bestfriend, then where's your cousin? Maybe she left your cousin outside so that she can survive," Marine said, looking at Ashyra angrily.

Ashyra didn't care, she's not a talkative person and she's not a person who pays attention to something not important. She won't fight this childish reason of Marine. With just one look, Ashyra knew what kind of person Marine was.

"Hey! I'm talking to you? Where's Raiden's cousin? Did you do something to her just to help yourself? Don't you know what Lazarus can do?" Marine seems to be looking for a fight, and she even kicks Ashyra's leg lightly.

Ashyra's eyes were closed, feeling the soft couch but when she felt Marine's kick, she opened her eyes. Her eyes went straight to Marine who looked at her with disdain and contempt.

"Why don't you mind you're own business? I think you're the one who needs to pay attention to yourself. You don't have any evidence that I did something to my bestfriend while in here, I already saw the evidence of how you do something to your roommate" Ashyra couldn't stop but wanted to fight back against the girl because of what she saw earlier.

Marine stopped and seemed to suddenly realize something, she looked at the female zombie body that was in the door right now. There is a trace of nervousness on her face but she will not let Ashyra defeat her with these words.

"What evidence? That monster wants to bite me so I normally defend myself" she said to Ashyra.

Ashyra bowed as if she was still thinking about what to say but in reality, she was just thinking about how to shorten what she was going to say.

She sigh before looking up to Marine, "If you did a self-defense then what's that body doing in your room?" She asked calmly.

Marine's appearance immediately changed. Its nervousness and panic can be noticed. "N-no! I-I didn't!" She seemed to have lost control of herself and shouted.

It is normal to have three students in the same dorm room. It's just strange that there's something different about the room Marine came from. Marine didn't seem to notice that she hadn't closed the door so Ashyra found the body.

Blood was scattered in the room, there is a dead female body there, It didn't look like a zombie before it died because it looked normal but it was holding a knife. It does not hold the knife well because there is no life on it.

Marine seems to have thought of a way to hide what she did but the problem is, there are too many stab wounds to the dead body. There was so much especially in its stomach that the inside parts spread on the floor. It is surprising that the female hurt herself because it's for sure that she would have difficulty moving and stabbed her own body three times.

What Marine did was very senseless, even though she immediately knew what was wrong with the body of the woman in her room even though she was not an investigator.

"No! I didn't! She has a bite on her shoulder, I saw it! I-it's self-defense! Raiden! Believe me! I won't do something like that!" Marine seemed to panic so she couldn't control her own voice. "You! You're framing me! Raiden! Don't believe this b*tch-" Marine was still pointing at Ashyra but was interrupted by Raiden's sudden covering of her mouth.

"Shut up, do you want those monsters to come to us? If you're innocent, you need to calm down" Raiden said angrily to the girl. He let go of Marine and looked at the dorm door in annoyance.

Marine was about to speak but Raiden spoke seriously. "Stop it, even I, myself saw it, don't you dare to make fault for Ash, you're not innocent here" Raiden's voice has no trace of anger. It controlling his own voice to be calmed.

Marine's silent, not planning to open her own mouth again because of her fear for Raiden.

Ashyra just readjusted her position on the seat and closed her eyes again.

It was quiet for an hour. No one planned to break the silence. It was so quiet, they could only hear the noise from outside the dorm room.

Some screams can still be heard, but the monsters are making louder noises.

Ashyra was tired so as she sat down, her strength slowly returned. She opened her eyes and gave her two companions a look.

Marine could be seen crying softly and silently while Raiden bowed.

She opens her lips to talk, "Amora is safe, she's with Luna" she said while looking at Raiden.

Raiden's eyes lifted. Their eyes met. Raiden has beautiful brown eyes so it's very attractive to look at.

"It's good to know," said the man as if what Ashyra said was unexpected.

Ashyra ignored Raiden's reaction. She just stood up and walked to the balcony of the dorm room. The glass door of the balcony was closed so she opened it before feeling the cold air from the outside.

