

Lu Yao strayed into a small pixel game where he played the role of a god, but found that this game was connected to a world of different dimensions. The [sacrifice] in the game will enter reality, and the [gift] he gave can also reach the game world. As a trainee god, he can’t do much except create various natural disasters. Until he gritted his teeth and revived a supermodel apostle, the gameplay changed a bit… This story does not belong to me.

BrookeCandy · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 56: Flexible Beliefs

Before he could use any force, the Kraken fell down.

Lu Yao was very satisfied.

He wished every battle was a dump truck attack. If you can run over it all the way, why bother playing complicated tactics?

When I was studying, my math teacher said that simplicity is beauty.

Although Lu Yao was not good at mathematics, he always remembered this and took it seriously.

Lu Yao observed the situation.

The villains on the island have been overwhelmed by the blood knights operated by themselves, so that most of them are motionless, have no fighting spirit, and completely give up resistance.

Now that the villain is done playing, it's time for the hero to appear.

He calculated the distance, even if the Blood Knight had enough blood to walk all the way back from the bottom of the sea. The blood is deducted every second, and it can take more than forty minutes to walk back to the castle.

Speaking of which, the apostle can walk on the bottom of the sea without eating or drinking, just like a humanoid submarine. Unlike galleys, they have to stop along the way, replenish supplies along the way, and have to avoid wind and waves, which consumes a lot of time.

In terms of sailing efficiency alone, it is not as fast as the blood knight walking all the way from the sea.

Just when Lu Yao was about to retreat and Isabel came to save the island and spread the love and peace of God Yao, the people of Donghai stopped the blood knight.

The head is a woman named Haimila, 25 years old, who is the [patriarch].

"Wait a minute, you are the apostle of the gods, right?"

Haimila said: "Now that the God of Prayer has given up Dong Haishi, what do you want to do with us?"

Lu Yao frowned.

There's something wrong with this plot.

He hesitated for a moment and decided to withdraw.

The character of the Blood Knight is a strong man with a villainous character, he will cut anyone he sees, and he is a murderer who will not let go of a passing rabbit.

The good guy Isabel will take over the Donghai family. This is a script written by Lu Yao.

"The god you follow is so powerful. The Donghai clan hopes to follow in your footsteps, believe in a new god, and dedicate our faith and loyalty. The will of you and the god is the mission of the Donghai clan."

Hymila surrendered very directly.

Lu Yao was startled.

No, no.

Wasn't he obviously a fanatic before?

In the fierce battle at sea, the Donghai clan desperately scuttled the ship, and using their lives to delay the blood knight is still vivid in my memory.

They also wept bitterly for the collapse of the praying totem, and were terrified.

The Kraken was killed, and the little people couldn't believe it, and their beliefs were shattered.

However, within a few minutes of these, [patriarch] Haimila said very calmly that the Donghai clan is willing to serve the new gods and dedicate their loyalty and faith.

This transition is too fast.

As if she also knew that she would be suspected of doing so, Haimila frankly explained the reason.

"Master Apostle, the Donghai clan originally lived in the forest on land. In the last era, our ancestors have always been believers of the forest god."

"After the fall of the forest god, the ancestors fled to the sea to avoid the pursuit of corrupters and moulders."

"At this time, the god of prayer appeared and accepted us, so we have always been grateful to the god of prayer."

"Whatever God asks us to do, we will faithfully carry out His will."

"Pray for us to combine with the Kraken, the Kraken, and give birth to sea monsters. The women of our clan have been doing this for generations."

"The Donghai clan has learned to live on the sea for a long time, and has continued to breed sea monsters for the gods. They use these sea monsters as sacrifices and offer them to the gods through totems."

"Because gestation is what the gods need us to do, so our clan needs more women, not men. Until the sea monster fell asleep, we started to catch men outside to replace..."

Through Haimila's description, Lu Yao finally figured out the origin of the Donghai family.

The reason why they can breed sea monsters is because they are asked by the gods to mate with the sea monster Kraken. For the babies that are bred, females will maintain human characteristics, while males will become sea monsters. This is the source.

A sea monster is a hybrid of a human and a sea monster.

