

Lu Yao strayed into a small pixel game where he played the role of a god, but found that this game was connected to a world of different dimensions. The [sacrifice] in the game will enter reality, and the [gift] he gave can also reach the game world. As a trainee god, he can’t do much except create various natural disasters. Until he gritted his teeth and revived a supermodel apostle, the gameplay changed a bit… This story does not belong to me.

BrookeCandy · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 55 Pray to the gods!

Blood Knight Nevid is a humanoid weapon, [Whistleblower] created it to allow him to execute mechanical orders.

Facing the civilians of the Donghai Clan, Nevid was relentless and faithfully followed the order: eliminate the enemy.

The blood knight slays all living creatures within sight with his great sword.

As long as it is not one of our own, it is the enemy.

This is his understanding.

Lu Yao had no choice but to hold the blood knight with the mouse and let him stay where he was for the time being.

If Nevid is allowed to go on like this, the Donghai clan will be wiped out.

This is not Lu Yao's purpose.

He still needs to observe this clan and strive for the population here as much as possible.

Lu Yao suddenly discovered that when the Blood Knight was selected, an option bar appeared above the Pixel Knight's head.

[Manual mode]

[Auto Mode]

At the moment [Auto Mode] is on, and the front [Manual Mode] is dim. Isabel has no such option at all, Lu Yao is very sure - obviously, Isabel has a certain uniqueness among the apostles.

Lu Yao clicked [Manual Mode].

Nevid froze and did not move.

The game interface suddenly added a lot of new information.

A bar of red health and blue mana appears in the lower left corner.

HP: 2814/3850

Mana: 937/937

In the lower right corner, there are three active skill bars of [Corruption Manufacturing], [Enchanting], and [Flesh and Weakness].

Lu Yao tried to click the right mouse button, and sure enough, the Blood Knight moved accordingly. He clicked on a waterfowl next to him, and the blood knight slashed it off with a sword. A damage value of -123 appeared on the waterfowl's head, and he died on the spot.

It turns out that the apostle can still use it in this way.

God players can directly operate manually.

Lu Yao felt a little strange in his heart: Could this be the possession of gods in some myths and legends? Or is it a short coming?

Although Lu Yao's micromanipulation ability is quite average, but with the top number in hand, there is no need to move at all, just need to go all the way to A.

In fact, he just manipulated the blood knight to pass by the coast of the island. The little pixel people along the way yelled and fled in all directions as if they had seen a ghost.

Lu Yao controlled the Blood Knight all the way across the outer beach and arrived at the base camp of the Donghai Clan.

Donghai's settlement is built on the hills of the island, and the houses are made of trees and palm leaves. This style of living by trees reminds Lu Yao of the tree houses of forest tribes.

There are thousands of Donghai clan on the island, who live scattered on different hills. Besides the simple houses, they also built many wooden statues.

These statues surround a magnificent blue stone statue.

Prayer totem.

Lu Yao has smashed two of them and is very familiar with them.

When he came to Donghai's today, he actually did one thing: dismantle this thing.

Removing the totem is equivalent to smashing the greenhouse that protects these pixel villains.

The entire Donghai Clan will be like the Donghe Tribe, losing their ability to resist natural disasters, without the support of the power of the gods, and forced to change again for survival.

Lu Yao moved the blood knight to the side of the totem, and manipulated the character to slash at the totem with a big sword. The surrounding villains of the Donghai family watched from afar, terrified, but they did not dare to approach.

The value of -0 keeps popping up on the prayer totem.

With the level of the blood knight and the battle panel, it is impossible to hurt the totem of the gods.

Lu Yao remembered that the mayor of Saniro, Chapman, had said.

"Manpower cannot destroy the totem of the gods. It is the imprint left by the gods. Even if the carrier of the statue is destroyed, the imprint will still remain."

An apostle cannot destroy a god's totem alone.

Only gods can fight gods.

Of course, another method can be used to expel all the villains of the Donghai clan on the island. Then even if the island is protected by a totem, it will gradually be abandoned.

