
Goddess In Apocalypse (English)

Ashyra woke up in a hell-like world and didn't know where, how, and who she is. Fighting to live in this hell, doing nothing but get stronger. Doing everything to survive. Living in that hell for a hundred years. She thought everything will not end. But everything has an end. She died and the moment she closed her eyes. She came back to where the world she really belong. The world that humankind is still having a normal life, the world that she didn't expect to be the past of the world where she just came from. The world she thought that will become normal but the moment she open her eyes, the apocalypse started. The end of the world that only Ashyra knows what and how the world end. ••• ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination. Note: This story is not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammars, spelling, or any error typos. Reminder! No To Plagiarism! This is my own story! I write this in Filipino and just translate it in English so NO TO PLAGIARISM! Type: English Genre: Romance, Action, Fantasy, Horror, Adventure, and Comedy with 18+

JasMae18 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: High-Level Zombies

Chapter 1

High-Level Zombies

INSIDE the abandoned building, a shadow can be seen sitting on the dusty, old, and broken couch. The environment is very messy and dirty.

The place is also very quiet, only Ashyra's breathing could be heard. She is staring into the air, deep in thought. In short, she's not in herself.


A familiar noise suddenly broke the silence and brought her back into reality.

Ashyra's lifeless eyes looked at the broken window of the room she was in.

It was as if she had no desire to stand up and was forced to move. She started walking towards the broken window.

Looking the outside of the window, a familiar event can be seen.

She could see the outside from where she was standing.

She raised her hand and grabbed the dusty and old bookshelves beside her. It was so old that the bookshelves couldn't handle her sudden touch, and it suddenly collapsed.

The old books fell noisily at Ashyra's feet but she didn't even give attention to it even though her left foot was hit by it.

She just looked at his hand that was still holding the broken bookshelves. Suddenly, the light of a green vein-like mark on her hand that spread up to her arm was noticeable. Ashyra emotionless looked at the mark.

She slightly opened her lips, "Hungry again? You're greedy, Green" she said softly and it seemed the mark understood what she said because it lit up.

Ashyra watched the mark and when it's stop shining she lowered her hand down. She looks down, looking at the book under her fit. She bends to pick the thing.

When picked, the old book was slightly open and that give her the chance to read what was written in it.

'The year 2043, I saw them. I saw how my parents, colleagues, friends, and lover died. I already experience the worst feeling in this world. Why did monsters do this to us? Why? I want to take revenge but I don't know how. I am just a small, weak; coward awakener. I can only watch how those people die and how those people turned, and transform into another monster.

In the year 2050, I met this girl, I think she's the person that I want to protect right now. I want to protect those monsters and survive this hellish world. I just want to survive and protect her but why? Why did everyone leave me? Why can't I have someone I love? Why has this world turned into this? Why? I hate this life... Please... I just want this suffering to end!!'

The writing was very blurry but Ashyra still managed to read it. Suddenly, a cold wind entered from the broken window causing the page of Ashyra's book to flip.

Ashyra immediately saw what was written in the book. Even though the writing was more blurred and even though it looked like it had been damaged by the passage of so much time, she still read it.

'The year 2026, suddenly, an unknown virus spread in the world. Every country tried to stop this virus but even America didn't control it. This virus is named Z-virus. Those who got this virus will turn into a ZOMBIE. A dead being is that if you got bitten or even scratched you will be turned just like them if you didn't do something to stop the virus to spread on your body in just 3 minutes. No one knows where this virus came from but every expert; scientist trying their best to solve them. But before the team starts the experiment, a very strange and surprising phenomenon happens. Humankind awakened a supernatural power and a floating island popped up around the sky. Experts and scientists thought this is a chance but just five days past humankind start to fall. In just five days, those monsters become more aggressive and increase in numbers. Humankind is in despair, we're losing our hope then suddenly, super awakener people pop up, and they help everyone to survive. Living in this dangerous world, trying our best to help and survive but right, I forgot, when this world changes it means everything changes. I can tell, humankind is selfish, arrogant, wicked, sinful, and immoral. One thing is sure YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYONE even your blood-related person.

In the year 2029, We live for ourselves, if you have someone you love and care then bless you. Fighting those monsters to survive, killing to survive, becoming stronger to survive. In group, or solo. We are out of food for those people who didn't awaken superpowers. Become a leader or become a city lord, even if we're losing to those zombies, there's still a war among humankind just to save the right they want even stepping on those weak people, killing the same kind. Really, seriously, humankind is wicked. Dying, killing, stealing, lying, everything become nonsense, and everything changed.

