
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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46 Chs

A surname

Hear this, look painful Fang dream eyes change up, it seems to be considering whether to directly kill Fang Heng.

Fang Heng was not afraid at all. His eyes turned and he saw the young man's body. "Who are you?"

"HMMM! Murong youth eyes a cold, "My name is Murong Li! It is the eight young master of Murong's family in the Great Xuancheng! The rest of the people, they are just like me."

"Heh heh." Fang Heng sneered, "I asked you which one, but you told me you were the master of Murong's family, do you think I care about this?"

"Madness! Murong Li looked cold, "You think you can ignore everything if you have some strength?" Do you think..."


The explosion came, Fang Heng figure suddenly disappeared, the next moment, his palm caught Murong Li's neck, directly let Murong Li face red, can not say a word.

"The young master of Murong's family, is he great?" Fang Heng sneered, his words were full of irony,

'Stop it!

"How dare you, quickly let go of Brother Murong!"

All around the family young master immediately began to drink, no one thought, Fang Heng said to start, a start, he took Murongli's neck, this trouble, if Murongli was killed, that the people present do not think of a good!

"Let go of me! If you dare to touch me, my Murong family will not let you go!"



The sound of tooth acid came out, followed by Murong Li's screams!

Everyone was stunned, they all stared at Fang Heng's hand, the white hand at the moment, with Murong Li's ear!

The intense screams seemed to break people's eardrums, but Fang Heng's face remained unchanged, and he said faintly, "If you scream again, I will tear your other ear off."

As the words came out, Murongli immediately closed his mouth, leaving only pain and panic in his expression!

How could he have never imagined that Fang Heng really dared to attack him!

"You're dead! Murong's family won't let you go! I won't let you go either!" Fang Meng also reacted at this time, the first time to drink loudly, in the party he organized, the master of Murong's family was torn off an ear, this matter is too big, with his position in the family, I am afraid that he will be punished!

"Cut the crap and tell me, where are my parents?" Fang Heng did not care about this threat and asked directly.

"You let go of Murongli! Let go, I'm telling you where your parents live!" Fang dream immediately answer, but made a decision in the heart, as long as Fang Heng let go, he will send someone to kill Fang Heng for the first time, calm the situation.

"Hey, Murong Li, it seems that your identity is of little value, the Fang family does not care about your life or death, in that case, I will not bother to keep you." Words said, Fang Heng punched out, only to hear a bang, Murong Li's stomach was hit hard, the whole person bowed up, the blood kept spilling from the mouth and nose.

"How dare you! Fang dream immediately angry drink, all angry began to tremble, how did he think, Fang Heng dare to use this way to blackmail him.

But he didn't dare move!

"Murong Li's ear being torn off is already a big responsibility, if Murong Li dies, I will also follow the bad luck, and even be abandoned by the family is not impossible, no, I can't risk it!"

Thinking, Fang Meng made a decision and shouted, "OK, I can take you to see your parents, but only if you don't hurt Murongli!"

"That depends on your sincerity."

Fang Heng coldly answered, Fang Meng immediately said, "Follow me."

Between the words, Fang Meng took Fang Heng to the depths of the Fang family courtyard, the other people did not follow, just looked at each other a few times, they left.

It's too much trouble for them to get involved.

Follow Fang Meng walk for a while, finally, Fang Heng came to an elegant courtyard, eyes looked, saw two middle-aged people sitting in the courtyard, one of them, is his own father, Fang Xiaotian!


Fang Heng immediately roared, carrying Murong Li ran in the past, came to the front of the party Xiao day.

"Henger!" Fang Xiao day is also surprised, immediately overjoyed, saw Fang Heng in the hands of Murong Li, eyes did not change, Tao, "Who is he?"

"There is no time to explain, father, you and mother pack your things quickly, let's go." Fang Heng said quickly, his eyes did not forget to stare at the people around.

"Ha ha, it is really a tiger father without a dog son, Xiao Tian, your son has your demeanor ah." At this time, another middle-aged man in the courtyard spoke, and Fang Heng raised his eyebrows and looked over.

Seeing this man dressed in white, with a handsome temperament and a face very similar to his father, Fang Heng immediately understood that this was a Fang family person, his eyes cooled down, and he said, "No nonsense, what I am holding in my hand is the eight young master of Murong's family!" If you dare..."

'Don't be rude!

Fang Heng's words were not finished, Fang Xiaotian drank a voice, "This is your six uncles!"

Hearing this, Fang Heng looked at his father and found that his father was really serious and coldly said, "Dad, the Fang family can not be trusted."

