
Goddess In Apocalypse (English)

Ashyra woke up in a hell-like world and didn't know where, how, and who she is. Fighting to live in this hell, doing nothing but get stronger. Doing everything to survive. Living in that hell for a hundred years. She thought everything will not end. But everything has an end. She died and the moment she closed her eyes. She came back to where the world she really belong. The world that humankind is still having a normal life, the world that she didn't expect to be the past of the world where she just came from. The world she thought that will become normal but the moment she open her eyes, the apocalypse started. The end of the world that only Ashyra knows what and how the world end. ••• ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination. Note: This story is not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammars, spelling, or any error typos. Reminder! No To Plagiarism! This is my own story! I write this in Filipino and just translate it in English so NO TO PLAGIARISM! Type: English Genre: Romance, Action, Fantasy, Horror, Adventure, and Comedy with 18+

JasMae18 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Apocalypse Start

Chapter 2

The Apocalypse Start

"Ash, do you think he will like me? Ahh~ No! He needs to like me! Ha! He's the most stupid person if he rejects me" A loud voice can be heard.

Ashyra, open her eyes. Suddenly memories flashed in her mind. She held her own head. Her name is Ashyra Mori Aurelia, 21 years old, and a college student, she has two siblings and two best friends, she doesn't look like a nerd but she acts like a nerd. She likes reading a lot, listening to pop music and doesn't like to socialize but has two best friends.

"Tsk, you're too full on yourself. If he doesn't like you it means he still thinking about his own future" another voice can be heard.

Ashyra looked at the two people sitting next to her on a bench.

She looks at how her friends change their reactions, "Shut up, Luna! I'm not talking to you. Are you Ashyra for you to answer me?!" It can see the annoyance that the person next to her said to another woman.

"Tss, I'm just concerned about you, what if he will reject you? Aren't you the only one who will be embarrassed? I'm still thinking for your good as your friend, Amora" Luna answered, shaking her head slightly.

The person next to Ashyra pinched the other lightly, "I said shut up, I don't need your concern, you always ruin my mood e" said Amora who was very annoyed.

"That's hurt, you pinch me it's as if my skin is so thick," said Luna and moved further away from Amora.

Amora sneered and spoke, "Duh, aren't you a tomboy? Maybe your skin is thicker than a man's."

"If I pinch you? It's really annoying that you're being a sadist" Luna's voice was full of annoyance.

"Ha! I don't care, I don't care, You're not allowed to join me with Ash, while we're talking 'cause you won't understand us girls" Amora said dramatically as she stuck closer to Ashyra.

"Tsk, I don't care too. What can I care about you? I'm just worried that you might infect Ash with your carelessness" Luna said as she stood up and approached Ashyra and was ready to pull Ashyra when she noticed the way Ashyra was looking at them.

Luna, feel uncomfortable because of the stare Ashyra is giving off. She even tried to look herself if there was something wrong.

Luna Aoki, 22 years old. Beautiful and tall, she also has blond hair that is tied back, white, and smooth skin. The body is just right for her height. Luna looks like she has a foreign race, her nose is sharp, and her lips are red even though she doesn't wear lipstick, it looks like she only put powder on her face. She also has very beautiful blue eyes.

Luna is really beautiful, and modeling suits her but just by looking at her style, you can tell right away that she is a tomboy. She's a pretty handsome, she's tall and she's good at dressing. And Ashyra knows that Luna is a real tomboy.

"What's wrong, Ash? Is there something wrong with me?" Luna asked Ashyra.

Ashyra blinks her eyes but didn't answer then she looked at Amora who was right next to her. Like Luna, Amora was also uncomfortable with Ashyra's look.

Amora Lazarus, 22 years old. Of course, she's pretty and well-dressed, she's the opposite of Luna. Luna is almost dressed as a man while Amora dresses like a girl.

She's wearing a dress that didn't reach down to her knee, smooth and white, a little thin but sexy. Amora has gray eyes because she also has a foreign race. The only difference between her and Luna is that she's small. She can't really be said to be small. The height is normal. Luna is just taller than a normal height of woman.

"Ash, what are you looking at? Is there any problem in my pretty face?" Amora said and took out a small mirror from her bag.

Ashyra blink her eyes again and looked at Amora's hand before quickly taking the object. Ashyra turned the mirror to herself.

Ashyra frowned, looking at herself. Ashyra wouldn't think that her face looks like this without a mark or something that looks like a tattoo.

Ashyra is beautiful, from her small eyes and her white and smooth skin. Pointed nose, pinkish and thin lips, and cute cheeks, Ashyra can tell right away that she is also of a foreign race. Half Japanese, she remembered her mom was Japanese.