Year 2030, humankind discover the purpose of the floating island. It's become the goal for everyone. There's still hope. Just search the DOOR, kill or ambush the guards, and open the portal. The other side of the portals is one of those floating islands. If you are lucky to survive now, then you can have a whole island with a fresh forest with fresh water and air. This floating island become our paradise. I help search this DOOR but we didn't even last a year when a battalion of zombies suddenly attack. Why? Why did this happen? We thought this is a chance for all of us. We just want a place we can call home. Why? I lose hope. We lose hope. If ever someone can see this book, I want you to write down what happens on your days. Do the zombies disappear? Or the humankind going extinct?'

Ashyra feels the adventures of the author of the book.

Ashyra let go of the book. She looked at the broken front window. Didn't move and just concentrate her sight on the broken pieces of glass that were still attached to the window. She saw herself reflecting on it. She saw what she look like. With a green vein on her whole face, it's hard to recognize if she can still call herself a human being.

Yes, she has one head, two arms, two feet, and a whole body that looks like a human but these green vein marks are eating her whole body. This is the virus of her body, this is the one eating her.

She opened her lips whispering again, "Humankind is extinct. There's no human in this world" answering the question she just read.

The broken glass that attached to the window suddenly fall. Like slow motion, she saw her eyes reflect on it. "I'm no longer a human being"

She said that as if she didn't believe that she was still a human being.

*Grrrrraaaaa grraa* another growl broke the peaceful and quiet room. Ashyra, stop thinking about herself and look seriously at the scene outside the window.

Outside the building, the whole place is already ruined, with a dark sky, a ruined building, and a gloomy city. On the ground, a battalion of creatures can be seen. They look like an ant in the long distance because of how many they are.

So many, they occupied the whole ground in the big city. Even abandoned buildings are full of these creatures.

These creatures are called ZOMBIES but not normal zombies. Almost half of those monsters have color gold skin. While the other half monsters have color yellow and cyan skin. This monster doesn't have the same size. There are large, small, very small, and gigantic monsters. All these creatures can also be called high-level monsters or zombies.

From Ashyra's point of view, She could see in the distance the twenty creatures who were the leader and the strongest monsters here.

From the white of the eye, black skin color, white or black hair, and various horn colors from black, white, red, and yellow. This group of monsters is called superior monsters and these new creatures are the ones who replace humanity. This world become a hell with this devil, and demons living here.

Ashyra looks at them with an emotionless expression. She doesn't care how many this monster is. She was already used to this, the only thing she know, she didn't want to die in this dirty place.

Ashyra started to get ready, put one foot on the window, and hold on to both sides of it. She ready herself. After a while, the green veins on his arms and legs began to glow. Strong energy came out.

This energy is like the wind that still comes from the forest. When you smell it you can really tell you're in a normal place.

The energy released by Ashyra was overwhelming, causing the monsters below to start to riot. These high-level zombies started to become aggressive. There is started to run, jump, flew, and reached Ashyra's place. Even the superior monsters in the distance seemed to yearn for Ashyra.

Before the atmosphere starts to get more chaotic, Ashyra immediately kicked and jumped. The building she was just standing in was left to collapse and fall due to the force of the impact she made.

Ashyra's very fast and not even two minutes had passed, and she already reached the place where the superior monsters are.

Thinking that these superior monsters were about to taste a delicious meal, they immediately ran towards Ashyra but Ashyra quickly attacked. The release of energy in Ashyra's body became intense and because of its extreme intensity, the previously fragrant smell was replaced by the smell of the earth along with the strong wind.

As if gravity stopped the superior monsters from moving. They couldn't move immediately because Ashyra's gravity energy weakened their movement.

"Graa grrr gaaad gra" one of the monsters that look big superior monster made a noise and seemed to ignore Ashyra's gravity energy. It acts like a brave general while fronting Ashyra.

The big superior monster was about to attack Ashyra but because of Ashyra's light and fast but gentle move, she avoided the monster like she was in outer space with no gravity at all.

After avoiding the attack of the enemy, Ashyra immediately attacked back at this big superior monster. At the same time, she took out two swords, the sword she was holding connected to the green veins in her hand and it started to glow dark green.

"Fool" Ashyra said seriously to the monsters who couldn't understand.

Ashyra's movement was very light. Suddenly the appearance of the sword she was holding changed, it became a long root and the reason for its change was because of the connection with his green mark.

That vein quickly wrapped around the neck of one of the zombies who was also trapped in Ashyra's gravity energy. The root of Ashyra's sword seemed to be on fire because the enemy's head was immediately removed.

