
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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46 Chs

I'm coming!

South of Qingfeng Mountain, big Xuancheng, Fang family residence.

A group of young men and women were sitting in a quaint drawing-room, talking to each other.

"Brother Fang Meng, I heard that Fang Xiaotian, the genius of your family more than 20 years ago, was in your family at this time?" At this moment, a young man dressed in Confucian clothes spoke.

"Yes, he is in our family, but he is no longer a genius, and he is not in our family." A young man in the middle of the living room answered faintly.

"Oh, we all know that Fang Xiaotian went crazy, but I heard that his son, a named Fang Heng, seems to have entered the true Wu door, and also killed Fang Hua, the third master of the Fang family, this matter can be really?" Another young man asked with a smile.

'Oh? Fang Meng frowned, "It seems that Brother Liu Feng knows a lot about my Fang family, it is true."

"What are they going to do with the boy?" The young man named Liu Feng asked again.

'Killed, of course! Fang Meng answered faintly, "Whoever dares to touch the people of our family will die."

After a long time, Liu Feng smiled, "The Fang family is dignified, I admire it, but how did I hear that the big master of the Fang family won't let him die?" Instead, let him participate in this assessment within the Fang family?"

"It is to see if he has any value. If he can pass the examination, it will prove that he is useful to our affairs. It is nothing to keep him alive a little longer." Fang Meng said, "Compared with this, why is Brother Liu Feng so interested in this Fang Heng?"

"My Liu family in the Zhenwu gate has an elder, is a registered law enforcement elder Liu Tian, some time ago he sent a message to me to find a way to deal with this boy, now listen to Fang Meng brother has an idea, but I don't have to worry about it." Liu Feng smiled.

"Of course Brother Liu Feng doesn't have to worry, what kind of family is the Fang family?" Both civil and military in the court, father and son are united, we several families, but all rely on the Fang family to have today." The young man dressed in Confucian clothes said at this time, with a look of obedience to Fang's family.

"Hum! At this moment, a young man wearing a pale yellow robe gave a cold snort, "Fang's energy is naturally large enough, but here is the big Xuancheng, my Murong family and the West Gate family are not no one."

"Brother Murong is right, my Ximen family's Ximen crazy, only 16 years old, has already reached the heaven, and Murong family's Murong Sheng has also reached the congenital, can be described as the Xuancheng Shuangxiong, who dare not accept?" Another black-robed young man chimed in, instantly making the atmosphere in the room eerie.

"Oh, my family is also aware of the talents of the Murong family and the Ximen family, including the two family owners, who are also senior officials in the court, and my family has always respected them, Brother Chen Lian, what you just said is too much." Fang Meng smiled and made the young man dressed in Confucian clothes apologize quickly, "Yes, it is my fault, the Murong family and the Ximen family are naturally not comparable to us."

"Huh, Chen Lian brother is too polite, Chen Wen of the Chen family, is not also reached a congenital?" Only a little older, eighteen years old." Murong youth said mockingly, immediately let Chen Lian's face changed, but did not dare to say more.

"That's enough."

At this moment, a handsome young man sitting in the corner of the crowd suddenly opened his mouth, looked at Fang Meng in the first place, and said, "Fang Meng, you called me here today, so that I can listen to this?"

"Of course not." Fang Meng waved his hand and solemnly said, "Today I invite you to come to our house, in fact, to tell you that this year's Grand Xuancheng tournament is judged by our family, and our family is also responsible for the competition."

"Every year, the Grand Xuancheng tournament is held by several of your families in turn, and this year it is the family, which everyone knows." The handsome young man said, "But you have a tournament, why do you call me?"

"How could I not call you? You are the genius of the common people in my big Xuancheng." Fang Meng smiled and said, "You have reached the heavenly realm at the age of sixteen without the training of your family. This can be said to be a miracle. Naturally, I invite you to come here to make your miracle more magical."

"Then, after losing out to some of your big family's talents, right?" The young man in white said coldly, "Otherwise, how can you demonstrate the authority of your big families?"

"You made a good guess." At this time, Murong youth said, "To put it bluntly, there is no difference between you and that Fang Heng, they are just our tools, the only difference is that Fang Heng is the end of death, but you can become our dog."

After all, there is no comparison between a family and a commoner.

At the same time, on the most bustling street of the Great Xuancheng, Fang Heng, who was considered dead by all the young masters of the family, has come.

"Is this the Fang family?" Looking at the luxurious gate in front of him, Fang Heng, who was riding on a horse, muttered something, not caring about the amazed eyes of the people around him.