Suddenly she stood up and forced herself to look at her own height, it looked like Amora was just as tall as her so she looked at Luna who was taller than her.

"What's wrong, Ash?" Luna asked again.

Ashyra shook her head, "Nothing" she replied briefly and looked around.

She feels new because of the peaceful place. Too many people, normal people.

She can hardly imagine what a normal person really looks like. She stayed in that alternative world for almost 100 years. Not remembers where she really came from and how she got there.

Now, she knows who and where she really came from. She just doesn't know how and when she ended up in that alternative world.

"What's wrong with you, Ash? Will you also imitate Luca who doesn't give any attention to anyone? You really like him, don't you?" Amora yelled at her.

Ashyra did not stop watching the people passing by. She also watched the park-like place, she couldn't help but smile, she was glad that she came from this world because the previous world she just came from was like a nightmare. A very long nightmare.

"What does my brother have to do with Ash being quiet?" Luna asked Amora.

"Duh, it's so pointless talking to your brother, Ash might be infected," said Amora.

"Tsk, I still believe that she got infected by you because you are always close to her. You're very dramatic, I should really keep a close eye on Ash so you don't end up infecting her completely" Luna said.

The surroundings are noisy because of the number of people passing by.

Ashyra noticed people passing by holding their cell phones. She remembered that she also had the same object so she quickly took out the cell phone from the pocket of the pink jacket she was wearing.

She opened it and immediately saw what time it was and the date today. 11:48, June 10, 2026. Ashyra stopped. Stared at the time and date she just read.

'2026? Is this the right year?' she asked herself and typed the password of her cellphone and went to the calendar.

"Are we in 2026 now?" She asked the friends that were on her side.

"Huh? Are you not on yourself, Ash?" Amora asked and give Ashyra a disbelieving look.

"It's 2026. I just remembered, do you have any plans for the break? I plan to go back home but my brother said that we have to make up for the next semester so I will stay at the library this break" Luna's sadness and dislike can be seen while answering Ashyra.

Ashyra looked at the daytime again and thought deeply. '2026? This is the year written in the book I read in that alternative world. This is the year that the world began to change. 2026? Is this for real? Ha, maybe what I remembered in that very chaotic world was just a dream. Correct right? Just a dream?' She thought and looked again at the people passing by.

'This is should how we live, living just normally. This world won't change, right? I just got back and I just remember everything in my life, how can I let this world change? I don't want to believe that this normal day will suddenly change' she wants to believe that all the things she experienced in that alternative world are not true.

But no matter what she thinks, the memories of what happened in that alternative world are very vivid. Clear as crystal clear. From the time she arrived there until she died in that alternative world. She remembered everything, clearly and without missing a piece of memory.

"Aya! I already plan to go to my auntie's house this break. Maybe I'll spend my entire break there. How boring..." Amora said while looking at Ashyra, waiting for her to answer too.

Ashyra was so quiet that the two were feeling worried "What's wrong, Ash? Why do I feel like you're acting weird? Is there any problem? You can tell us" Amora's voice softened a bit. Amora has a shrill voice and sometimes it's even noisy.

Ashyra looked at the two and then looked down at the mobile phone in her hand.

"I think I want to be with you this break" she answered weakly.

"Eh? Aren't you going home? This is the first time you won't go home ah" Luna said.

"Argh, I really don't want to stay here but because Ash said, I will stay too," Amora said while hugging Ashyra's arm.

"Tsk, Ash will really be infected by you when you touch her so closely," Luna said while also looking at the watch she was wearing. "It's time to go back, My building is far from here, we need to go now," she said, referring to her next class.

Ashyra remembers her schedule, she has a major subject but she really doesn't feel like attending her class because she has started to feel restless.

She was nervous about what was going to happen, she didn't want to ruin this day but she had to prepare herself, if what she experienced in that alternative world was true, she should think about safety not only for herself but for her friends.

"I don't want to attend my class today, can the both of you escort me to our dorm building?" She had no emotion and Ashyra's voice was weak. Only her friends can hear what she said.

She's really not used to talking especially in the alternative world she comes from, she only even talks to herself like a crazy person or talks to the unknown green veins.

She still can't believe that she is a normal person now and believe that the creatures around her are also normal people. It feels so new and also familiar to her. Maybe because of the memories that flashed in her mind, she didn't feel really uncomfortable in the new place she just woke up.

"Hmm, okay. Do you feel sick? It's so rare for you to not attend a class" said Luna.

For Ashyra's friends, it's really surprising that Ashyra didn't want to go to her class. Ashyra's known to be nerdy where she has to attend all her classes in one day even though those classes are boring and not important to attend.

