
Floor of Tests II

'First, there were 2 princesses of Jahad, and now three people from the Ten Great Families in one team... interesting' Hansung Yu Smiled to himself as he watched the incoming regulars

"This is rather bland don't you think?" The only women in the group spoke

"I like to keep it simple" Hansung Yu replied to her while taking a sip of her coffee

"Nice to meet you regulars, my name is Hansung Yu"

"You're next test supervisor" he smiled.

"Shall we start the Test?"

"of course Smartass! why would we be if not for that!?!" Annie shouted

"Calm down, why are you getting so angry?" Jin intervened

"Because this is wasting our time! why would we be here if not for the test?" Annie spoke

"Technically she is right, I apologize" Hansung sides with the one against him and Annie gave Jin the Stare of death

"The steps of this test are simple, do you see the doors behind me" Everyone nodded, there were Ten doors behind him each completely red in color

"Out the Ten doors behind me, you have to find the real door and exit"

"Within ten minutes"

Everyone just stared at him while waiting for some of Clue

"If you find the correct door within ten minutes you pass" Hansung continued

"However if you do not find the correct door within ten minutes, you fail"

"And if the door you found within ten minutes is not the true door..."

"All of you...will die" Hansung Yu stared nervously at the obedient regulars in front of him confused, even the princesses had shown some kind of reaction, what was wrong with them?

"So...any clues?" Annie asked

"There will be no more clues" Hansung Yu looked satisfied as all of them had at least raised an eyebrow

"How can there be no more clues? how else are we supposed to find the door?" Annie busted out loud

"Calm down, There must be a way!" Jin argued

'He said 'No More' Clues does that mean he's already given them to us?' While Jin and Annie were wasting time Apollo looked around while thinking to himself

'There's a clock but it could be for convenience, but why would he even need to know the time?' Apollo thought

'That clock does not even have Seconds, it's just 1 to 12, so does that mean you have to count in intervals of 5?' Apollo's eyes suddenly widened in surprise

"Did you find anything?" Jin looked at him followed by Annie who had was still causing a ruckus

"What did that sketchy man tell us outside again?" Apollo asked coming to a realization

" I don't know something about 5 minutes?" Jin tried to recall

"Don't look at me! why would I know?" Annie defended herself from Apollo Gaze

Unfortunately, Apollo couldn't really argue with them as he had also stopped listening around when he had said something about being smart

'We got ten minutes to do this, someone said something about finishing in Five minutes and then an unnecessary clock which goes in intervals of Five minutes' Apollo tried to rack his head around what was going on

'Ah Screw this thinking, let's see what this thing is that will kill me' Apollo glanced at his Pocket noting it had already been 3 minutes

"Wait what are you doing? we still have 7 minutes to figure this out" Jin grabbed his arm as he was about to open a random door

"Tell me, How do you plan to figure it out?" Apollo raised an eyebrow and asked

Jin seemed to contemplate for a bit before letting go of his arm

"I'll kill you before him if you get this wrong" Jin sighed and half threatened

"Correction, You'll try to kill me if I get this wrong" Apollo corrected

Apollo clicked the door open before quickly drawing his sword from the invisible inventory

but before he could kill whatever the Hell was inside he heard slow clapping from behind him

"Congratulations, You passed the test" Hansung Yu spoke

"Hahaha! I knew it, your guessing power is too good!" Jin spoke while wrapping his arm around Apollo

"How did you know it was the right one?" Annie stopped complaining at Hansung and asked

"To Pass, you just had to open any door in Five minutes" Hansung replied before Apollo could answer Annie

"You opened a door in Five minutes, So you passed obviously" Hansung gave a closed eye smile

"What! and what exactly is it that you are Testing!?!' Annie got in Hansung's face forcing him to a couple of steps back

"The world never waits for you to choose, Ms. Ha" Hansung opened his eyes and said

"The doors that were all correct, will turn into doors leading to your death a few seconds after"

"How exactly would you have killed us if we didn't choose a door within Five minutes?" Apollo asked curiously

"It's a secret~" Hansung closed his eyes again before sitting and drinking his instant coffee, something which Apollo simply Grunted at

"The Test is over now anyway, so let's say goodbye for now"

"I wish to meet all of you in a higher place" Hansung Yu ended after which, everybody exited

'The Other 2 are special of course, But that Arie seems to be something else' He thought to himself as he watched the regulars leave the room

'I wonder how far you'll climb?'


{Earlier that day}

"What! the number who passed the first test is only 3!?}

"What kind of test did you do to get such a result, an endless deathmatch!?!" Hansung screamed endlessly surprised

"ah, you know I don't like to do complicated things" Quant tried to defend himself

"All I did was a 30-minute Survival Test" Quant scratched his head awkwardly

"and you're saying in 30 minutes out of the 200 there only 3 survived," Hansung said Unbelieving

"Don't try to use such a nonsense excuse, what did a Zahard princess and an irregular show up or something" Hansung raised an eyebrow


After some bellowing from the Giant whale named Hansung and Cowering from Quant the great weakling, Hansung Calmed down again

'This is going to be one hell of a group' Hansung thought as he dropped the call with Lero-ro