It's just that, it can't completely eliminate the belief in praying for God to stay here. What Lu Yao needs is to destroy the traces of praying to the gods first, and then take over part of the population of the Donghai clan, so as to complete the destruction and then establish.

Lu Yao was not stingy either, he clicked on [Miracle] and called out [Lightning] to blast!

Thunder light shrouded the sky above the totem, and blue and white lightning bolts fell one after another, continuously impacting the durability that the totem refused to show.

After carrying 50 lightning bolts, the giant blue totem finally crashed down.

This scene made the little people of the Donghai family fall into despair.

The female warriors who had dared to fight the Blood Knight before were trembling all over, with emoticons of fear and confusion appearing above their heads.

They just yelled in numbness and panic.

"Pray to the gods!"

"The totem of the gods has collapsed! The protection of the gods has disappeared!"

"God, god, god, have you abandoned the Donghai family?"

"Don't leave us, god, great prayer..."

"Why is this happening, what's wrong with this world?"

"God, god, take me away, take me away, please."


At this time, Lu Yao's attention was on the wreckage of the totem.

A large black hole appeared there.

A blue long-necked sea monster slowly emerged from the hole.

It is shaped like a big snake, with a root horn growing on its head, its huge body is like a hill, and more bodies are hidden in the cave.

The giant monster appeared, and the little Donghai clan who were crying in fear suddenly cheered up.

"Master Kraken has woken up!"

"The legendary sea monster, Kraken, a follower of Lord Prayer!"

"Master Kraken is here! We are saved!"

"We must be able to beat this terrifying humanoid monster away!"

"Come on! Lord Kraken!"

"Give him some color, this undead monster is a blasphemer! Show your divine power, Lord Kraken!"

As soon as this monster named Kraken appeared on the stage, Dong Haishi seemed to have a backbone, full of confidence.

Lu Yao quickly clicked on the other party's detailed panel.


[Kraken LV22]

HP: 388/388

Mana: 111/111

Damage: 18

Defense: 14

Speed: 11

[Water Element]

It can continue to restore health in water, and the attack has water elemental damage.

[Heavy Hit Lv10]

Chance to deal extra damage when attacking.

[Range Lv5]

Can attack enemies from a distance, the distance is related to the ability level.


That's it?

Lu Yao's cautious tension suddenly broke down.

I thought the big one was coming, but it turned out to be an elite monster.

Look down on people, right?

It seems that praying to the gods is really not good, and it is not at the same level as [Whistleblower] and [Flayer]. Each of the two subordinates sent was very valuable, and Lu Yao had suffered enough, and it was very difficult to deal with them.

Facing the blood knight, Kraken launched an active attack!

Lu Yao clicked on the [Battle] above the blood knight's head to observe the real-time battle screen.

The ground around the Siren Kraken cracked and collapsed piece by piece, turning into large holes. A water column shaped like a sea monster flew out of the hole, and many water columns rushed straight at the Blood Knight.

However, these long-range attacks couldn't break the Blood Knight's defense at all, and he just kept taking -0 damage notifications above his head.

Lu Yao manipulated the blood knight to charge, and went up to Siren A.

Blood knight sword.

-106 popping out of Kraken's head.

Lu Yao slashed it four times, and the sea monster's blood bar emptied and fell backwards, with [Death] displayed above its head.

In this way, Kraken, the Kraken, died at the speed of light after appearing majestically, turning into a huge floating corpse floating on the water.

This scene made Dong Haishi unbelievable.

"...Master Kraken, stand up! Keep fighting, fight!"

"Master Kraken, stand up, you will definitely defeat the evil killer! We will give you all our strength!"

"You are a powerful sea monster, hurry up and come alive!"

"It's fake, it's all fake. Lord Kraken is feigning death. This is a tactic of underestimating the enemy..."

Lu Yao didn't operate either, and stood where he was, to see if the sea monster really cheated. Maybe the other party will come to a second-stage transformation or something.

A few minutes passed, and the Kraken's body completely sank into the water.

It appeared to be dead.

The villains of the Donghai Clan finally came to their senses and regained their previous despair and fear.

"Master Kraken has fallen!"