Ashyra shook her head and started walking, "I'm just not in the mood to attend a class" she says.

The two were by her side while walking.

The university is big so the dorm building is far away from them but they still have time for it. Ashyra is just a normal student, she only has two friends that she can consider to be true besties, she also has many acquaintances that she only talks to once in a while. It can be said that Ashyra is very normal, from the fact that she likes to read and listen to music on the corner, she is also not that good at making friends. Simply called for someone's nerdy.

Sometimes she's quiet but whenever she's around everyone she's close though, she'll get louder and very fun to be with.

Luna and Amora were talking while Ashyra was in the middle of them, suddenly they were stopped when Ashyra noticed that someone was blocking their way.

Ashyra looked at the man who blocked their way, this person was tall and because of wearing a black hoodie jacket and mask, they couldn't see his face.

"What do you want?" Amora asked.

Ashyra watched the person in front of them because even though the person was wrapped, she could still feel the man's gaze on her.

They thought he was going to speak but suddenly the man continued walking, passing the three of them. The three were still confused.

"Who's that? He just blocked our path" Amora said in an annoyed voice and she even rolled her eyes while looking at the back of the man walking away from them.

"Maybe he just noticed something. Come on or I might be late for my next class" Luna said.

The two didn't talk anymore especially Amora because they didn't want Luna to be late for her class.

They continue their talk as they walked, and sometimes they ask a question to the quiet Ashyra. When they saw the dorm building, they sped up their pace.

They were close to the building when they heard a shrill cry from behind. The three looked together behind their back.

Luna and Amora's faces were filled with surprise while Ashyra's face was shocked.

From a distance, a strange creature jumped toward the normal people. Ashyra didn't know what this creature was because this was the first time she saw low-level or non-level zombies. Really normal zombies that you only see on TV. Because the zombies Ashyra saw were high-level and superior level in the alternative world, where they didn't look like dead creatures and normal zombies. Because those high-level zombies she knows have a different color and somehow seem to have intelligence.

"What's happening?" Amora asked suddenly seeing the surroundings in chaos.

"Run" Ashyra whispered so the two looked at her.

Ashyra's words were not heard very well because of the weakness of her voice and also of the surrounding noise.

Ashyra looked up at the two, her face serious and unlike the two who were confused, she opened her lips, "I said run!" She said louder and didn't let the two ask any more questions.

While holding both hands of Amora and Luna, Ashyra pulled them to run. She was in the middle so she easily hold them both.

The two were still confused but they followed Ashyra.

"Grraaaa gaaaa!"

"Agh! Help!"


"Gosh! Wahhh!"

"Aghhh! Ga!"

"What's wrong?! Ahhh!!!"

The cry becomes more chaotic. The two started to feel nervous and Amora even couldn't help but look to the side because of her curiosity about what was happening. There, she saw how the monstrous creature ate her schoolmates. She saw the blood splash and the disgusting appearance of the zombies. Amora was stunned.

If only Ashyra hadn't held her, she'll just standing there in shock, waiting for a monster to jump on her too. Amora was shocked and just let Ashyra run while dragging her.

"A-amora! Are you okay?! Don't space out!" Luna shouted suddenly.

Except for Amora, Luna immediately returned to reality. She was also shocked and afraid of what was happening but Luna didn't want to put the two friends in danger. She let go of Ashyra and went to Amora's side. She held Amora, forcing her to move faster so she won't get out of balance.

"Oh, my gosh, t-that's a-a real blood" not in Amora's mind whispered. She almost fell down and was almost left behind, if Ashyra and Luna hadn't held her and pulled her, she will really be left behind.

"Don't look around! We need to escape! Ash, go to the dorm building!" Luna shouted.

Ashyra didn't answer, she was actually planning to go to the dorm building that's close to them. She was just seriously looking at the road while holding Amora. Ashyra watched the road they were going. Observing the chaotic surroundings. She saw that there was a monster at the entrance of the building.

"Let's go behind the building!" She yelled at the two friends.

The three ran hand in hand while Amora was in the middle of them who still couldn't come back from the shock.

Luna was nervous and scared but she listened to Ashyra. They passed by the side of the building and seeing that there was not much passing by, Luna knew that it was safe there.

They ran fast, not paying attention if there was a monster following behind them. They saw the backdoor of the building. The back door is slightly open because it's for sure that they weren't the only ones who thought of going through this backdoor.

They entered the door, and next to the door some stairs could be seen, so they immediately ran up to the second floor, but when they saw that the second floor was also chaotic, they went straight to the next floor.