"How dare you!" Suddenly, a loud drink came out, and a middle-aged man walked out of the gate, pointing to Fang Heng and saying, "If you dare to ride a horse after passing my Fang house, I think you want to die!"

Upon hearing this, Fang Heng's eyes immediately cooled down, his body moved, and he disappeared on the horse. The next moment, he only heard a snap, and the middle-aged man fell to the ground on the spot, with blood gushing in his mouth!

"A useless thing, even dare to bark at me!" Fang Heng coldly scold, a grasp of the palm, directly to the middle-aged man's body are lifted up, "my father, where is Fang Xiao day!"

"You... You are Fang Heng!" The middle-aged man heard this and immediately knew the identity of Fang Heng, "the big son said before leaving, after you come, you must wait for our family assessment, after the assessment can see your parents."

Ka-boom! A crisp sound came out, accompanied by this sound, is the middle-aged man's screams!

"Where is my father?" Fang Heng scarlet eyes, regardless of the middle-aged man's broken arm, asked again.

"I don't know..."

Boom! Another crisp sound came out, and Fang Heng pinched the middle-aged man's other arm and shouted, "Tell me where it is!"

'I don't know! The middle-aged man gave a painful roar, his expression was full of panic and fear, how can he not think that he just came out to ask, he was played by Fang Heng this touch!

"Then you will die!" Fang Heng cold drink, with a roar, his fist hit the neck of the middle-aged man, on the spot will be its eyes spit out, seven orifice spray blood, just a struggle, there is no air.

Looking at the dead middle-aged man, Fang Heng threw a single hand, and directly threw the middle-aged man to the wall of the Fang family, bang, blood brains covered the white wall, the scene was extremely bloody, Fang Heng shouted, "Fang family, I Fang Heng is coming!"

The voice rolled, spread across the four corners, the pedestrians on the street, all scared to say a word, who can think of the big Xuancheng overlord Fang, also have been so provocative one day!

At the same time, in the room of the Fang family mansion, the group of young people from the family also heard the words, and their faces all changed.

"How dare you!" Fang Meng, who was sitting in the first seat, got up, "Shouting loudly at our door, it seems that he wants to die, everyone wait for a moment, I will be back in a moment."

"No, such a fun thing can't go without us." Murong youth laughed and stood up with Fang Meng.

"Yes, let's go together, I also want to see what this boy is, so crazy!" The young men of the Simon family also got up, and soon a group of young men of the family came to the gate.

When she saw the brains and blood on the wall of Fang's house, Fang Meng's face darkened immediately, and her eyes turned to the young man at the door, "You are Fang Heng?"

"Where is my father?" Fang Heng did not answer, coldly asked.

Looking at the people outside, Fang Meng frowned and said, "You come first, come in and I'll tell you."

Fang Heng immediately took a step, in the moment he entered the party home, around the figure flicker, countless party home servants appeared, directly shut the door.

"Answer my question." Fang Heng seems not to care about all around the master, just coldly staring at Fang dream questions.

"My eldest brother Fang Xuan said before he left that you must pass the examination before you can see your parents." Fang Meng gently said, "However, this is not impossible, I will give you a chance, among the people present, you can find a challenge, as long as you can win one, I can let you meet your parents first."

"Including you?" Fang Heng coldly way.

"Oh? You still want to challenge us?" Fang Meng frowned, "But since you asked, that includes us!"

"Then it's you! Fang Heng a big drink, figure prominent, instant rushed to Fang Meng in front of the body, the hand is a punch.

In the face of this punch, Fang dream brow pick, the same palm into a fist, to Fang Heng's fist bombarded the past, only hear a roar, strong gas filled, dust flying, Fang dream steps back, Fang Heng did not retreat a step.

'How! Fang Heng stood proudly and asked coldly.

"HMMM! The rest of the family master is a change of expression, obviously did not expect Fang Heng and how simple repelled Fang dream!

Fang dream's eyes are also some unbelievable, he is the nine heavy peak of the figures, how can so simple defeat?

'Come again!

"Then come!" Fang Heng a cold drink, again hit a punch, this time his whole body of internal strength are all running, just listen to a click, Fang dream's arm, direct deformation!

"Young Master! When the servants around saw this scene, they immediately drank loudly and came forward one after another to besiege. At that moment, Fang Meng shouted, "All of you, stand down!"

Slave stand back, the field, only a person left Fang dream, staring at Fang Heng.

"Hey, Brother Fang Meng, I think you might as well send someone to kill him, or else if this story gets out today, how can you still get a foothold in the Great Xuancheng?" Just then, Murong youth gloated to speak.