Ashyra's gravity energy disappeared but before the one closest to her could attack, she immediately went ahead of him. Ashyra attacked it with her other sword. Even though the sword looks old but because of Ashyra's ability to connect her green veins mark to it, the sword became sharp causing the other enemy's head immediately cut off its body.

These superior monsters have the IQ of a normal human and are equally intelligent. They immediately understood that it was difficult to fight Ashyra causing the rest of them to stay away from Ashyra, become wary, and waited for the right time and chance to attack.

But there's really something in the group that can't wait. It's a female-like monster with a sexy body even though her skin is black, with white eyes and white hair with black horns. It can be said that this woman monster's really beautiful, especially its curvy and big front body.

This superior monster has the ability to wind and time. As in super speed. The enemy was so fast, Ashyra even felt annoyed because it looked like she was being played by the female superior monster. Ashyra raised her hand, and because of it, the superior monster got ready for the upcoming attack from Ashyra.

But Ashyra is the protagonist of this story causing the other superior monsters to be uncomfortable and doubt themselves for the super speed ability that their female teammates have, and just a second passed, the female superior monster immediately was defeated.

The female superior monster stopped moving. Her face is raised, and you can see the shock on her. You would think that the female superior monster is just showing a normal panic reaction but when you see the whole body of this female, you can tell that she's already dead.

The female monster was raised in the air and from behind you could see the thin but sharp vein that pierced the head of the female superior monster. A red liquid slowly appeared on the forehead of this superior monster and even though its eyes were widely open, it could be said that it was dead.

It happened so fast. The other superior monsters couldn't believe what happened because all they noticed was Ashyra's hand being raised, they didn't even expect that someone would attack behind.

"Garraaga graa! Grrreeegaaraa!" One of the monsters screamed but before it could move away, a vein stabbed into its head.

Ashyra stopped moving and looked at the high-level monsters who were still making a mess. It runs closer to him and one by one she cuts off the heads of those approaching monsters.

She felt the nervousness of the superior monsters and seemed to be planning to run away from her, but Ashyra had no intention of letting them run away from her.

Ashyra knelt down on one knee and placed both hands on the ground.

"Veins ambush" she whispered and at the same time a sharp root came out on the ground. Next, Ashyra didn't forget the other superior monster behind him that was trying its best to escape and run away.

Ashyra did a good job because those roots didn't just grow near her, in this big city, the monsters that were rioting earlier, now, they are hanging while noticeable sharp veins were in their head or bodies.

The whole place became quiet. With the size of the area, Ashyra finished off all the monsters in one move. Ashyra didn't even look tired.

She just sat on a big root behind her. At the same time, her hand beckoned, and the roots around her began to move, it approached her while carrying a variety of crystals. The bodies of the monsters were falling one after the other, and the roots were returning to Ashyra

These roots were scattered so that the others returned underground when it was finished placing the crystal cores in front of Ashyra.

Ashyra watched the roots.

Ashyra open her lips "Really hungry, Green?" She whispered, talking to the moving roots.

That green veins didn't answer.

Ashyra sighed and look up at the sky. In the sky, a floating island can be seen. That one floating island is really floating to where Ashyra's position. The sky is dark but the sky on that floating island is a clear blue.

That floating island is like a paradise for a normal person but Ashyra doesn't want to live on that island because it's too lonely and it always triggers her green veins.

She's the only human in this world and the floating island above her is the only safe zone this world had. Ashyra doesn't know why that floating island is following her, she is always being protected and followed by green veins that she doesn't know where it comes from because she thinks that neither a tree nor grass exists in this world.

Why is she here? How did she get here?

Ashyra didn't know where she came from, she didn't remember anything, all she remembered was that she had to stop the green vein from spreading through her body. She needs to live on. She needs to survive, kill and become stronger.

Ashyra looked back at the veins that had finished gathering the crystal cores in front of Ashyra. She looked at those crystals. There is too much of it.

She raised her hand and placed it on those crystal cores. It has different colors and there are twenty black crystals.

The green veins on Ashyra's body shone like the crystals in front of her. One by one the crystals disappear and only smoke can be seen. Those smokes entered Ashyra's mouth one by one.

It's like she's eating but she's not even chewing.

It took her a few hours before the gold and yellow crystal cores were used up, followed by the cyan-colored crystals. She was very used to this, this always happened when she was done fighting. She has also tasted black crystals several times so she knows there is no problem with them, black crystals are more nutritious because they are full of energy.

Another hour passed. After Ashyra felt the movement around. He looked back alertly.