She went out and looked at the creatures on the ground of the university.

It's only been about an hour and a half since the virus spread, but there are already too many zombies.

Ashyra took the cell phone that was in the pocket of her pink jacket. She opened it and saw that it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon. She thought of calling her parents but the call never connected. There is internet so she wondered why she couldn't connect to her parents.

She was also nervous. Even though she felt like she had experienced a long and vivid nightmare, when she remembers herself, her memory of her parents is what she will never forget.

Her family is not rich but not poor either, she just has a normal family. In that family, there is a father, a mother, and two siblings.

The university is still far from the city and the province where her parents are. She remembered that she has a brother in the city now so she thought of calling him.

The other side just keeps ringing, No one's answering. Ashyra was even more nervous. She was also annoyed because she had only remembered everything about her true self and just an hour and a half, the apocalypse already started, and she was not able to prepare herself.

'Agh! Why am I back here if I don't have and use my ability?? She even has a weak body, it's the opposite of my body in that alternative world. Why did I go to that world and come back here unchanged?' Ashyra was annoyed while holding onto the railing of the balcony.

Even though there was no reaction on her face, it was immediately noticeable that she was annoyed and angry because of her soft kicking on the railing. She was also restless in her position.

"Ha!" She snorted in annoyance even though there was no reaction on her face.

She looked like that when Raiden suddenly approached her. She stopped when she felt someone approaching.

"What's wrong?" Raiden asked.

Ashyra wanted to send him away because she didn't know the person except for his name but she answered anyway, just in case the person next to her could do something.

"Can't contact my family, do you have your phone?" She asked the man. Intended to use another cellphone to call family.

She doesn't want to think about anything, she doesn't want to think about what's her family's condition is. She doesn't want to because she definitely can't control her own feelings.

"Nope, I don't have it. Don't worry if you can't contact your family, maybe they're already in the military camp. Maybe they just cut the connection to us because we are in the danger zone right now" said the man who seemed to be trying to ease Ashyra's feelings.

She only sigh and turned her eyes down to the building. Watching the battalion of zombies. Ashyra remembered her usual situation.

She always saw this scene, she always see this in a building while looking down, and there are monsters scattered.

Even though they look like low-level or non-level zombies, just like the zombies in the alternative world, they multiply quickly. There is a large population in the world, it is difficult to stop these monsters, especially in crowded areas where the virus spreads quickly.

Ashyra was dazed while watching the zombies. Those zombies were just normal people just a while ago. But just a few hours later everything changed. Ashyra couldn't believe it, she actually went back to where the nightmare she experienced began.

"Don't worry too much. I know everything will be okay" the man beside Ashyra suddenly spoke.

She looked at the man. He wasn't smiling but his calm voice was noticeable. Because of this, Ashyra felt a little better.

Maybe Ashyra doesn't fit into the normal world. Maybe, this was destined to happen so she ended up in another alternative world for hundred years for an experience.

Ashyra has a lot of experience and information in this new world because of that alternative world so she is definitely well-versed. Even if her body is not strong for now, it will definitely get stronger when she does something. The zombies for now are not that strong in this era either so she is sure that she can beat these monsters too.

Ashyra looked up and suddenly remembered something. 'Awakeners. Right, Awakened!'

She remembered that the monsters would start to get stronger but so would the human who had the ability to awaken. Right, there is a possibility that she will awaken. She remembered that she had superpowers while in that alternative world.

Ashyra looked at her hand. This is the hand where the green veins tattoo is attached. Ashyra read that the awakened got a mark on their body. The mark on their body is based on what ability they have. If the awakened's ability is water, they will have a water-like mark as well.

At first, Ashyra thought she was also an awakener but there was something different about her veins, sometimes she can control it and sometimes not, besides the mark on her body spreads unlike what she read in the books. The book says that the mark is proof that you are an awakener, it appears on any part of the human body.