"Your six uncles can be trusted." Fang Xiaotian patted Fang Heng on the shoulder, "Don't worry, with your six uncles, your mother and I are fine."

At this time, Fang Meng also quickly ran over and eagerly said to the middle-aged man, "Six uncles save me!"

"Well, you stand down." The middle-aged man said a light sentence, his eyes turned, said, "Fang Heng, you are young, you have reached the peak of the martial arts, this is very good, you rest assured, I am here, your parents are safe, but now you put down the master of Murong's family."

Fang Heng eyes change, coldly said, "You say nothing is nothing? Why should I believe you?"

"If my family really wanted to kill you, would they care about a Murongli in your hands?" The middle-aged man said faintly, "Is this enough for you to believe?"

Fang Heng silence, the fact is true, Fang family such a big family, will not accept the threat.

"Put it down, your sixth uncle and I, is a lifelong friendship." Fang Xiaotian also said beside.

"Good," said Hermione. Fang Heng did not think much, directly threw Murongli in his hand to the ground and said, "You are lucky today, you picked up a dog's life, but the next time I let you see you, you will die!"

'You! Was thrown to the ground Murong Li look angry, just want to speak out a few threatening words, Fang Heng but at this time eyes a stare, immediately, Murong Li dare not say a word.

"Brilliant! This is the style of a warrior!"

At this time with the Baiyun creek heart excited by the side of the Fang dream, he felt out, Fang Heng's body, there is a breath that others do not have, this is not an ordinary killing gas, is potential!

Fang Xiao day also surprised to look at Fang Heng, it seems that how can not think, this is only a few months of kung fu, his son has become so imposing.

"Oh, second brother, you are not a simple son." The middle-aged man laughed, while indicating that he wanted to move the Fang dream down, Fang Heng said nothing during this period, just coldly stared at the dream, as long as things are wrong, then he tried his best to kill the dream, kill a earn a.

Fang dream saw the action of middle-aged people, know that kill Fang Heng is not, can only stare Fang Heng hard, quickly back down.

See Fang dream left, Fang Hengcai relaxed a little, turned his head to look at the middle age, way, "six uncle polite, I but a true martial door registered disciple, and compared to the Fang family is far from."

"There are a few talents in my family, but apart from them, there are not many who can compare with you." The middle-aged man smiled, "OK, I am not here to say more, second brother, the rest of your father and son to talk, you rest assured, I Fang Zhenglong in, your family will be fine."

With these words, the middle-aged man slowly left.

"Dad, how are you doing these days?"

The middle-aged figure disappeared, Fang Heng immediately asked questions to Fang Xiao day.

"Thanks to your uncle six care, life is OK." Fang Xiaotian said, "It is you who actually caused such a big thing, you should be careful next."

"Careful of what?"

"In two days, it will be the day of the internal elite assessment of the Fang family, and I think those young people in the Fang family will target you at that time." Fang Xiaotian said seriously.

"Dad, I don't want to take the test." Fang Heng directly said, "The Fang family drove you out of the family, now that I have some talents, I want to come back, how can I do such a thing."

Hearing his son's words, Fang Xiaotian sighed, "Heng 'er, it is not possible to be alone in this world, if you did not have the talent to learn martial arts before, then I will not come back anyway, but now that you have, I can not let your talent waste, join the Fang family, only by joining a family, you can really grow up."

"I don't think so." Fang Heng shook his head and said, "Dad, this family is heartless, and when they said they would drive you away, would they not drive me away?" What's more, I killed the third master of the Fang family, how could they forget it? The reason why they want to evaluate me and win me over is probably because they have some scheme for Zhenwu Gate, and once they run out of me, I will definitely be abandoned."

"But your uncle six..."

"What bullshit Uncle six!" Fang Heng scolded, looked at his father and said, "Dad, if he really is a lifelong friendship with you, why did he tolerate the Fang family to drive you away?"

Words out, Fang Xiao day froze, dumbstruck at his son, how he never thought, Fang Heng change so big, just a few months, just like a changed person, killing decisive, analysis of things is also very thorough.

After a long time, Fang Xiao Tian's eyes flashed a touch of complexity, said, "Anyway, the Fang family is our root after all, you first assess it."

Fang Heng did not speak, just looked at his father, after a moment, said, "Well, I listen to my father, but the matter is urgent, if there is any change in this family, the son will kill a bloody way to come!"

With that, Fang Heng turned and entered the room.

"It seems that Dad still has feelings for the Fang family, but unfortunately, in this world, feelings are far less powerful than interests."

Fang Heng heart secret way, fortunately, he does not worry about his father too persistent, he believes that when the day after tomorrow assessment, the father will see the real Fang family situation.