She's surprised to see that only the roots around her were moving. She was relieved but for some reason, the roots made an attack toward her. The move was very fast but Ashyra also moved quickly. She avoided the sudden root's attack on her.

She looks surprised while looking at the roots, earlier the color of the roots was dark green but now it glows light green. They attacked her again.

She wondered why they were attacking her. 'Why? What happened?' She was surprised but she didn't want to die on this roots hands so she quickly avoided their movements.

Suddenly those roots turn black, lose their light, and seem to slowly lose a life. Ashyra suddenly felt a strong earthquake.

She forced herself to look up while avoiding, she saw the floating island above slowly collapsing. It also no longer has living leaves and a beautiful sky, it also does not follow where Ashyra is and it's slowly destroyed for an unknown reason.

Ashyra felt that the earthquake got even stronger and because Ashyra had a hard time avoiding the next movement of the root, she couldn't avoid its another attack on her causing her body's to covered in wounds.

Ashyra's aware that her body is not normal like the other monster in this world, she didn't even expect that this root attack can cause her large damage.

Ashyra angrily looked at the veins that were attacking, that's when she noticed that every time she was wounded and the blood smeared the vein, and that part of the roots give a light and normal green color just like it became alive again.

"What nonsense is this? I thought you are the only one I could trust in this world, Green?" She said angrily but the root didn't react and just keep attacking her.

Ashyra's having trouble, she has strong hearing that she already notice that the ground she's standing on would collapse so she jumped to another land. The ground opened due to the force of the earthquake.

And the root didn't stop attacking Ashyra and it's only getting faster.

While looking at the root, Ashyra remembered the first day when she suddenly landed or ended up in this world.

She woke up in a forest while in front of her was a big tree with beautiful green leaves. The tree was so big and so beautiful, Ashyra was amazed by it but suddenly she saw the root of the tree move towards her, she got scared of it so she stepped away from it.

The roots of the tree also stopped approaching, suddenly its branches moved and the leaves seemed to dance even though there is no wind. Ashyra got attracted to it because, in her eyes, the big tree was twinkling.

Ashyra felt better so when she looked at the root again that starts moving near her again, she just let it go, she even reached out her hand to meet the root.

Ashyra smiled when she touched the roots but her reaction changed so easily when she felt something painful in her hand.

She moved away from the root and looked at her own hand. There's a small mark appears on her hand. It's small like a green dot.

Ashyra was angry looking at the root, "So this is your whole plan? You used me as a vessel for yourself?!" She said angrily.

In her anger, Ashyra didn't get focus on her avoiding move, she was no longer aware of her own movements and lost her concentration because of that she did not notice the branch that suddenly pierced her chest from behind.

Ashyra stop moving and without any emotion, on her face, she slowly looked down at her chest. The impaled root has a crystal core embedded in its pointed tip.

That crystal was big and for Ashyra it was not an ordinary crystal color, this is the first time she saw this color of crystal core. Is there even a green-colored crystal?

"Agh, you-" Ashyra whispered, slowly getting weaker.

Ashyra's wounded body fell to the ground when the nerve that pierced her was removed.

Ashyra saw how a green vein grew in her body. Grow slowly until it has leaves.

She couldn't feel anything but she could see how roots had grown from the wounds she just had.

Ashyra tried to look in another direction.

The strong earthquake disappeared, and one by one the big roots came out into the ground. The rapid passage of time is noticeable. The time passes so fast, she saw every root; veins having their own green leaves

Huh? Has Ashyra become fertilizer?

Even though the surroundings have changed color, the color of the sky has definitely changed. She couldn't really move so she was not sure how the change comes also she was surrounded by many roots and plants.

She was slowly losing her breath, but she didn't want to close her eyes. She wants to know what's going on and what's happened after Green got her crystal core.

Ashyra can no longer feel her body, it is numb, her eyelashes are getting weak, and she wants to close her eyes.

She wanted to stop herself from closing her pair of eyes but when she saw a flower growing in front of her, she no longer control her eyes.

She closed her eyes, slowly losing her life and breath but before she completely passed out she heard a soft and small voice.

"I want you to come back" Unbeknownst to Ashyra after the surroundings changed a small glowing object suddenly approached her.

The voice of that little thing seemed to be happy but also carried sadness.

Ashyra couldn't understand that voice but before she could think, she already lost her life...


ꪑꪖꫀ: All of the information in this story are just fictions, every characters, dead or alive, places, locations, or any fantasy fiction are just made by the writer's imagination.

Note: This story are not yet edited so expect for a wrong grammars, spelling or any error typos.