After generations of blood blending, the Donghai family has part of the blood of the sea monster.

Due to the continuous dilution of the blood of the branched Donghe tribe, it became more and more difficult to reproduce sea monsters.

And the way to hand over the sea monster to the gods is the totem that was blasted to death by himself.

"Once upon a time, we were willing to fight for the God of Prayer to the last person."

Haimila continued: "But the gods have not responded to us for many years, and the sea monster Kraken has also been abandoned by the gods, which means that Lord Qishen has exiled the Donghai clan."

"As a member of the Donghai clan, I feel very painful and lost. But as the leader here, I must shoulder the responsibility to let everyone survive."

"Master Apostle, I once again sincerely request that you accept the 1678 members of our Donghai Clan. We are willing to offer everything to you and the gods in order to obtain the protection and guidance of the gods."

The patriarch Haimila knelt on the ground with a very humble attitude.

Seeing this, the surrounding Donghai clan followed suit and bowed down.

However, the fierce character of the Blood Knight cannot be defeated.

So Lu Yao manipulated the blood knight to turn around and leave.

On the other side, he glanced at it. After receiving the order, Isabel had already turned back from the forest and rushed all the way in a galley.

Not long after, Isabel landed on the island and started the work of receiving the Donghai clan.


The patriarch Haimila immediately knelt down and swore: "From now on, the Donghai clan will fight for the belief in God Yao!"

Lu Yao saw that the population and faith in the upper right corner of the screen had increased by more than 1,600 points.

Population: 15,073 Faith: 5,588

The conquest of the tribal era is relatively open.

If you are strong, then your faith is right, and we follow you.

If you abandon us, then we can only find another place to find new gods to take refuge.

At this time, the patriarch Haimila said: "Master Apostle, I pray that God has hidden a secret treasure on this island. It is a key. It was originally under the totem and was guarded by Kraken the Kraken."

"Now, we are willing to find the key and present it to God Yao."

After that, she directed a sea monster to dive into the water. It didn't take long for the sea monster to surface again and spit out a golden leaf on the ground.

Isabel picked up the golden leaf and observed it carefully for a while.

She looked out of the screen: "My lord, this is the portal key, which can open the door to another dimension. It contains incredible power."

When Lu Yao heard this, he quickly transferred the blood knight who pretended to be a master without saying a word to stand guard.

To be safe, he asked Isabel to evacuate the surrounding Dong Hai's humans.

Then, Lu Yao dragged the mouse and clicked on the key. The key immediately flew to the upper left corner and turned into a golden spoon icon.

A prompt appears on the screen.

[Later's voyager, do you want to enter here? ]

[This is the root of the Sylvanus tree, and it also left behind my most precious legacy and regret...]

[If you have enough courage and wisdom, then come and get my most secret power. ]


Lu Yao was taken aback.

Why is it something from the God of the Forest?

Last time it was [Golden Field], could it be that the forest god still has more than one space for the main god?

After Lu Yao thought about it again and again, he still clicked [Yes].

The golden leaves unfolded into a golden door of light.

Lu Yao touched the light door with the key in the upper left corner and opened a black gap.

Then Lu Yao chose the blood knight and asked him to go in and explore the way.

As soon as the blood knight entered, the black gap disappeared without a trace, and the light door closed.

Lu Yao clicked on the light door, and the screen immediately changed.

Inside the golden leaves was a gray world that looked like a dilapidated barren hill, full of withered and twisted dead trees, and stone mounds without tombstones piled up on the ground.

A line of text slowly appeared on the screen.

[First floor of the black abyss]

Suddenly, the grave mound on the ground shook, and a gray humanoid monster emerged from it.

It displays above its head: [Ghoul LV40].

After it, more ghouls came out of the ground one after another as if they smelled the smell. They rushed towards Blood Knight Nevid from all directions.

Lu Yao's eyes sparkled.

It turns out that this is the advanced leveling point!

No wonder the forest god said that his power is hidden here... Maybe the monsters here will explode some equipment or something.

Lu Yao took out his mobile phone and quickly ordered a rice bowl with shredded pork with green peppers, ready to watch the blood knight fight monsters for dinner.