
God of Thunder thor with system

I should have listened to my brother's that were last thoughts. But next, I see hammer right side of my bed.. What is this thing?. ..hmmm It looks familiar.... It's...... It's Mjolnir.... I shouted. Next, I heard a long voice in my ear. { universe traveling system activation } Whatttttttt... .... . ...... .. Mc can travel to different universes, { solo leveling DC Naruto One piece One punch man Murim login Cultivation world and many others }

preet_dhaliwal8077 · Movies
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29 Chs

Chapter 17(part 2 ) Saint shalriaa

The meeting continued for three hours and the only conclusion they got to was to never mess with this giant as his powers were too much for them to handle and he used something like a punch that formed cracks in space... As they never experienced something like that they are more afraid of Whitebeard than anyone else...

When meeting over..... A soldier comes running 

" sirrr that titan disappeared, "

"what do you mean by disappeared... How can such a huge man go away without anyone's noticing "the military officer said "Go find him immediately, we can't afford to lose him ".

As the military began to search for Whitebeard in another universe....


{ your Apostle killed 100,000 lower class titan 

And one king of lower class titan 

The time duration of the ticket ended 

This event significantly affected the course of "Attack on Titan" world 

Total earned points -900 }

"Ain't it too less? I mean xebec earned more than that..."

After a thought, Thor said "maybe it's due to the level of world and clearly "attack on titan " world is a low level , whereas "world of dragons " is a high level world as it make Xebec despair. 

As thor was in deep thought with a lightning whitebeard comes back... '" so how' was the trip " thor asked " you enjoyed it? "

Whitebeard : " brat where you sent me and there was only weak human and hige giants "? 

Thor : you killed them all a you, he said with smile on his face. 

As whitebeard have a satisfy face so thor said their goodbye to them 

But before going old man warned him about his actions against celestial dragons and upcoming dangers...

Thor felt really grateful for their concern. 

' but I can't waste any more time I will kill at least 20 celestial dragons as I can only stay up to two days and 20 hours here and I'm also looking forward to the reactions of Xebec when he gets to know that his name is being used ' but I'm curious the new xebec and current apostle whitebeard if they fight who will win...? Both of them are great and Xebec is more powerful than Roger so it's difficult to decide but Whitebeard possesses a cheat SSS class skill - supreme healing... It's at a lower ranking than absolute healing but it's still good....

When I teleported to my previous location, I see that the whole area is filled with guards, slaves and there's all the three admirals are here. ' so that's the power of world government but what's the point as they aren't even able to spot me, I said while leaning on a cloud ' that's also a spell I learned a few days ago as I just thought about it. 

While sitting at 1 km up, I can see the confidence and arrogant expressions of celestial dragons, and there I saw the women whom I wanted to really meet Saint Shalria...so I came down and knocked a marine officer with fish who have similar looks to me. 

'look at that women, the clothes he wears really make him look bad, she looks fat in these clothes but.... I thought. 

'Let's use simple and efficient method, I will Mjolnir sent a ball of lightning power toward her as then I will save her, yupp it's cringe but that's how it happens in the stories of the princess as she didn't have any power so she will likely to get cared....

In just a short time cloud formed all over the places and listening start to fall down in whole district as marine and knight began to protect them, that suddly huge balls of lightning began to pour down which destroyed buildings and turn ground into upside down.. 

" ain't this too much " I thought but ago cares so I run toward saint shalria to save her as I reached destination , a lighting ball hit the guards of saint so she's completely defenseless as she was about to face despair and tear at about to flow out of her eyes, I appeared in front of her and cover her with my body , a huge lightning bolt hit me, which destroyed the area with a huge boom 

'fu*k it hurts, I should had thought about something else but we have to sacrifice something to earn something, sh*t' I thought. 

Then I looked at Saint Shalria who is looking at my face with a crying eyes.. 

" noting with happen to you princess till I'm here " I said to her. 

And then then the endless wave of lighting bolts bombarded the whole area, again and again I experienced little tickling on my body.

'I know it's a bad idea but look at the destruction it caused ' heheheheeheh what would world government and nobles do about it as they thought they are untoubale.. 

As lighting hit my body so many times so my uniform torn apart and my upper body revealed it self.

' I looked back and said with shirtless body '

" please don't worry saint, I will protect you till my last breath " tears began to come out of her eyes.

' Heeehehe so those cringe stories ain't for noting, they actually work ' 

But it was also my last piece , as no girl can reject a guy who's caring and have a perfect body....that's from experience... 






. It's not saint shalria from luffy time but her mother there's two aa in the name