
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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46 Chs


When Sun Long, who was standing in place, heard this, his expression was full of complaints and poisons, but he did not dare to say more, and walked out trembling.

"Remember, you have earned your life today, your muscles and bones have not been destroyed by me, and you can restore them after hard cultivation, but if anyone bothers me in the next period of time, remember, it is anyone, then I will find you, and then I will kill you."

The cold voice came out of Fang Heng's mouth, and Sun Long, who was walking, suddenly turned back and said angrily, "You are so poisonous! Master Sister Huang is liked by many people among the true disciples, how can I care if other people come to trouble you?"

"Then it makes no sense for me to keep you alive." Fang Heng eyes a cold, the breath of the body released again, it seems to start to kill.

"You..." Sun Long's body shook, he had never thought that Fang Heng was so sinister, clearly using him as a shield, and now he had no choice but to nod, "OK, I will do my best to block the news of this matter, and ensure that during your stay here, no one will provoke you."

"That's right." Fang Heng nodded with satisfaction, "Go away."

Fist clenched hard, Sun Long gritted his teeth and left the cave.

As soon as they went out, some of the disciples gathered outside gathered around them. When they saw Sun Long with a pale face, their hearts were shocked and they did not know what had happened.

"Big Brother! At this moment, Sun Tong came over and asked urgently, "How is it?"


Crisp slap sound, Sun Long on the spot gave Sun Tong a slap, let everyone is stunned.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused me? Sun Long said coldly, "If it weren't for the sake of you being my brother, I would kill you!"

Sun Tong blankly covered his face and murmured, "Brother, what is inside..."

'Don't say it! Sun Long waved his hand, looked coldly at the people around him, and said, "Listen to me, no one of you can spread the story of Huang Ling being taken away from the cave!" If anyone dares to gossip, it is my Sun Long's sworn enemy! Do you understand?"

Hearing this, the people around looked at each other, did not react, how did Sun Long go in and then come out and become this attitude?

"I ask you, do you understand?" Sun Long suddenly drank, and the people around him immediately shook their bodies and nodded, "I understand, we will not say more."

"Well, if you understand, go!" Sun Long cursed again and left directly. The people who stayed around looked at each other and left one after another.

Fang Heng in the cave has been listening to the conversation outside, when it is sure that everyone has left, his body was suddenly shocked, and a plume of blood spilled from the mouth and nose.

"The first heaven, really powerful."

Mumbling from the sound, Fang Heng eyes full of pain color, just now he looks the victory of the simple, in fact, is dangerous to the extreme, since the Sun Long sword, his body has a sharp sword rage, he is with super willpower to suppress the pain, and then with the battle road map to break out all the internal strength, only to defeat the Sun Long results, One wrong move, and he's certain to die.

"It seems that Elder Gao was right when he said that willpower is the real element of a warrior." Fang Heng heart dark sigh, the same level of combat, rely on strength, low level of battle high level, rely on willpower, Fang Heng at the moment, is to use practical action to prove the terror of willpower.

Open the palm of the porcelain bottle that had just robbed Sun Long, pour out a pill, swallow it into the abdomen, Fang Heng closed his eyes, sat on the plate, and began to recover his own body injury.

With the new blood to absorb the speed of Reiki, plus Dan medicine, soon, Fang Heng felt the pain in the body disappeared a lot, the internal strength is completely restored.

Just then, Fang Heng raised his eyebrows and looked at the hole and found a figure.

This person is not others, it is the Huang Ling who was expelled by Fang Heng before.

Huang Ling took a look at Fang Heng, his expression was full of indifference, and without saying a word, he sat on the edge of the cave and began to cultivate.

Fang Heng frowned, "I said, you can cultivate outside the cave, not here."

"There is so much spiritual energy in heaven and earth here that you can't absorb it all by yourself." Huang Ling answered faintly, "I'm here, I won't bother you."

"But I don't want you here."

"Why, are you afraid?" Huang Ling suddenly opened his eyes, "Are you afraid I will surpass you in the future?"

Upon hearing this, Fang Heng's eyes became cold, but Huang Ling sneered, "Don't think about starting, you must know, my position in the door, if you start, the next period of time, you still want peace?"

Fang Heng's eyes flashed, indeed, this woman looks beautiful, and there are so many suitors inside the door, it is not easy to deal with.

"Well, you can cultivate here, but let me make it clear first that if you show any sign of bothering me, then don't blame me for being rude to you." Fang Heng coldly said a sentence, then directly closed his eyes and began to cultivate.

Huang Ling did not say anything else, closed his eyes to cultivate, but his heart had already decided that as long as she reached the realm of nine heavy, then she would find Fang Heng revenge for the first time.

There was no time for cultivation, and soon another two months had passed.