In the books, it is said about the awakeners. Almost everyone who survived the apocalypse was able to awaken but some were not. That means 90% of the population that survived awakened, those who didn't awaken are just unlucky.

"Remember where Amora is right now?" Suddenly Raiden asks.

Ashyra returned to reality. She looked at Raiden's unresponsive face first.

"Remember," Ashyra answered.

The two face each other, and both have no reaction on their faces. The conversation is very formal

"I plan to go to where she is right now and pick her up," Raiden asked again.

Ashyra nodded, not speaking.

"Any plan?" Said Raiden.

"Don't have" Ashyra shook her head.

"Wait 'till tomorrow?" Again ask Raiden.

Ashyra nodded, not speaking again.

The conversation between the two was just that short, but even though it was very quiet, they seemed to understand each other.

"R-Raiden!" Suddenly, Marine called.

She seemed to notice that Ashyra and Raiden were together so she interjected.

The two looked at her at the same time. Both have no reaction and are both waiting for what she has to say.

"I-I..." She looked at Ashyra before turning her gaze back to Raiden, "I hurt my arm, very painful"

Her old behavior returned again. She even came closer to Raiden to show her red arm.

"It's just a small scratch, it can't turn you into a zombie," Raiden said as he walked into the room.

Marine looked at Ashyra in disgust and was unable to speak anymore. 'Why does Raiden act like this? Hmmp, it's this b*tch's fault!' She said to herself as she tortured look Ashyra even more before following Raiden.

Ashyra didn't pay attention to that because she really had no use for it. Besides, she doesn't have time to fight just because the girl is childish.

Again she faced the railings, watching the zombies below.

AT THIS time, from Luna's point of view, they are talking about something...

"We can't go out here, it's too dangerous," Evanna said. She looked at Raiza, who spoke about their plan to go out.

"What are we going to do? There's not much food here, do you think this is enough for us? You want to die of hunger," Raiza said here.

"Tss, if it wasn't because you brought in someone else, the food would take longer" Jess interjected.

Luna heard that so she looked at Jess angrily, she didn't speak because she was holding Amora while calming her down. Amora still doesn't stop crying.

"Stop it, Jess, why do I feel like you favor Evanna more than me? I'm your girlfriend!" Raiza said angrily.

Jess nodded sarcastically, "Yeah, yeah, you're my girlfriend but you didn't even listen to my words," she said to Raiza.

"Ha! You are not the one who has the last say in our relationship, why should I follow you? You're not my mom, you're my boyfriend, Jess" Raiza said here.

"Right, Boyfriend, Shouldn't I be the one who has the last say? I'm the man in this relationship" Jess's voice rose a little.

Raiza pointed at Jess very annoyed, "Should a man be the one to obey in a relationship? Besides, was it wrong for me to save someone? Jess, no matter which angle you look at it, I'm not the one who's wrong. I help people who need my help, I'm not selfish like you"

"Selfish? Is it selfish for me to think about our situation before others? You see, we're having trouble with food because you let others in" Jess said in anger as if Luna and Amora were not here.

Luna closed her eyes in annoyance and couldn't help but stand up. "Ha! Who wants to eat your food!? Even if we are not here, you will surely lack food, do you think we are the only problem? You just want to kick us out so you can be alone with other girls" Luna couldn't stop her own mouth.

Jess seemed to explode in anger. "What did you say?! Are you trying to ruin my relationship right now? You are the ones who have survived because of us and now you want to destroy our relationship? I don't like a person like you"

Luna bit her lip in annoyance, "I wish I could believe that you are serious about your relationship now. Tsk, how did you get into our dorm building? You are a man and it is in our rules that men are not allowed to enter our dorm building. If you'll say that it happened by chance while you were sneaking in just to see your girlfriend, well that's not believable, the sun is bright, and many people are watching, do you think you can get through here?"


ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination.

Note: This story is not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammars, spelling, or any error typos.

Reminder! No To Plagiarism! This is my own story! I write this in Filipino and just translate it in English so NO TO PLAGIARISM!