
God of Thunder thor with system

I should have listened to my brother's that were last thoughts. But next, I see hammer right side of my bed.. What is this thing?. ..hmmm It looks familiar.... It's...... It's Mjolnir.... I shouted. Next, I heard a long voice in my ear. { universe traveling system activation } Whatttttttt... .... . ...... .. Mc can travel to different universes, { solo leveling DC Naruto One piece One punch man Murim login Cultivation world and many others }

preet_dhaliwal8077 · Movies
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29 Chs

Chapter 17. Wine and meat

Whitebeard continued fighting for 40 hours straight and from time to time he used haki. The people of this world saw so many surprises that their are exhausted. More than 50,000 titans are drafted by Whitebeard and his strike is continued. 

The beast titan and armored titan run away from the battle as they know they understand the power gap between them. As the majority of the times whitebeard utilizes his physical strength so it takes time to kill all the Titans but he defeats the skeleton Titan by crushing every bone in his structure....

After that whitebeard looked at the clock, there are only four hours remaining so he used his fruit power, mixed with Haki and he killed every single titan in one hour...

"it was great," Whitebeard said while sitting on hundreds of dead monsters as tall as mountains. He looked so badass that Thor felt a chill in his body." woowww that's the end boss " Thor shouted as Marco and the others couldn't see the window they just looked at Thor with confusion but Thor was too indulged in watching Edward...

Next, a military officer with five elite soldiers makes his way toward Whitebeard.

The titan army of thousands who possess powers to make the world fall into despair and bring apocalypse are killed by a single creature. The shocking thing is that he didn't even get a single injury as if there's a difference in the status and foundations of him. With a proud face with pure golden hair making him look like a king. He starts gathering the corpses of monsters into one place to burn them 

Then white beard saw hundreds or so humans making their way to his location 

"hmm they didn't possess any power, so weak, I don't even imagine if they can stop the attack of these giants without me," Whitebeard said.

After few minutes....

The military captain came near Edward while others stands meters away from both of them.

As if the leader of two nations meets each other the tension in the heart and face of scouts are obvious. 

They know if that titan decided to kill them then they have less than zero chance to win but maybe the same for escaping. As he moves like a light so fast that it's unimaginable for others. 

" hello sir, thank you so much for helping us and thanks for saving lives of hundreds of peoples and without you're help and I think these creature can end this end world so behalf of all the living beings I thank you once again " military commander speak with a loud and clear voice and nervousness can be sensed on his face. He stood infront of whitebeard but for him he was just another titan with godly powers. 

" it's okay but do you have wine "? Whitebeard replied.

Military commander John was taken aback as he didn't think that he would ask for something like this but controlling his shock he said 

"yea sir, we prepared meat, wine, and other things for you so you can rest as you just fought such a battle " 

"ohhhhh hoooooo you're thoughtful so let's move, "said Whitebeard with a smirk. 

So John start to show him way and then they bring him into a building.... It's a small building so whitebeard become confuse as to why he bring into such a small building. 

" sir can you please transform back so you can enter in the building " said John 

"what do you mean" Whitebeard said in a confuse expression. 

At that, they explain to Whitebeard about the titan of this world huhuhhhhhh 

" so you means they all are humans but with weird powers!? "

"yes sir," said an officer.

" that's not the case for me as I'm born as half human and half giants, giants are similar to Titan so I'm not a shapeshifter like them and it's my real body" WhiteBeard explained. 

As more he explained about him the more confused and shocked expressions others made.....finally after a half an hour they understood the deal and moved him into an old big castle. And bring big jars of wine and meat. 

'hmm the food here is much more delicious than the food of the sea so that's what kind of life the world government lives 'Edward thought. 

On the highest room of a luxurious mansion 20 people are sitting around a big table. 

" so you means he's a giant, not a titan and his powers are far beyond even royal blooded titans "

" yes, that's how much we know and he didn't get injured even once..." another man in black suit said 

" so he have abilities of titan or not, I mean can he regenerate or not? ....

" he's the biggest threat to man kind now, we can't control him in any way and he didn't have weakness of titan, I think he's a king," as a man said this...

Whole room turned into dead silent.....





Tell me about different world that you wants thor to go????