At this time, Fang Heng, the inner strength has been condensed to the extreme, he has a feeling, from the first heaven, only one step away.

"But this is the step. But I can't get over it." Fang Heng secret way, "It seems that this is not a problem of absorbing Reiki, but a problem of battle training, the next I need a strong enough opponent, in order to really break through."

Thinking in the heart, Fang Heng stopped absorbing reiki, opened his eyes, and looked at the Huang Ling on the edge of the cave.

At this moment, the yellow spirit is rich, and a light has formed in the body, which has broken through the nine heavy martial arts, and has reached the middle level of the omen.

"The blood of the sword in this woman is very strong, and the speed of absorption of reiki is not much slower than I." Fang Heng thought in his heart, the owner of the blood of the sword is very terrible, like the yellow spirit of this blood, it is more terrible, once the internal strength is released, it is unstoppable, thanks to his new blood magic, otherwise he really may not be able to rob the cave.

At this moment, the Yellow Spirit in cultivation also seemed to have a sense, opened his eyes and looked at Fang Heng.

Aware of the cold and war in Huang Ling's eyes, Fang Heng heart move, Tao, "You want to practice?"

Silent answer, Huang Ling hands long sword, has drawn half.

"Then practice!" Fang Heng nodded, the powerful internal strength began to run up, in an instant, the whole cave on a burst of hot gas.

Feel this breath, Huang Ling eyes change, seems to have never thought of Fang Heng strength has been vigorous to this point, know not in let Fang Heng enhance the breath, lotus step light move, long sword with extremely strange speed point to Fang Heng neck.

Fang Heng's face is expressionless, his body is also sitting still, but his arm is raised, and he flees his fingers to play. The speed is fast to the extreme, and he plays on the sword on the spot. The violent force shocks constantly, and Huang Ling's Qi and blood all become floating.

'What! Huang Ling exclaimed in her heart, she has the blood of the sword, the attack force is strong, the speed is extremely fast, but Fang Heng is just a flick of the finger, she defused the attack!

"Thunderbolt sword!

Jiao drink a sound, the long sword in Huang Ling's hands buzzing vibration, the air appeared a white thunder light, an instant toward Fang Heng impact in the past.

"Huh?" Fang Heng eyebrows picked up, but the body still did not move, the internal strength erupted, formed three walls of fire in the void, the sword of thunder just to the wall, was completely dissolved.

"This..." Huang Ling see this scene, you know he is not an opponent, internal strength shape, this is already a congenital sign, her sword light in the benefit, is also broken.

Aware that Huang Ling did not attack, Fang Heng stood up and said, "Your strength is very good, but still not as good as me."

"I'll outdo you." Huang Ling hate hate said a word, will return the long sword scabbard.

"What, that's giving up?" Fang Heng suddenly smiled, "How about this, how about I restrain all my inner strength and fight with you only by physical strength?"

Hearing this, Huang Ling eyes suddenly cold up, do not need to fight with her? That's insulting to her!

"Why, are you afraid? Afraid I'll beat you again?"

See Huang Ling silence, Fang Heng said once again, the original Huang Ling words back.

"You... Yes! You asked for it!" Huang Ling immediately a rage, draw a sword to Fang Heng stab.

Fang Heng's body flickered and began to hide from the sword, observing Huang Ling's swordsmanship.

After walking for a while, Fang Heng immediately broke out inside and forced back Huang Ling, "Play here today, we will come tomorrow."

At the moment of the yellow Ling very angry, she did not expect Fang Heng without internal strength can and her entanglement to this degree, which she can not accept, immediately sit down, the hard work are used in the cultivation.

Fang Heng smiled and sat down to cultivate, he did not use internal strength, just to see how strong his body is, now it seems pretty good, with Huang Ling this opponent, it can also greatly enhance his physical response ability.

For the next ten days, every day, Fang Heng would restrain his inner strength and fight with Huang Ling, and his body reaction force would be greatly improved under this kind of battle, and Huang Ling's swordsmanship would become more and more exquisite.

When it came to the eleventh day, Fang Heng did not provoke Huang Ling, but just stood up and walked directly outside.

Huang Ling of the original site opened his eyes and looked at Fang Heng, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going." Fang Heng said, "This cave, back to you."

Huang Ling leng, there was a reluctant feeling in his heart, quickly shook his head, coldly said, "I know you are going to Fang's house, don't die."

"Is it? Fang Heng smiled, "Why do you care about me so much?"

'What are you talking about? Huang Ling shouted angrily, "I just want to kill you myself, your life is mine!"

"Oh, you can only dream." Fang Heng smiled, said no more, and left directly.

Huang Ling in the hole looked at Fang Heng's back, eyes, feeling lost.

"You... Stay alive until I kill you."

The mumbled words echoed in the cave, and the air seemed to have a different kind of meaning.