

Lu Yao strayed into a small pixel game where he played the role of a god, but found that this game was connected to a world of different dimensions. The [sacrifice] in the game will enter reality, and the [gift] he gave can also reach the game world. As a trainee god, he can’t do much except create various natural disasters. Until he gritted his teeth and revived a supermodel apostle, the gameplay changed a bit… This story does not belong to me.

BrookeCandy · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 54 ride a thousand

Now that you do it, you have to work hard.

This is Lu Yao's usual style.

Speaking of it, the blood knight has no actual combat experience after naturalization, so this is a good opportunity. You can test whether the knight who has lived in the castle for a long time can fight, and whether he can win the battle.

The blood knight got the order, and rushed out of the castle with a big sword in hand, all the way to the east. After arriving at the pier, he boarded a galley and ordered the pixel villain to sail towards the east of the sea.

The speed of the galley is not slow, but the mainland is some distance away from the active sea area of ​​Donghai. The ship sailed all the way, stopping and resupplying at small islands along the way, and it took nearly an hour before and after to reach the destination.

On the blue and white pixel ocean, the figure of a canoe appeared.

Donghai warriors are all women, they are very similar to the Donghe tribe, they all carry bows and arrows, and wear soft leather armor covering the whole body.

Beside several canoes, the lizard-like head of a sea monster has emerged from the water, staring at the surroundings.

Lu Yao noticed that each canoe was equipped with a sea monster. The lowest of these sea monsters is LV8, and the highest is LV11.

Apparently, Dong Hai's specially strengthened the sea blockade.

Unlike last time, the sea monsters are aware of the danger of the blood knight. They avoided the galley one after another and hid far away, fear made them out of Donghai's control.

"Sea monsters! Sea monsters!"

"Attack! Attack!"

"Sea monsters, why are you running away! The sea is your battlefield and your hometown!"

The little people of Donghai clan shouted loudly.

But the sea monsters didn't turn back because of this, they dived into the water one by one, and fled in all directions driven by instinct.

Although the sea monster retreated without a fight, the little people of the Donghai clan were still tough and brave.

"Soldiers of the Donghai Clan!"


"Expel the enemy!"

"Sink the barbarian's ship!"

"Defend the Ocean!"

"For the Donghai family!"

One by one canoes launched a fierce charge towards the galley!

On the canoe, the female warriors of Donghai clan bent their bows and shot arrows.

Unfortunately, bows and arrows can't do any damage to tall galleys.

Realizing that this was futile, they began using the canoe as a weapon, accelerating and crashing directly into the galley.

However, due to the crudeness of the canoe itself, it has neither a collision angle nor sufficient speed to bring impact, instead, it will break when it hits itself.

This scene looks like a group of small insects in the water, going forward one after another, trying to scare off a large lizard attacking the nest by numbers.

Reinforcements from the Donghai Clan kept coming, but they were all canoes, and their sea technology had not developed into more advanced ships.

The result is, of course, moths to the flame.

Lu Yao reviewed the Donghai Clan's road to civilization in his mind.

The Donghai family is a sea tribe, and they have an advantage in understanding the sea. Before the Garlic Tribe learned how to build boats, they could already swim in the sea, and the branched East River Tribes could rule the river.

They mastered sea monsters, an extraordinary weapon at sea, and dominated the sea for quite a long time.

But the problem also lies here.

Relying too much on sea monsters, the Donghai clan can cross the sea with only a canoe, which is the same as the Donghe tribe. They have no intrinsic motivation to further develop ship technology.

Possessing sea monsters such as sea monsters, the Donghai clan does not need sharper bows and arrows, better spears or shields. With the escort and help of sea monsters, the canoe can also cross the sea.

Their civilization addition points became more and more deviant, and gradually stagnated.

To put it bluntly, the root cause of the Donghai clan becoming what it is now is still praying to the gods.

Lu Yao remembered. Yu Yao, who died, said that the Donghai clan was the source of soldiers for praying to the gods, and the entire clan was used as a base for cultivating sea monsters.