The monsters spread so fast that there must be another monster on the next floor, so they just went straight up, and didn't pay attention to which floor they were on. Luckily enough Amora was following them so they didn't have any trouble running up the stairs.

They were about to go up the stairs again when two zombies met them. Luna panicked but Ashyra was serious and ready, "In the hallway!" She shouted at the two and let go of Amora.

She let the two run ahead of her. The hallway was chaotic too and more and more monsters were climbing up to the floor they were on. Ashyra looked for available protection, she saw a mop on the side so she took it. Luna seemed to notice what Ashyra did.

"Ash, be careful!" Luna screamed with signs of nervousness and fear as well as panic.

"Graaa! Gaaar"


Ashyra's movement was a bit slow so the monster immediately approached from behind her.

"Ash!" Luna screamed in fear.

Ashyra moved and jabbed the mop in her hand at one of the monsters.

"Run! Find a safe place!" Ashyra yelled at the two while stopping the monsters from getting close to her.

Luna didn't want to follow Ashyra's wishes but suddenly someone shouted from a distance. Luna looked there and saw a student gesturing to them. From behind the student, there was an open door to the dorm room.

"Hey! Here! Faster!" The female student screamed.

"Ash! Let's go!" Luna even forget to look at Ashyra, she just pulled Amora towards the student who was calling.

Luna was happy when she and Amora quickly reached the door but when her eyes returned to the back, she saw that Ashyra was still fighting with the monsters, she intended to shout at her but a hand pulled the two of them from behind.

"Come here!" The student shouted and pulled them into the dorm room.

Luna was stunned when she saw the dormroom door close.

"No! Ash is still outside!" She yelled at the student who closed the door.

You can see the annoyance on the student's face, "We can't save her, there are so many monsters around her" the student reasoned.

Luna was stunned. She was scared and guilty, she felt it was her fault that Ashyra was left outside.

"Huh? Ash? Ha?!" Amora shouted next to her. She was sitting on the floor and holding her messy hair.

Amora was trauma by what she saw, but when she realized that Ashyra was not with them, she suddenly had a breakdown. She thought, It's her fault, it's all her fault. She was a burden to Ashyra, this shouldn't have happened to Ashyra if she hadn't been a burden while they are escaping.

"N-no! O-open the door! A-ash is still outside! She can't... She can't..." Amora shook her head and knelt down while trying to push the door.

But the student who helped them stopped her. "No! We can't! I don't want to die! I don't want to be like those monsters!" The student shouted.

"Raiza, why did you let them in? I said don't let anyone in! Are you crazy?!" A shout from inside the dorm room interjected.

"Jess, I'm just helping them. I'm sorry" said the student who was still holding the doorknob of the door.

"Raiza, what if those two will turn like those zombies? You're being careless" a woman's voice suddenly interjected.

"I'm not like you, Evanna. I'm not stupid to let an infected person in. I'm just helping" answered the student.

Heard the loud sigh of the only man among them.

"Raiza, if those two become a burden, I'm sure I'll vent my annoyance on you," said the man whose name is Jess.

"The heck, Jess. I'm being good here, and I'm your girlfriend, Shouldn't I be the one you're siding with here?" It looked like the two were going to start a fight but suddenly Luna stood up.

"Do you have time to quarrel? In a situation like this?" Luna said annoyed at them.

The student Raiza rolled her eyes, "Shut up, I'm the one who helps you why don't you just shut up and be thankful to me?!" She said to Luna.

Luna looked at Raiza in disbelief, "How can I be thankful to you?! One of my friends is still outside, I don't know if she's still alive. Do you think I will be happy to have survived?! I'd rather accompany my friend than owe you a favor" Luna's voice said angrily.

She felt Amora stand up and grab her by the arm.

"Argh! I'm the one who was so kind to help the both of you and then that's what you're going to say?!" Raiza almost shouted.

"Hey, guys, you need to lower down your voice." The groin of the girl next to Jess, Evanna.

They went quiet, they heard the noise from the outside. It seems the monsters can hear them.

"Calm down, okay?" Evanna said again.

"Evanna's right. Be quiet if you don't want those zombies to come to us" Jess said as he walked towards the couch in the living room.

Luna calmed down but looked at Amora who was still bowing. She knew Amora was crying because her shoulder was moving. Luna is also sad but she needs to strengthen herself.

She didn't see Ashyra become a monster, her belief increased that Ashyra didn't become a monster. The friend must have survived. She just needs to be positive, until there is no evidence that something happened to Ashyra.


ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination.

Note: This story is not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammars, spelling, or any error typos.

Reminder! No To Plagiarism! This is my own story! I write this in Filipino and just translate it in English so NO TO PLAGIARISM!