Qishen didn't expect to develop the Donghai family at all, his base camp is not here.

He can use totems, once threatened the ghost town of Saniro, and the Donghe tribe also said that he has apostles under his command...

Obviously, then, Prayer is the crawl zone player of the Temple of Gods.

In other words, he, like [Flayer] and [Whistleblower], cannot enter this fragmented world. You can only rely on the operation when the forest god fell, and there may be a one-way portal left here.

The Donghai family was castrated into a deformed island that made sea monsters, and of course it was impossible to develop.

Seeing the current situation of the Donghai Clan, Lu Yao told himself to be a warning.

He has never allowed the extraordinary power group headed by the apostle to merge with the tribal villains, because of this concern.

The two are like two financial products.

The little people in the garlic tribe are fixed deposits, and the short-term returns are not high, but they are stable and long-term. As long as enough time is given, they can develop little by little, and the best operation is not to move around.

The extraordinary group led by Isabel and Blood Knight is a group of stocks with high investment returns and frequent operations. Of course, there is also the risk of blood loss.

Lu Yao was distracted for a moment, and found that the situation on the sea battlefield had changed suddenly.

The galley was sinking.

what's the situation?

He took a closer look. It turned out that it was not the collision of the canoe that played a role, it was the Donghai family who launched a desperate boarding battle.

The blood knight wields a big sword, and with one sword, a villain of the Donghai family is indeed chopping melons and vegetables, and entering the flock of sheep.

However, the target of the Donghai female warrior's attack was not him, but the galley. They used their lives to drag the blood knight, while sending people to destroy the ship.

The villains of the garlic tribe were all stuck in the cabin, shaking their oars all the time. Because the ship was leaking seriously and was about to sink, they abandoned the ship one after another and jumped into the sea to escape.

Blood knights murdered aboard the sinking ship, corpses strewn around their feet. But the sea water has gradually engulfed him, and he has a faint sense of sadness and grandeur as the overlord of Western Chu by the Wujiang River.

"Victory belongs to us!"

"The boat sank!"

"we won!"

"For the Donghai family!"

The remaining female warriors on the canoe cheered.

Lu Yao looked at it and touched his head.


I didn't expect the female warriors of the Donghai Clan to be so tough, much stronger than the sea monster's fighting will.

Blood knights shouldn't be afraid of water, right?

I can't accept that a master at level 60 is drowned...

It is really impossible to grab a canoe.

Lu Yao was about to manually operate the blood knight, but the next scene made him stop.

Blood Knight Nevid sank under the sea, covered by blue and white sea pixels, only his name could be seen. The word -1 slowly popped up above his head, which happens to be displayed every 1 second, which means that the life value is continuously being deducted.

He walked on the bottom of the sea, step by step approaching the target that Lu Yao designated for him - Donghai's main island.

Lu Yao pinched his eyebrows.

Good for you.

Probably this is because you have tactics, and I have magical skills...

As expected of a level 60 apostle.

Lu Yao couldn't help thinking.

Fortunately, the blood knight's brain was not very easy to use at the beginning, and he continued to be confused and weak. He had been creating corrupters and forming legions, and was sealed in the castle by the power of rules. If he could regain his freedom of movement, it would be a walking disaster for the little people of the tribe.

About ten minutes later, the blood knight came out of the water on the coast, and the knight in black armor reappeared. He walked all the way from the bottom of the sea and landed on the large island where the Donghai clan lived.

At this time, the blood knight's health dropped by about 1000 points, leaving 2800 points left.

His appearance terrified the villains of the surrounding Donghai clan.

"Isn't he dead? Can't he be killed?"

"He should have sunk to the bottom of the sea!"

"Dreadful Undead Knight!"

"Monster, it's a monster!"

The blood knight carried out the orders given by Lu Yao.

He swung his big sword mechanically, chopping down the villains around him one by one.

Donghai's pixel villains fled in all directions.